糖尿病患者の足切断手術の回避(インド) 02640...India
ボトル:NM20けが + NM25ショック + NM32 静脈―痔疾 + SM15循環 +SR264 シリカ (200c) + SR293 火薬 +SR298 ラケシス(30c) +SR325救急 +SR408ライムギ(30c)
ボトル:SM17糖尿病 + SM39 緊張 +SM41心の高揚一日回
処方例の全てを読む虚血性心疾患 02836...India
CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis(動脈硬化) + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic( 思考・感情トニック)+ CC18.7 Vertigo(めまい)…6TD(一日回)
処方例の全てを読む動脈閉塞 02799...UK
CC3.1 Heart tonic(心臓トニック)+ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic(精神・感情トニック)…一日回
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes with High BP 11423...India
A 49-year-old male patient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the practitioner. He also had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS.
On a regular self-monitoring over a period of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHigh Blood Pressure 02799...UK
A 48-year-old man came to see the Vibrionics practitioner because he was suffering from high blood pressure (around 160/100) for the last 15 years. He was taking allopathic medicine but it had not helped. He was given the following combo and asked to report back in two weeks’ time:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC10.1 Emergencies...(continued)
Heart Emergency 11220...India
The practitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart patient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.4 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5 minutes...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むSclerosis of the Aortic Valve 02128...Argentina
A woman aged 67 came to see the practitioner as heart surgery was planned because she had sclerosis of the aortic valve with severe arrhythmia and wondered whether Vibrionics could help. As indicated by the pendulum the following was given:
#1. BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR278 Cactus + SR286 Crataegus + SR455 Artery + SR477...(continued)
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Crohn’s Disease 02817...India
A small boy of 9 was diagnosed with ASD and Crohn’s disease. Surgery was refused because he was very weak. The family was so poor that the parents were unable to afford the cost of allopathic medicines. They came to see the practitioner on the recommendation of a patient who had been successfully treated for arthritis with vibrionics. The boy was given...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes with High BP and High Cholesterol 02859...India
A 49-year-old male was diagnosed with diabetes a year previous. He also had high BP and high cholesterol. He was given:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
#2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis…BD
The patient monitored his blood sugar regularly but found there was not much improvement. Further investigations...(continued)
Diabetes, High BP & Depression 10001...India
In May 2008, a female patient, 52, who was a distant relative of the practitioner, sought treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 10 years earlier and was now insulin dependent; she took 15 units of insulin before lunch and 10 units before dinner daily. With this, her random blood glucose was 150. In addition, she...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む踵骨棘(かかと骨の異常突起)&末梢動脈疾患 12051...India
CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.4 Muscles and Supportive tissue…...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む脳梗塞 と腸内感染(犬) 00829...Australia
#1. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC18.4 Paralysis…毎時間
処方例の全てを読む肺血栓塞栓症の事例 Missing...India
CC2.3腫瘍・病的増殖+ CC3.1心臓活性化 + CC19.3 喘息 +CC19.4 喘息(救急)
先天性心臓疾患(インド) 02640...India
CC3.1 Heart Tonic + CC3.4 Heart Emergencies + CC12.2 Children Tonic
処方例の全てを読むOuter Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia
A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:
Leukaemia 11993...India
A 72-year-old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors predicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む坐骨神経痛、失禁 03502...USA
CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC14.2 Prostate + 15.1 Mental & Emotional...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む胆嚢・肝臓癌, 浮腫, めまい, 膝の痛み 10728...India
処方例の全てを読むサルコイドーシス 02895...UK
実践者手記: 私の最初の患者さんは歳男性で、年前にサルコイドーシスと診断されました。サルコイドーシスは複数の器官に影響を及ぼす炎症性の病気で、炎症を起こした細胞の小さな塊のその多くが、肺や、リンパ腺、目や皮膚で増殖するものです。対症療法の薬では治癒できるものは知られていません。
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + + CC3.1 Heart tonic...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む潰瘍性大腸炎, 肺血栓, パニック発作 02799...UK
