
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out


Mouth Ulcers, Vaginal Discharge & Fibroadenoma 11964...India

On April 16, 2014, a 24-year-old woman presented with multiple health problems. She looked weak and pale. She had been experiencing acute pain in abdomen and continuous vomiting. Her doctors suspected intestinal obstruction and likely Koch’s Abdomen (abdominal tuberculosis), and had ordered a laparoscopy in 8 days’ time.  She had been...(continued)


感染した歯(米国) 01339...USA


CC11.6 虫歯 + CC21.11膿瘍      一日回



脱毛症 02799...UK




Alopecia 02640...India

A woman came to the practitioner with 2 bald patches on the back of her head. One was 1 inch in diameter and the other was ½ inch. They were both close together. She had suffered with them for the past 2 years. The following combo was given:
NM84 Hair Tonic + NM90 Nutrition + OM12 Hair + SM41 Uplift + SR272 Arsen Alb + SR306 Phosphorus + SR318 Thuja +...(continued)


Infected Sebaceous Cysts 11389...India

The practitioner’s son was always scratching his head and had a lot of dandruff. It was only when all his hair was shaved off that the source of the irritation could be seen: his whole head was a mass of what looked like lots of blisters joined together. These were really swollen, infected and oily cysts that had formed through matter secreted by the...(continued)


口内炎 02806...Malaysia



頭痛, 肩と背中の痛み、鬱 03507...UK




群発頭痛, 鬱 、活動過多 02894...UK




慢性の鼻血、ふけ 02799...UK




#1. NM45 Atomic Radiation + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6...(continued)


アヘン中毒その他(イラン) 02638...Iran

Editor's comment:
It is regretted that this healer did not give more details in the cases below:






舌癌 10831...India


#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult tonic...一日回


#2. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC 2.2 Cancer pain + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)


歯周病 01619...Serbia


NM89 Mouth & Gum + NM113 Inflammation + SR293 Gunpowder...一日回





パニック障害, 頻尿症 02754...Japan







#1. CC1.CC. CC. CC.一日回




流涎(りゆうぜん)症(唾液の分泌が亢進した状態。口腔内の炎症,薬物の作用,胃,肝臓,膵臓,子宮などからの反射刺激,神経症などが原因となって起る)、激しい感情の起伏 02806...Malaysia


#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…...(continued)


Toothache, Pica and Hair loss 02859...India

In May 2013, a 22-year-old male patient complained of great sensitivity to cold or hot foods, which triggered toothaches. Since childhood he was also habituated to eating chalk and other non-nutritive substances. During the previous month, his hair had been falling out and turning grey, and he was concerned about his appearance. He was given:



Indigestion, Chlamydia, Menopause and Mouth Blisters 11572...India

On 29 April 2015 a woman (aged 49) sought treatment for a host of health issues from which she had been suffering for the past three years. These included indigestion, flatulence, food allergies and also Chlamydia and post-menopausal discomfort, including extreme vaginal dryness, hot flushes and depression with mood swings.

She would also develop blisters in...(continued)


Viral fever 11573...India

The practitioner writes: Our younger daughter, aged 9, was suffering from cough, headache, sore throat and cold for two days. As the monthly class tests were going on, she went to school in spite of her illness. On the evening of the second day, I prepared:

#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory...(continued)


Migraines, High Blood Pressure, Haemorrhoids 11573...India

In May 2015, a 73-year-old man came in for treatment of migraine, from which he had suffered since childhood. The condition was likely inherited as other family members had the same problem. The patient declined to provide other details of his medical history.  The patient was very active but he was facing challenging family issues. He was given:



歯の萌出 03523...UK


CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia...日回



慢性偏頭痛、皮膚のアレルギ 02802...UK


#1. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC15.1 Mental &...(continued)


円形脱毛症 02806...Malaysia



#1. CC11.1 Hair tonic + CC11.2 Hair problems + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic…TDS

