
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out


聴力喪失 ・発作 02859...India


CC5.2 Deafness(聾) + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease(メニエール病) + CC18.4 Paralysis(痙攣)…TDS(一日回)


サイラム波動生成器での処方は以下の通りです: NM51...(continued)


Outer Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia

A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:


耳の痛み 00609...Italy

ある晩、歳男性の実践者がベッドに入って寝ようとしたとき右耳が急に痛みだしました。分後痛みは耐え難いものとなりました。どうしていいか分からず、彼はベッドを抜け出して、ホメオパシーの本を何冊かあたってみました。歩くと痛みは治まり、じっとしていると痛みが悪化することに気づきました。そこで、彼は、身体の動きによって改善する痛みに対処するRhus Tox(うるし毒)に気づき、以下のレメディを自ら処方しました。

SR311 Rhus Tox (200C)






耳の痛み 11568...India


CC5.1 Ear infections…分おきに、耳に滴づつ




White Spots 10940...India


#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…週間に日, 4

#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…一日回


#3 SR250 Psorinum 200C…週間に日, 2




Diabetes, resting tremors, high BP, partial hearing loss 03535...USA

An elderly man aged 76 sought the practitioner’s help to address his long-standing multiple chronic problems. In 1984 his son died in an accident. The pain of losing a grown up child was unbearable and his emotional state started affecting his body. A couple of years after the accident, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. He also had a family...(continued)


Multiple strokes, hearing and memory loss 03535...USA

The practitioner visited an 89-year-old man recently discharged from hospital. The man expressed his desire to take vibro remedies for his low energy, two-year-old hearing loss (one had to practically shout into his ear) and one-year-old mild memory lapse (for example, forgetting particular names and certain incidents). He was not taking any medication for...(continued)


Tinnitus 02856...UK

An 82-year-old female with severe tinnitus requested vibrionics treatment from the practitioner on 15 August 2015. She had lived with this condition for a year and had been hearing various loud noises in both her ears. Her GP had diagnosed infection in her ears and treated her with gentamycin antibiotic ear drops for a year. Yet, her symptoms did not...(continued)


Vertigo due to Tinnitus 12051...India

A 44-year-old female was suffering from severe vertigo due to tinnitus (as diagnosed by her doctor) for the past 2 years. She had nausea and for the past two and half months, sometimes she observed blood spots in her vomit. She started taking allopathic medicine for vertigo. As there was no improvement, she started feeling depressed. She was given...(continued)


Psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, tinnitus 12051...India

A 63-year-old patient was suffering from psoriasis for 10 years and rheumatoid arthritis for the past 1 year. He had sores on his hands and pain in the joints. He had itching all over his body. He was taking allopathic medicine (methotrexate, an immunosuppressant) only for rheumatoid arthritis. He was given the following remedy in November 2015: 



Fungal infection in ears 11602...भारत

A 48-year-old female developed itching in her ears and was diagnosed with fungal otitis externa 4 years ago and got relief with antibiotics and anti-fungal ear-drops. It recurred 2 years ago and got settled with similar treatment. Again itching started 3 weeks ago; this time she got only partial relief with allopathic medicine and ear-drops.

So she stopped...(continued)


Anxiety, depression, panic attack, tinnitus 02899...India

A 63-year-old female was suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and a touch of insomnia for the past 10 years. She had become totally dependent on allopathic medications because these helped control the panic attacks; also, she was able to go to work and carry on with her normal activities. If she stopped taking them for a while, her symptoms...(continued)


Loss of Hearing & Stroke 01423J...India

A 76 year-old lady had brain stroke a year ago. As a consequence she lost her hearing in the right ear and heard a constant bothersome buzzing sound in the left ear. The allopathic ENT specialist said that an imbalance had been created and not much could be done about it. The practitioner gave her the following combo:

CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s...(continued)


Severe Earache with High Fever 01150...Croatia

A small boy aged 5 was brought to the practitioner with a high fever of 40C, severe earache, sore throat and headache. He had been given by his doctor two courses of antibiotics but there had been no change in his condition. His doctor ordered a blood test which revealed he had less than 200 white blood cells. His doctor was very concerned but afraid to give...(continued)


Loss of Hearing & Stroke 01423J...India

A 76 year-old lady had brain stroke a year ago. As a consequence she lost her hearing in the right ear and heard a constant bothersome buzzing sound in the left ear. The allopathic ENT specialist said that an imbalance had been created and not much could be done about it. The practitioner gave her the following combo:

CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s...(continued)


Labyrinthitis 02494...Italy

A male garage mechanic aged 46, who had suffered from Labyrinthitis (inflammation of the labyrinth) for fourteen years was seen by the practitioner sometime in 2004.  The patient was a refugee from Argentina. The Labyrinthitis had so affected his life and work that he found travel and work difficult to cope with.  At times...(continued)