年月、歳男性が、重度の潰瘍性大腸炎(年間), 肺血栓(か月), パニック発作(年)症状を患い、波動薬での治療を求めてきました。年にその患者さんは潰瘍性大腸炎, 炎症性腸疾患と診断されていました。当初、彼は免疫抑制薬によって、急性の腹痛を生じる突発的な症状を制御していましたが、厳しい副作用のためにその服用は中止されました。その副作用とは週間も続く口内炎やインフルエンザ、風邪を初め、貧血や虚弱の原因となる赤血球・白血球の減少などでした。さらに、ポリープが大腸から切除されましたが、彼は年以来、ペンタサグラムの錠剤を毎日服用し、夜には、プレドニゾロンリテンション浣腸剤を用いていました。病状が進行するにつれて、年には、直腸の出血が始まり、その制御にステロイドを用いましたが(プレドニゾロンg›週間かけてgづつ)...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む慢性の鼻血、ふけ 02799...UK
#1. NM45 Atomic Radiation + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む透析(インド) 02640...India
CC3.3 High BP(高血圧) + CC13.4 Kidney Failure(腎不全) + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic(精神・感情の活性)…一日回、一回錠
処方例の全てを読む足の裏の筋膜炎(インド) 11205...India
CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む穿孔(孔の開いた)盲腸(インド) 02733...India
CC4.3盲腸 +CC21.11 膿瘍 +CC3.1心臓活性 6TD
CC4.3盲腸 +CC21.11 膿瘍 +CC4.10消化
その約カ月後、痛みは割治まったものの、ガスの問題は引き続き見られました。体全体に活力を与えるためCC12.2 免疫活性(子ども)...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む白血病・骨髄移植手術からの回復 12051...India
#1. CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC3.1 Heart tonic...一日回
処方例の全てを読む舌癌 10831...India
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult tonic...一日回
#2. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC 2.2 Cancer pain + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む糖尿病 and Circulation 02802...UK
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC18.5 Neuralgia….一日回
処方例の全てを読む妊娠期における子癇前症 02802...UK
#1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC3.7 Circulation + CC8.2 Pregnancy...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む甲状腺機能低下症, 足のむくみ, 関節の痛み, 失禁, 精神不安 02817...India
実践者手記: 波動薬を服用している共通の友人の家で歳の女性にお会いしました。その女性は過去年間様々な問題を抱えていました。足の裏の焼け付くような痛み、足の裏やつま先のむくみ、精神疾患、極端に低い自尊心、歩行困難、痛みのため手を思うように動かせないことなどです。また年間は、関節の痛み、失禁、そして甲状腺機能低下症を併発していました。対症療法を何年も受けていましたが、症状が改善されることはありませんでした。肥満であることにたいして自分を責め続けており、全てに怒りを感じていました。失禁のため彼女は家から離れることを避けていました。彼女は声を上げて泣き、私の手を取って、友人から紹介された波動薬を通して神が症状を癒してくれることを願いました。彼女の話に耳を傾けると、結婚生活に問題があり、同じ家に住みながらも...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む鬱、関節炎、鼻血 02779...Japan
CC3.2 Bleeding + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis…一日回
処方例の全てを読むBody pain, Psychic attacks, and Low blood pressure 11573...India
On 23 April 2015, a 64-year-old man, a retired electrical worker, came to see the practitioner accompanied by his wife and younger son. They supported him so he could walk and also provided his medical history as the patient was hard of hearing. For a long time, he had been suffering from pain and inflammation all over his body, irregular urination, very low...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes 11573...India
A lively, cheerful 47-year-old woman came to the practitioner on 10 April 2015 with multiple problems. She had suffered a brain haemorrhage 18 years ago after a homoeopathic overdose. She fortunately recovered from it. A year later, she was diagnosed with a benign cervical tumour. She had also been suffering from pain, inflammation and cramps in her arms and...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むMigraines, High Blood Pressure, Haemorrhoids 11573...India
In May 2015, a 73-year-old man came in for treatment of migraine, from which he had suffered since childhood. The condition was likely inherited as other family members had the same problem. The patient declined to provide other details of his medical history. The patient was very active but he was facing challenging family issues. He was given:
処方例の全てを読む心悸亢進 (不整脈) と臀部の痛み 01620...France
#1. CC3.6...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む網膜色素変性症、パニック発作、消化不良 02802...UK
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic +...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む血行不良, 背中の痛み, 白帯下、蕁麻疹 02799...UK
#1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…一日回をか月、その後は一日回
処方例の全てを読む癲癇, 生理不順,便秘 11310...India
#1. NM50 Epilepsy + NM63 Back-up + NM86 Immunity…日回
#2. CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC3.7 Circulation…日回
#3. CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion…日回
処方例の全てを読む心臓手術後の一過性脳虚血発作 02890...USA
実践者の歳の妹が年に心臓発作に見舞われ心臓バイパス手術を受けました。術後、彼女には、何度かにわたって、診断未確定の血栓による一過性脳虚血発作 (TIA)が起きました。不運にも、この発作によって、飲み込みとのどの詰まりを制御する脳の一部が影響を受け、彼女は、飲食の際いつも喉を詰まらせる状態が続きました。普段、活動をしていない時にさえ喉の詰まりが感じられました。血液凝固阻止剤及び、高コレステロールに対する薬剤を含め、か月の医師の治療が終了した後、実践者は患者さんに寄り添い以下のコンボでの処方が始まりました:
