Fractured Lumbar Bone (L5) 11219...India
The patient, a 76 years old female, had a fractured Lumbar (L5) bone, possibly in a fall. As a result of this, she was suffering from irritation in her right thigh, and was not able to sit for a long period of time. She had been suffering for nearly six months from this symptom.
When the patient came to the practitioner, she was on many prescribed allopathic medicines, at least five different ones. The practitioner gave her the following combo on her first visit:
CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.7 Fractures...TDS, which was subsequently reduced to BD as the patient started feeling dizzy, and felt more comfortable at taking the combo at BD.
The patient showed 50% improvement after the first month. During the 2nd month of treatment, her symptoms appeared only once. Finally, during the 3rd month her condition was almost normal. She was asked to continue the vibro remedy OD for one more month.
Practitioner’s comment:
“The patient recently visited her medical doctor. The doctor told the patient that she is absolutely fine, and took her off all allopathic medications. Her doctor has scheduled another follow-up visit to check how she is coping without the allopathic medications.”