Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

In Addition

Vol 11 Issue 5
September/October, 2020

Health tips

1. Vegetables – eat your way to health!

“What are the main causes of ill health?...In order to cater to his palate and other senses, man changes the composition and the characteristics of the things provided by nature and prepares, through the process of boiling, frying and mixing, concoctions which have no vitality in them. "Be vigilant about food habits…uncooked or half-cooked vegetables and greens are good for health.”…Sathya Sai Baba1

1.  What is a vegetable?

It is the edible portion of any herbaceous plant that can be used as food, excluding fruits as normally understood. Broadly, vegetables are in the form of roots, tubers, and bulbs; stems or stalks; heads or flowers; leafy greens; and botanical fruits considered and consumed as vegetables, including squash, gourds, and pods, and some unripe fruits.2

2. Benefits and usage of vegetables

Benefits: Studies reveal that almost all the vegetables are low in calories, high in vitamins (A, K, B, & C), minerals, dietary fibre, disease-fighting phytochemicals, and antioxidants. They are alkaline by nature and high in water content, especially the leafy greens and most of the root and green vegetables. Consequently, they can detoxify the body, strengthen and energise all the vital organs and systems, enhance immunity, and prevent and treat chronic and life-threatening diseases. In particular, the much-feared blood pressure, diabetes, anaemia, and weight can be kept in check and cancer, heart attack, stroke, respiratory illness, infection etc can be prevented. In short, vegetables are the best natural medicine. Above all, they can keep one energetic and healthy with a glow on one’s face!3-8

Usage: Buy locally grown seasonal fresh vegetables. Some are best taken only raw, like cucumber, and some both raw and cooked (because of better absorption of some nutrients) eg, broccoli, carrot, tomato, bell pepper. Spinach and potato are more beneficial when cooked. Keep cooking time, temperature, and the amount of water to a minimum. Steam, blanch, or cook lightly instead of boiling; bake, grill, or sauté instead of frying. Raw may not suit those with lower digestive capacity.3-8

Recommended intake: 250-300 gm or 2½ cups of vegetables per day, with a prudent mix of different vegetables - raw, juiced, or cooked. Strike a balance, for example, do not have a serving of rice and sweet potatoes together; also, not the same root or green vegetable all the time. Occasional indulgence to cater to one’s taste and the mood is fine!3-9

Cleaning vegetables is very important: Unwashed vegetables may lead to brain tapeworm. First, wash hands properly, and rinse vegetables in tap water to remove the potentially harmful residues and germs from their surface. Soaking vegetables for 20 minutes in a bowl of water mixed with baking soda, or salt and vinegar, or turmeric and salt is suggested, followed by thorough washing in running water. Vegetables with firm rough surfaces should be scrubbed with a soft brush.3,8,10

Keeping vegetables fresh: Buying vegetables fresh and when needed is the first best option. No need to refrigerate tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, corn, and hard or winter squashes like pumpkin, but keep them in a cool shaded place that is well ventilated. Where refrigerating is inevitable, store green vegetables in a plastic bag or container, tomatoes in a bowl lined with a paper towel, wrap leafy greens in a paper towel and put them in a plastic bag; if they look wilted, refresh lettuce and greens using ice water; some vegetables can be chopped and frozen.2,3,8,11

More than 1000 vegetable species are cultivated worldwide. We are covering about 50 common vegetables, their Indian names are given in parenthesis.

3. Roots, tubers, and bulb vegetables

3.1 Beetroot (chukandar): Deep coloured and sweet in taste, it is excellent for athletes. It can reduce blood pressure in a few hours, especially systolic BP, and enhance cognitive faculties. Concentrated liquid from boiled beet applied to scalp relieves flakes and itch. Beet greens can be used like spinach.12

Caution: Not advisable for those prone to kidney stones and gout.12

3.2 Carrot (Gaajar): An excellent source of beta carotene and vitamins A, C & E, prevents blindness in children and age-related macular degeneration; can stop the progression of leukaemia, lung and colon cancer, improve dental, hair and skin health.13

Parsnip (chukandar): Looks like a white carrot and rich in folate, it can prevent birth defects as well as gum disease. 

