Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 16 సంచిక 2
March / April 2025
ముద్రింప తగిన వార్తాలేఖ

పూర్తి వార్తాలేఖ యొక్క కాగితం ప్రతి కావలెనన్నఈ పుటను ముద్రించండి

From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

The centenary year celebrations have only just begun, and February brought us a profound spiritual experience here in the ashram. The already divine atmosphere of Prashanti Nilayam was further energized by the resonant chants of the Shri Rudram, accompanied by sacred fire offerings, as the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam was conducted in Sai Kulwant Hall from 14 to 25 February. This yajnam, an extremely powerful Vedic ritual dedicated to Lord Shiva, the embodiment of cosmic energy, filled the space with transformative vibrations. Culminating a day before Mahashivaratri, it generated immense positive energy, purifying the environment and elevating the collective consciousness of all present, as well as those participating online. 

When this yagnam was conducted in the physical presence of our beloved Swami in 2006, during one of His discourses He explained, “…the rituals being performed by the ritwiks (priests) confer great benefit on humanity; they are never a waste. Whatever is offered to God today is like this paddy and ghee; they all confer great benefit to humanity at a later date. Just as a bag of paddy sown in a field multiplies itself into fifty bags, similarly all the materials that are offered to Agnihothra (the fire-god) multiply themselves several times. There is only one thing that is to be offered to God by us. There are several desires, nestled in our heart. All these desires have to be offered to God. Whatever is offered to God with no desire for the fruit thereof will confer great benefit. Unable to realise this truth, people in general give importance to the external and worldly matters. They formulate their opinions on the basis of what they see outwardly. Whatever is offered to God, comes back to us thousandfold.”…16 Aug 2006, Prashanthi Nilayam Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 39 (2006)

And whilst on the topic of offerings, I would like to bring up our proposed oblations to commemorate the Centenary Year of our Beloved Bhagwan’s advent. As you may recall from Vol 15 Issue 2, these proposals were envisioned as a heartfelt tribute, reflecting the vibrionics fraternity’s commitment to seva and spiritual service. Since then, I have consistently urged practitioners in every newsletter to contribute towards these initiatives. To reiterate, the proposed projects include:

1. A Book of 100 Case Histories

Modelled after the Book of 90 Case Histories presented on Swami’s 90th Birthday, this collection will highlight 100 case histories, demonstrating the power and effectiveness of vibrionics healing

2. A Compilation of 100 Extraordinary Experiences of Practitioners

This will be a treasured compilation of interesting personal experiences of practitioners, each sharing some extraordinary healing, or their amazing journey to or after embracing vibrionics or some heart-warming anecdotes OR witnessing a miracle in their practice etc.

3. A Report of 100 Regular Vibro Camps pan India

This aims to document and showcase the outreach of our vibrionics camps, detailing their locations, activities, and the profound impact they have had on local communities.

While the contributions for the offering on vibro camps has been heartening, I must express concern over the slow progress in the first two projects. As time is now of the essence, it is imperative that we accelerate our efforts to collect and document the necessary material. To ensure timely completion, all contributions must be submitted as soon as possible but latest by 31 May 2025. This deadline allows the editorial team just sufficient time to review, refine, and compile the content into the final version. Let us join hands as a community to fulfill our commitment and present these meaningful offerings at the Lotus Feet of our Beloved Bhagawan. 

May I also remind all practitioners that we have a wonderful resource at our disposal - the conference book of 2014. This will not only give you some ideas and inspiration for your submissions but it has a wealth of information on the background of vibrionics, how it works and experiences of different practitioners from around the globe.

I am delighted to witness the increasing momentum of vibro camps and clinics across India, particularly in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and the Northern regions. Regular updates highlight the dedication and selfless service of our practitioners. Clinics at the ladies and gents Sevadal buildings within the ashram, as well as the SVIRT office, are now operational for extended hours and additional days.

I am always inspired whenever I have the opportunity to attend practitioners’ meetings. The enthusiasm, depth of knowledge, and diverse discussions never fail to impress me. One such gathering was the first of the three UK meetings for 2025, held on 16 February (see the In Addition section). It reaffirmed my belief that we possess an abundance of talent and experiences waiting to be shared.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported and contributed to these initiatives. Your dedication and unwavering service are deeply appreciated. Let us continue with renewed vigour and determination, ensuring that we honour this historic milestone in a befitting manner. Together, let us move forward in unity and devotion, ensuring that our seva shines as a testament to Swami’s teachings and the power of Sai Vibrionics.

In Loving Service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal

Spondylitis, leg pain 11620...India

A 64-year-old man had been suffering from severe pain in his neck and right-arm since early 2019, so was unable to freely move his head and arm. The pain was particularly intense during morning walks, when writing or performing tasks with his right hand, or turning his head. He managed with rest until June 2020, when the symptoms had worsened. He consulted a doctor who diagnosed him with spondylitis. He prescribed oral pain medication and an ointment, which he used for three months along with a neck collar but there was only minimal relief. He consulted the practitioner on 2 Oct 2020 and was given:

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.5 Spine…6TD for a week and TDS thereafter.

The patient stopped the allopathic medication and reported steady improvement every month. By 12 Jan 2021, his condition had improved by 50% but on 2 January, pain had started in his left leg. He was then also given:

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…one dose every 10 minutes for an hour followed by 6TD for a week and TDS thereafter.

A month later on 14 Feb, he reported 80% relief from pain in his legs and 90% in neck; he could move his head and arm normally. By 7 March, pain was completely gone. The dosage of both #1 and #2 was reduced to OD and tapered off to OW before stopping it on 8 Apr 2021. As of Jan 2025 there has been no recurrence.


Rotator cuff tendinitis 11620...India

A 72-year-old-woman had been struggling with constant pain in her left shoulder for the past six months since Apr 2022. The discomfort significantly impaired her ability to lift her left arm and carry out daily activities. By Aug the pain worsened, leading her to rely on over-the-counter painkillers for temporary relief. At the suggestion of her daughter, a beneficiary of vibrionics, she consulted the practitioner on 8 Oct 2022 and was given:

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS 

Three weeks later on 30 Oct, she excitedly reported that she did not need the painkiller since starting the remedy and there was 50% relief from pain. She continued to improve and over the next five weeks and by 5 Dec, pain had vanished. She regained normal arm movement and resumed her daily chores. She stopped the remedy by herself when the pills got exhausted at the end of Dec 2022. As of Jan 2025, there has been no recurrence.