#2. CC21.1 Skin tonic...患部にアクアクリームで、日回



毛嚢(もうのう)炎(皮膚の真菌性感染症) 01767...Holland


#1. CC11.1 Hair tonic + CC11.2 Hair problems + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic…一日回



顎の痛み、歯肉炎、口蓋炎 01163...Croatia



#1. NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM39 Teeth Decay + NM89 Mouth & Gums + SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection…一日回




慢性偏頭痛、消化不良、パニック発作、身体の痛み 03507...UK


#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...一日回



背中の痛み, 疲労, 記憶の衰え, 歯肉感染 03520...USA





偏頭痛 11568...India



CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…水で...(continued)


Mouth Ulcer 11965...India

A 28-year-old lady suffering from a mouth ulcer for the past three days when she contacted the practitioner on 18 December 2014. The ulcer was so painful that she was unable to eat or drink. There was no known cause for the occurrence of the ulcer and she was not taking any medication. The practitioner treated her with the following remedy:

NM89 Mouth and...(continued)


しらみの感染 11573...India


CC11.2 Hair problems + CC12.2 Child tonic…日回



White Spots 10940...India


#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…週間に日, 4

#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…一日回


#3 SR250 Psorinum 200C…週間に日, 2




偏頭痛, 睡眠障害 03516...Canada


#1. ...(continued)


Sun allergy, hair oil allergy 11422...India

On 11 June 2016, during the practitioner’s regular visit to an old age home, a 60-year-old male sought treatment for headaches which he had for 20 years. These were caused by exposure to the sun and wearing a cap did not help. He would simply avoid going out in the sun and take a pain killer if needed. He also had slight itching on the scalp. He felt...(continued)


Allergy to chlorine 11422...India

A healthy 21-year-old male plumber came for a remedy on 8 August 2015 with severe pain in his eyes, a headache, and hazy vision. For the past two years, he had been handling chlorine daily to clean the swimming pool without any problem. However for the past two months, he had been feeling uneasy but the symptoms became intense only two days before. He did not...(continued)


Migraine 03552...Qatar

On 5 September 2016, a 27-year-old woman having suffered frequent migraines (at least once a month) for five years consulted the practitioner. She had a congenital bend in the nasal bridge and had a thin body structure. A CT scan to locate nasal polyps that could cause such headaches turned out to be negative. However, there could be an element of...(continued)


Oral herpes and acute vomiting 02802...UK

A 45-year-old female who had been feverish for two days and had developed a large herpetic sore on the left upper lip, contacted the practitioner on 16 June 2017. Her whole mouth was sore and the tongue had a white coating. She also had acute vomiting for one day. She had undergone surgical removal of a breast cyst a...(continued)


Aggressive periodontal disease 10375...India

A 47-year-old man had been suffering from aggressive periodontal disease for six years. He was in considerable pain due to infected and bleeding gums. His teeth were decalcified, about 40% were loose and he was unable to bite hard food items. His family history suggested that he was genetically predisposed to this condition. Severe infection of gums caused...(continued)


Examination anxiety, extreme 03555...UK

On 24 September 2017, a 22-year-old male medical student came to the practitioner for treatment of his extreme anxiety due to his forthcoming exams due in 5 days. He explained that before every exam he felt very tense, stressed out and extremely anxious and could not eat anything.  He would get severe migraine headaches and could not...(continued)


Headaches, constant 03554...Guyana

On 1 November 2016, a 56-year-old woman approached the practitioner seeking relief from constant headaches. About five years prior, during a domestic quarrel, she was hit on her head with a piece of wood by her husband. As an aftermath, she had been having constant headaches and pain. The doctor said that her brain was shaken and she had been suffering from...(continued)


Mouth ulcers 11583...India

For the past few years, a boy aged 10 years would develop painful mouth ulcers caused by examination stress. The doctor always prescribed vitamin-B complex tablets to be taken during the examination period. This did help but only temporarily and the problem always came back during exams.