#1. CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles &...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む不眠症, 頻脈症 過食症, パニック発作、生理痛 02658...Italy
#1. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…就寝前分に回、就寝時に回、夜中に目が覚めたらもう回
#2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…日回
処方例の全てを読む脳内損傷, 消化不良, 嘔吐& 便秘、不眠症、神経性皮膚炎, 年齢による衰弱 11573...India
#1. CC3.1...(continued)
呼吸アレルギー 11278...India
歳の実践者は活動的ではありながらも、年間,ハウスダストと刺激臭に対するアレルギーに悩まされ、それらはくしゃみと長引く鼻詰まりの原因となっていました。年までに、抗アレルギーの対症療法の薬をほぼ毎日摂取しており、また、血糖値のレベルはわずかに高い程度で、糖尿病の治療は受けていませんでした。年月までに、血糖値は正常値(空腹時:150mg/dl、食後:200mg/dl)よりも十分に高いレベルを示し、また、穏やかな高血圧と診断され(140/80).糖尿病の薬(Diamicrox R-6昼食前に日回)と血圧の薬(Cardace 2.5 mg、日回)を処方されました。年月日に対症療法の薬と併用して以下のような波動薬の治療が始まりました:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2...(continued)
貧血 02799...UK
NM2 Blood + NM12 Combination 12 + NM22 Liver + NM45 Atomic Radiation + OM1 Blood + OM28 Immune System + BR1 Anaemia + SM1 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むExtra systole, heart failure 01480...France
In January 2014, a 40-year-old male patient, a visitor to the ashram, presented with his heart functioning at only 20%. He had plans to return to his country for the recommended surgery of either valve replacement or heart transplant. He was given:
#1. CC3.4 Heart Emergency + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC10.1 Emergency + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むWhite Spots 10940...India
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…週間に日, 日4回
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…一日回
#3 SR250 Psorinum 200C…週間に日, 日2回
処方例の全てを読む静脈瘤、呼吸アレルギー 11958...India
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…日回
#2. CC3.7 Circulation…日回水を媒体に足へ湿布
高血圧, 静脈瘤潰瘍 11276...India
#1. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.7 Circulation + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional...(continued)
再生不良性貧血 11274...India
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies…日回
Diabetes, resting tremors, high BP, partial hearing loss 03535...USA
An elderly man aged 76 sought the practitioner’s help to address his long-standing multiple chronic problems. In 1984 his son died in an accident. The pain of losing a grown up child was unbearable and his emotional state started affecting his body. A couple of years after the accident, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. He also had a family...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes, Hypertension 03535...USA
A 60-year-old woman had been suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension for fifteen years. Chronic stress and tension were thought to be the main causative factors for her condition. In spite of taking allopathic medicines right from the beginning for both her problems, the fasting and postprandial (after eating) sugar levels were 190 and 250...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む深部静脈血栓症 10940...India
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…日回
処方例の全てを読むMultiple strokes, hearing and memory loss 03535...USA
The practitioner visited an 89-year-old man recently discharged from hospital. The man expressed his desire to take vibro remedies for his low energy, two-year-old hearing loss (one had to practically shout into his ear) and one-year-old mild memory lapse (for example, forgetting particular names and certain incidents). He was not taking any medication for...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むSun allergy, hair oil allergy 11422...India
On 11 June 2016, during the practitioner’s regular visit to an old age home, a 60-year-old male sought treatment for headaches which he had for 20 years. These were caused by exposure to the sun and wearing a cap did not help. He would simply avoid going out in the sun and take a pain killer if needed. He also had slight itching on the scalp. He felt...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むParalysis of fingers 03554...Guyana
On 21 October 2016, a 62-year-old lady visited the practitioner with a problem that began five months prior as a swelling coupled with excruciating pain in her left thumb. The swelling had extended to her entire hand. She then consulted a doctor, who cut a hole in her thumb and inserted cotton wool into it. She was not given any information on the...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むCold chills on left half of body 11520...India
