Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 15 సంచిక 1
January / February 2024
ముద్రింప తగిన వార్తాలేఖ

పూర్తి వార్తాలేఖ యొక్క కాగితం ప్రతి కావలెనన్నఈ పుటను ముద్రించండి

From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

It is one of the most exciting times in Prasanthi Nilayam – the holiday season. At this time of the year, people from many lands, many faiths and cultures gather at Prashanti Nilayam to celebrate Holy Christmas and usher in the New Year. The ashram is glittering with ornate decorations meticulously arranged by devotees from all over the world. This year, a 35-foot-tall Christmas tree was erected in front of East Prasanthi. The air is filled with love, peace, and gratitude. Swami says “Adopting service and love as your ideals, you must start a new life from this moment - this is My blessing and benediction to you.” – Sathya Sai Baba, New Year Discourse, 1 January 2000. This is truly an opportune time for each one of us to evolve and grow. I humbly request all practitioners to set an intention to expand their reach to spread the love and healing vibrations to a greater population in 2024.

With 2023 now in the rearview, there’s much to be grateful for and learn from.

  • We successfully registered the Sai Vibrionics Institute for Research and Training (SVIRT), which will replace the International Association of Sai Vibrionics Practitioners (IASVP). From now on, SVIRT is envisioned to become our mission’s core platform for conducting research and delivering ongoing training.
  • Another significant milestone in 2023 was the first-ever State-level vibrionics conference held in India on 22 July in Visakhapatnam, which brought together practitioners from both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The event was a resounding success, uniting committed practitioners and enthusiastic volunteers. I expect that their success will inspire other states and regions in India to follow suit. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for a national conference, with hopes of bringing together vibrionics practitioners from all corners of the country. 
  • I am pleased to report that the number of Vibrionics Wellness Camps have been steadily increasing, particularly in urban slums and rural areas. A remarkable number of 1,367 camps were organized across 109 locations, providing vibrionics remedies to approximately 57,000 patients. I urge all practitioners to wholeheartedly dedicate themselves in the coming years to reaching out to the most underprivileged individuals and offering them solace through Swami's blessed vibro remedies. 
  • What better way to pay homage to our Lord than through the admirable initiative taken by the Sai Seva Organisations? As part of the celebration of Bhagwan's birth centenary in 2025, they are diligently working to adorn Mother Earth with millions of trees. This remarkable endeavor has witnessed a unique collaboration between SSSSO and Sai Vibrionics practitioners, specifically, from Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Delhi NCR in India. With practitioners from around the world contributing their efforts in planting and nurturing trees under the care of Sai Vibrionics, this ongoing activity is expected to accelerate in 2024.
  • Throughout the year our IB distribution continued and with a new variant of Covid in sight it gained further momentum.

As always, as an organisation we remain work in progress and through 2024 there will be greater focus on research under the aegis of SVIRT.

In conclusion, as we welcome 2024, let us reflect on Swami’s message, “The New Year or a new month does not bring with it any new joy or sorrow… Every second is new, because it heralds the march of time. A year is in fact a succession of seconds turning into minutes, days and months. It is only when every moment is cherished as new, will the new year become new. The sacred way in which every moment is spent will determine the fruitfulness of the year. If you wish to lead a sacred life and have sacred experiences, you must engage yourself in sacred actions.” – Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31, January 1st 1998.

To enjoy a fruitful 2024, let us all resolve to ‘start every day with Love, spend the day with Love, fill the day with Love, and end the day with Love’.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2024.

In Loving Service to Sai,

Jit K Aggarwal





Skin allergy

A 26-year-old woman presented with a severe skin rash on her face, characterized by redness, mild swelling, and itchiness. The rash had emerged three months ago, soon after her visit to a beauty parlour. She started using prescribed allopathic tablets and ointment. These gave only partial relief and that too was temporary. During this treatment, she tried homoeopathy but this too did not help. As soon as she discovered vibrionics, she decided to discontinue other treatments, since she was desperate for a quick solution because she was due to attend a marriage ceremony after a week.

On 27 Jan 2022, she was given:

CC8.1 Female tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD and for external application…BD in water

In three days, to the patient’s pleasant surprise, there was 50% improvement in redness, swelling as well as itching. So, the dosage was reduced to TDS. After another three days on 2 Feb, the rash had vanished and so did the other symptoms; her skin was back to normal! The external application was stopped and the tapering down of oral remedy was started. She was overjoyed that she could attend the wedding without any concern. The oral remedy was stopped on 16 Feb.

As of Nov 2023, there has been no recurrence.


Delayed permanent tooth

During a vibrionics camp, a desperate 8-year-old girl approached the practitioner because two years ago she had lost two primary upper front incisors and permanent teeth were not emerging. She took allopathic medicines for over a year but to no avail. What upset her most was her peers making fun of her. 

Counselling and reassuring the girl that there was hope, the practitioner gave the following remedy on 21 Dec 2022: 

CC9.4 Children's diseases* + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC12.2 Child tonic...TDS 

Exactly one month later, during the next camp, the girl came excitedly to the practitioner to share the good news that both the incisors, a source of concern for the past two years, had finally erupted! The girl expressed her sincere gratitude.

*The practitioner felt a strong urge to add this remedy!

Knee & calf muscle pain

Since 2020, a 75-year-old woman suffered from persistent knee and calf muscle pain in both legs. The pain was mild while walking but escalated during the night, making it difficult for her to stretch her legs. She resorted to oil massage on her legs, which provided some relief. Occasionally, she would take a prescribed painkiller when the pain was unbearable. Upon learning about vibrionics from the practitioner, she consulted her without delay. 

On 10 June 2022, she was given: 

CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS orally and BD in coconut oil for external application 

After two weeks the calf muscle pain and her ability to stretch the legs improved by 40%. She continued her usual massage during the middle of the night. By 10 July, there was 90% relief in her symptoms. The dosage of the oral remedy was reduced to OD and the oil massage stopped. After another week, she joyfully reported being entirely pain-free, the dosage was tapered off until the remedy was stopped on 5 Aug. 

As of Nov 2023, she is happy that, unlike before treatment, she is now able to do her household chores without discomfort. 


A 36-year-old seamstress* was having foul-smelling whitish vaginal discharge every day for the past four months, since Sept 2022. She also had itching in the vaginal area; this made her uncomfortable at her workplace. In Nov, her doctor, suspecting an ulcer in the uterus, recommended a pelvic scan. Fearful of the scan, she opted for only the prescribed medicines but discontinued them within two days due to side effects such as giddiness and blurred vision. When her neighbour told her about vibrionics, she consulted the practitioner and disclosed that, due to her demanding work schedule, her water intake had not been adequate.