On 19 December 2016, the mother brought her son, with severe pain...(continued)


Headache, behavioural problems 11271...India

An 11-year-old girl was brought to the practitioner by her mother for treatment of chronic headache on 4 June 2016. For the past 3 years, the headache occurred at least twice a week and each time it lasted for 2-3 hours. At the age of three, she was diagnosed with a brain tumour that was surgically removed and she was put on allopathic medicines which are...(continued)


Kidney stones, hair loss 03522...Mauritius

A 27-year-old male visited the practitioner on 27 May 2015. For the past 2 years he had been suffering from back pain which became so severe over the last 6 months that his normal life was affected. A scan revealed kidney stones and he was put on the waiting list for lithotripsy (ultrasound procedure for breaking the stones). Apart from pain-killers, he...(continued)


Migraine 11586...India

A 34-year-old female was suffering from headache on the left side that troubled her almost every day for the past 10 years. Each time it lasted for at least two hours. Being an IT professional, she had to work on computers all day long. She was fearful of headaches and took allopathic pain killers when needed. Her mother’s quick recovery from...(continued)


Incontinence, dry mouth, high BP 10001...India

A 79-year-old woman had been suffering from frequent urination, sometimes with burning sensation, for the past 6 months. Her tongue would suddenly become dry and red and her speech would become unclear once or twice a day. 

On 27 April 2018 she was given the following combo:

#1. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental &...(continued)


Fungus on scalp, black magic, poor memory 03572...Gabon

The 9-year-old son of the practitioner had a fungal infection that looked like dandruff all over his scalp, extending down to the neck (see pic).

It was often itchy. Each time either parent combed his hair, dandruff-like white particles would fall off. He also had large white spots on the right and back side of the neck and on top of the head. All the...(continued)


Rhinitis 03572...गैबॉन

A 29-year-old woman had been suffering from frequent (on average twice a month) headache and pain in  gums along with sneezing in the mornings. Actually her problem started in her childhood but it was only two years ago that it was diagnosed as chronic rhinitis by her ENT specialist. Normally she would take allopathic medicine but this gave her relief...(continued)


Migraine, menorrhagia 11602...भारत

On 26 July 2018, a 32-year-old female came with multiple complaints. She suffered from headache, accompanied with nausea, once or twice a month for the last five years. It was left-sided throbbing headache which increased with stress and exposure to light. She had excessive menstrual bleeding, sometimes with pain, for the last 3 years, though her cycles were...(continued)


Migraine 11600...India

In 12 September 2018, a 33-year-old female approached the practitioner for her nagging headache which bothered her every week for the past one year. Once it started, it would be severe on the first day along with vomiting and indigestion and wane gradually over a period of 3 to 4 days. Generally the whole head would throb with pain but sometimes it was only...(continued)


Migraine 12013 & 11553...India

A 29-year-old female suffered from intense headaches for 15 to 20 days in a month from December 2014. The pain would start above the eyes and become severe towards the left side of the head and last the whole day till she slept. Sometimes it was accompanied by chill and fever and the temperature would go up to 102o F and would only come down if she took...(continued)


Mouth Cancer 11975...India

A 40-year-old male diagnosed with mouth cancer (stage 3) in February 2013, underwent chemotherapy followed by surgery on 24 April 2013. As his cancer had advanced to its final stage, he was told he may not survive beyond 6 months. Not willing to yield to the disease, as he had three children to take care of with his meagre economic resources, he visited the...(continued)


Infected Teeth 1339...USA

For two years, a 59 year-old woman was suffering in two of her teeth from a low-level infection and sensitivity to hot and cold foods including liquids.