A 48-year-old woman was experiencing cold chills on the entire left side of her body for almost three years. It happened only during the winter months (Nov to Feb) throughout the day irrespective of whether she was indoors or outdoors. The temperatures usually drop to as low as two degrees during the winter season in her neighbourhood. The patient did not...(continued)
Rheumatoid Arthritis 11582...India
On 27 August 2016, a 37-year-old woman visited the practitioner seeking treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis. A mother of two, she started experiencing severe pain in her joints, fingers and toes after her second delivery. Her painful condition had persisted for seven years. She had been taking Nimesulide tablets BD, as prescribed by her doctor....(continued)
Back pain 11578...India
On 23 May 2016, a 53-year-old man with chronic back pain met with the practitioner. Twelve years prior, he had a severe back injury. Even though his entire back was affected by the pain, it was more intense in his lower back. He lived with this pain every single day and getting out of bed was a task. He was treated with allopathic medicines for six...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むChronic hypertension 02799...UK
On 27 June 2016, an extremely concerned daughter requested the practitioner to treat her 76-year-old mother for high blood pressure. The mother needed urgent intervention as her blood pressure had been consistently staying at 205/105, and she looked extremely distressed and panicky.
Her condition was first diagnosed in 2003 as mild hypertension. On an...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むVaricose veins 03552...Qatar
The 44-year-old practitioner had been suffering from varicose veins for the past 5 years. Bulging tortuous veins could be seen in both legs, though more prominent in the left leg. He experienced severe leg pain while jogging or even walking briskly for a few minutes. He did not take any treatment for this. On 13 Aug 2016, he started on the following remedy:
処方例の全てを読むVaricose Veins 01768...Greece
A 42-year-old college principal had varicose veins for 7 years. The veins in his legs were swollen and were dark black in colour. When he visited the practitioner, these were extremely painful and one vein had swollen so much that it burst open. As it had bled, it had been bandaged and had turned into an ulcer. The patient did not have...(continued)
Atrial Fibrillation 02802...UK
This 70-year-old man first came to the practitioner on 8 March 2017 with the complaint of palpitations that occurred several times a day. In 2014, he was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation (AF occurs in the upper chambers of the heart and could last a few minutes to an hour). Often he felt uneasy and could not explain why; he appeared a bit nervous when he...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むInsomnia 03562...UK
A 60-year-old woman visited the practitioner for treatment of insomnia. She had been suffering from this ailment for at least 10 years and has been taking allopathic prescription medication for the entire period. Patient believes that stress both at home and work have made her an insomniac. She routinely went to bed around 9:30pm-10:00pm and...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むLow BP, fatigue 11586...India
A male carpenter aged 42 had low blood pressure for the past 20 years and fatigue for a year. He was on allopathic treatment for low BP with no relief. He had to temporarily suspend his carpentry work, instead started delivering newspapers every morning to about 24 high rise buildings. During his delivery rounds, he could not visit a washroom resulting in...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むIncontinence, dry mouth, high BP 10001...India
A 79-year-old woman had been suffering from frequent urination, sometimes with burning sensation, for the past 6 months. Her tongue would suddenly become dry and red and her speech would become unclear once or twice a day.
On 27 April 2018 she was given the following combo:
#1. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental &...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHigh BP, heart attack, dementia 01616...Croatia
A 78-year-old woman on allopathic medicines for the past 30 years for high blood pressure, had in July 2017 a mild heart attack which made her bedridden. She was put on an antidepressant along with medication for heart. One month ago, she developed dementia, stopped recognising people, and found it difficult to keep her eyes open.
