Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Divine words from the Master Healer

Vol 15 సంచిక 6
November / December 2024

“We partake of a variety of items as food to sustain the human body. But none is making an enquiry whether the food one partakes of is proper and healthy, whether it is beneficial for nourishing and nurturing one's physical, mental, and spiritual health…The children at least should abstain from rajasic and tamasic food and demand from their parents only satvic food. One has to consciously cultivate the habit of partaking of only satvic food. Only then will one be able to develop sattva guna.”

...Sathya Sai Baba, “Cultivate Satvic Qualities Right from Childhood” Discourse 22 October 2005

The service activities that we undertake are meant to experience unity in society. It is a great mistake if you think that you are serving others. In fact, you should not consider anybody as "other", for all are the embodiments of divinity. But man is not making efforts to realise this truth. Hence, he is subjected to difficulties. Once man realises that God is all-pervasive, he will be free from suffering. In order to get rid of suffering, man has to practise the principle of unity in society.”

...Sathya Sai Baba, "Service Activities For Unity In Society" Discourse 21 July 2002