Caution: Avoid the leaves, stem, and flowers which contain a toxic sap that can cause severe burns.14

3.3 Radish (Mooli)

It can maintain pH balance, clear the respiratory tract, fight cold and cough, help in treating jaundice, urinary disorders, and osteoarthritis, keep the body naturally hydrated, and clear dryness, acne, and rash. Leaves are edible and seeds help in treating leukoderma.15

Caution: May irritate the digestive tract and cause gas and bloating, avoid in case of gallstones.15

3.4 Turnip/Celeriac (Shalgam): Can treat stomach ulcers, sore throat, jaundice, and hepatitis, and dissolve small kidney stones.16

Rutabaga: is a cross between turnip and cabbage, slightly larger and sweeter than turnips. Jicama: sweeter and nuttier than turnips.16

Caution: Avoid if one has thyroid disorder.16

3.5 Sweet potato (Shakarkand): Higher in vitamin A than normal potato, it is excellent for eyes. Starchy and sweet, it can be enjoyed in both savoury and sweet dishes.17

Caution: Avoid if one has kidney stones, take in moderation if diabetic.17

3.6 Potato (Aalu): A comfort food for all occasions, it is most beneficial when consumed with its fibre-rich skin, and not deep-fried. It strengthens the nervous system, cardiovascular health, builds strong bones, and enhances athletic performance and endurance.18

Cassava: Higher in protein and calories than potato, it has antinutrients; so, must be peeled, soaked, and cooked to get its benefits (toxic if eaten raw).19

3.7 Elephant foot yam (Suran/Jimikand): Has hard skin, decreases mucus and wind while increasing bile and aiding in digestion; ideal for growing children.20

Caution: Once cut, it can irritate the skin and throat, so should be kept submerged in water and boiled with vinegar, lemon, or tamarind.20

3.8 Taro root/Colocasia (Arbi): A great source of various nutrients, fibre, and resistant starch; its root and leaves should be eaten cooked.21

3.9 Onion (Pyaaj):One of the best detoxifiers, it can prevent blood clots and treat insect stings, warts, itching from chilblains, and respiratory illness including cold and flu. Compared to yellow, red, and white onions, sweeter ones like Vidalia and Shallots have a lower percentage of nutrients.22

Caution: Avoid, especially raw, in case of heartburn or digestive disorder.22

3.10 Spring onions/Scallions (Pyaaj patta): These are young onions, a better source of folate, vitamins, and calcium. Used as a garnish, these can be consumed raw. Similar to leeks (bigger and milder in flavour with more vitamin A) and chives (milder, with lesser nutrients, but an excellent source of choline that helps in body metabolism and foetal development).23

4.  Stem and flower vegetables

4.1 Kohlrabi (Knolkhol): A form of cabbage and similar to broccoli stem in taste but milder and sweeter, the whole plant except its stem is edible. A cup of kohlrabi can fulfil 100% of our daily vitamin C requirement.24

4.2 Asparagus (Shatavari): It is lower in vitamins than broccoli, but a better source of iron and copper. A natural diuretic, it can prevent oedema and urinary tract infection and has a calming effect.25

4.3 Cabbage (Patta gobi): Green cabbage is healthier when sautéed. Red cabbage, more apt for salad, has 10 times more vitamin A and double the iron of green cabbage, but has only 50% of its vitamin K content.26

Brussel sprouts: smaller in size with similar nutrients, its flavour gets enhanced when roasted or sautéed. Will be stinky if overcooked or boiled.27

Collard greens (Haak) & Bok Choy: High in vitamins, they are particularly good for detoxifying the body, bone building, and healthy vision.28

Artichoke: Considered a liver tonic, its leaves are the most nutritive part.29

4.4 Broccoli: It is called a superfood for the prevention of cancer, strengthening of bones, and promoting health in every respect. Most nutritive when it is fresh, washed just before steam cooking.30

4.5 Cauliflower (Phool gobi): A repository of vitamins and minerals, it is excellent for memory.31

Caution: In case of kidney or gout problem or if on blood thinners, avoid it or take in small quantity.31

5.  Leafy Greens

5.1 Spinach (Palak): It is one of the best sources of magnesium. When cooked, its nutrients get enhanced, but iron and calcium in it are not absorbable due to some antinutrients.32