Motor Neuron Disease 10548...India

A 22-year-old woman was diagnosed by AIIMS, a premier hospital in India, with Motor Neuron Disease in Feb 2012, a progressive degenerative disorder that affected her nervous system and caused muscle weakness and wasting. Prescribed medications resulted in complete resolution of her symptoms within four months, so she stopped the treatment. Soon thereafter in July, she had difficulty speaking and developed swelling throughout her body. When she heard through her family about the practitioner, she had a video consultation with him on 10 Aug 2012, and she was given:

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis…6TD

Within two weeks, on 24 Aug, the patient reported 25% relief from swelling and by 10 Oct, it had gone down by 90% and her speech was normal! Dosage was reduced to TDS. By 8 Nov, to the patient’s delight, swelling disappeared completely. The remedy was gradually tapered down and stopped on 15 Dec 2012. Six years later, the practitioner learnt that the woman was happily married and had children. As of Jan 2025, she remains in good health.


Kidney stones 10548...India

A 37-year-old colleague of the practitioner was suffering from severe back pain for the past few days. After consulting a doctor, he was advised to undergo a scan, which revealed 14 kidney stones. The doctor recommended surgery, but the patient was hesitant and sought help from the practitioner. On 14 Feb 2023, he was given the following remedy:

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones…6TD

Within just one day, the patient excitedly reported 50% relief from back pain! After eight days, pain had gone down by 90%; dosage was reduced to TDS. By 25 March, he was completely pain-free. In May, a follow-up scan showed no trace of kidney stones! The dosage was slowly tapered down and stopped on 5 June 2023. As of Jan 2025, the patient remains well.

Patient’s testimonial (Translated from Gujrati)

"I would like to inform you that in the second week of February 2023, I experienced severe pain in my back. I consulted an allopathic doctor, and according to the ultrasound report, there were 14 kidney stones. I met with the practitioner for Sai Vibrionics treatment. He gave me tablets, and I took them continuously for 3 months. After 3 months, all the stones disappeared from my kidney. I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti and Swami for my recovery."

Sciatica 11666...India

A 62-year-old woman presented with pain and numbness radiating from left hip to foot, especially when sitting for more than half an hour. These symptoms began over a year ago in June 2023, occurring 2 to 3 times a week. Each episode lasted a few hours, significantly disrupted her ability to carry on with household chores and yoga routine, and occasionally disturbed her sleep. Travel exacerbated her condition. In Aug, a doctor diagnosed this as sciatica and prescribed a painkiller to be taken during severe episodes; this provided only temporary relief. She also took homoeopathic treatment for six months with minimal improvement, eventually discontinued it in April 2024. On 1 July 2024, she consulted the practitioner who gave her:

CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…6TD orally and in water for external application…BD

A week later on 8 July, she reported that the episodes now lasted only 1-2 hours with 20% and 50% reduction in pain and numbness respectively. During the following week, there was only one episode lasting less than an hour, with 50% improvement in pain and 90% in numbness; the oral dosage was reduced to TDS.

A month later by 15 Aug, she had complete relief from both pain and numbness, allowing her to resume her daily activities with ease. She could now sit for extended periods and travel without discomfort. External application was stopped; oral dosage was reduced to OD and slowly tapered down to OW before stopping it on 13 Oct 2024. As of Feb 2025, there has been no recurrence, even during long travels.

Patient’s testimonial of 19 Sep 2024:

“I am 62 years old. I was suffering from sciatica problem for the last one year. Tried allopathy, homoeo but no positive result. I was not able to sit for more than half an hour. From the last two months I started taking vibrionics. There is complete relief from pain. I am able to do my routine work as before, thanks to vibrionics for everything.”


Frozen shoulder 11634...India

A 70-year-old woman suffered from pain in her right shoulder for ten years, this severely limited her ability to lift her arm. She had disrupted sleep for the last five years, which she described as broken (not continuous). Attributing these symptoms to her age, she did not seek medical advice and managed with a homemade balm and hot-water fomentation, while being careful not to overstrain her right arm. On 20 Oct 2022, she consulted the practitioner in a weekly vibrionics camp where she was given:

For frozen shoulder:

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS

For disturbed sleep:

#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…a dose half an hour before bedtime

At her next visit to the camp on 8 Dec, she was very joyful because she had restful uninterrupted sleep after the first dose itself; pain was only 10% better. #2 was stopped and she was given the following remedy along with a refill of #1:

#3. CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…BD in mustard oil for external application

On 12 Jan 2023, she reported 50% relief from pain in shoulder and while lifting her arm; this progressed to 100% by 23 Mar. #3 was stopped. On 27 Apr, #1 was reduced to BD and gradually tapered down before stopping it on 3 Aug 2023.

As of Feb 2025, there has been no recurrence.


Anal fistula 11634...India

From Dec 2010, a 73-year-old man had been struggling with a painful hard swelling on his left buttock, which would gradually increase in size and turn into an abscess. After 4 to 6 days, it would burst, discharging blood and pus, and pain would subside. This painful cycle recurred every week or every other week, severely affecting his ability to sit for more than a few minutes. The doctor diagnosed his condition as fistula and prescribed antibiotics which provided only temporary relief. 

Between June 2014 and Oct 2021, he explored various treatments including homoeopathy, ayurveda and unani but without any effect. He relied on painkillers during severe episodes. He decided to seek help at the weekly vibrionics camp near his house where he had recently received IB. On 24 Aug 2022, the practitioner gave him:

#1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC10.1 Emergencies…6TD

He continued to take painkiller whenever needed. Three weeks later on 14 Sep, he complained of giddiness on hearing even routine sounds. #1 was enhanced to:

#2. CC5.1 Ear infections + #1…TDS

On 21 Sept, he happily conveyed that there were only two episodes since start of remedy and 50% improvement in swelling and pain! On 28 Sept, as he complained of toothache, #2 was enhanced to:

#3. CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC18.7 Vertigo + #2…6TD

Three weeks later on 19 Oct, he reported 80% reduction in swelling with no abscess formation in the past two weeks and 20% relief from giddiness. #3 was reduced to TDS. He did not need painkiller anymore.

