Cases related to
Mental and Emotional
Psychic Attacks, Conjunctivitis 03112...Greece
A 17-year-old boy presented two different problems: For 2 years he had been very anxious and could not sleep well, fearing he was under attack by invisible entities. He had not previously sought treatment for this. Also, for 10 years, he had been suffering from chronic conjunctivitis. His eyes were very red and itchy. He had been taking cortisone for many...(continued)
Read Full CaseInfertility cases 10717...India
I have treated several cases of infertility. My first patient came to me on September 9, 2009. She was a housewife who had been married for 10 years. Her husband was a driver. The couple were unable to have a child. For the past five years, they had sought treatment from different gynaecologists but she never conceived. They were desperate as their hopes...(continued)
Hypothyroidism 02836...India
A man, aged 27, came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from hypothyroidism since childhood. His symptoms were that he appeared lazy though, in fact, he was just lacking in energy. He was losing a lot of hair, his face was swollen, he was chronically anaemic and he suffered from lack of sleep due to nightmares. Intermittent allopathic...(continued)
Read Full CaseHyperactive Child 02640...India
A mother brought her small daughter aged 4 years to the practitioner because she was hyperactive – a behavioural disorder in children characterized by emotional instability, anger, anxiety, and aggressive or destructive behaviour, that is on the increase these days. All the allopathic treatments given so far were of no use and the mother was...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression 02365...Belgium
This patient, a woman of 34, had suffered from depression for as long as she could remember. She was a divorcee with 2 children who were in the care of others because of her condition. She was very fearful, hysterical, sad and anxious with constant headaches and an uncomfortable sensation at the top of her head. She had no appetite or energy. However, the...(continued)
Read Full CaseFear & Constipation 02854...UK
A mother came to see the practitioner with her son aged nearly 3 years because he had been very constipated for the past 2 years. He was also withdrawn and frightened of people including his own father. He was particularly fearful when he was expected to use the toilet and pass stool. When the practitioner spoke to him, he looked scared and clung to his...(continued)
Read Full CaseMental disorder, Insomnia 02799...UK
This is a female patient aged 23 years. She is a Psychology graduate who has been suffering from a serious mental disorder for the past 3 years. When her parents brought her to see the practitioner she was aggressive, suicidal and shouting. Her parents said that the allopathic medicines had not helped and she was also suffering from their side-affects. She...(continued)
Read Full CaseJilted in Love 11467...India
A male teacher aged 25 was under great stress and tension. He was unable to cope with the shock when his girlfriend for 5 years, whom he was hoping to marry, suddenly broke off their relationship for someone else. As well as his emotions being out of balance, he had also developed pain in his neck and shoulders. The practitioner gave him:
SR258 Kali Phos +...(continued)
Stress and Tension 10002...India
The practitioner says that for those people who have stress, worry or tension etc, the following combo helps enormously:
NM6 Calming + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + BR4 Fear + BR6 Hysteria + BR7 Stress + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence…TDS or as required.
The practitioner recommends a...(continued)
A Nervous and Needy Child 00534...UK
The patient was a 7-year-old male child who had started clinging to his mother, would not let go of her hand at the school gate and wherever he was, he needed her in the background. He was constantly eating and then being sick before he went to school. He was also suffering from irritation around the anus. The practitioner gave him:
NM35 Worms + SR424 Chicory...(continued)
Alcohol Addiction 11210...India
A 26-year-old youth had been drinking every day for 4 years. He fell into this habit because he was mentally stressed owing to property disputes in his family. In 2011 his blood pressure was so high that he had to be admitted to hospital for treatment. After several tests and subsequent treatment his BP. became normal again. In May 2013 he asked his mother to...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddiction to Marijuana 02758...Russia
A young couple, a 25-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman, were addicted quite strongly to smoking marijuana. They understood that it was bad for them and wanted to quit but had no willpower or capability to do so. Due to their young age, they had no acute or chronic symptoms yet, except for the addiction itself. When they started treatment at the beginning...(continued)
Read Full CaseBipolar Disorder 02640...India
A psychiatrist referred one of his patients (incidentally an allopathic doctor) to this healer. The patient, a 45-year-old man, was a long time sufferer of bipolar disorder. He had been under the psychiatrist’s care for 25 years during which time the patient was given twelve different allopathic drugs. The healer gave the patient:
#1. CC15.2 Psychiatric...(continued)
Opium Addiction and others 02638...Iran
Editor's comment:
It is regretted that this healer did not give more details in the cases below:
One of his patients had been addicted to opium since he was seven years old but after taking the combo CC15.3 Addictions, he has overcome his addiction after a short time.
Another patient suffered with shoulder and neck pain for eight months but after...(continued)
Read Full CaseEmotional Stress and Strain 00437...India
A 49-year-old carpenter’s personality changed from being a good and disciplined workman to an anxious and disturbed one, who was unable to do his work. He explained to the practitioner that his elder brother had died after a brief illness. In addition to his own family, he was now looking after his brother’s family and was under great financial...(continued)
Read Full CaseAn Emotional and Mental Disorder 00002...India
A young woman came with her family to see the practitioner in the hope that she could be treated for a disorder that started at 11 years of age when she was left for a short while to look after her younger brother. During the time the parents were away, her little brother had a seizure. This was the first of many such episodes, which were later diagnosed...(continued)
Read Full CaseLeg Muscle Pain, Stress and Low Energy 02804...India
A 39 year-old woman requested treatment for a painful leg muscle which had been troubling her for a year. She was also having difficulty dealing with a stressful work environment as well as being low in energy. She had taken pain killers for the leg pain and had been treated allopathically for the stress and low energy but there was no improvement.