Lettuce (Salad patta): Comparatively low in nutrients but high in water content, it keeps the body hydrated.32

Arugula/Rocket: One of the most nutrient-dense foods excellent for health.33

Watercress: Rich in omega-3 fatty acid, it is good for the heart. A perennial vegetable that grows naturally along running waterways, it needs to be washed thoroughly before use.34

Mustard greens (Sarson ka saag): Similar to but spicier than spinach.35

 Kale (Karam saag): Akin to spinach in nutrients, it is richer in vitamins. Best eaten raw, in smoothies, steamed, or lightly sautéed.36

5.2 Moringa/Drumstick (Sahjan): Known as a miracle plant, it contains 2 times the protein in yogurt, 3 times the potassium in bananas, 4 times the vitamin A in carrots and calcium in cow’s milk, and 7 times the vitamin C in oranges. Extensively used in cooking and traditional medicine, it can purify the blood, fight inflammation, balance hormones, combat malnutrition and aging, prevent anaemia, aid digestion, balance blood sugar, and heal skin problems.37

Caution: Those on medications should consult their physician.37

5.3 Fenugreek (Methi) leaves: A rich source of iron and other minerals, it aids digestion and management of diabetes, adding flavour and spice to food.38

6.  Fruits consumed as vegetables including gourds, squashes, and pods

6.1 Avocado/Butter fruit: A high potassium food rich in heart-healthy fats, it is excellent for protection against chronic diseases. Once cut, sprinkle lemon juice to keep it fresh for some time.39

6.2 Bell/Sweet peppers (Shimla mirch): Colourful and versatile in use, one medium-sized bell pepper can more than fulfil our daily need of vitamin A and C and can fight ailments from common cold to cancer. Ideal for pregnant women, it can be added to salads or any food preparation.40

6.3 Tomato (Tamatar): One raw tomato per day can prevent colon cancer. Also, it is one of the best sources of phytonutrient lycopene that enhances immunity and stalls cancerous tumour growth. Lycopene is more bio-available when the tomato is cooked and consumed with a fat-rich food like avocado, olive or coconut oil, nuts, and seeds.41

Caution: Avoid in case of acid reflux or frequent joint or muscle pain.41

6.4 Cucumber (Kheera): Juicy, cool, and crisp, it is best eaten raw. A healing gourd with diuretic effects, it helps de-puff swollen eyes, naturally slows aging, cleanses and alkalises blood, prevents dehydration, constipation, and overheating of the body. Cucumber slices kept over the eyes can relax and refresh them.42

6.5 Pumpkin (Sitaphal/Kaddoo): This vibrant winter squash is excellent for eyes and prevents obesity. Its seeds can enhance the quality of sleep.43

Zucchini (Turai): A summer squash rich in vitamin C, with high water content, is easy to digest.44

6.6 Ash Gourd/Winter melon/White pumpkin (Pettha): A unique medicinal melon eaten mostly in India and China, it can clear negative energy from the environment. A glass of juice every morning will keep the body cool, alert, and energised, and enhance the intellectual capability, keeping the nerves calm. It can get rid of boils, piles, and constipation.45

Caution: Those susceptible to a respiratory illness, should mix it with honey or pepper.45

6.7 Bitter gourd/Bitter melon (Karela): Can treat diabetes, gout, jaundice, and kidney stones and regularise menses. Also, some think it can treat and prevent malaria, viruses, HIV/AIDS and leprosy, and it can help in managing autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis.46

Caution: Not advisable for pregnant women and those on diabetic medications, and after surgery until recovery.46

6.8 Bottle gourd/Calabash (Lauki): Highly recommended for gut health, it is used for making both savoury and sweet dishes. If bitter, it should not be consumed.47

6.9 Some other excellent gourds with similar benefits:

Ivy gourd/coccinia (Kunduru); Indian squash/round baby pumpkin (Tinda); Pointed gourd (Parval) known as poor man’s vegetable, considered good for anorexia; Ridge gourd (Torai); and Snake gourd (Chichinda) which can cure biliousness. (bad digestion, stomach pains, constipation, and excessive flatulence).48-52

6.10 Aubergine/Brinjal/Eggplant (Baingun): Contains a rare antioxidant Nasunin in its purple skin which protects brain cell membranes.53