On 22 Jan 2023, she was given: 

CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.7 Fungus...TDS 

She was advised to gradually increase the water intake. By the end of Feb, there was 30% improvement in all the symptoms; this progressed to 80% by the end of Mar. By 10 Apr, she became symptom-free and could carry on her tailoring work without discomfort. The dosage was reduced to OD for 10 days and tapered off before stopping on 25 May. As of Nov 2023, there has been no recurrence. 

*a woman tailor whose occupation is sewing clothes, fabrics, and apparel for a living

Breathlessness, wheezing

A 55-year-old man had been suffering from breathlessness and wheezing for the past 24 years. Initially, these symptoms manifested only during winters and exposure to dust leading to a diagnosis of allergic bronchitis in 1998. Treatment commenced with asthalin tablets followed by a bronchodilator and a steroid (oral and by injection), but with limited relief. In 2002-03, in addition, he tried unconventional methods like live fish treatment but these proved futile. By 2007, breathlessness and wheezing became a daily occurrence, which got aggravated by activities such as climbing stairs, having a head bath, and consuming certain foods like curd, cucumber, or ice cream. Even lying down would cause discomfort, compelling him to sleep in a seated position throughout the night. He was prescribed asthalin inhaler that gave relief within 10 minutes and he would remain symptom-free for the whole day. If he skipped a dose, he would feel breathless. 

To avoid his dependence on allopathic medicines, he tried homoeopathy from 2016 to 2021. However, the relief was only temporary, and he still needed the inhaler once or twice a week for lasting comfort. In pursuit of a more promising and permanent solution, he consulted the practitioner on 5 Jan 2022 soon after he learnt about vibrionics. He also complained of snoring for the past several years. Apart from the inhaler, he was not taking any other medication. He was given:

 For breathlessness, wheezing: 

 #1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack...TDS 

 For general well-being: 

 #2. IB...OD

 For snoring: 

 #3. CC15.6 Sleep disorders...OD

By 29 Jan, there was 30% relief from breathlessness and wheezing accompanied by a reduction in the use of an inhaler to once a week. At the end of April, he reported 80% relief and said that breathlessness occurred only when exposed to dust or climbing stairs, or after a head bath, rather than daily. He was relieved that he could sleep in a normal position without discomfort and he used the inhaler only once in the last three months! 

Following the practitioner’s guidance, he cautiously reintroduced in his diet curd, cucumber, and ice cream in minimal quantities. He was pleasantly surprised these foods no longer triggered or exacerbated his symptoms! In another five months by the end of Sept, all his symptoms were gone; climbing stairs and exposure to dust would cause negligible discomfort. The dosage of #1 was reduced to BD.

In Jan 2023, he travelled abroad with no recurrence of symptoms, a welcome change from discomfort during earlier travels. However, a head bath during winter still triggers mild breathlessness for which he finds it convenient, owing to his busy work schedule, to get instant relief via the inhaler.

As of Nov, there has been no recurrence and he prefers to continue #1 and #2 at a maintenance dosage of OD. Unfortunately, he did not take #3 seriously and hence did not expect improvement in snoring. 


For the past 12 years, a 49-year-old woman was struggling with migraine headaches, 2 to 3 times per week. These episodes were characterized by a sharp pain on the left side of the head, nausea, fatigue, irritability, and excessive sweating. All the symptoms would usually subside on their own within 2 hours. However, the aftermath would leave her feeling tired for the entire day, disrupting her daily routine. If the headache struck at night, it would disturb her sleep. Exposure to loud noise or sunlight, or ten minutes of looking at a mobile screen would exacerbate her symptoms 

Reluctant to opt for allopathic treatment, she took over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers whenever the headache was unbearable. This gave her relief in about an hour. In less severe instances, she chose to rest until the symptoms subsided. Inspired by her husband’s successful experience with vibrionics treatment for diabetes, she consulted the practitioner on 24 Jan 2022 and she was given: 

#1. CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia...TDS

#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders...OD

For the next four months, there was no feedback from the patient until May 2022 when her husband came for a refill of his own remedy. He shared that his wife was completely free from the debilitating migraine headaches. 

When the practitioner contacted the patient for more details, she disclosed that in the initial two weeks of starting the remedy, she had only two episodes. Notably, the headaches were milder without the usual accompanying symptoms. In the subsequent two weeks, her condition improved further, with just one episode. The frequency and intensity steadily came down over another two months until the headaches vanished in April. She was happy to convey that neither did she need the OTC medicine nor have any sleep disturbance since starting the remedy. Unlike before, she enjoyed, without a headache, her recent pilgrimage to a hot destination. She stopped taking the pills when they finished in May 2022. 

As of Nov 2023, she is absolutely fine without any recurrence. 


Menstrual disorder 03614...यूएसए

A 44-year-old woman always had a regular 23-25 days menstrual cycle with normal bleeding lasting for four days. From Nov 22, there was with each successive period, a consistent decline in flow and duration of menstruation, accompanied by lower abdominal pain, bloating, and weakness throughout each period. By Jan 2023, her menses lasted for only three days with a scanty flow, further coming down to two days by March. In May, her menses were delayed by 10 days. Attributing these changes to the onset of early menopause, a trait observed in her mother, she did not take any treatment. Despite being overweight (75 kg) for decades, she is active, eats good vegetarian food, exercises daily, and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Soon after hearing of vibrionics from her uncle, on 5 June 2023, she consulted the practitioner who gave her: 

For menstrual disorder: 

#1. CC8.8 Menses irregular…TDS 

For general wellbeing: 

#2. IB…OD

During the follow-up on 30 June, the patient reported that her menses resumed on schedule after 23 days, with normal flow and duration without a trace of pain, bloating or weakness! On 30 July the patient repeated the same story; so the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD for two weeks, OD for a week, and thereafter to OW as maintenance dosage. 

During the subsequent four months, her menses were normal, the same as before Nov 22. As of Nov 23, the patient is happy to continue with both remedies. 

Patient’s testimonial is available on our website.

Respiratory allergy, sleep disorder

A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from sneezing fits, runny nose and sleeping difficulty for the past 15 years. The allergic symptoms, likely caused by dust and pollen, occurred every two days, persisting year-round, peaking in winter. Sneezing bouts would repeat every 10 to 15 minutes and sneezing could continue for hours. When it did not stop within 1 to 2 hours, she would take the prescribed antihistamine (OD) and the sneezing would then subside within 30 minutes. Owing to the sedative effect of antihistamine, she was prompted to use it carefully. In May 2023, attempting to manage without the medication for a month, she found her symptoms worsening, accompanied by a severe dry cough. Resorting to home remedies like ginger and honey offered some relief. However, realizing the necessity of antihistamine, she resumed taking it. When she consulted the practitioner she had been suffering from a severe dry cough for a month and she was sneezing.

She also had difficulty in falling asleep and would try to induce sleep by reading books. Whenever this failed, she took prescribed sleeping tablets and would fall asleep within an hour. On 10 June 2023, she was given: 

For respiratory allergy:

#1. CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic…every 10 minutes for 2 hours followed by 6TD 

For sleeping difficulty:

#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…every 10 minutes for 1 hour before sleep 

The following day, the patient reported falling asleep after two doses of #2 the previous night, without requiring sleeping tablets. There was also a 25% reduction in cough. She continued to take the antihistamine as needed.