Read Full CasePsoriasis 02128...Argentina
On 10 December 2013 a 28-year-old man sought treatment for psoriasis outbreaks which he regularly experienced from the stress of university exams. He had extensive patches on his chest, flanks, back, shoulders and upper arms (see 12 December photos below). He had previously tried allopathic treatments and aloe but got no relief. He was given the...(continued)
Read Full CaseEpilepsy 01626...Greece
A woman aged 40, sought treatment for epilepsy. Her symptoms began when she was 14, after she suffered the shock of her parents’ divorce. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Emotional & Mental tonic + CC18.3 Epilepsy…TDS
Since commencing vibrionics some six months ago, she has experienced no further epileptic seizures. Her mood...(continued)
Read Full CaseDiabetes, High BP & Depression 10001...India
In May 2008, a female patient, 52, who was a distant relative of the practitioner, sought treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 10 years earlier and was now insulin dependent; she took 15 units of insulin before lunch and 10 units before dinner daily. With this, her random blood glucose was 150. In addition, she...(continued)
Read Full CaseFacial Rash 02802...UK
A woman aged 47 was suffering from facial rash for a year. It was diagnosed as rosacea, a chronic facial eruption in which papules appear on a flushed or red background. In this case the patient had it around her chin. Several different antibiotics had been given but there was no improvement. She was also treated by a herbalist who gave herbal remedies for...(continued)
Read Full CaseCysticercosis of the Brain 01053...USA
In April 2011 a 37-year-old female came with the above diagnosis. This is a systemic parasitic infestation caused by ingesting the eggs of tapeworm from undercooked pork. The eggs burrow through the intestinal wall and are carried to other tissues; in the brain they may cause a wide variety of neurological symptoms.
The allopathic doctor treating...(continued)
Read Full CaseWarts on Sole of Foot 02870...USA
A 13-year-old girl had been suffering for 18 months with warts on the sole of her foot. A chiropodist (or podiatrist as it is known in the US), had scaled off the skin over the warts so that Fluorouracil cream 0.5% could penetrate the warts and clear them. The treatment had continued for two months without success, so it was discontinued. When the...(continued)
Read Full CaseUterine Cancer 11993...India
A woman aged 45 had been suffering from uterine cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the following:
CC2.1 Cancers +...(continued)
Multiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode 02836...India
A 64-years-old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)
Read Full CaseEczema and Facial Tumour 02826...India
A 45-year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon-size tumour on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Cold 02786...Russia
A 47-year-old Russian woman came to the practitioners with a cold. The symptoms included headache and a general feeling of ill health. These symptoms had been with her for many months. She was given:
CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases…TDS
Three days later, her cold was better but the headache and the other symptoms remained. After...(continued)
Read Full CaseHeadache, Back & Shoulder Pain and Depression 03507...UK
A successful businessman (age 50) was involved in a car crash during the Mumbai floods in August 2005. He sustained serious head injuries to the left side of his head and was in a coma for two months. When he awoke, he found that his right hand was paralysed and he had stiffness in the right leg. After months of physiotherapy, he recovered almost...(continued)
Read Full CaseWhite Spots 10940...India
A 35-year-old businessman sought a Vibrionics cure for small white spots of 6-8 months’ duration on his neck and thigh. Treatment commenced on 10 July 2013 with:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
After 3 months (9th October), the patient showed 30%...(continued)
Read Full CaseMalignant Kidney Tumour 10728...India
In 1999 48-year-old man went to a hospital for treatment of haematuria (blood in his urine) and painful urination. Tests showed he had a malignant kidney tumour. He underwent surgery to remove the tumour but over the next several years, it kept coming back. By the time he sought vibrionics treatment in 2012, the tumour had been removed 3 times...(continued)
Read Full CaseCluster Headaches, Depression and Hyperactivity 02894...UK
On 23 December 2013, a male patient, age 34, came in with acute symptoms of headache, watery eyes, and a stiff neck. He was unable to bend his neck to the left. He had suffered from cluster headaches for the past 14 years. For periods of 6-8 weeks at a time, he would experience 2-4 severe headaches a day, each lasting up to an hour. The attacks were...(continued)
Read Full CaseDementia 00534...UK
The practitioner writes: My elderly mother-in-law (84) was active and living on her own in a care home [a residence where persons can live independently with a warden on site if needed]. She was taking various medications to manage diabetes, high BP, thyroid function, indigestion and stress incontinence, as well as iron tablets. During a two-week stay...(continued)
Read Full CaseUlcerative Colitis, Blood Clots in Lungs, Panic Attacks 02799...UK
In September 2014, a male patient aged 71 presented with severe ulcerative colitis (24 years’ duration), panic attacks (1 year), and blood clots in the lungs (3 months).