Caution: Not suitable for those with low iron level, kidney problems, gout, or allergies. Its leaves and tubers are toxic and should not be consumed.53

6.11 Okra/Ladies finger (Bhindi): Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, with a highly nutritive slime inside, it is the best vegetable to prevent migraine and boost memory.54

6.12 Green/French Beans (Phaliyan): Rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, and fibre but low in sodium, it is a wholesome food and good for diabetics. Studies show it can inhibit HIV.55

Caution: Avoid in cases of urinary tract problems.55

6.13 Green peas (Matar): Rich in fibre and protein, but due to its antinutrients may cause digestive discomfort, so eat cooked.56

6.14 Green chillies (Hari mirch): An important ingredient in Indian, Mexican and Thai cuisines, rich in vitamin-C, iron and capsaicin, this increases blood circulation and stimulates palate.57

6.15 Sweet corn/maize (Makka): a starchy vegetable (botanically a fruit, also a cereal), it is highly fibrous, nutritious, gluten-free, and beneficial, if it is not genetically modified.58

Caution: It can ferment in the gut and cause stomach ache if one has a sensitive digestive system.58

6.16 Some unripe fruits offer several health benefits like vegetables: Jack fruit (Kathal) for enhancing immunity and good sleep; Papaya (Papita) for digestive health, skincare, and to fight infections and menstrual pains; papaya leaves are known to cure epidemic fevers, and Plantain/Banana (Kaccha kela) including its flowers and stalk have high fibre and are excellent for brain and kidneys and keep many diseases at bay.59-61

6.17 Mushroom (Chhatrak): A beneficial fungus by nature (though eaten like a vegetable), it is a powerful cancer fighter and immunity booster, and a great source of B vitamins good for brain and heart; can prevent thyroid disorders.62

Caution: Buy from a known source as some mushrooms picked in the wild can be highly toxic.62

Conclusion: Vegetables should be an important part of our daily diet but excess intake may cause digestive disturbances. They will work best like medicine when used in moderation, in a balanced mix, with understanding and mindfulness about one’s own body requirements and response.3-8

References and Links:

1.    Sathya Sai Speaks, Good health and goodness, chapter 21, vol 15, 30 September 1981,

2.    What is a vegetable:

3.    Benefits:



6.    Alkaline:

7.    Balanced eating:

8.    Dietary guidelines India:

9.    Dietary guidelines USA:

10. Cleaning vegetables: Vibrionics Newsletter, Vol 2 issue 2, March 2011”Answer corner,Q1”);

11.  Keeping vegetables fresh:

12.  Beets:;;

13.  Carrots:;

14.  Parsnip:

15.  Radish:

16.  Turnip /Celeriac /Rutabaga:

17.  Sweet potato:;

18.  Potato:;

19.  Cassava:

20.  Elephant foot yam:

21.  Taro root:

22.  Onion:; (refer “In Addition” Vol 5 issues 1 & 2 (Jan/Feb and March/April 2014).

23.  Spring onion:

24.  Kohlrabi/German turnip:

25.  Asparagus:

26.  Cabbage red v. green:

27.  Brussel sprouts:

28.  Collard greens:

29.  Artichoke:

30.  Broccoli:

31.  Cauliflower:

32.  Spinach & Lettuce:

33.  Arugula:

34.  Watercress:

35.  Mustard greens:

36.  Kale:

37.  Moringa:;

38.  Fenugreek leaves:

39.  Fruit vegetables: Avocado:;

40.  Bell pepper:

41.  Tomato:

42.  Cucumber:

43.  Pumpkin:;

44.  Zucchini:

45.  Ash Gourd:

46.  Bitter gourd(Karela):

47.  Bottle gourd:

48.  Ivy gourd/Kunduru:;

49.  Indian squash (Tinda):

50.  Pointed gourd (Parval):

51.  Ridge gourd(turai):

52.  Snake gourd (Chichinda):

53.  Eggplant/aubergine /brinjal:;

54.  Okra/ladies finger:

55.  Green Beans:;

56.  Green Peas:

57.  Green chillies:

58.  Sweet corn (Makka):

59.  Unripe Jackfruit:

60.  Unripe Papaya:

61.  Plantain/raw banana/stalk:;

62.  Mushroom:


2. An anecdote – miraculous experience of a Practitioner 11601… India

Whole-Hearted Faith Heals Hole in Head

On 18 February 2020, while cleaning the portico of her house before the start of her evening clinic, the practitioner slipped and fell down on her back around 5 pm. Hearing her cries, her sisters came running, found her in a pool of blood, uttering “Sairam, Sairam, Sairam…” which she continued for 20 minutes, having completely lost awareness of her surroundings. Meanwhile five patients had arrived and were seated inside her house. The sisters carefully lifted her into a wheelchair and arranged for a ride to the nearby hospital.