On 17 June, as the cough was gone, the dosage of #1 was reduced to TDS. Growing more confident in vibrionics, she stopped the antihistamine. She noticed that the sneezing bouts and the runny nose would occur only if she missed a dose, in which case she was advised to take #1 frequently. 

With her sleep fully restored in the first week of July, #2 was stopped. The next one month was symptom-free, so the dosage of #1 was reduced to OD and further to OW at the end of August.

As of Nov 23, there has been no recurrence and she is on a maintenance dosage of OW.

Rheumatoid arthritis

A 50-year-old woman had been battling with persistent pain and swelling which initially manifested in her fingers and wrists, for the past 30 years since 1997. In the year 2000, this was diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis and she had been taking prescribed allopathic medication, both oral and external. Her condition deteriorated over time, leading to excruciating pain and stiffness in fingers, wrists, thighs, knees, toes, and back, particularly severe in the mornings. Neck and shoulder pains further compounded her challenges, rendering her unable to move freely or perform routine tasks; also she had disrupted sleep. 

Although allopathic medicines were helpful, they caused side effects such as drowsiness, weakness, and occasional vomiting. Travelling to many places in search of a better solution, she tried various alternative treatments including ayurveda without any noticeable improvement. Desperately wanting to improve the quality of her life, she turned to vibrionics on her sister’s recommendation. On 8 Jan 2023 the practitioner gave her:

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…every 10 minutes for two hours followed by 6TD 

#2. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures…OD in mustard oil for external application 

She also continued the allopathic medication. On 15 Feb, reporting 25% alleviation in pain, swelling and stiffness, she conveyed with great delight that she felt comfortable after a long time! By 2 Jun, her symptoms improved by 60%, resulting in improved sleep. Following the practitioner’s counsel, she embraced a healthy lifestyle - exercise, yoga, and a balanced diet. By 10 Aug, she felt 80% relief and was confident enough to discontinue the allopathic medicines; the dosage of #1 was reduced to TDS

On 9 Sept, she was overjoyed to report 100% freedom from all the symptoms and was able to resume her daily chores without the need for expensive medicines with adverse effects. #1 was reduced to OD. She expressed her gratitude and delight for her remarkable recovery. She is now able to move out of her house and occasionally resorts to a painkiller when travelling. She prefers to continue the remedies at OD

As of 25 Dec 23, there has been no recurrence. 

Skin itch

When the practitioner visited her 57-year-old cousin, the latter mentioned that she had itching on her right forearm near the wrist, right thigh, and right ankle. This condition had developed three years ago in May 2020 during the Covid pandemic, when in the absence of home help, her workload had increased. The itching occurred 2 to 3 times daily, particularly after housework and more so after gardening. Small dark patches resulting from frequent scratching, marked her wrist and ankle. With time, itching developed on her thighs, waist and lower abdomen. Bathing in hot salt water and using candid cream gave relief for 2 to 3 hours. She tried changing soaps but itching persisted. She also felt mild tingling sensation at tips of her fingers and toes for 10 to 15 minutes upon waking up. 

She was reluctant to consult a doctor. The practitioner noticed that she was scratching the affected areas. On 24 May 2023, she was given: 

#1. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema…BD in virgin coconut oil for external application 

#2. CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1…TDS

She was advised to avoid wearing bangles until her condition improved. She started to take normal baths and discontinued the candid cream. Within two weeks by 7 June, there was 50% relief from itching while the patches remained unchanged. Notably, the itching had become localized to the wrists and ankles, frequency came down to 2 or 3 times a week and she felt much better. 

On 26 June, she conveyed that the itching was gone and the patches had become lighter in colour. A month later on 25 July, she reported 100% relief as the patches were gone, with no itching even during gardening, and the tingling sensation had disappeared. #2 was reduced to BD and tapered down until stopped on 22 Aug. #1 was continued until the remedy got exhausted.

When the practitioner happened to meet her in Oct, she expressed contentment and joy, having been completely free from itching. As of Dec 2023, she continues to be fine.

Post-menopausal hyperpigmentation, fatigue

A 45-year-old woman had post-menopause concerns; her menses stopped one and a half years ago in Dec 2021. Since Mar 2022, she had been experiencing fatigue and irritability, accompanied by dark patches on both cheeks, these were gradually spreading, though not itchy. She did not take any treatment for hyperpigmentation and managed other symptoms through rest. When she consulted the practitioner on 6 June 2023, she appeared weak and seemed upset, particularly about pigmentation. She was given: 

#1. CC8.6 Menopause + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS 

By 18 June, the patches faded to a lighter brown hue and there was over 50% reduction in fatigue and irritability. Now she mentioned that she had mild back pain after exertion. So, #1 was enhanced to address post-menopausal decalcification. 

#2. CC20.6 Osteoporosis + #1…TDS 

On 23 June, she joyfully conveyed that the patches were gone without a trace and so were tiredness and irritability. The dosage was reduced to OD which was continued for the next two months before stopping on 23 Aug.

As of 8 Dec 23, she has remained symptom-free and happy. 



Loss of voice post-Covid 03604...यूएसए

A 68-year-old actress and singer, severely impacted by Covid (Omicron) in June 2022, was treated with strong antibiotics and steroids and recovered. However, sore throat and cough persisted for over four months and she had throat pain when she attempted to speak. Her once-robust voice diminished to a faint squeak. On 4 Nov, an ENT specialist detected a swollen and inflamed vocal cord with a polyp, so he suggested surgery. She was concerned that surgery could cause vocal cord damage and this would have an adverse impact on her career. She decided to consult a laryngologist who confirmed the diagnosis and recommended surgery. Reluctant to undergo surgery, she took a third opinion from another laryngologist who confirmed previous findings and remarked that the disappearance of polyps on their own is highly unlikely. So, hesitatingly she agreed to the surgery.

While awaiting surgery, the patient learnt about vibrionics and consulted the practitioner. In addition to the polyp and other symptoms, she shared her history of deep grief and anger, having lost her entire biological family by the time she was 29. Her husband suddenly passed away six years ago, leaving her with an ongoing wrongful death lawsuit on his behalf. She was now alone and emotionally distraught. 

On 26 Mar 2023, she was given: 

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…TDS

During the pre-surgery check-up on 19 May, to the doctor’s astonishment, the previously detected polyp could not be found. The throat pain and cough had also disappeared by then and she stopped taking the remedy! The patient exclaimed, “It’s a straight miracle from God”. Her speech was fully restored but to regain professional singing standards, she underwent speech therapy. Her emotional well-being also improved, allowing her to happily resume work.