In 1992 the patient had been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. He was initially treated with immuno-suppressive drugs to control flare ups causing acute...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Nosebleeds, Dandruff 02799...UK
A healthy, active boy of 11 who loved sports developed a passion for playing football [soccer] but he was inhibited by nosebleeds. As soon as he started running, his nose would bleed. He had been having constant nosebleeds since the age of 3, at least 3 times a week at night, whenever he was active. The family managed as best they could but the boy was...(continued)
Read Full CaseVitiligo 02799...UK
A girl (age 10) had vitiligo on her face, hands, and body for 4 years. According to her parents, her physician had prescribed steroid cream, which did not help. She began Vibrionics treatment on 23 September 2012 with:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.2 Skin...(continued)
Bronchial Asthma 02799...UK
A 65-year-old man asked the practitioner if she would treat him for bronchial asthma which he had been suffering from since he was 20 years old. He was taking allopathic medicine that gave him relief every time he had an asthmatic attack but in no way cured the condition. His personal life was also stressful which did not help the problem. He was given the...(continued)
Read Full CaseEczema 02762...USA
A 51 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because 15 years before, her doctor had diagnosed as eczema, an inflamed area on her left leg and foot that constantly itched. From that time, she had been plagued with intense irritation and dry cracks continually appearing and disappearing on the foot with liquid discharge. At times she could neither wear...(continued)
Read Full CaseDialysis 02640...India
A 45-year-old male patient telephoned the practitioner in India from Los Angeles, USA, to ask if she would send Vibrionics medicine to help him with his gravely sick kidney and high blood pressure. While waiting for a kidney transplant he was undergoing dialysis three times a week with each session lasting 5 hours. The practitioner couriered him:
Hodgkin's Disease 00660...USA
A woman aged 65 was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and came to the healer for treatment. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM30 Throat + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + NM110 Essiac + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat ...6TD for two weeks followed by TDS
Four months later, she was given a blood test by her doctor and the result was normal and there...(continued)
Poor Vision (Macular hole) 02799...UK
A 57-year-old male came to see the practitioner on August 14, 2013 because of poor vision. He had lost all vision in his right eye. The vision in his left eye was only 30% because of a hole in the central part of his retina (a lamellar macular hole). His ophthalmologist had said that if the hole did not close by itself, he would become blind. He had been...(continued)
Read Full CaseUrinary Tract Infection & Diabetes 11520...India
An elderly man (80) who was receiving Vibrionics treatment for diabetes (see below), sought treatment for symptoms of cystitis on July 17, 2014. He had a fever of 102° F (38.9° C), with pus cells in the urine of 80-100/hpf. For the week prior, he had frequent urination, pain and burning when passing urine, and urinary incontinence. He also had a...(continued)
Read Full CaseMouth ulcers 02806...Malaysia
On 23 March 2014 a 38-year-old male patient sought treatment for mouth ulcers of 15 years' duration. He had received treatment from a succession of doctors over the years: 2002-2004; also 2005, allopathic doctors (diagnosis of herpes simplex, treatment with the anti-viral Zovirax [Acyclovir] and the corticosteroid Prednisolone, with topical...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic fatigue and pain 02779...Japan
A 65-year-old woman sought treatment for chronic fatigue and general body pain, which she had suffered from for more than a decade. Previously, she had tried various types of treatment including allopathic without success. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
After taking the...(continued)
Read Full CaseHeel spurs & Peripheral Vascular Disease in Legs 12051...India
The patient, an elderly man of 86, sought treatment for different symptoms. 1) heel and back pain of several years duration, 2) calcaneal spurs (heel spurs) on both feet, and 3) peripheral vascular disease (blockage of blood vessels in the legs) which obstructed the flow of blood to the legs, causing him severe pain and rendering him unable to walk. He had...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic tonsillitis 10741...India
A 33-year-old man sought treatment for chronic tonsillitis of 20 year’s duration after his condition worsened and his physician had recommended surgery. His symptoms included frequent fevers, for which he took strong antibiotics, and an allergic cough. On 5 February 2014 the patient was given the following combo for 20 days:
#1. CC9.2 Infections...(continued)
Metastatic bone cancer 01768...Greece
On 6 January 6 2014 the practitioner treated a woman, 62 years of age, who had been suffering from breast cancer for the previous 3 years. After undergoing a mastectomy and completing chemotherapy, the patient had been stable until June 2013 when she began to experience pains all over her body. She received a diagnosis of metastatic bone cancer on...(continued)
Read Full CaseAtopic Dermatitis, Hyperacidity, Cold 10001...India
In June 2013, a male patient, age 18, came for treatment of acute atopic dermatitis and hyperacidity. He had suffered from both since age 5. Black patches and boils were seen on his whole body, but especially on his hands and feet. The lesions were itchy. The itch worsened at night, causing him chronic loss of sleep. He was referred by another vibrionics...(continued)
Read Full CaseDifficult Pregnancy 11476...India
A 33-year old woman came to see the practitioner in October 2012 because she had been trying to have a child for 7 to 8 years without success despite allopathic fertility treatment. She was also taking allopathic drugs for hypothyroidism (Thyronam 25 mg OD, since 2008) and for diabetes (Centapin XR tablet OD, since 2005).