On 19 July 2017, her...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むChilblains, wrist pain 10354...India
For the past 10 years, a 42-year-old senior security officer working in shifts at a construction site suffered from severe pain in the joints of his hands especially the wrists. Due to exposure to cold evenings in winter season, he had chilblains (small lesions caused by the inflammation of tiny blood vessels after exposure to cold air and tend to...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むMenstrual pain, anaemia, acidity 11585...India
A 38-year-old female from a remote village suffered from severe pain during every menstrual cycle for the past 25 years, though the bleeding was normal. On her physician’s advice, she took painkillers only when the pain became unbearable. Two years ago she developed burning sensation in her stomach and took antacids to cope with it. In March 2017...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むCongenital Heart Disease 02640...India
A 6-month old baby girl with congenital heart disease was brought to a Vibro practitioner. On examination, the practitioner, an allopathic doctor by profession, confirmed that the baby had heart murmurs. The baby should have been hospitalized but as the parents could not afford the high cost of surgery, the Vibrionics practitioner started the girl on:
処方例の全てを読むIschemic Heart Disease 00600J...India
A male patient aged 61, who was known to have heart problems since 2001, and had had one stroke in 2006 and another in 2009, came to see this practitioner because he had recently been experiencing intermittent giddiness, fainting and blankness in the brain and for the past two days these symptoms had started to get worse. He had just seen a cardiac and...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むBlocked Arteries 02799...UK
This practitioner’s first case was of an elderly overweight man of 74 years whose arteries were so blocked he could not walk more than 2 to 3 meters without needing a rest. His doctors at the hospital, after an MRI scan, told him he needed a heart bypass. This was arranged to take place in 2 weeks and he came to the practitioner in the hope that...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes with High BP 01423J...India
A 49 year old male patient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the practitioner. He also had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS.
On a regular self-monitoring over a period of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was...(continued)
処方例の全てを読む. High Blood Pressure 02799...UK
A 48 year old man came to see the Vibrionics practitioner because he was suffering from high blood pressure (around 160/100) for the last 15 years. He was taking allopathic medicine but it had not helped. He was given the following combo and asked to report back in two weeks’ time:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC10.1 Emergencies +...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むIschemic Heart Disease 00600J...India
A male patient aged 61, who was known to have heart problems since 2001, and had had one stroke in 2006 and another in 2009, came to see this practitioner because he had recently been experiencing intermittent giddiness, fainting and blankness in the brain and for the past two days these symptoms had started to get worse. He had just seen a cardiac and...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHeart Emergency 11220...India
The practitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart patient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness.
He was immediately given CC3.1 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed.
The combo continued to be given every 5...(continued)
Sclerosis of the Aortic Valve 02128...Argentina
A woman aged 67 came to see the practitioner as heart surgery was planned because she had sclerosis of the aortic valve with severe arrhythmia and wondered whether Vibrionics could help. As indicated by the pendulum the following was given:
#1. BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR278 Cactus + SR286 Crataegus +...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むAnaemia, menstrual cramps 03560...India
A 17-year-old girl had been suffering from cramps, breast tenderness, and lower back pain during menstruation for the past one year and took painkillers for relief. She became breathless and tired easily, especially during periods. For the past three months, she was having blocked nose and sneezing due to pollen allergy. Each episode would last for a day or...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むKnee pain, high BP 11616...India
A 75-year-old woman had been suffering from knee pain and high BP since her husband’s death 15 years ago. She tried Siddha therapy for over five years with no significant benefit. For the past five years, she has been taking allopathic medication for BP, as a result, it was under control at 140/90. Once in a while her BP would shoot up and cause...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むPitting oedema, loss of appetite 11624...India
A 96-year-old male had swelling in both legs from knees down and more around ankles, diagnosed as bilateral pedal pitting oedema ten months ago. During this period, he had very low energy levels and was feeling very weak. He was hardly eating anything because his appetite had gone down in the last six months. He was not taking any medication for these...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むCardiac Heart Failure (CHF) with Acute Myocarditis 01096 ...USA