On 18 Sept, she reported that she now embraces a renewed sense of overall well-being and is grateful for the transformative impact of vibrionics. As of 10 Dec 2023, she continues to teach, act and sing normally. 


Practitioner Profile

Practitioner 18001…India has a BA degree and she also studied homoeopathy. She was fortunate to be born in a Sai family; her father visited Puttaparthi for the first time in 1976 when she was seven years old. It was ten years later that she was first blessed with darshan of Swami, when she travelled to Prashanti Nilayam with her family. 

Since 2000, she has been volunteering for bi-annual sevadal duty in Puttaparthi, 8 days in March and 10 days in Dec. For 11 years she did seva as a telemedicine technician for the super specialty hospital, Puttaparthi and Whitefield, twice a week. She has also served as spiritual coordinator and Bal Vikas guru at her samiti. She has taught tailoring at Mother Teresa Leprosy Centre for 11 years until 2012 when the classes were discontinued. She has a passion for seva and volunteers whenever and wherever there is an opportunity - visiting old-age homes, attending medical camps, doing Narayan seva during the Rath Yatra in her native place, also at the local gurudwara during Guru Nanak Jayanti and birthday celebrations of Guru Gobind Singh. Her hobbies include making soft toys, aluminium foil painting, gardening, baking, and cooking.

She heard about vibrionics in 2002 from her father who even met Dr Aggarwal in the ashram to get details of vibrionics course, she was not destined to learn vibro at that time. It was almost two decades later, during the pandemic that she happened to read a newsletter that inspired her with the thought that through vibrionics she would be able to serve more needy people, especially those living in remote areas. She applied for the online course and became an AP in Dec 2021.

She has had tremendous success in treating patients for varied ailments. In May 2022, she treated an 8-year-old autistic boy who was non-verbal, hyperactive and had insomnia due to which he would disturb his mother in the middle of the night ever since he was one year old. It is believed that all these issues originated from the fact that the mother used to give her mobile phone to the baby to keep him quiet. She gave him: #1. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.5 ADD & Autism + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease and #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders. A month later, his mother reported that he was now speaking for the first time, his behaviour had improved and he was sleeping through the night.

In another instance, she was approached by a relative who had been suffering from excess mucus in his stools for the past 15 years, with no relief from any kind of medication. She gave him CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders. Within four weeks, the problem had completely resolved.

In yet another case, she treated a 12-year-old girl who had small white boils on her hands and neck. She tried allopathy and homoeopathy for three months without success. The practitioner gave her CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.8 Herpes + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions. After 15 days, pus started forming inside the boils and they became very painful. The practitioner recommended, along with oral remedy, hot water fomentation. Gradually the pus started to drain and the skin became absolutely normal within two months.

The practitioner has come up with a combo for joint pains that she says, works miraculously: CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine, when also used in coconut or mustard oil for external use. While on a trip to Char Dham at Uttarkashi, she fell on a sharp stone, terribly bruising both her knees. She took the above combo every ten minutes for an hour and applied the same in olive oil to her knees. To her astonishment, she no longer felt the pain and was able to complete her pilgrimage without any problems.

Being the daughter of an allopathic doctor, she continuously witnessed the smiles of cured patients and the immense joy on their faces; so she always aspired to become a doctor. Now she feels blessed that Swami has fulfilled her life-long dream of becoming a ‘doctor’. During the course of her practice she has come to realize that for best results, one must never dwell on negative thoughts and as such not to consider any disease as incurable. When one surrenders to Swami and prescribes a remedy with a positive mindset and complete faith, the results are invariably favourable.

She is always on the lookout for new places to hold camps. Despite her move to Puttaparthi in Feb 2023, the practitioner continues to visit and conduct quarterly vibro camps in three different places, nearer her home in Kolkata, West Bengal. After a brief halt at home, she visits a poor village in Jharkhand to conduct similar camps at two places before returning to Puttaparthi. This started at the behest of a sevadal from that village who had experienced the efficacy of vibrionics firsthand whilst in Puttaparthi. For follow-up, patients have access to her mobile for consultation. She sends remedies to them through local devotees visiting the ashram and when not possible, she couriers the remedy bottles. She is part of the team of practitioners who hold a clinic at SVIRT office twice a week and clinics at Eswaramma village and Brahmanapalli at regular intervals. She is a regular volunteer every Sunday at a new clinic in a mandir near Super Hospital in Puttaparthi; in addition, of course, she sees patients from her apartment during her stay in Puttaparthi.

She feels that the blessings of her patients empower her with extra energy to expand her seva. She lives every moment of her life by Swami’s dictum that Manav Seva is Madhav Seva (Service to man is service to God). 

Cases to share:


Practitioner Profile

Practitioner 11633...India with a BSc in Botany, is currently a professional tailor; she has also done courses in free-hand outline and model drawing. Her passions are tailoring, drawing, and gardening. She heard about Sathya Sai Baba for the first time from her in-laws after her marriage in 1992. In 1994, she had her first darshan of Sai Baba in Bangalore and seeing Him at such close quarters along with reading about His teachings inspired her to become a Sai devotee. In 2000, she was blessed to attend a month-long ‘Koti Archana’ (ten million recitations of Swami’s names) that was being conducted in Mumbai and this experience was transformational. In 2003, her sister introduced her to the local Sai Samiti and she became a regular volunteer at the centre for Bal Vikas, Narayana Seva, and singing bhajans. She participated in monthly Narayana Seva at NIMHANS for 5 to 6 years, did some seva in Whitefield hospital, and volunteered for vibhuti packing at Shirdi Sai temple and Sai Premanjali and IB preparation for sevadals during the Covid pandemic. She also advocates for social issues and often meets government officials to improve local infrastructure such as street lighting and road repairs.

Since childhood, she has seen her father practise homoeopathy and has always harboured a deep inclination towards alternative medicine. Her father treated people from their village for free and she has memories of patients arriving at their home in the middle of the night with scorpion stings. After her father administered the remedy, they were back to normal within half an hour! She grew up hearing stories about her ancestors who practised natural therapies and could even fix amputated fingers with home remedies! All this inspired the practitioner to gravitate towards ‘medical seva’. In 2018, she observed vibro practitioners in action at Sai Gitanjali samiti and was inspired to apply to become a practitioner. After delays due to family commitments, she completed her AVP training in July 2021 and became a VP in August 2022.

Thrilled to be chosen as an instrument of the Universal Healer, the practitioner finds no greater joy than witnessing the happiness of patients post-recovery. Her first patient was her husband who, due to an injury, had pain and swelling in his hand for four months, and recovered completely within a month with vibro alone.

The practitioner would like to share some interesting cases. In Nov 2020, she had a fall and sustained a spinal compression fracture. She was prescribed painkillers to manage the severe pain that ensued. At this time, she was in the midst of the admission process for the AVP course. Two days later, the admin team put her in touch with a practitioner who helped her manage the pain solely with vibro without a painkiller. A few weeks later, she came across a stray dog that had a severe leg injury, whined continuously in pain and was unable to move. She put her own remedy in milk and gave it to the dog. She also dissolved some pills in water and sprinkled over his body. Miraculously, after 2 to 3 doses, the dog was able to walk normally!