By 16 Nov, there was 90% relief from swelling and abscess had formed only once in the past month: giddiness and toothache completely disappeared. He was advised to consult his dentist (who later performed root-canal treatment).

On 14 Dec, the patient reported with great delight that he was completely free from all symptoms in the past month, so was able to sit, and ride vehicles without any discomfort. The dosage was reduced to OD and tapered down gradually before stopping it on 7 Feb 2023. As of Feb 2025, there has been no recurrence.

Patient’s testimonial (original video clipping in English is available):

“Om Sai Ram, I suffered with fistula since 2010 for 12 years. I tried several methods of treatment like Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Unani but I did not get any relief. Fortunately I met Sai Vibrionics practitioner in June 2022 in a medical camp at Desapatrunipalem and I got 100% relief within 3½ months. I am grateful to Sai Vibrionics. Om Sai Ram.”

Practitioner’s comment:

The patient is so thrilled that he comes to our vibrionics camp every week without fail and explains to all waiting patients how Vibrionics cured his long-standing problem in a short time.



Chronic sinusitis 03590...USA

A 43-year-old woman had been suffering from persistent headaches, a heavy sensation in her head, nasal congestion, and occasional facial pressure for five months. These symptoms severely disrupted her sleep, leading to daytime fatigue. She attributed her condition to exposure to mould in her environment.

Despite trying various herbal remedies for over two months, she experienced only minimal and short-lived relief, prompting her to discontinue them. Seeking an alternative solution, she learned about Vibrionics and reached out to the practitioner. On 27 June 2020, she was prescribed the following remedy:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 SinusitisTDS

To her delight, all her symptoms vanished after just three doses. A month later on 30 July 2020, she joyfully reported feeling in excellent health and enjoying restful sleep since starting the treatment. She expressed deep gratitude to Swami and Sai Vibrionics.

From 27 Sept, remedy was gradually tapered down, and on 4 Nov, it was discontinued. As of Feb 2025, she remains symptom-free.

Practitioner’s Comments:

Guided by Swami’s inner inspiration, the practitioner included CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic in the treatment, addressing the underlying cause of sinusitis and contributing to the patient’s swift recovery.


Irregular painful menses, depression 11623...India

A 33-year-old woman presented on 10 Oct 2023 with complaints of irregular and painful menses. Over the past six months, she had experienced only one menstrual cycle, which was scanty, lasted two days, and was accompanied by significant pain.

Her emotional distress stemmed from a recent divorce (4 to 5 months prior), leading to feelings of stress, loneliness, and depression. She had undergone three months of allopathic treatment, which she discontinued in July 2023 due to lack of improvement. The practitioner gave her: 

CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

After two months on 16 Dec, she reported that her menses had returned to normal in Nov and Dec with 50% reduction in menstrual pain. She was feeling mentally calmer, more confident, and motivated to pursue a career.

On 10 Mar 2024 she shared that her menstrual cycles remained regular and painless. She had started a new job and expressed feeling like her old, happy self. On 3 Apr 2024 dosage was reduced to BD and gradually tapered off, with the remedy stopped by Aug 2024.

As of Feb 2025, she continues to enjoy good physical and emotional health.

Psoriasis 11632...India

A 66-year-old man experienced persistent painful cracks on his feet for over three months, beginning in Jan 2021. Diagnosed with psoriasis, he was prescribed an antifungal ointment which he used along with moisturizing creams, but his condition did not improve.

His medical history included a skin allergy on his feet at age 21, triggered by prolonged use of the same shoe wear and resolving when changed, and hand cracks caused by cactus thorns at age 48, which had resolved with topical treatments for six months. Two days prior to consulting the practitioner his symptoms had worsened after exposure to strong cleaning agents and abrasive powders, leading to additional painful cracks on his palms.

On 6 April 2021 he was given:

#1. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…BD in coconut oil for external application

#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + #1…TDS

The patient stopped using his regular ointments. After a week with no improvement, #2 was enhanced on 13 Apr:

#3. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions + #2…TDS

By 5 May, he experienced 20% relief in his palms. By 8 June, there was 50% improvement in both his feet and hands, which progressed to 75% by 2 Aug. By mid-Sept, the cracks had completely healed. The patient discontinued remedies at the end of Sept 2021, and as of Feb 2025, he remains symptom-free with no recurrence.

Chronic constipation 11573...India

A 45-year-old woman sought treatment for chronic constipation, which had persisted for 20 years. She experienced bowel movements only twice a week, relying on a laxative every other day. Her stools were hard and required effort to pass. Additionally, she had suffered from flatulence for five years. During consultation, it was noted that her daily water intake was minimal (around one litre), and she frequently consumed fried foods. 

On 20 July 2021, she was given:

CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS

In addition, lifestyle modifications recommended were: increase water intake to 2 to 3 litres daily, avoid tea, soft drinks, fried and fast foods and consume more fruits, vegetables, and salads.

The patient followed the advice and discontinued laxatives. On 20 Aug, she reported significant improvement, with bowel movements increasing to four times a week and complete relief from flatulence. She continued to improve and by the end of Oct, she experienced full recovery. The dosage was reduced to OD, then gradually tapered to OW before stopping in Feb 2022.

As of Feb 2025, she remains in good health with no recurrence.


Osteoarthritis of knee 11632...India

A 63-year-old woman had been experiencing mild but persistent knee pain for 16 months since May 2020. Living in a third-floor apartment, she had to climb up and down the stairs 5 to 6 times daily. She also performed household chores sitting on the floor and regularly sat cross-legged for prayers.

A 63-year-old woman had been experiencing mild but persistent knee pain for 16 months since May 2020. Living in a third-floor apartment, she had to climb up and down the stairs 5 to 6 times daily. She also performed household chores sitting on the floor and regularly sat cross-legged for prayers.

By June 2021, the pain worsened, forcing her to stop every four steps while climbing stairs. She also developed numbness in her feet when sitting cross-legged and mild swelling in her right knee after excessive strain. She managed her symptoms with home remedies - applying coconut oil mixed with camphor and using heated salt pads for fomentation. However, over time, her right knee became increasingly painful, causing her to limp. When home treatments provided no relief, she stopped sitting on the floor, avoided unnecessary stair climbing, and started using kneecaps for support.