She was given:
#1. CC6.2...(continued)
Cyst on Left Eyelid 10604...India
A 28-year old woman came to be treated for a cyst on her left eyelid for which her doctor had suggested surgery in a week’s time. She was given:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS
In a week the cyst had softened, so surgery was postponed for another week and the Vibrionics...(continued)
Read Full CaseBoils on the Buttocks 11210...India
A 50-year old man was suffering intense pain from boils on his buttocks. The boils would appear one after another, swell with pus and then burst, but always new lesions appeared. Twice some had to be surgically removed. Initially the patient was given:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS
In a month there was 20% improvement. The...(continued)
Read Full CaseBurns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Read Full CaseOuter Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia
A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:
Nut Allergy and Severe Dry Skin 02802...UK
The patient was an 18-year-old blind boy who lived in a blind school but came home during the holidays. His mother called the practitioner to say that he had a nut allergy especially to almonds and would get stomach pains and vomit if he ate them. He also had severe dry skin that required regular use of cream. The following remedy was posted to him:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 11476...India
A 46-year-old woman has developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to excess use of a computer. For 4 months she had pain in the wrist, hands and fingers. The pain in the wrist was so severe that she had difficulty in performing even simple tasks with it. She was given the following, and as she was also diabetic a combo was included for that as well:
CC6.3 Diabetes...(continued)
Life-long Constipation 02859...India
An 80-year-old man approached the practitioner with some trepidation looking for a solution to lifelong constipation for which he had taken all possible treatments. He was given:
CC4.4 Constipation…TDS
His was relieved of the constipation right away. He told the practitioner that vibrionics has changed his life, he is more...(continued)
Read Full CaseJaundice and Infection in a Premature Baby 02870...USA
A father had requested help for his premature female infant, still in an incubator. She had become poorly with jaundice, a fever, cough and cold. Doctors in the hospital had given the baby a variety of antibiotic medicines and as she had not improved, he was told that nothing more could be done. The practitioner broadcast the following combo via a Sai...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Cough, Sleep Disorder 02870...USA
For the past 4-5 years, a woman aged 74 had been suffering from a chronic and constant cough throughout the day and at night it prevented her from sleeping. As she had dust and pollen allergies, her cough was worse during the pollen season and she was also susceptible to frequent infections. In the past she was hospitalized with pneumonia and with a family...(continued)
Read Full CaseEczema, Academic Stress 02799...UK
The practitioner writes: On 21 April 2013, an 18-year-old male university student presented with itchy skin and severe eczema on his face, neck, back and legs. He had developed chronic eczema one year previous, before he went to university and after he had been treated for acne with allopathic medicine in 2011-2012. He was worried about his education.
Read Full CaseIBS & Itchy Rectum 02799...UK
The practitioner writes: On 26 March 2014 a gentleman of 73 years of age came to see me. He had been suffering with IBS for the past 18 months and an itchy rectum for 6 months. The doctor had given him steroids. When he took them, he got better but when he stopped, his condition worsened. The rectal itch was very uncomfortable but he had passed no...(continued)
Read Full CaseSarcoidosis 02895...UK
The practitioner writes: My first patient was a gentleman, age 57, who had been diagnosed 20 years earlier with sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs. Tiny collections or lumps of inflammatory cells grow in the affected organs, most commonly the lungs, and also the lymph nodes, eyes and skin. There is no known cure in...(continued)
Read Full CaseVertigo 02895...UK
The practitioner writes: My aunt (59) developed vertigo in August 2013. She was not on any medication at the time. She felt dizzy and unstable when walking, and her head spun when she turned in bed. Nevertheless she managed to cope with the symptoms without seeing a doctor before going to India on November 20. There she was prescribed medication but to no...(continued)
Read Full CasePre-eclampsia in Pregnancy 02802...UK
A 30-year-old mother of an 18-month-old child who was 16 weeks pregnant, had developed severe pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. This is a very serious life-threatening condition causing hypertension in pregnancy. She was monitored by her doctor and spent a night in hospital. Her blood pressure had raisen to 173/98 and her doctor...(continued)
Read Full CaseClaustrophobia 02806...Malaysia
A gentleman aged 74 had been suffering from claustrophobia for 7 years. When he was in closed spaces, for example, lifts, small toilets on airplanes, and other tight space, he would panic. He would need to escape and run to an open space. He had seen a psychologist and then as a last resort, a hypnotist.