The dentist took x-rays of her teeth and advised root canal treatment to both teeth and removal of the nerves to stop the pain. The day before the treatment was due to begin the practitioner gave this patient...(continued)


Alopecia 02799...UK

A mother came to the practitioner with a 10 year old girl who was almost completely bald. Their doctor said nothing could be done except to try steroids which the mother did not want to give her young daughter. It was an unhappy situation, for the girl was being laughed at and teased at school and she was becoming shy and introverted. She was given ...(continued)


Alopecia 02640...India

A woman came to the practitioner with 2 bald patches on the back of her head. One was 1 inch in diameter and the other was ½ inch. They were both close together. She had suffered with them for the past 2 years. The following combo was given:

NM84 Hair Tonic + NM90 Nutrition + OM12 Hair + SM41 Uplift + SR272 Arsen Alb + SR306 Phosphorus + SR318 Thuja +...(continued)


Cerebral Atrophy 02640...India

At a regular mobile vibro camp, a mother brought her 2½ year old son in her arms. She was carrying him because he could not walk or stand, his eyes were not fixed and his slightly large head was not stable nor could he lift his hands. It was such a pathetic sight that all hearts went out to him. He was given:

CC12.2 Child tonic + CC18.1 Brain...(continued)


Mouth Ulcer 11965...India

A 28 year-old lady suffering from a mouth ulcer contacted the practitioner on the 18 December 2014. She had had the ulcer for the past three days and had not been able to eat, or drink. There was no known cause for the occurrence of the ulcer and she was not on any medication. The practitioner treated her with the following remedy:

 NM89 Mouth and...(continued)


Headache, sinusitis, allergy 11621...India

A 41-year-old male, the practitioner himself, had been suffering from a headache every single day for over 20 years. He had an allergy to dust and pollen and would get bouts of 10-12 consecutive sneezes on waking and his sinuses would become so inflamed that he would have difficulty breathing through the nose. In 1998 surgery for deviated nasal septum did...(continued)


Indigestion, headache 11606...India

Soon after qualifying, the practitioner treated her 32-year-old maid who suffered from gas and acid reflux with burning sensation and mild stomach pain every other day for the past four to five years. As the patient had to work in several households to support her four children, she did not pay attention to her health or diet and took no treatment for her...(continued)


Itchy scalp 03576...UK

A 26-year-old female pursuing a doctorate in Psychology had been suffering from an itchy scalp for two months. The itching was so intense that she would desperately scratch her scalp vigorously with both hands. There seemed to be no obvious cause for this condition. However, she had undergone two stressful moves to different cities within a...(continued)


Hair loss 03578...France

A 70-year-old woman had been losing a significant amount of hair for the past six months. Physical and emotional stress appeared to be the underlying cause, since in the recent past she had undergone several highly stressful events such as flooding of her home and conflictual relations with people around her. When she visited the practitioner, she was not...(continued)


Toothache 11585...India

A 43-year-old woman started having toothache in Aug 2020. In early Sept, she consulted a dentist who found two cavities and recommended filling them. However, she chose to get only the painful tooth filled. Towards the end of October pain started in the other tooth and this would aggravate with hot or cold food. This forced her to cool down coffee - her...(continued)


Teething 01096 ...USA

The practitioner treated her grandson, 6 months of age, for teething. He had 2 lower incisors in 5 months. She started giving him:

SM2 Divine Protection + SR253 Calc Fluor 6X + SR254 Calc Phos 6X + SR265 Aconite 30C + SR271

Arnica 30C + SR283 Chamomilla 30C…TDS  

He is now 14 months & has 14 teeth, 2 more are about to emerge. During this...(continued)


Chronic Headache 02819 ...UK

A 55-year-old lady suffering from chronic headache for ten years happened to meet the practitioner and asked him if he knew about something that might help her, but she did not want any paracetamol, an over-the-counter pain killer tablet. 