With all the commotion going on, the waiting patients came outside. Recognizing her good friend amongst the group, the practitioner regained her memory. Now conscious of her situation, the practitioner refused to go to the hospital and asked instead for her Sai Vibrionics combo box. She prepared the remedy*, took one dose but vomited. With full faith in Swami she took another dose and also made the remedy in coconut oil. As soon as it was applied to her wound, the bleeding stopped. Even in this condition, she carefully tended to 3 out of 5 patients who had come from far off places, one of them pregnant. The other two patients who lived close by decided to come back another day.

Next day, on the insistence of the family, her sister took her to Sri Sathya Sai Hospital where she was reprimanded for not coming immediately as this was a case of head injury. The nurse shaved the area around the wound in preparation for stitching. The doctor on duty found that the wound, although very deep, had already begun to heal and there was no need for stitches! She was referred to the senior neurosurgeon who conducted an extensive physical examination, blood test and CT scan. The medical staff was surprised to find that this deep three inches long wound closed without complication and there was no internal blood clot, fracture or brain injury. The wound was merely dressed and she was sent home without any allopathic intervention. However, the blood test revealed that she had elevated blood sugar and her blood pressure had gone up (doctor thought due to the fall); for these she was given medicines but she needed nothing for pain!! She stopped taking them after one week and continued vibrionics for a month. In addition she occasionally applied Swami's manifested turmeric powder to the wound. Now 100% recovered, she feels that this whole incident has been a great miracle in her life and offers profuse gratitude to Swami and His Vibrionics.

*CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.7 Fractures + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions




3. COVID-19 Update 

We have used the following combos for prevention & treatment of Covid-19 since 13 April 20:

CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest Infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic.

For those without 108CC box but having SRHVP: NM6 Calming + NM76 Dyspnoea + NM113 Inflammation + BR4 Fear + BR14 Lung +  SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM40 Throat + SR270 Apis Mel + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR272 Arsen Alb 30C + SR277 Bryonia 30C + SR291 Gelsemium 30C + SR298 Lachesis + SR301 Mercurius 30C + SR302 Nux Vom 30C + SR306 Phosphorus 30C + SR385 Eupatorium Perf + SR406 Sabadilla 30C + SR505 Lung.

In light of the mutating virus, our research team has modified the Immunity Booster remedy as follows:

CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest Infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic.

For those without 108CC box but having SRHVP: NM6 Calming + BR4 Fear + BR9 Digestion + BR10 Fever & Infection + BR14 Lung + SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest +  SM40 Throat + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR272 Arsen Alb 30C + SR291 Gelsemium 200C + SR302 Nux Vom 30C.

The dosage in both cases is the same as before: OD on waking, as preventive; TDS in case of suspected infection (mild symptoms such as a slight cough).  For a patient diagnosed with COVID-19, one dose every hour for 6 hours followed by 6TD; on improvement, tapering down to QDS – TDS – BD - OD. Any allopathic treatment should be continued and NOT discouraged at any time.

Recuperation: When a patient has recovered but has little energy and feels tired in body and mind, give the following Recuperation Combo until the patient feels healthy and strong:

CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC11.3 Headaches + CC19.7 Throat chronic

For those without 108CC box but having SRHVP: NM75 Debility + BR9 Digestion + BR10 Fever & Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat. Dosage: OD at night before going to bed, while continuing the Immunity Booster at OD on waking.

For the convenience of those who have the previous combo of 13 April 20 already made in alcohol, they can simply add the following to their existing bottle: CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute

For those without 108CC box but having SRHVP: BR9 Digestion + BR10 Fever & Infection.