On 10 Aug 2021, an orthopaedic doctor diagnosed her with osteoarthritis of the knee based on X-ray findings. He prescribed oral and topical painkillers, cautioning that surgery might be necessary if her condition deteriorated. However, she discontinued regular use of oral medication after ten days due to acidity and drowsiness, taking it only when the pain was severe.

At this juncture, her sister-in-law – a vibro practitioner appeared on the scene and on 3 Sept 2021, she gave her:

#1. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…BD in mustard oil for external application

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1...TDS in water, both orally and for external application.

She discontinued the prescribed ointment and solely relied on vibrionics.

Progress & Outcome

  • 14 Sept: 25% pain relief; she could now climb ten steps without stopping.
  • 28 Sept: 50% improvement; she could climb stairs continuously and sit on the floor for about 30 minutes.
  • 16 Oct: 75% relief from pain and numbness.
  • 23 Dec: 100% improvement; she could perform all household chores while sitting on the floor and climb stairs effortlessly.

On 2 Jan 2022, #2 was reduced to OD and gradually tapered off before discontinuing it along with #1 on 21 Mar.

As of Feb 2025, she remains symptom-free with no recurrence of knee pain or numbness.

Practitioner Profile 00002...UK

Practitioner 00002…UK, head of research in our Institute and the most senior member of our core team, has been an integral part of our mission since the inception of vibrionics when the SRHVP was blessed by Swami in August 1994. With a background in photography, she began her career at 25 as a freelance photographer specializing in architectural and garden photography.

Her spiritual journey began in her teenage years when, raised in a churchgoing family, she began questioning her Christian faith and exploring Buddhism. In March 1982, a friend invited her to a Sai Baba group meeting, where she was deeply moved by Baba’s teachings and miracles. Inspired, she read Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, became a vegetarian overnight, and shared her newfound inspiration with her younger sister. By divine grace, her sister received an unexpected insurance payout, enabling their first visit to Puttaparthi in July 1982. During that visit, she had an intense feeling that she would, one day reside in Puttaparthi.

In the ashram, she met Phyllis Krystal and became drawn to her Cutting the Ties healing technique. On returning to England, she began using this method to help those in need. Over multiple visits to Puttaparthi (though only four interviews), she experienced inner guidance and transformative experiences. In 1988, an inner voice told her, "Your photographic career is finished!" Soon after, Swami told her to live in Puttaparthi, and since then, she has divided her time between India and England.

Her journey to vibrionics began in 1991 through a remarkable encounter with a renowned homoeopath at Swami’s university. Temporarily staying with a friend, she noticed a shelf filled with homeopathy books, which later became instrumental in her learning. Soon after, Dr Rao a distinguished homoeopath in the ashram, declared, "I will teach you; you will become a good homoeopath," and gave her a list of books identical to those her friend had offered!

Before committing, she sought Swami's confirmation. At an international Cardiac Conference the following day, Swami’s discourse emphasized the importance of vibrations in healing, aligning homoeopathy with love and compassion - her affirmation was clear.

With deep dedication, she trained under Dr Rao and observed clinical treatments in the ashram. The teachings of Swami Narayani and Swami Ananda, especially their two-volume Handbook on Healing, deeply influenced her. She adopted their approach of mixing homoeo remedies, launching a small clinic in Whitefield during the summer and eventually assisting Jit and Hem Aggarwal engaged in the development of vibrionics under Swami's guidance.

In 2004, she played a pivotal role in compiling and finalizing treatment protocols, especially for miasms, for the Sai Vibrionics Practitioners’ Guide, which Swami personally reviewed and signed. Her continued contributions were instrumental in the expanded editions of 2016 and 2022.

A major milestone was her research for 108 Common Combinations (CCs), designed to address effectively a wide range of conditions with a single CC. Initially hesitant due to her classical homoeopathy training, she experienced divine guidance throughout the rigorous research process. Her intuition, knowledge of homoeopathy, and judicious use of a pendulum (radiesthesia) resulted in the creation of the 108CCs, now a primary equipment for vibrionics practitioners.

Beyond treating patients in Puttaparthi and England, she has provided invaluable service by addressing practitioners' queries (Combo queries) and editing vibrionics publications. She also temporarily supervised the SVP Correspondence Course, supporting students in their learning journeys. In 2020 when the world was in the grip of panic and uncertainty, vibrionics admin team immediately swung into action to create a remedy for Covid-19. Supported by many practitioners worldwide, the practitioner worked tirelessly for weeks and came up with Immunity Booster IB for both as a prophylactic and treatment for this hitherto little-known virus. However, the work continued, as more information poured in from all corners of the globe and the virus mutated overtime, the remedy was updated several times.

Now residing in England to be close to her children and grandchildren, her legacy in vibrionics endures. Her tireless dedication, research, and guidance have been instrumental in the growth and evolution of vibrionics. She reminds practitioners that vibrionics, blessed by the Lord, aligns with universal laws of healing through the vibrations of plants and minerals. Her contributions, guidance, and unwavering commitment remain a cornerstone of vibrionics. We express our deepest gratitude for her unmatched service and leadership.

Important Note: Practitioners are encouraged to read her insightful article, ‘My Journey to Vibrionics - Signs of the Unseen’, on page 44 of the 1st International Conference of Sai Vibrionics, where she shares valuable knowledge on miasms, nosodes, and mother tinctures.

Practitioner Profile 11620...India

Practitioner 11620…India, a science graduate with a postgraduate diploma in computer applications, has worked as a software professional for over three decades. His life took a spiritual turn when he came into the Sai fold during the 1990s while residing in Mumbai. A transformative experience in 1992, witnessing vibhuti, kumkum, and amritam manifesting miraculously during festivals at a devotee’s home, drew him deeply into the path of devotion. Inspired, he began attending weekly Sai bhajans at their home.

After relocating to Hyderabad in 1998, he joined the local Sai samiti and served as convenor from 2007 to 2010. During this period, he actively participated in Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programs across Andhra Pradesh. His dedication led to further responsibilities, and in 2011, he became the Regional Coordinator for Radio Sai. His technical expertise contributed significantly to the Sai mission - he played a key role in developing the online room-booking app for the ashram in 2014 and helped design the database for the Sai devotees' blood donation app in 2015. Currently, he assists the Sai Vahini team in creating weekly Telugu questionnaires.