Respiratory allergy, loss of hearing & smell 11624...India

On 22 April 2020, a 56-year-old woman consulted the practitioner as she had been suffering from respiratory allergy, symptoms being throat irritation, wet cough, and headache, for the past seven years. This occurred 6-7 times a year whenever weather changed (especially during rains and winter) or if she ate or drank something cold. Each episode would last for...(continued)


Chronic Ear Pains 02802 ...UK

A 30-year-old car mechanic had chronic pains inside both ears for eight months. The ENT Specialist told him he had a blockage in the ears due to fluid build up, which had not responded to antibiotics. He was offered surgery to help relieve the problem; however, he preferred to wait before resorting to this. He also had asthma, and got...(continued)


Meniere’s disease, Migraines 02779 ...Japan

A 49 year old lady had been suffering from Meniere’s disease and migraines for the past 2 years. She was tired both physically and emotionally from taking care of her old parents who had been sick for many years. She had been given  allopathic  medicine  from  medical  doctors  only  to  have stomach...(continued)


Multiple Problems 11520...India

A 79-year-old man approached the practitioner with multiple problems. He was diabetic and had an enlarged prostate. He had also been suffering from constipation for the past thirty years. Recently he had been suffering from a stiff back, frozen shoulder, deafness, enlarged liver and a frequent urge to urinate. The treatment was started in March 2013 and the...(continued)


Hearing Loss in both Ears 12046...India

A 43-year-old male, who is a mason by profession, was constantly exposed to sand, dust, and high decibel noise from cutting machines. At one such time, his ‘friends’ suggested hot oil with pepper powder for cleaning of his ears. Not very educated, he tried this remedy and lost his hearing. Due to this his work & travel were also affected...(continued)


Asthma, adenoids, & ear pain 11618...India

An 11-year-old girl had been suffering from runny nose, irritable throat with cough, breathing difficulty, wheezing and ear pain on a daily basis since early childhood. Her condition worsened during change of weather and when exposed to pollution. She had been taking allopathic medicines and used a nebulizer when the symptoms were severe but these provided...(continued)


Dizziness, nausea 02494 ...Italy

A 46-year-old man was forced to leave his flourishing business behind in Argentina (due to economic collapse there) and flee to Italy with his family in 2003. He managed to find a job as a car test-driver but was highly stressed due to his new job and family circumstances. This resulted in the man having a reeling sensation that caused severe nausea and he...(continued)


Ear infection, breathlessness, skeletal pain 11634...India

The 81-year-old mother of the practitioner suffered from multiple chronic ailments. Ever since the age of 20, she had ear infections with fluid/pus oozing out of both ears because she cleaned her ears with matchsticks. At the age of 41, she underwent surgery on her left ear to curb the oozing of pus but it was unsuccessful and resulted in loss of hearing in...(continued)


Pus discharge, itching & pain in ear 11612...India

The 56-year-old wife of the practitioner had been suffering from recurrent pain, itching, and pus discharge in her right ear since 2005. This would happen at least once a month and homoeopathic medicines would stop the discharge within a week with 60% relief in itching and pain. As there was no further improvement, she would discontinue the treatment. In this...(continued)


Hole in eardrum, ear infection 11655...India

In early Apr 2023, a 42-year-old school teacher, noticed regular white discharge from her left ear, later becoming thicker and occasionally reddish. Although there was no pain, the bothersome discharge increased after a bath. So she started placing cotton in her ear. A homoeopath treated her with ear drops (SBL Mullein) but this aggravated her...(continued)


Pounding in ear, numbness in leg 03610...UAE

A 70-year-old female doctor was suffering from intense pounding in her ear and numbness in her leg when she sought vibrionics treatment. She attributed her condition to a distressing incident on 4 July 2020, when she got stuck in her apartment lift for about 10 minutes. She was escorted out of the lift and helped to lie down on the floor since she nearly...(continued)


Vertigo 11632...India

A 74-year-old woman had been suffering from recurrent episodes of dizziness and a feeling of heaviness in her head after a sudden fall in Dec 2012, when she had briefly lost consciousness. An MRI indicated an inner ear issue, and she was treated with Vertin 24 mg TDS for a week, this provided complete relief. The dose of Vertin was then tapered off and...(continued)


Ear discharge (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media) 11634...India

A 45-year-old woman suffered from persistent discharge of pus from her left ear since childhood. In the beginning, she received some treatment but it was not effective. Over time, she accepted this condition as part of her life and managed it by just using cotton buds. In May 2021, she noticed a spontaneous cessation of discharge, only for it to begin from...(continued)