On 18 February 2014, the patient was given:
Vertigo 12051...India
A 48-year-old woman had severe vertigo for two years. Her symptoms were intense nausea, vomiting and imbalance while walking. She went to a neurosurgeon who prescribed allopathic medicines. She took these for a year with no effect at all. Then she came to know about Sai Vibrionics and consulted the practitioner. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1...(continued)
Hypothyroidism, Swelling of Feet, Joint Pain, Incontinence, Mental upset 02817...India
The practitioner writes: We met a 73-year-old woman at the home of a common friend who was taking Vibrionics. The woman was suffering from various problems for the last 15 years: a burning sensation in the soles of her feet and swelling in the soles and toes, she was mentally disturbed and had a very low self esteem, had difficulty in walking and...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression, Arthritis, Nosebleeds 02779...Japan
A 75-year-old woman became depressed after her husband passed away in October 2011. She experienced a deep sense of loss, her daily life was purposeless and she suffered great mental confusion and turmoil. She also had a hard time walking due to arthritis in her knees. In November 2011, she was taken to a hospital by ambulance for episodes of excessive...(continued)
Read Full CaseKidney Failure 00971...Japan
A 64-year-old woman visited the practitioner on 24 August 2014 after a check-up with her doctor revealed that she had a high probability of kidney failure. A blood test showed that her creatinine level was almost high enough to warrant dialysis. She was scheduled for another blood test in about a month’s time at the end of September. She wanted to...(continued)
Read Full CasePanic disorder, Incontinence 02754...Japan
The practitioner writes: A 30-year old woman, the daughter of a friend of mine, was repeatedly traumatized in high school because she was not allowed to use the toilet when necessary. For this and other reasons, she was hardly able to attend school. She stayed at home and shrank from contact with other people. Later she developed panic disorder.
Read Full CaseStress & Insomnia 02754...Japan
A 54-year-old woman visited the practitioner in February 2015, complaining of great stress in the new office job she took after the company in which she had been working went bankrupt. In her current job, she had to sit in front of a computer all day long. Her heart would race as if she was suffering from a panic attack and there were some days...(continued)
Read Full CaseExcessive salivation, Bad temper 02806...Malaysia
A young man of 19 presented with excessive salivation. The problem had started one year before. He began producing so much saliva that he had to spit frequently to avoid choking. This intelligent lad had been brought up in an unhealthy and unhappy home, where as a child he had witnessed his father abusing his mother and three siblings. As he got older,...(continued)
Read Full CaseToothache, Pica and Hair loss 02859...India
In May 2013, a 22-year-old male patient complained of great sensitivity to cold or hot foods, which triggered toothaches. Since childhood he was also habituated to eating chalk and other non-nutritive substances. During the previous month, his hair had been falling out and turning grey, and he was concerned about his appearance. He was given:
Read Full CaseExamination stress 02859...India
The panic-stricken parents of a 17-year-old girl approached the practitioner in mid-January 2014. Their daughter had been an excellent student all her life but was wilting under social and academic pressure of writing the Class XII Board exams [Editor’s note: These are high-stake examinations for Indian secondary school students, required for...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression, Neck pain 02859...India
A 27-year-old male patient complained of severe neck pain for the past three years and sought treatment in March 2015. Allopathic treatments did not give any lasting relief. He also said that due to various difficulties in his life, he was suffering from depression, low self-esteem and occasional stammering. He appeared forlorn. He was given:
For neck pain:
Depression in menopause 02859...India
In January 2015, a 49-year-old woman told the practitioner that she was always unhappy and losing a sense of purpose in life. An otherwise cheerful person, she said that she had no desire to interact with people anymore. The frequency of her periods was also erratic. She was given:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC8.6 Menopause…TDS
In a...(continued)
Read Full CaseBody pain, Psychic attacks, and Low blood pressure 11573...India
On 23 April 2015, a 64-year-old man, a retired electrical worker, came to see the practitioner accompanied by his wife and younger son. They supported him so he could walk and also provided his medical history as the patient was hard of hearing. For a long time, he had been suffering from pain and inflammation all over his body, irregular urination, very low...(continued)
Read Full CaseMigraines, High Blood Pressure, Haemorrhoids 11573...India
In May 2015, a 73-year-old man came in for treatment of migraine, from which he had suffered since childhood. The condition was likely inherited as other family members had the same problem. The patient declined to provide other details of his medical history. The patient was very active but he was facing challenging family issues. He was given:
Read Full CaseDiffuse cerebral atrophy and Depression 11964...India
An 82-year-old man who had been suffering from multiple ailments withdrew into himself on 14 January 2015. He stopped all movements, refused to eat or take any medicine, had memory loss and did not recognize anyone. He had to be admitted in hospital where he was diagnosed with diffuse cerebral atrophy, acute confusional state, altered sensorium and dementia....(continued)
Read Full CasePanic attacks and Fits 11964...India
A 28-year-old female saw the practitioner on 30 December 2014 with complaints of anxiety, fear, severe headaches, nightmares and panic attacks for past five years. She appeared to be under great stress and was reluctant to reveal much. In order to put her at ease, the patient was given:
For calming:
#1. NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + BR2 Blood...(continued)
Chronic Lower Backache, Depression, Frequent Menses and Sneezing Allergy 03529...UAE
A 38-year-old female sought treatment for a variety of symptoms. She had been suffering from allergic sneezing since childhood when she lost one of her parents in an accident. For the past 4 years, she had been experiencing low back and leg pain so she was unable to sit straight for long in a cross-legged position on the floor. She became depressed...(continued)
Read Full CaseToe Infection with Ingrown Toenail 02554...Italy
A female patient who was being treated by the practitioner for chronic depression, requested treatment for her son for his infected toe on the 8th of June 2012. The lady was separated from her husband who was later seriously injured in a car accident and was in a coma for three months. Although separated he continued to create a lot of problems which resulted...(continued)
Read Full CaseDementia and Slurred Speech after Breast Cancer Treatment 02864...USA
A woman (aged 47) contacted the practitioner seeking relief from ailments that had developed as side-effects of her allopathic treatment for breast cancer. After a double mastectomy in April of 2014, the patient had completed chemotherapy in November 2014 and radiation treatment in January 2015. Afterwards, she began to develop dementia and a slur or...(continued)
Read Full CaseAlcoholism 00534...UK
The practitioner writes: A 25-year-old woman suffering from alcoholism and mood swings was for the last five years consuming a bottle of spirits every night. She was in denial about her addiction. She would become aggressive and angry towards family members. She was unable to hold her job for more than two to three weeks at a time due to her mood swings and...(continued)
Read Full CaseEmotional Difficulties in a Child 02128...Argentina
A mother came to see the practitioner because she was worried about her 6-year-old daughter. She had a bad temper, she was obstinate, and school was difficult for her. The girl was given:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + SR542 Aethusa Cyn...TDS
After two weeks’ treatment, the mother reported that...(continued)
Read Full CaseHIV/AIDS 11177...India
A 24-year-old woman with AIDS was seen on the 12 December 2012.