In November 2018, while doing seva at Puttaparthi for Swami’s birthday, his wife learned about Sai Vibrionics and encouraged him to become a practitioner. He promptly applied for the AVP course in December 2018. While exploring previous newsletters, he noticed a call for volunteers to upload newsletters in different languages and immediately offered his technical services to the admin team and happily took up this task. He became an AVP in Nov 2019 and VP in Aug 2021 and continues this admin seva.

The practitioner finds great joy in witnessing Swami’s grace through remarkable healing experiences two of which he would like to share with us.

In 2020 a patient undergoing radiation therapy for thyroid cancer was given CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion to mitigate side effects. Despite a month of continuous radiation, she experienced minimal side effects and felt normal. When the final session with increased dose of radiation caused severe burns around her neck, the skin healed within a week with continued vibro remedies, astonishing her doctors!

In a second case in Aug 2024 a woman approached him for her 51-year-old brother, who had suffered a severe mouth injury in a road accident and undergone teeth implant surgery, leaving him on a liquid diet. He prescribed: CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures. Within a month, the patient returned to a normal diet and resumed work, achieving full recovery within two months.

The practitioner strongly believes in holistic healing, which includes both remedies and emotional support. He consistently offers new patients CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic to stabilize their emotions and accelerate healing. He advises patients to continue remedies even after symptoms subside to ensure lasting recovery and often suggests lifestyle changes to promote overall well-being.

He recommends a two-pronged approach to healing, which he describes in telugu as: maatala mandu - medicine through words, counselling and matrala mandu - medicine through pills, vibrionics remedies. A compassionate listener, he finds that many patients primarily need someone to hear their struggles. Through these interactions, he not only helps patients but also reflects on his own spiritual growth, striving to maintain his own mental-emotional balance.

Alongside his clinical practice including vibrionics camps, he continues to serve the mission of Vibrionics through computer-related seva and translation work in Telugu. He considers every call from a patient, known or unknown, as Swami’s guidance, offering new opportunities for selfless service. For this divine grace, he remains deeply grateful.

Cases to share:


Answer Corner

Q1. I know that vibrionics remedies are compatible with allopathic medicines. But when potentised remedies are taken alongside allopathic treatment, how do they prevent or lessen the side effects of allopathy? Also, how do they speed up the cure?

A. The active ingredient in an allopathic medicine cures the disease but it can also give rise to some adverse symptoms (the side effect). When this medicine is potentised and consumed, based on the principle “like cures like”, it will have a curative effect on those symptoms. Further, whereas the allopathic medicine starts to act immediately at the physical level, the potentised remedy starts to act at the etheric level, thereby bringing the etheric body into equilibrium and the curative effect translates into the physical body. With this two-prong approach, healing process becomes faster.


Q2. I advise my patients to drink 2 to 3 litres of water per day. One of my patients has Chronic Kidney Disease and her nephrologist has advised her to limit the liquid intake to 750 ml per day. Can the remedy given by me work effectively with such low water intake?

A. It is important that kidney (and heart) patients strictly follow their doctor’s advice regarding fluid intake. Our remedies can work effectively even with low water intake but if the body considers the water intake to be insufficient, toxins may leave the body at a slower pace; they will get flushed out in due course, so the cure may take a little longer. To ease the process, patients should keep their body hydrated through freshly- made food and a good combination of fruits and vegetables lower in potassium; they should avoid dry foods that can induce thirst, and also limit sugar and salt, especially packaged food* along with following the dietician’s directions. Also see vol 10 #4.Q4.




Q3. I have come across a case where the remedy CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing was used to treat a dog with bad temper and constant growling and the dog got better in a few days. In another case history, the same combo has been used to kill ants. Can you please explain how is this possible?

A. Each common combo (CC) is a wide-based remedy as it contains a number of single remedies and each remedy is capable of dealing with multiple conditions. So it is not surprising that the same remedy can cure two completely different problems. Further, remember that it is the intent (not just the intention) of the practitioner that can alter the effect of a remedy, and in a rare case, the remedy itself! It is also good to remember our remedies, being non-violent in nature, certainly can’t kill ants. On the contrary, their healing energy can improve the health of patients and ward off negative elements such as ants and insects as well!


Q4. In Chapter 7 of the SVP manual, various potencies are recommended for potentizing different substances. Wouldn't it be simpler to potentize them all at a single optimal potency?

A. Every substance in nature has a unique intrinsic vibrational frequency, requiring a specific potency to effectively transfer its vibration to the physical plane. This means that each substance must be potentized at its appropriate potency - therefore, a single ‘optimal’ potency for all substances is not possible.


Q5. As we are not trained to handle patients with an infectious/contagious disease, what precautions should we take while treating such a patient?

A. It is a basic guideline for all practitioners not to touch a patient which is the forte of qualified physicians. As practitioners, it is vital that we protect ourselves from catching an infection from our patient. If it is a skin infection, as we do not have any physical contact with the patient, it is unlikely we’ll catch the infection. Still, we should ensure that any seat the patient has occupied is cleaned with a disinfectant wipe. If it is a respiratory infection, we should ensure that we wear a mask and ask the patient also to wear one. Again, the area around the place occupied by the patient should be disinfected. It is important that you always take a preventive remedy for any seasonal infection going around.


Q6. My 108CC box has got completely damaged during my house shifting and many bottles have broken. Please advise me the procedure to procure a new box?

A. If you need a complete new 108CC box to replace your 108CC box, send a picture of your old box along with details of how the box got damaged, to our admin team at [email protected]. Once approval is granted, you need to collect it from our Head office in Puttaparthi. Refer to similar question In vol 15 #6.



Divine words from the Master Healer

“The dreams that you experience are actually the reactions of your food and habits. There is an intricate and inseparable relationship between food, head and God. Food plays a vital role in the spiritual path. When we consume the right kind of food, it helps us in our effort to understand Divinity. As is the food, so is the mind. Only one with pure mind can understand Divinity. In order to cultivate purity of mind, you should partake of pure and satvic food. You should consider food as God. It is said, Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati (as you think so you become).”