The practitioner had only just received his training as a JVP. He was very happy to tell her...(continued)


Migraine 11622...India

A 43-year-old woman started getting frequent and severe migraine attacks accompanied by sensory disturbances, loud sound and bright light all around (aura), five years ago. She would get these attacks almost twice a week, each episode lasting four hours and sometimes the whole night, disturbing her sleep. For the past four years, she had been taking...(continued)


Alopecia 01044 ...New Zealand

I met my 56-year-old neighbour in the street and we started going for walks together. She always wore a hat during our walks. Once when she had coryza I gave her CC19.2 and she got better. This led to her telling me that she had lost all her hair from her scalp about 10 years ago; she had many investigations  done  and was  told  it...(continued)


Meniere’s disease, Migraines 02779 ...Japan

A 49 year old lady had been suffering from Meniere’s disease and migraines for the past 2 years. She was tired both physically and emotionally from taking care of her old parents who had been sick for many years. She had been given  allopathic  medicine  from  medical  doctors  only  to  have stomach...(continued)


Violent Headaches 00609 ...Italy

A 65 year old male patient, who works as a medical doctor at a hospital, suffered from violent headaches for a few years, and none of the allopathic treatment he had taken was successful in relieving his headaches. During a long conversation the practitioner had with the patient during the  first  interview,  the  patient  told...(continued)


Mouth Ulcers 11176...India

A 7-year-old Balvikas girl who led bhajans suffered mouth ulcers since she was 3 years old. The ulcers were very severe and doctors had advised the girl to be operated on two occasions, but for various reasons the parents did not get the operations done. They met the vibro practitioner on October 2011 for help healing the young girl. The following combos were...(continued)


Migraines 10940...India

A 49-year-old male had been suffering from migraines for the last 20 years. The   pain   was   so   unbearable   that   he   started   taking   the   painkiller “Combiflam” and in time became addicted to it. He also had sinusitis for the same...(continued)


Tooth decay 11310...India

A 49-year-old male had been suffering for the last 8 years from tooth decay. He visited the dentist several  times  for  treatment.  The  dentist  suggested  a  root canal or the complete removal of the tooth. The pain was horrible. The gums were swollen and an unbearable pain radiated from his head to his ear. The...(continued)


Headaches & Migraines 02295...Greece

A 26-year-old female was suffering from constant headaches and migraines since the age of 14. Because she was allergic to allopathic medicine, she could not take painkillers for relief. At least three days of every week for the last 12 years, she has had to live with intense pain. 

In July 2013, she was given the Migraine remedy: 

#1.  NM44...(continued)


Migraine, shoulder pain 11235...India

A 51-year-old female started to get headaches over two years ago. Even a five-minute exposure to the sun would cause a headache with nausea that lasted the whole day and would get relieved only after vomiting; her condition was diagnosed as migraine. She could not avoid going out in the sun as her profession required her to go on tour 4-5...(continued)


Jaw pain 11618...India

A 50-year-old woman came to the practitioner with severe pain in the left jaw that recurred every 1 to 2 months for the past two years. Each episode, lasting for 10 to 14 days, started with mild pain that gradually increased over a week, making it difficult for her to open her mouth fully or chew food. During this period she could take only liquids or...(continued)


Migraine, persistent 11635...India

A 50-year-old nurse was suffering from recurring left-side migraine since Feb 2015. The severe headaches, triggered by over-exertion, occurred once a week, each episode lasting 5-6 hours and was accompanied by periorbital (around the eyes) pain, nausea, and vomiting. So she was not able to perform her job properly. The next month, she consulted a physician...(continued)


Cervical spondylosis, vertigo, migraine 11632...India

A 52-year-old woman was suffering for the last 10 years since 2011, from stiffness and swelling in the neck and could not move her head to the side and had pain in her right hand. She did not want allopathic treatment but took homoeopathy from 2013 for three years. She discontinued it out of frustration as the pain came back with the same intensity when she...(continued)


PCOD & Migraine 11595...India

A 23-year girl had her menarche in 2015 at the age of 18 and had regular monthly cycles of 40 days with normal flow until 2017, thereafter her menses started occurring once in six months or more with only spotting. Having a family history of late puberty and irregular periods she presumed this to be normal and did not seek any treatment initially. Then on 18...(continued)