She came from a poor family. She had been infected with HIV by her husband, who had not disclosed that he had AIDS before their marriage six years earlier. A year back during the birth of her first child, there were complications and she was hospitalised. Blood tests...(continued)
Read Full CaseSevere Depression, Double Vision, Insomnia 01339...USA
Acting on a friend’s recommendation, an adult son emailed the practitioner in March 2014 seeking treatment for his 65-year-old mother. The mother had been suffering from depression and psychic disturbances for over three years. During this period, she also developed a cascade of physical ailments. She lost a lot of weight, had a...(continued)
Read Full CaseBarber’s Itch 01767...Holland
On 30 August 2014 a 40-year-old man sought treatment for barber's itch (a superficial fungal infection), which first appeared on 19 August. He had extensive patches on his face, eyebrows and head. He felt these had developed due to stress from his job as an engineer. The patches looked so unsightly that he felt he could...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia, Tachycardia, Bulimia, Panic attacks, and Painful menses 02658...Italy
In November 2014, a woman aged 48 sought treatment for problems related to work stress. She complained of problems sleeping for the past 10 months and occasional tachycardia (abnormally rapid heartbeat). She was not taking any medication. She was given:
For insomnia:
#1. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…one dose to be taken ½ hour before...(continued)
Shortness of Breath & Fatigue, Psychosis 03507...UK
A man aged 53 came in for treatment of dyspnea (shortness of breath) on 11 February 2015. He ran a tailoring shop. He used to be a heavy smoker but had quit smoking four years earlier. In the past, he had suffered from asthma attacks, which were well controlled with allopathic medication. But two months ago, he began to experience...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Migraine, Indigestion, Panic Attacks, Pain in Limbs 03507...UK
A woman aged 30 sought treatment for different health problems. She was suffering from migraine for several years, dyspepsia with acid reflux and mild panic attacks for over five years. She also had pain from an old fracture in her right foot and pain radiating down both arms for two years. She had tried painkillers in the...(continued)
Read Full CaseInter-axial Lesion, Indigestion, Vomiting & Constipation, Insomnia, Neurodermatitis, and Age-related Debility 11573...India
The practitioner’s 88-year-old great-grandmother was suffering from multiple ailments in June 2015. Her health had declined steeply after a fall in December 2012 when she fractured her right shoulder. She had also struck her head and got an extra-axial lesion. This led to a brain haemorrhage in February 2013. Four months after...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Depression 03505...UK
A man (aged 50) suffering from long-term depression came in for treatment on 20 December 2014. He was a mathematics teacher, hypersensitive to stress, mentally agitated, easily irritated and prone to angry outbursts. Three years previous he had also developed thoughts of suicide. His long struggle with depression since the age of 14 had eroded his...(continued)
Read Full CaseClinical Depression 03503...UAE
When a 60-year-old woman from Mumbai, visiting her daughter in Dubai, came to the practitioner on 21 January 2015, she was crying uncontrollably. Her family explained that for the last 21 years, she had been suffering from clinical depression. She was taking anti-depressants, which helped, but the depression had become worse over the last...(continued)
Read Full CaseTobacco Addiction 10400...India
A 30-year-old man who had been addicted to chewing tobacco for the past fifteen years, wanted to give up the habit. He had not tried any treatment before he sought help from the practitioner on 2 April 2015. He was given:
#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.3 Addictions…TDS
After a week, the patient reported that he had cut down on...(continued)
Read Full CaseBreathlessness, Sleep Apnoea, Neck Pain, Vertigo 11271...India
On 25 February 2015 a son sought treatment for his 72-year-old mother, who was in the ICU with substantial breathing difficulties. In recent months, his mother had developed a tendency to doze off during the day, which the family thought was due to lack of sleep at night. On 15 February, she fell off her chair while dozing, broke the C7 vertebra in...(continued)
Read Full CaseEczema 01044...New Zealand
A mother brought her 7-year-old son for treatment of chronic severe eczema on 12 April 2015. The practitioner, who is medical doctor herself, had first seen the boy at her medical clinic a week earlier. He had severe eczema from head to toe, his wounds were infected and scaling was present in areas all over body and scalp – there was no area of his...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 11176...India
A 75-year- old woman sought treatment for sleeplessness on 1 September 2015. The problem had been going on for eight months. She was not taking anything for it. She was given:
CC15.6 Sleep disorders…OD one hour before sleep
Over the next few weeks, she saw steady improvement. After one week, she was able to sleep for 2 hours a night. The...(continued)
Read Full CaseChronic Insomnia 03532...UK
A 67-year-old businessman sought treatment for insomnia of ten years’ duration. He was fit and active, with a love for walking and traveling. He had a very active mind. As soon as he awoke at night, he would start thinking. Some nights when he felt anxious, he could not sleep at all. He took Melatonin occasionally for sleeplessness but no other...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 01620...France