...Sathya Sai Speaks,” Purify the Mind and Focus it on Divinity”, Dasara Discourse, Day 5, 13 October 2002


“What, according to you is service? You consider helping people in difficulties is service. No. It is not as simple as that. Your body should be constantly engaged in serving others. The human body consists of several limbs. All these limbs are meant to be engaged in serving your fellowmen and not for other activities. Unfortunately, we are forgetting this basic fact. Every limb in the human body has been granted by God for karmopasana (worshipping God through service). Karmopasana is the only means by which the human life can be sanctified.”

...Sathya Sai Baba, “Service to Man is Service to God” Discourse, 1 January 2004



Forthcoming workshops

  • India Puttaparthi: Telugu AP Practical Workshop 19-23 April 2025**, contact [email protected] 
  • India Puttaparthi: Virtual SVP follow-up course, 26-27 July 2025** contact [email protected]
  •  India Puttaparthi: Virtual AVP* Practical Workshop 3- 21 Nov 2025** followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 Nov 2025**, contact [email protected] 
  • India Puttaparthi: Teachers Training Workshop for all e-course teachers and participants of Dec 2024 TT workshop  1-3 Dec 2025** contact [email protected]

*only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.

**Subject to change


In Addition

Health Article

Preserving bone health for a healthy life!

“This skeletal cage or body is inert - it is a bundle of bones. It is made up of the five elements and is impermanent. Only the indwelling spirit is eternal and unchanging. As the temple of the Lord, body has to be regarded as sacred and pure abode of the Divine.  You dare not use the body according to your whims just because you have got it. Keep it in a good and strong condition, know how to guard and enjoy it. It is damaged by food and drink of the rajasic (anger, hatred, greed) and tamasic (sloth, sleep, lethargy, inactivity) types. You must take only satvic food. Our thoughts are determined by the kind of food we consume.”…Sathya Sai Baba 1,2

Introduction: We have already covered arthritis and other joint disorders as well as spine in vol 13 #4 & vol 16 #1. This article will dwell into all aspects of bones under the skeletal system which will be followed by its sequel on muscles and related problems in subsequent issues.

1. Know your body’s suit of armour

1.1 Protective skeleton: Our skeleton is the most important support structure of the body like a built-in suit of armour. Comprised mainly of bones and cushioned by muscles and connective tissues, it holds all the organs in place, gives us form, shape, and posture, and enables us to move.3

1.2 Bones are living tissues, alive, growing and changing all the time in a rhythmic process, though they may appear solid and unchanging. An average adult has 206 to 213 bones; it is 270 to 300 at birth, many of them fuse as we grow. They are made up of collagen (a protein) and calcium phosphate (a mineral) which makes them hard and strong enough to support the body weight. Skull protects the brain, backbone protects the spinal cord, our 12 pairs of ribs shelter the heart and lungs, and pelvis helps protect the bladder, part of the intestines and, in women, the reproductive organs.4-7

Nature has given five types of bones in our body, flat, long, short, irregular, and sesamoid, in fascinating shapes (see pics), to suitably protect the internal organs and facilitate movement and stability.5,8 Their internal structure is like a honeycomb of tissues with three main layers – periosteum, a thin but tough covering membrane that gives blood supply to bones and a sense of feeling, and helps their growth and repair; the hard and strong compact bone beneath it; and the soft sponge like cancellous bone inside.4-7

1.3 Bone marrow: The soft spongy tissue in the centre of most bones is the life-giving bone marrow that produces and stores stem cells which in turn produce all the red and white blood cells and the platelets. The metabolic functions include storage of fat and minerals, endocrine function, calcium and pH balance, and detoxification; also, it stores the self-renewing stem cells that continuously replenish blood cells.4,9


1.4 Joints are where two or more bones meet and make the skeleton flexible. The connective tissues include the smooth elastic cartilage covering the ends of bones to act as a shock absorber and reduce friction, ligaments that connect the bones, and the tendons that connect muscles to the bones (see vol 13 #4 health article).10


1.5 Supporting role of nerves: Each system is supported by other systems of the body. Skeletal system is one of the largest organ systems in the body, richly innervated by a network of peripheral nerves including sensory and sympathetic nerves to send signals from the brain. The critical role of nerves in bone repair and remodelling and as an endocrine organ is a topic of growing research to help prevent bone diseases.11,12


2. Bone disorders

2.1 Osteo problems: Till the age of 30 to 35, our body can naturally build more bone than it loses. As bone density gradually becomes lower than normal with reduced mineral content, osteopenia sets in making one susceptible to fracture. With age, hormonal changes, or calcium and vitamin D deficiency, this can progress to osteoporosis, a condition where the bones become weak, porous, and fragile increasing the risk of fracture even with a minor fall or bump. It is a silent disease without symptoms, often known only after a bone breaks. Good indicators are bone losing its usual strength or density, height getting reduced, changes in posture like stooping or bending forward more, shortness of breath, or lower back pain. In osteomalacia, the bones become soft in adults, with muscle weakness, stiffness, and bone pain. When a child’s bones are soft, causing them to warp, bend, and break more easily, with classic symptom of bowed or bent bones primarily in the legs, it is rickets.13-16


2.2 Bone marrow disorders can happen when its stem cells are not active leading to different types of anaemia, or they multiply abnormally leading to cancerous conditions. Some indicators are fatigue, frequent infections, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, bleeding easily, and unexplained bruising (blood vessel breaks under the skin with a visible blue or red/purple mark). The best way to keep the bone marrow healthy is through a diet rich in proteins and vitamins.5,17,18


2.3 Rare bone disorders: Paget’s disease is a chronic bone disorder, characterised by excessive breakdown and regrowth in the affected bones. Apart from pain, tingling and weakness in extremities, and bone deformities, one may have unexplained single-sided deafness. Fibrous dysplasia is a benign bone disease in which abnormal fibrous tissue develops in place of normal bone making the bone weaker leading to fracture or deformity; in marble bone disease (also called osteopetrosis) bones become extremely dense, hard, and brittle; osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic brittle bone disease, where one can break bones easily with little or no force, have curved spine, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing; hypophosphatasia can soften bones and make one loose teeth early in life.19-26