A male patient aged 45 years, had flu for 2-3 days in November of 2009, which ended in a cough. He ignored this and continued working and moving around in very cold weather. He recovered from the flu, but shortly developed acute shortness of breath with severe tachycardia (Heart Rate > 140/min). He could hardly talk due to acute shortness of breath....(continued)
処方例の全てを読むImmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Fatigue 01361 ...USA
In 1998, Ms Doria Martinez, a female of 66 years, had a thyroid condition as well as osteoporosis in the wrist and knee. She suffered palpitations and breathlessness even while walking only short distances. She had recently gained 25 extra pounds. In addition, water retention was observed; some days her...(continued)
High Blood Pressure & Knee Replacement 02864 ...USA
A 70-year-old lady was treated for high blood pressure on 19/1/13 with the help of the following remedy:
#1. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
On 9/6/13 she came back after a visit to India, with severe knee pain and said she had had a partial knee replacement on her left knee several years ago and now...(continued)
Heart Attack 02799 ...UK
A 55 year old lady had a heart attack on July 11, 2013. Her family called an ambulance and took her to Northwick Park Hospital, London where she was treated. They wanted to take an angiogram, but as all arteries were blocked and her heart was very weak, it was not possible. They said that her heart was like cotton and they could not do anything...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むChest Pain 11635...India
A 65-year-old male visited the practitioner with the complaint of persistent chest pain while walking and even during rest, for the past nine months. In the year 1999, he had suffered a massive heart attack, underwent coronary angioplasty and was prescribed blood thinners and medicines for lowering BP and lipids. He appeared to be fine until...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むPernicious Anaemia 02786 ...Russia
A woman, aged 57 years, with a pale complexion, who came from the Czech Republic, asked for help because she had low energy and was always very tired. She is a gynaecologist by profession and in the clinic where she worked she was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia. She had been given a long course of allopathic medicine but these had not helped her...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むLack of Circulation in the Right Arm 02786 ...Russia
A 39-year-old Russian woman complained that for several years she had suffered bad circulations in her right hand and arm. It started with her right small finger becoming numb, then spread all through the right hand and afterwards up through the whole arm. The following combo was prepared:
処方例の全てを読むClaustrophobia, Panic attacks 01044 ...New Zealand
A 58-year-old female suffered from claustrophobia and panic attacks. She also used to wake up very early and did not feel refreshed on waking. She could not drive herself to work into the city for her job as insurance medical personnel. She had no other past problems except high cholesterol. She is a doctor and in the past worked as a paediatric...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHigh BP and High Cholesterol 02806 ...Malaysia
An elderly Chinese male, 71-years-old, has been having high BP and high cholesterol for the last two years. The doctor had been increasing the dosage of allopathic medicines but still his BP was not stabilizing, even with 2 tablets for his high BP and 1 tablet for cholesterol. His symptoms were not responding to allopathic medication. He was seen for his high...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHigh Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Tobacco & Alcohol Addiction 02779 ...Japan
On 12th September 2010, a 75-year-old mother and 45-year-old son came to see the practitioner because they were suffering from the same symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, tobacco and alcohol addiction as diagnosed at a nearby hospital. The mother had enjoyed for over 20 years smoking more than 24 cigarettes a day and drinking more...(continued)
Aortic dissection 02779 ...Japan
An 82 year old man suffered with a sharp pain from Aortic dissection and was hospitalized in April 2011. His family member quickly asked the practitioner for a vibrionics remedy to be given along with the medical doctor’s treatment. He was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.4 Heart emergencies ...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHeart failure, Alzheimer, Arthritis 02779 ...Japan
An 82-year-old man had suffered from heart disease for about ten years. In October 2010, his daughter contacted the practitioner. At this point of time he was hospitalized. His medical doctor said that 80% of his heart was dead so only half the normal amount of blood was circulating through his body.. This physical condition seemed to trigger...(continued)
Vertigo 00609 ...Italy
A 93-year-old female patient was hit by a car 9 years ago and suffered a head injury. Since then she has suffered from intense vertigo.
During the first visit the practitioner prescribed the following remedy:
#1. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC 18.2 Alzheimer's disease…TDS
As soon as the patient took the remedy, her condition improved...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHole in the Heart 11219...India
The patient, a four-year-old male child, had a hole in the heart, which was discovered when he was six months old. It was a birth defect. Doctors told the patient not to worry, that it was not a serious problem, and that there was no cure and so no treatment was given.