In March 2022, she had great success treating a baby parrot in a state of shock with a bleeding nose, as it had fallen out of a tree. With just a couple of doses of CC10.1 Emergencies, the parrot began to respond to other birds and fly again. In Sept 2022, her daughter brought home a fish tank with six fish. Unfortunately, they all died the very next day and she had to buy another six. This time, the practitioner put in the tank CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.1 Travel sickness (as many a time, fish die due to change in water). All six survived and remained healthy.

In her experience, IB gives spectacular results. On starting to take IB regularly from 17 Aug 2021, a 61-year-old male had 50% relief in his ten-year-old migraine within three weeks and it was completely gone by 17 Oct, without taking any other medicine. To the great delight of the patient, his heal pain, headache & cough which he would have every now and then, also disappeared within this period. As of Dec 2023, none of these symptoms came back even though he stopped the remedy on 22 Jan 2023.

As mind is the root cause of all illnesses, she found that adding CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic to all remedies helps improve patients’ confidence and speeds up recovery. She adds CC10.1 Emergencies to combos given to new mothers as giving birth is quite a shock to the system. To improve overall immunity, she likes to add CC12.1 Adult tonic or CC12.2 Child tonic to all remedies.

She treated a 14-year-old girl with a limbal dermoid cyst in her right eye, she was unable to close her eyelid. The patient underwent laser surgery when she was two years old with no success and had tried allopathy, homoeopathy and ayurveda, all in vain. She had no vision in that eye and doctors suggested cornea replacement. The practitioner gave her: #1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC7.2 Partial Vision as eye drops and #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1. Gradually her vision started to improve. The white layer that covered her entire iris started to accumulate in one place and within a month, she was able to see clearly within a two-foot radius. Within three months the size of the cyst reduced and she could shut her eye completely. She later underwent a successful corneal graft.

A 38-year-old woman who had irregular menses since puberty, tried allopathic medication but the problem would recur on stopping it. On 22 Nov 2021, she was given CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular. The menses became regular from the next month itself! She had the same excellent outcome with a 15-year-old girl with irregular menses since puberty, using CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.2 Child tonic.

She likes to consult patients over the phone so that she has adequate time to study the symptoms, assess the root cause, and look at the medical diagnosis, if any, before making a prescription. Having fulfilled her childhood dream of being involved in ‘medical seva’, the practitioner feels blessed and content. When she sees patients getting cured with vibro, having tried various other systems of healing without success, it fills her with deep gratitude to Swami for His immense blessings.

Along with various medicinal plants, being an avid gardener, she nurtures a vegetable garden on her terrace (see pic). Not only does she give plant tonic but also any leftover remedy water to her plants. She has shown great interest in being a part of research on plants, and also in translation work to Tamil. She describes vibrionics as a ‘divine medicine’ and says the great pleasure she derives from its practice, cannot be put into words. 

Cases to share:

Answer Corner

Q1. During the AVP course, it was advised that it is better to add a smaller number of Combos to the remedy as a better line of treatment. But we are adding 13 Combos in the IB. Will it work that effectively?

A. First, there are no hard and fast rules on how many combos can be mixed together. It is always advisable to mix only the combos directly related to the illness being treated. It is important that at the start of your practice, by giving fewer remedies, you study the effect of individual remedies and how well each one is working. But with experience, you will know and can decide as to which combos when given together are working well. Immunity Booster IB is a special example. Covid-19 affected many systems in the body, hence the large number of combos in IB. Our advice to new practitioners is to stick to the minimum number of combos but as you know, you may additionally add certain tonics. Then later when you have the requisite experience you can start adding more remedies, but always the ones related to the disorder.


Q2. Why don't we prescribe QDS and BD dosages in normal course of our treatment protocol?

A. We have found from experience that the most common dosage, which works well is TDS. It is convenient and practical - a dose in the morning on getting up and a dose at bedtime, and one in between, preferably before lunch. When no dosage is written, it automatically means TDS. We do use QDS but in practice it is more difficult to follow. In many appropriate cases, we do of course prescribe BD.


Q3. These days air pollution, especially in big cities in India has surpassed the Air Quality Index AQI limit of 60 recommended by WHO. Recently in Delhi, AQI had gone beyond 500. Is there a remedy to combat the ill effects of such pollution?

A. Yes, use the following remedies:

For SRHVP users: SM14 Chemical Poison + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Sinus + SR272 Arsen Alb 30C + SR292 Graphites 30C + SR349 Euphrasia 6X + SR399 Nux Mosch

For 108CC users: CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic


Q4. If a patient, especially a child accidentally swallows the remedy water/pill instead of keeping it under the tongue, will the remedy work?

A. The vibrations will work but may be less effective because they are best absorbed under the tongue where there is a concentration of nerve endings. It may be better to take that dose again. For guidance on administering vibrations to infants or newborns, refer to vol 2 #3.Q5, vol 3 #6.Q2 and vol 14 #3.Q1.


Q5. What is the latest advice relating to recharging of my 108CC box?

A. This question was adequately addressed in vol 14 #4 Q2, where you will also find other previous references. Nevertheless, during the Covid pandemic many practitioners, unable to recharge their 108CC box, reported their CCs were equally effective even after three years of recharge. We may well attribute this to His grace. Further, remember that our research team is continually updating the remedies which are added to the Master Box periodically. Therefore, it is advisable to recharge your box every two years.


Q6. While preparing a remedy using multiple cards with SRHVP, having taken the remedy bottle out of its well, where should I place it? Should there be a minimum distance between the machine and the bottle?

A. We should keep a reasonable distance, say at least 6 inches or 15 cm, between the bottle and the SRHVP. It is best to place the bottle on the right side of SRHVP since on the left side, there is a strong magnet underneath the sample well and it can neutralise the remedy if kept very close to it.



Divine words from the Master Healer

“All this misery is caused by mankind itself…The disease is due to 'vitamin deficiency,' as they say; the vitamins are Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema (truth, righteousness, peace and divine love). Take them and you recover; assimilate them into your character and conduct and you shine with fine mental and physical health.“

...Sathya Sai Speaks, Divine Discourse “You are born for your own sake”, 16 Dec 1964, SSS vol 4, chapter 47


“You are sevak, dedicated to service. Whether the people whom you serve thank you or traduce you, you must gladly do the task allotted to you. For, you are serving yourselves, not them, remember. Bouquets or brickbats, receive them with equal calm. It is only those who identify themselves with the body that are exulted or pained; you must feel that you are the dehi, not the deha (the self, not the body), that will give you the strength to serve best.”