2.4 Bone infections: Osteomyelitis is a painful bone infection caused by bacteria, fungi, or other germs, affecting mostly the feet, spine, and hips. Symptoms are pain in a specific bone with redness, swelling, warmth, or tenderness, along with fever, chills and sweating, weakness or tiredness. If not treated in time, it can cause permanent bone loss and death of tissue (necrosis). Pay close attention to the feet and attend to any wound or cuts immediately, especially if one has diabetes.27-29

3. Bone injuries

3.1 Bone dislocation happens when a bone in a joint gets pushed out of its usual place due to an accident, fall, sports injury, or trauma. When a bone gets broken, it is a fracture. One may hear a snap or a grinding noise during an injury. Symptoms of dislocation are tenderness, intense pain, swelling, bruising, feeling of joint being weaker than usual, instability or inability to move or use the affected joint, or broken skin. It can also cause a tear in a muscle, nerve, tendon, or a blood vessel. Additional symptoms of a fracture are a visible bump or a deformity due to injury. These are emergency situations where the patient will be in a state of shock and pain requiring immediate medical attention. First aid should be given properly to manage blood loss and prevent injury from getting worse.30,31


3.2 Bones have an ability to heal on their own, more so in children. In the first week, being the inflammatory stage, the injured part should not be used. From two to six weeks, the reparative stage, healing takes place and the body part should be used. During this period casts and splints hold the bone in place to support healing. After this, the remodelling stage starts to return the bone to its original health over the next few months.32

4. First aid in fracture – Do’s and Don’ts 33-35 

4.1 Do’s: Control the bleeding, if any, without disturbing the protruding bone fragments, cover the injured area with a sterile gauge or clean cotton cloth, with mild constant pressure only around the wound, not on the bone.

Immobilize temporarily the fractured area with splints*, slings, or not-too-tight bandage, supporting the area above and below the fracture using a cushion or a pillow.

Apply ice using ice packs wrapped in a cloth for a minimum of 10 minutes to reduce swelling, pain, and bleeding.

Try to raise the injured area above the heart level to minimise swelling. Don’t do it if the fracture area is in discomfort. Monitor pulse and breathing.

*(to make a splint, one may use a small board, cardboard, or a folded newspaper and wrap it with an elastic bandage or tape).

4.2 Don’ts: Never try to push or force a dislocated joint back into place on your own.

Do not attempt to straighten the bone; only a medical professional can realign.

Do not move the injured person unless there are chances of a further fall or damage.

Avoid touching or washing the open wound, it increases the risk of infection.

Refrain from giving food or drink as surgery may be required.


5. Tips to prevent disorders, falls, and injuries36,37    

  • Maintain a bone-friendly diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein.
  • Engage in weight-bearing exercises to strengthen bones.
  • Never be in a panic mode to rush into anything eg, on hearing a doorbell or phone.
  • Declutter living and work spaces to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Use proper tools instead of climbing on unstable furniture eg, chair, table or bed.

Elderly Care Tips

  • Improve lighting - use night lights and keep a torch near your bed.
  • Use supportive footwear, and consider assistive devices like a cane or a walker.
  • Stay physically active and try balance training exercises.
  • Stand up slowly while getting up from bed or chair.
  • Keep your hands free to hold on to railings on slopes or while climbing.
  • Check your eyesight and hearing as they are linked to an increased risk of falls.

What to do after a fall (Self-Help tips)

  • Stay calm and breathe deeply.
  • If uninjured, roll onto your side and rest.
  • If able to move, crawl to a sturdy support, such as a chair and slowly get up.
  • If unable to move, call for help and remain still to prevent further injury.

6. Conclusion

Strong bones are the key to an active and healthy life. By adopting mindful habits -  proper nutrition, adequate sun exposure, exercise, and injury prevention - we can preserve our skeletal strength for years to come. Prioritizing bone health today ensures mobility, stability, and independence in the future.

References and Links

  1. Sathya Sai Speaks, “Sanctify the body:
  2. Sathya Sai Speaks, “The Wise farmer”:
  3. Skeletal system:
  4. Bone structure & functions:
  5. All about bones:
  8. Types of bones:
  9. Bone marrow:
  10. Health article on Arthritis:
  11. Critical role of nerves:
  12. Interaction between nervous and skeletal systems:
  13. Osteopenia:
  14. Osteoporosis:
  15. Osteomalacia:
  16. Rickets:
  18. Bruise:
  19. Paget’s disease:
  21. Fibrous dysplasia:
  23. Marble bone disease:
  24. Brittle bone disease:
  26. Hypophosphatasia:
  27. Osteomyelitis:
  29. Bone pain:
  30. Bone dislocation:
  32. Bone healing:
  33. First aid in fracture:
  34. First aid with video:
  35. First aid video:
  36. Prevent falls and fractures:



2. Meet, Camps & Clinics

2.1 Meeting of Midland Region UK, 19 February 2025

The Sai Vibrionics Midland Region hosted the first of the three national meetings of 2025 on 19 Feb with 15 participants from the Midlands and beyond, focusing on patient health and practitioner well-being.

Discussions highlighted the importance of taking preventative winter remedies for colds, flu, and home cleansing. Practitioners shared successful treatments, including cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Jit & Hem Aggarwal provided updates on case study publications for Baba’s centenary birthday, encouraging contributions from UK practitioners.

Practitioner 02802, engaged in research on dementia, presented on prevention strategies, emphasizing simple exercises to boost memory. Her very inspiring PowerPoint presentation with easy-to-follow measures will be uploaded on Practitioners’ site. Members also discussed complex cases related to skin and food allergies.

Plans were made for a Vibrionics health camp as part of Baba’s 100th birthday celebrations to reach a wider community. The UK coordinator 02822 shared administrative updates, Swami’s teachings, and stressed unity among practitioners.

2.2 Camps & Clinics

The dedicated practitioners of Telangana (TS) and Andhra Pradesh (AP) launched five new camps during Jan and Feb 2025:

1. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Bhagya Nagar, Hyderabad, TS, 23 Jan 2025
Practitioner 11656 gave a presentation on Sai Vibrionics, answered devotees' questions, and distributed 15 immunity boosters. The practitioner also treated 20 patients for various conditions, including body pains, migraines, allergies, and arthritis. The camps will be held on the last Thursday of every month.