A 30-year-old male engineer from Africa, now working in Europe, complained of constant fatigue caused by insomnia. He said that for the last 10 years he had barely slept more than 2 hours a night. He had always avoided medication of any kind, not wishing to find himself addicted to whatever he was prescribed. On 15 November 2015 he was given:
Disturbed sleep in a baby 03507...UK
On 14 January 2016, the practitioner was contacted by the mother of a 20 month-old-baby boy who suffered from severe sleep problem since birth. The baby was waking up every half hour or so throughout the night. This did not settle down as he grew older, he constantly needed the mother who looked very tired and stressed...(continued)
Read Full CaseBedwetting 11422...India
Mother of an 11-year-old girl came on 11 August 2014 with a complaint of chronic bedwetting by her child right from an early age. The frequency increased from the age of 10 to daily episodes of bedwetting. The child expressed that she had some kind of fear gripping her at night during sleep. The parents did nothing to consult any doctor and no treatment of...(continued)
Read Full CaseFacial Paralysis, Neurosis 11576...India
A 30-year-old man approached the practitioner on 3 Dec 2015 for treatment of severe pain and partial facial paralysis with total numbness of his left cheek. He is a video jockey in a popular TV channel and his job involved extensive speaking. He mentioned losing self-esteem and having panic attacks that made him excessively anxious and fearful. He was also...(continued)
Read Full CasePsychosis 11576...India
A much-harried father brought his 13-year-old son to the practitioner for treatment in January 2016. The son had refused to go to school for the previous seven months and also occasionally showed signs of indifference, rage, and resistance to authority.
About ten months prior to meeting the practitioner, the patient had once demonstrated such behavioural...(continued)
Read Full CaseHyperacidity, Indigestion, Headache & Insomnia 02840...India
A woman, 28 years of age, was suffering from hyperacidity, indigestion, headache, and insomnia for the past two years. Her job involved switching between night and day shifts during the same week. She was taking antacids which relieved her of some of the symptoms and that too, only temporarily. So the patient decided to take vibrionics treatment and stopped...(continued)
Read Full CasePsychosomatic Eating Disorder 11567...India
A 22-year-old young lady was brought to the practitioner by her mother on 20 March 2015. Right from her childhood, she had an unusual complaint of not being able to eat rice (staple diet in South India) as she felt that rice was getting stuck in her throat. She survived on snacks three times a day.
The mother had consulted many doctors who...(continued)
Read Full CaseEating disorders 11577...India
A 60-year-old lady developed a sudden un-explainable aversion to all food and drink and completely stopped eating and drinking. After three days, she was admitted to hospital in an extremely frail state. Extensive investigations did not indicate any obvious cause for this, as all test results were normal. She was prescribed allopathic medicines and advised to...(continued)
Read Full CaseMigraine, sleep problem 03516...Canada
A 40-year-old lady sought treatment for her chronic conditions on 10 March 2015. For three years she had been suffering from severe migraine and had difficulty in sleeping. Her migraine was characterized by excruciating headache and nausea. This affected her every day, from the time she woke up until she went to bed. She had to take regular naps during...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety, fear, panic attacks 03535...USA
A 30-year-old man contacted the practitioner about his anxiety, intense fear, panic attacks and depression which he had noticed for at least a decade but worsening for the past two years. When in a crowd, terrifying thoughts of being fatally attacked plagued him, and he worried how his family would cope if he died. Consultation with a psychiatrist did...(continued)
Read Full CaseAllergic rhinitis, indigestion, anxiety 01001...Uruguay
A 49-year-old lady having allergic rhinitis for the past 32 years, indigestion with flatulence, bloated abdomen, headaches and emotional problems since she got divorced in 2014, came to see the practitioner. She had been feeling insecure, anxious and tired all the time since her divorce. She took to binge eating for comfort and to calm herself. Patient...(continued)
Read Full CaseClinical Depression 02799...UK
A 61-year-old lady suffering from clinical depression for the past twenty years visited the practitioner on 6 August 2016 along with her husband who is a medical doctor. They had witnessed the effects of vibrionics on their friends and felt it was their last hope. Her husband described her as timid, having trouble socializing, with obsessive-compulsive...(continued)
Read Full CaseLearning disability 02090...India
On 8 January 2017, a young mother brought her 8-year-old daughter to the practitioner. The child was in 3rd grade and had a history of learning disability. This was apparent from the fact that she had not even learnt the alphabet properly. The practitioner talked to both, the girl and her mother, and prescribed the following remedy:
CC12.2 Child...(continued)
Read Full CaseExam anxiety disorder 02899...UK
A 15-year-old boy was brought to the practitioner by his mother on 27 March 2016. He was studying for GCSE final examinations and was getting extremely stressed and anxious and this resulted in panic attacks. This exam was a crucial stepping stone in his career. The young student, generally not prone to stress, was so affected that he even suffered from...(continued)
Read Full CaseLyme disease, childhood trauma 03546...France