...Sathya Sai Speaks, Divine Discourse “The burden of the Badge”, 24 Feb 1965, SSS vol 5, chapter 6


Forthcoming workshops*

India: Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 5-22 Apr 2024 followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 April 2024, contact [email protected]

India: Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 3-5 May 2024**, contact Col Dogra at [email protected]

**Subject to change

*Workshops are only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.

In Addition

1. Health Tips

Take wholesome foods rich in Vitamins – essential micronutrient for health!

If vegetarian food consumed is balanced and wholesome, it should contain liberal doses of vitamin C and vitamin E, which are available in vegetables like carrots. Every effort should be made to keep the human body healthy. Health is wealth. Wealth cannot be enjoyed by a person with poor health. Health is more important because it gives physical and mental strength to a person.”…Sathya Sai Baba1 

In the previous issue of our newsletter, we dealt with macronutrients (macros) for a balanced diet. This article will delve into an essential micronutrient, the vitamins.

1. Importance of Vitamins 

1.1 Vital for health: Vitamins and minerals are two vital nutrients that a body needs in small amounts to survive and stay healthy. They are collectively known as micronutrients (micros); they metabolise the macros and enable us to get energy. The micros are so crucial that a deficiency can reduce energy level, mental clarity, and overall capacity, which may not be really noticeable but make us vulnerable to disease; later it can lead to severe health conditions, even life-threatening.2

1.2 Precious role and variety: Vitamins are organic substances made by plants and animals, and are obtained from food for sustenance. They contain the element carbon that enables life on earth and plays a role in the function of every organ. The discovery of vitamins occurred by 1948 after years of research and it became known that certain diseases can be caused by vitamin deficiency and not by infections and toxins. Broadly, there are 13 vitamins - A, C, D, E, K, and eight B-complex vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin, also called vitamin H), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin). The missing numbers B4, B8, B10, & B11 are no longer considered as vitamins. All of them are needed by the body, though in varying amounts, dependent on its genetics and biochemical individuality.3-6

1.3 Nature of vitamins & usage: Vitamins A, E, D, & K are fat soluble and require sufficient amount of minerals and healthy fats in diet for better absorption and are stored in the liver and fat tissue; we don’t need to take them every day. Vitamin C and the B-vitamins are water soluble, stored for a short duration in the body. They have to be replenished frequently, except B-12 which is stored mainly in the liver for 3 to 5 years; any excess is normally excreted in the urine.7,8

2. Fat-soluble vitamins

2.1 Vitamin A is vital for the eyes, skin, and immune system to fight disease and infections. It also keeps the lining of lungs, intestines, and urinary tract in shape. Both oral and topical vitamin A can prevent and treat acne and heal wounds. ‘Preformed vitamin A’ or retinol is found naturally in animal products including eggs and dairy. ‘Pro vitamin A’ or carotenoid (most common being beta-carotene), a nutrient that body converts into vitamin A, is found in all bright-coloured fruits and vegetables. The body can use the vitamin better from vegetables when cooked and eaten with healthy fat.9-12

Symptoms of deficiency are fatigue, dry eyes (one of the first signs is the inability to produce tears), vision loss, inability to see in the dark leading to night blindness, dry, scaly, itchy, or rough bumpy skin, infertility, and delayed growth and development in children. Deficiency, mild or severe, can increase the risk of infection, especially in chest and throat.9-11

2.2 Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) / calciferol is both a nutrient we need and a hormone that our body makes to help absorb and retain the minerals critical for building bones, reduce cancer cell growth, inflammation, and infection; also, it supports the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. For details about its role, how to tap it from sunlight and other sources, and diseases due to its deficiency, refer to our Newsletter vol 3 #4 July-Aug 2012 and vol 5 #1 Jan-Feb 2014 and the links.13-19

Indicators of deficiency are low calcium levels (hypocalcaemia), over-activated parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism), bone demineralisation and soft bones, deformity in bones and joints in children (rickets), muscle weakness, cramps, frequent falls, trouble walking, fatigue, and depression. So, be alert to symptoms.16

2.3 Vitamin E occurs naturally in fruits, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables; in particular wheat germ oil (richest source), sunflower seeds, and almonds. It helps the body to use vitamin K. A strong antioxidant, vitamin E can enhance cognitive and immune function, protect body cells and prevent clots in arteries, age-related vision loss, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. Studies suggest it can improve skin, hair, and liver health and relieve menstrual pain and cramps especially when combined with vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acid daily for 8 weeks. Vitamin E oil is considered healthy for application on skin, nails, and hair and can remove scars, dryness, and pimples.20-23

Signs of deficiency are damage to retina, peripheral neuropathy, loss of control in body movements, and decreased immunity.20-23

2.4 Vitamin K: Known as a busy nutrient, it makes some of the essential proteins needed for blood clotting, heart health, strong bones, and healing injuries. The more common K1 is found in green leafy and cruciferous vegetables, in fruits like blueberries and figs, and in smaller amounts in cereal grains and dairy products. The less common K2 is found in animal products and fermented foods and also produced by gut bacteria; stays longer in the body than K1, increasing benefits for the body. When one is deficient in vitamin D, K2 prevents calcification by directing calcium towards the bones; research shows taking K2 in diet along with vitamin D may reduce bone breakages, prevent plaque in arteries, and lower the risk of arthritis and dementia.24-28

Signs of deficiency are small bruises under the fingernails, delay in blood clotting, uncontrolled bleeding, gum and nosebleeds, dark stools stained with blood, haemorrhage, osteopenia, or osteoporosis. Those on blood thinners should not take K supplement and also plan K intake from the diet as advised by their medical practitioner. In the case of infants, normally born with very small amounts of vitamin K in their bodies, a single intramuscular dose of vitamin K at birth is recommended to prevent bleeding.24-29

3. Water-soluble vitamins

3.1 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): A powerful antioxidant, it strengthens the immune system and cellular health reducing the risk of serious diseases, lessens the severity of colds and flu, and keeps the eyes and skin healthy. It also facilitates better absorption of iron and helps heal wounds and cuts quickly. Foods high in vitamin C are Indian gooseberry (amla), cherries, strawberries, citrus, kiwi, guava, papaya, persimmons, green plums, yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables, fresh parsley, and white potatoes.30-33 

Warning signs of deficiency are skin spots caused by bleeding or bruising from broken blood vessels, swelling or bleeding of gums and eventual loss of teeth, hair loss, delayed healing of wounds, fatigue, and iron-deficiency anaemia. Scurvy is the hallmark disease of severe deficiency.30-33 

Caution: People tend to take vitamin C supplements liberally. Though water soluble, excess may result in headache, bloating, diarrhoea, flushed skin, and cramps; may also lead to kidney stones and even failure; it can cause iron overload damaging heart, liver, and pancreas.30-33 