Migraine 03586...क्रोएशिया

A 52-year-old woman was suffering from migraines for three years since 2017. During each attack, lasting several hours, which occurred one day or sometimes a few days a week, she would have a dull headache, nausea, vomiting and high sensitivity to light. The attacks were so intense that it was impossible for her to do any work or function normally. She...(continued)


Delayed permanent teeth 03547...यूएसए

A 6½-year-old boy’s upper front teeth had not emerged even though his baby teeth fell out more than a year ago in Mar 2022. The concerned mother (an AVP) who also noticed hardened gum in the gap sought medical advice. An x-ray revealed trapped central incisor teeth inside the gum (delayed eruption). The doctor recommended a minor surgical...(continued)


Migraine 11647...भारत

A 41-year-old housewife suffered for four years from frequent headaches in the front and back of her head, since Jan 2019. These occurred at least thrice a week after sun exposure, head bath or stress, each attack lasting 7 to 8 hours. During this time, she needed complete rest which in turn disturbed her routine and adversely impacted her...(continued)


Delayed permanent tooth 18001...भारत

During a vibrionics camp, a desperate 8-year-old girl approached the practitioner because two years ago she had lost two primary upper front incisors and permanent teeth were not emerging. She took allopathic medicines for over a year but to no avail. What upset her most was her peers making fun of her. 

Counselling and reassuring the girl that there was...(continued)


Migraine 11633...भारत

For the past 12 years, a 49-year-old woman was struggling with migraine headaches, 2 to 3 times per week. These episodes were characterized by a sharp pain on the left side of the head, nausea, fatigue, irritability, and excessive sweating. All the symptoms would usually subside on their own within 2 hours. However, the aftermath would leave her feeling tired...(continued)


Migraine 03590...USA

A 48-year-old woman suffered from recurring migraines that started in her teens. Initially manageable, the frequency and intensity of attacks gradually increased over the years. During each episode, she experienced pressure and pain behind her eyes and tightness in her temples, along with nausea and sensitivity to light. In 1997 at age 25, her condition was...(continued)


Migraine & acidity 11652...India

An 18-year-old boy had been struggling with severe headaches for five years since 2018, occurring after cycling home from school in the scorching sun. The pain diagnosed as migraine afflicted both sides of his head. Exposure to loud noise, exacerbated the headaches, as did studying or reading. He took prescribed medication for one week; though this provided...(continued)


Migraine during menses 10399...India

For over three decades, a 52-year-old woman battled with severe right-sided migraine every month during her 5-day menses; this was accompanied by nausea and occasional vomiting. Exposure to hot sun during summer also triggered the headache. She found temporary relief in prescribed painkillers but needed extensive rest throughout her period. She also took...(continued)


Migraine, leg pain & fatigue 11666...India

A 55-year-old housewife had been troubled by migraines for five years since 2019, with throbbing pain on one side of the head; these occurred 2 to 3 times a week, often triggered by stress, loud noise, or exposure to sun. Each episode lasted 2 to 3 hours and significantly impaired her ability to carry out household chores. She took prescribed painkiller for...(continued)


Burning sensation in mouth 11668...India

A 79-year-old woman started getting severe burning sensation in her mouth and tongue since 2020. The sensation occurred whenever she ate or drank her normal food, even fruits, forcing her to immediately stop eating. She was prescribed a 15-day course of allopathic medication; however, her symptoms worsened after the very first tablet, compelling her to...(continued)


Migraine 11657...India

A 30-year-old housemaid had been struggling with recurrent episodes of one-sided headaches for the past 11 months since Jan 2023. At least once a week, she would wake up with a headache that worsened within an hour, usually around the time she was about to leave for work. She would take an over-the-counter painkiller and go to work. She would get relieved of...(continued)