2. Chinna Kanjerlla Village, Patancheruvu, Hyderabad, TS, 26 Jan 2025
As part of Swami’s 100th Birthday celebrations, SSS Seva Samithi organized a Grama-seva activity to clean five temples. Practitioners 11620,11618,11656 conducted a wellness camp, treating 50 patients for various ailments. Monthly follow-up camps will be held by Practitioners 11614 &11627.





3. Vigyan Bharathi High School, Mallapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri District, Telangana
As part of the District monthly 'Medical Camp' of SSSO, a vibrionics camp was conducted on 23 Feb 2025 where 51 patients were treated for various ailments. This camp will be held every 4th Sunday by Practitioners11563, 11614 & 11627…India.














4. Aganampudi, Visakhapatnam, AP, 13 Feb 2025
Guided by SVP 11567, the first Sai Vibrionics Wellness Camp was held from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at KGN Avenue. Practitioner 11634 gave a talk on Vibrionics, followed by a testimonial from the local education coordinator. The camp treated 20 patients for issues such as respiratory allergies, frozen shoulder, and sciatica. Practitioner 11654 will run this center monthly on every 2nd Thursday.

This expansion of service highlights the practitioners' commitment to selfless service and its impact on the communities they serve.






5. Krishna River Ferry point on Maha Shivaratri, Vijayawada, AP, 26 Feb 2025

This special Sai Vibrionics Wellness Camp was conducted on the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivaratri near Shivalayam-ibrahimpatnam.  Practitioners 11542 & 11592 treated 225 Patients and also disturbed 310 Immunity Boosters.






6. Seva Dal Clinic, Prashanthi Nilayam
Senior Practitioner 02814 profiled in Vol 12 #3 is running this clinic non-stop for 83 days, from 13 Jan to 31 Mar 2025, as an offering for the centenary celebrations. Practising since 2010, he has treated over 60,000 patients

Including many during his long service visits to Prashanti Nilayam.









3. Anecdotes

3.1 From the Diary of Dr Jit K Aggarwal -- The Importance of Identifying the Root Cause

In the mid-1990s, a 30-year-old American consulted me for severe lower back pain that had persisted for four years. I prescribed a suitable pain remedy using SRHVP, as the 108CC box did not exist then, but when he returned a week later, he reported no improvement whatsoever.

Following my established procedure, I sought to identify the root cause of his condition and systematically reviewed possible triggers with him. However, none seemed to resonate. A second review yielded the same result, leaving the case particularly puzzling.

Turning to Swami in prayer, I asked the same set of questions again, this time urging my patient to reflect more deeply before responding. When I asked, "Are you sure you didn’t lose a close family member or loved one four years ago?" he hesitated before replying, "Actually, my mother expired four years ago." He then explained why he hadn’t mentioned it earlier: "I had been estranged from my mother since childhood and never thought of her. I felt no sadness when she passed."

Despite his lack of emotional attachment, I recognized the biological connection - his body had suffered an unconscious shock, which had manifested as persistent back pain. I immediately prescribed NM25 Shock*. Within a week, he experienced complete relief. Curious about the treatment, he asked what I had prescribed. When I told him I had treated him solely for shock, he was completely taken aback.

This case reaffirmed the profound impact of unresolved subconscious trauma on physical health and underscored the importance of addressing the true underlying cause for effective healing.

* If using the 108CC box give:  CC10.1 Emergencies

3.2 From Itching to Inspiration: A Child’s Journey to Healing! 00006…UK

In the summer of 1995, a nine-year-old girl visited my UK clinic, which also served as our Sai Centre and home. She clutched a half-eaten bag of crisps in her left hand, her arm bent at the elbow. Her mother explained that she had suffered from severe eczema since early childhood, particularly inside her left elbow. The intense itching led to relentless scratching, causing small spots to ooze a clear liquid, making it painful to stretch her arm. Though steroid ointments provided temporary relief, applying them required coaxing.

Suspecting an allergy, the following  vibrionics remedy was prepared: NM27 Skin-D + NM62 Allergy-B + NM102 Skin Itch*…6TD. Before they left, the practitioner casually advised the girl to avoid packaged foods, as additives might be triggering her condition. Instead, she was encouraged to eat homemade food, even if not always the healthiest.

A week later, the mother and daughter returned. The girl initially stood with her head lowered, elbow folded as before. My heart sank—until she suddenly swung her arm open with a giggle. Not a single spot, not even a trace of scratching! Her tearful mother embraced me, overwhelmed with gratitude.

Years later, at a community event, a young woman approached me with a radiant smile. She thanked me—not just for the remedy, but for the simple advice about avoiding artificial additives. That moment reinforced an invaluable lesson: guiding patients toward better eating habits, even casually, can lead to lifelong transformations.

Vibrionics is not just about dispensing remedies—it’s about holistic healing and empowering healthier choices.

* If using the 108CC box give:  CC21.3 Skin allergies

3.3 Tiny drop, big impact – a remarkable aquarium recovery 03622…UK

On 12 December 2024, a notable event unfolded in the practitioner’s aquarium. Among 29 tropical fish, one orange fish lay nearly motionless, its colour faded. To aid its recovery, the practitioner added a single drop of CC1.1 Animal tonic to the tank.

Remarkably, within a day, the fish regained vitality, swimming energetically and restored its vibrant hue within days. The tonic also helped a bloated white fish return to normal size within a week, while all fish displayed enhanced health. On 6 January 2025, the fish began spawning for the first time in two years. By 10 January, the population had grown to 45, marking a significant milestone.

This story underscores the potential of vibrionics remedies like CC1.1 Animal tonic and the impact of attentive care in supporting aquatic life.


4. In Memoriam 

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Sri Ashok Mohan Gokarn, a dedicated Practitioner10673 from Karnataka, on 19 Dec 2024, at the age of 75. He became an AVP in 2011 and remained actively committed to vibrionics seva until his hospitalization. He passed away due to multiple organ failure.

A devoted follower of Sai Baba, he built a Sai temple on his land beside his home in Mundgod, which later became the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi. He played a pivotal role in leading and nurturing various seva activities within the samithi, touching countless lives with his service and devotion. His selfless contributions and unwavering dedication will always be remembered. Our heartfelt prayers are with his family and loved ones.