This boy was living...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むVaricose Veins, Arthritis and Osteoporosis 11520...India
A 70-year-old female patient approached the practitioner in April, 2013. There was pain and bleeding from the veins of the feet for the past two months. The skin on her feet had turned black. She had also been suffering from joint pain and osteoporosis for the past three years. The practitioner felt...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHairline Fracture, Prostate and Hypertension 11520...India
The practitioner 02860 was approached in September 2011 by a 45-year-old male patient who suffered an accident in the year 2005. He had an upper left hip hairline fracture consequent to which he was kept on traction for six months. Due to incorrect procedures, he was subsequently confined to...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むCongenital Cyanotic Heart Disease 10679...India
A 9 year old boy had congenital cyanotic heart disease, as per diagnosis by SSSIHMS Prashanthigram on June 2003. Doctors refused to do surgery as the boy was too weak and advised medical treatment instead for the time being. The parents had also approached other heart hospitals in Bangalore for...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHypertension and Diabetes 10679...India
A 52 year old male from Karnataka, was suffering from hypertension and diabetes. He was under treatment for both these problems with allopathic medicines. The patient approached the practitioner in July 2013, after he suffered from Bell’s palsy paralysis of one whole side of the face. The...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDiabetes with High Blood Pressure 12051...India
A 70-year-old lady was diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago. She also had high BP of 160/100. In the same month she was detected with diabetes, she was given this combo:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS
Two months later, when she tested herself she had...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むBlockage in the Arteries 11984...India
A 58-year-old male patient was diagnosed as having blockages in his arteries and was receiving treatment at the cardiology department in Kozhikode Medical College. He has had poor blood circulation for the last 5 months. He felt very tired and found it difficult to walk or do any day-to-day activities. He ...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むHaemophilia 10940...India
A young male child of three years, at the time of birth had a greenish glandular type of swelling at the lumber vertebra. On the seventh day he suffered severe jaundice and was cured by ayurvedic medication. In 8-9 months another growth was seen on his body, it was greenish at first, then became bluish and finally changed to black and disappeared. These...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むEpistaxis (nose bleed due to haemorrhage) 02817...India
This patient was introduced to us by a senior devotee when we were returning after finishing our Mumbai Vibrionics workshop in August 2013. He is an old Sai devotee and believes in Vibrionics, Blessed by Baba. He had been suffering for a year and a half from epistaxis, which is nosebleed due to haemorrhage. In some cases it is caused by rhinitis and dryness...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むDeep vein thrombosis (DVT) 10940...India
A 33-year-old woman, teacher by profession, came to the practitioner complaining of painful cramps and stiffness in her right calf muscles for the past three months. She had pain while standing, walking or sitting. Her job demanded long hours of standing which worsened her condition. She consulted an orthopaedic doctor who diagnosed it as DVT after a physical...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むChest pain & weakness 11632...India
A 56-year-old woman had been feeling stiffness, uneasiness, and mild pain on the left side of her chest every morning after waking up, for the past 22 years. Walking for a few minutes would relieve her symptoms after which she would carry on with her usual routine. She had similar feelings coupled with weakness, whenever she exerted herself physically. When...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むSuffocation during sleep 18004...भारत
A 44-year-old policeman working near Indo-China border, was suffering from attacks of suffocation, gasping for breath accompanied by heart palpitations while in deep sleep almost every night since 2010. He would wake up suddenly with palpitations continuing for another hour or so. Afterwards, this kept him awake the whole night. He could not afford to...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むPounding in ear, numbness in leg 03610...UAE
A 70-year-old female doctor was suffering from intense pounding in her ear and numbness in her leg when she sought vibrionics treatment. She attributed her condition to a distressing incident on 4 July 2020, when she got stuck in her apartment lift for about 10 minutes. She was escorted out of the lift and helped to lie down on the floor since she nearly...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むStammering & anaemia in a child 11646...India
A 7-year-old boy living in an orphanage had struggled with stammering since he began speaking as a child. The severity of his stammer was rated at eight on a 10-point scale. His speech was frequently interrupted by prolonged stammering, lasting several seconds after every few words. This persistent speech impediment significantly undermined his confidence and...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むKnee pain, numbness in legs 11632...India
A 75-year-old fruit juice vendor, had constant pain in both his knees since 2019. His job required him to stand for 11 hours daily which worsened his condition. In Dec 2021, his doctor diagnosed it as calf muscle strain and prescribed a painkiller, which he took on alternate days with temporary relief; taking it daily was causing acidity. The pain...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むNumbness in hands 11657...India
A 45-year-old woman had been experiencing numbness in both hands for 14 months since Dec 2022. Whenever she held an object for more than five minutes or lifted anything heavy for more than a minute, her hands would become completely numb, causing her to drop the item. Each episode of numbness lasted about 30 minutes, during which she was unable to work with...(continued)
処方例の全てを読むFungal infection (Onychomycosis), chronic sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia & post-Covid syndrome 11632...India
A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from fungal infection affecting the thumb and index finger of both hands since 2012. This condition was characterized by yellowing of nails, itching, and blood oozing from cracks on fingertips, especially while washing clothes. She managed with homoeopathic treatment for six years with partial relief. In Nov 2018, she...(continued)