3.2 B-vitamins: All eight B-vitamins contribute to health, reduce inflammation, support hormonal function, develop red blood cells, and ensure a healthy metabolism and digestive system. Though their roles and chemical properties are similar, each vitamin has its unique function to prevent fatigue, anaemia, mood disorders, and poor memory. A blend of several of these (B complex) would be best as they work synergistically.7,34,35 

3.2.1 Vitamin B1: Found naturally in wholemeal cereal grains, most seeds, black beans, green peas, tamarind, and yogurt, it has a critical role in energy metabolism and nerve function. Tea and coffee block thiamine absorption. Severe deficiency may lead to beriberi impairing reflexes and motor function, causing muscle loss and diminished feeling in hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy), cognitive decline, paralysis, and heart failure.34,36-38 

3.2.2 Vitamin B2: Best found in yogurt, milk, cheese, oats, quinoa, and almonds, a small quantity is present in apples, spinach, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, and in the gut bacteria. Essential for healthy skin and eyes, it reduces oxidative stress and helps in absorbing iron and other B-vitamins. Symptoms of deficiency include cracked lips, sore throat, skin rash, itchy red eyes, cataract in severe cases, and iron-deficiency anaemia. Long-term deficiency may cause migraines, brain and heart disorders, and some cancers. Excess can make urine bright yellow.4,6,39-41 

3.2.3 Vitamin B3: It is found in grains like brown rice, nuts, seeds, legumes, and bananas; corn is naturally high in B3 but not absorbable unless it is cooked and ground. Though rare, severe deficiency may lead to a disease pellagra with dark scaly rash on skin areas exposed to sunlight, bright redness of the tongue, diarrhoea, depression, and dementia.42,43 

3.2.4 Vitamin B5: It is present in cabbage, broccoli, white and sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, oats, sunflower seeds, and dairy products, and a small amount is made by gut bacteria. B5 helps the body to effectively utilise vitamin B2; also, used in cosmetics to heal various skin conditions including eczema, poison ivy, insect bites, diaper rash, and moisturise skin and hair. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, irritability, neuro problems, and upper respiratory infections. Severe deficiency is rare, but mild deficiency can cause severe health issues.44-46

3.2.5 Vitamin B6: It is naturally found in chickpeas (1 cup will meet 65% of our daily need) and other legumes, also in avocado, prunes, bananas, pistachios, dark leafy greens, green peas, carrots, and sweet potato. It is known to protect the immune system, brain, and nerves, prevent disease and relieve morning sickness in pregnant women. Its deficiency occurs when B12 and folic acid are low. Mild deficiency may have no symptoms, severe deficiency may show anaemia, depression, confusion, and low immunity. High dosages may cause peripheral neuropathy, loss of control of body movements, nausea, and sensitivity to light but these will subside when stopped.47-49

3.2.6 Vitamin B7: Good food sources are avocado, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, nuts, legumes, and mushrooms. Its deficiency can lead to hair loss, skin rash, and brittle nails. The benefits of supplements are based on inconclusive studies though glamorised and popular. Caution for those consuming raw eggs: it has a protein called avidin that prevents absorption of B7, but safe when cooked.50,51

3.2.7 Vitamin B9: It plays a key role in protein metabolism, production of genetic material, and healthy red blood cells, very critical during pregnancy and foetal development to prevent birth defects. The best foods are dark green leafy vegetables, raw or steamed briefly to retain the most folate; also beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains, and tamarind. It is better absorbed (85%) from supplements in the form of folic acid than from food sources as folate (only 50%); higher amounts can mask B12 deficiency. Deficiency symptoms are anaemia, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, hair loss, and mouth sores.52

3.2.8 Vitamin B12: It is vital for neurological function, DNA production, and red blood cell development. Learn about the benefits and sources of vitamin B12, how it is absorbed, symptoms of deficiency, diagnosis, and treatment from the article in our newsletter vol 4 #6, Nov-Dec 2013. Gut bacteria can make B12 but the process is hindered by gas, constipation, or indigestion.53-55

4. Prevent loss of vitamins

Deficiency happens when vitamin content in our diet is inadequate for long, either the diet is not wholesome, vitamins from food are not absorbed due to age or an underlying illness, or the lifestyle is unhealthy, especially alcoholism. Also, antibiotics can wipe out beneficial microbes and deplete nutrients like vitamin K and B-vitamins. Exposure to light destroys/deactivates vitamins A, D, E, K, B2, B7 (UV light); heat destroys vitamins A, C, B1, B9, B12; air destroys vitamins D, E, K, C, B9, B12.5,34,36,56,57

Consuming diverse foods containing flavonoids will enable us to utilize all the vitamins to the maximum. Flavonoids are a group of natural substances found in plant products - fruits (berries, cherries, citrus fruits) and green leafy vegetables, grains (black, purple, red colours), legumes, nuts, seeds, bark, roots, stems, flowers (dried parsley, oregano, chamomile, peppermint, red peppers) and some beverages like white, green, oolong, and black tea, dark chocolate, and have many health-promoting properties.58

Some nutrients in vegetables become absorbable only when cooked eg, whole carrots (with skin and unsliced), spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers; some should be consumed raw to get enough vitamin C. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and C seep into the cooking water; better to use the leftover liquid as a base for sauces.5,12

5. Tips to get the best out of vitamins

  • Take care of your gut which makes some vitamins, and the liver where vitamins get stored.7,8,59
  • Rely on a balanced diet of vegetables (both cooked and raw), fruits, whole grains, seeds and nuts, legumes, beans, lentils, and dairy products to get all the vitamins and to fix health problems. Avoid polished and refined carbs.6,36
  • Cook food with just the essential amount of water and heat.5,12 
  • If you must, choose fortified foods with no added sugar, as they are usually quite processed.60
  • Do not opt for supplements unless you have symptoms of deficiency or advised by your doctor. There is no fear of overconsumption of vitamins from food; excess of a supplement may cause toxicity. If on high doses, regular monitoring is important.6,34,61
  • For maximum absorption, take the fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, & K supplements after eating food containing fat eg, small amount of yogurt or food cooked with fat. Best time to take the water-soluble vitamins C and B12 is on an empty stomach before a meal, preferably morning, or 2 to 3 hrs after a meal. Also, take water and fat-soluble separately with a gap of 1-2 hours. Multivitamins with both kinds of vitamins may pose a challenge to the body; better to take them separately!62

Final word: Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food…Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine.5,63

References and Links

  1. Divine Discourse of 21 Jan 1994 on “Food, the heart and the mind”:
  2. What are micros:
  4. RDA for Micros:
  5. Nature of Vitamins:
  7. Vitamins profile:
  8. Healthy fats:
  9. Vit A deficiency:
  12. Veg best cooked:
  13. Vitamin D:
  14. Enhanced role of vitamin D:
  16. D deficiency:
  17. Source sunshine:
  20. Vitamin E:
  24. Vitamin K:
  29. Vitamin K at birth:
  30. Vitamin C:
  34. Vitamin B:
  36. Vitamin B1:
  39. Vitamin B2:
  42. Vitamin B3:
  44. Vitamin B5:
  47. Vitamin B6:
  50. Vitamin B7:
  52. Vitamin B9:
  53. Vitamin B12:
  55. Vitamin B12 stored:
  56. Nutritional deficiency causes:
  57. Antibiotics affect gut bacteria:
  58. Flavonoids:
  59. Role of gut bacteria:
  60. Choose fortified foods:
  61. Supplements:
  62. Best time for vitamins:
  63. Food as medicine:


2. Workshops & Seminar

1. AVP workshop: virtual 1-18 Nov followed by face-to-face at Puttaparthi 25-27 Nov 2023

Five participants from India and one from Guatemala qualified as AVPs and took oath. Several practitioners including those aspiring to be vibrionics teachers or becoming part of the admin team also participated as observers during the workshop. During the intense three days of practical sessions, the participants not only revised what they had learnt during the preceding six months of online study but also gained practical experience during actual interaction with patients and this, they all appreciated. In his valedictory address, Dr J K Aggarwal emphasized the immense potential of vibrionics. He encouraged the newly qualified practitioners to view their AVP qualification as a stepping stone in their Vibrionics journey since there are advanced courses available. He warned against giving talks on vibrionics without greater knowledge and experience; several practitioners have made this mistake previously. He further advised them to stay grounded, regardless of the results, remaining humble when patients praise them and report successful recoveries (this can fuel the ego!), and not to be discouraged if the results are not as expected, since cure is in the hands of the Lord. Altogether the practical workshop ignited a sense of service and dedication among the new AVPs, who pledged to do their best.


2. AVP & refresher workshop: Perigueux, France 9-13 Nov 2023

The French coordinator 01620 organized a refresher cum AVP workshop for three participants. One of these is a new candidate and another who trained two years ago and felt the need for a refresher. The third had taken up vibrionics in 2004 but due to family commitments, her vibrionics activity had reduced to minimal. Now she was enthusiastic about resuming her seva. She, along with the coordinator, had been making preparations for this workshop through an eCourse over several months. She looks forward to using the 108CC Box in addition to the SRHVP she already had. The three participants successfully passed their exams and took an oath. They were delighted to have an interaction with Dr Aggarwal over Zoom and he was happy to clarify their doubts which were mainly to do with the ideal gap between two remedies including oral, topical or other modalities. Then the practitioners were ready to confidently march on with their seva.

3. Practitioners’ meet at Sai International Centre, Delhi on 10 December 2023

Practitioners from Delhi NCR had a fruitful interactive session with Dr and Mrs Aggarwal at a half-day seminar organised by SVIRT Governor11964. It was very encouraging that despite the short notice, twenty practitioners attended. There was much emphasis on the importance of connecting with Swami while dispensing and that of selfless service without an iota of ego or expectation! Dr Aggarwal explored and dwelled deep into explaining the true meaning of liberation & answered participants' queries by giving practical examples. Practitioners on their part shared many successful and even miraculous cases, illustrating the amazing efficacy of vibrionics. They were encouraged to send in such cases for the benefit of vibrionics community at large. The State President of Delhi NCR, illuminous of SSSIHL, showed great interest in vibrionics and addressed the gathering; this was very encouraging for them.








3. Camps & Clinics

Camps held under the aegis of SVIRT in November 2023 to celebrate Swami’s 98th Birthday. 

In the holy month of November, 33 practitioners from 12 states of India namely. AP, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana, UP, Uttarakhand and West Bengal held 30 camps of 1 to 3 days duration and treated 1634 patients and distributed 1668 IB bottles. Venues included schools, remote villages, public and religious places and local Sai centres. Of special mention is the 15th annual camp, held from 21 to 23 Nov at Puttaparthi railway station, organised by Practitioner 01228, supported by three others. The continuous stream of patients kept the four practitioners on their toes and this enthusiastic team attended to 913 patients. Like previous years many patients from neighbouring villages took advantage of this opportunity. A group of students from nearby Penukonda College invited our team to conduct a medical camp for their 300 students after their exams and winter break, with the prospect of this becoming a regular feature.















4. Eco-friendly drive

Prematharu tree plantation initiative gains momentum!

In Andhra Pradesh, an afforestation program using the Japanese Miyawaki technique has been taken up by the Sai organization in Vizag, in association with the Afforestation Department of Vizag Steel Plant. On 27 Sep 2023, 3200 saplings were planted. Practitioner 11634…India, being part of this mega event, is giving the following  remedy for healthy growth:

CC1.2 Plant tonic + NM67 Calcium + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment

The plants are being monitored with the help of the staff of the Afforestation Department, who were explained the procedure for making large quantities of the remedy.

At another site, Donkad colony consisting of 3 acres of land where 14,500 trees of native species are being planted, 17 practitioners from Vizag under the leadership of Senior Practitioner 11567…India, have joined forces with various spiritual organisations for this task.

In Delhi-NCR, Practitioner 11437 took the initiative to spray Plant tonic on 1600 newly planted fruit, flowering and other trees at the bird sanctuary City Forest in Noida.











5. Anecdote

In the right place at the right time 11570...India

On 8 March 2023, while Holi was being celebrated in her neighborhood, the practitioner heard some loud cries for help. She discovered that a teenager had hit with his water gun, a large beehive housed in a nearby tree. The disturbed bees attacked an innocent bystander. Ruthlessly they started stinging the 45-year-old helpless man, all over his head, neck, and arms. The practitioner rushed to her house, made CC21.4 Stings & Bites + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions in water and sprayed it all over the stings. When she met him the same evening, he informed her that, he returned home and slept for a few hours. When he woke up, he could not believe that there was no pain and hardly any swelling. The next morning, he was completely healed, cheerful and went to work as usual. The practitioner is grateful to Swami for putting her in the right place at the right time!


6. In Memoriam

We mourn the loss in September 2023 of our 59-year-old Katharina Reiter 02713…Austria, a sterling sevite and devoted translator into German of the vibrionics newsletter. Her husband writes "Our dearly beloved Lord Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has accompanied and guided us every moment on this stage of our spiritual journey. Katharina left her mortal body... in absolute peace with herself."  It was her desire that all who wish to remember her do so in the silence of their heart, joining her there eternally in the Lord's precious darshan. In the stormy waves of this loss, her loving husband remembers Baba's words: "Where can she go? Nowhere. She is now here. Eternally One."

We have lost on 22 Oct, yet another Sai jewel, Rozalija Marolt 02243…Slovenia 77-year-old Rozalija was a long-time patient herself, battling classic lymphocyte leukaemia for years, but that didn't stop her from serving others with vibrionics and submitting her monthly reports almost up to her last day. She was a regular participant at her local Sai Centre, ever calm and never complaining, another sterling practitioner devotee now resting safely in Sai's sweetest Love.