On 22 May 2017 a young man of 43 consulted the practitioner for treatment of Lyme disease. He had all the symptoms of the disease viz, loss of memory, headache, throat and stomach pain for the past four years. His joint pains were so severe that he had to stay at home. However the blood test did not confirm this diagnosis and the doctors suggested the...(continued)
Hypochondriasis 11567...India
A 35-year-old biology teacher was suffering from hypochondriasis* for the past 4 years. He became anxious over minor symptoms, even though he looked normal and healthy. Whenever he heard about a friend or a relative having hypertension or diabetes, he became anxious that he could also have the same disease. Overwhelmed by fear, he starts experiencing the...(continued)
Examination anxiety, extreme 03555...UK
On 24 September 2017, a 22-year-old male medical student came to the practitioner for treatment of his extreme anxiety due to his forthcoming exams due in 5 days. He explained that before every exam he felt very tense, stressed out and extremely anxious and could not eat anything. He would get severe migraine headaches and could not...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression, dyspepsia and constipation 11581...India
A 64-year-old woman became anxious and depressed due to sudden death of her husband in 1990. Due to anxiety, she developed psychological imbalance resulting into dyspepsia and constipation and she went through all these for 15 long years. She is non-diabetic and non-hypertensive. She had been taking allopathic medications for depression,...(continued)
Examination stress 11590...India
A 17-year-old medical student was extremely stressed due to her forthcoming final examinations. She was studying long hours but for the past two weeks she was having difficulty in remembering what she read. When she consulted the practitioner on 1 Dec 2017, she complained of disturbed sleep, lack of concentration and poor memory due to stress.
She was...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression 11590...India
A 22-year-old final-year student could not handle love rejection by his classmate and since then he suffered from inferiority complex and lack of confidence. He started skipping breakfast and lunch. He was not regular in attending classes and preferred spending most of his time alone in the library. Over the past 3 years, he has become very short...(continued)
Read Full CaseHeadache, behavioural problems 11271...India
An 11-year-old girl was brought to the practitioner by her mother for treatment of chronic headache on 4 June 2016. For the past 3 years, the headache occurred at least twice a week and each time it lasted for 2-3 hours. At the age of three, she was diagnosed with a brain tumour that was surgically removed and she was put on allopathic medicines which are...(continued)
Read Full CaseNervousness 11271...India
A 43-year-old school teacher lacked self-confidence and suffered from nervousness for more than 10 years. He felt so nervous that he was not able to write on the blackboard properly and this started affecting his career. He started losing confidence in even signing the attendance register if someone was watching; his handwriting started to become illegible....(continued)
Insomnia 03564...Australia
A 69-year-old woman visited the practitioner for treatment of insomnia she had been suffering from, for the last ten years. Her usual pattern of sleep was going to bed at 10 pm at night and within an hour she would be awake. Thereafter she found it difficult to fall asleep unless she took an allopathic sleeping tablet. The patient voluntarily stopped...(continued)
Read Full CaseProstate cancer, phobia 02799...UK
A 54-year-old male came to the practitioner on 23 March 2017 with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. He had been experiencing nocturia for the past three months. On 16 February 2017 his PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) count was 37 ng/mL. He also had a history of phobia of darkness since he was 25 years old and he could not even go out at night. His anxiety was...(continued)
Read Full CaseFungus on scalp, black magic, poor memory 03572...Gabon
The 9-year-old son of the practitioner had a fungal infection that looked like dandruff all over his scalp, extending down to the neck (see pic).
It was often itchy. Each time either parent combed his hair, dandruff-like white particles would fall off. He also had large white spots on the right and back side of the neck and on top of the head. All the...(continued)
Read Full CaseGrief, shock 11389...India
A domestic helper aged 46 visited the practitioner on 27 April 2017. She was in a desperate situation as her 19-year-old daughter had run away from home 3 days ago. The patient was in a state of shock and suffering from inconsolable grief, severe headache and breathlessness, and appeared to have high BP. But she was not hypertensive and was not taking...(continued)
Read Full CaseDelusions, incoherent speech, possession by entities 03572...Gabon
A 33-year-old male was brought by his sister to the practitioner on 3 August 2018 at 2 am. He had been suffering from delusions, speaking incoherently, and unable to sleep at night, for the past two weeks. His actions were so disturbing that no one could sleep that night, hence the treatment was sought at this unusual hour. His behavior caused fear in the...(continued)
Read Full CasePsychic attacks
A 35-year-old female, strong and stout in physical stature, was brought to the practitioner by her husband on 15 September 2010. For the past 10 years she had been undergoing psychic attacks. It had now become her habit to scream, use foul language, and beat her teenage son and daughter and even her husband, almost every other day. She was under allopathic...(continued)
Read Full CaseInjury with nightmares 03546...France
In November 2017 a 35-year-old man left the Ivory Coast for Tunisia in pursuit of better job prospects. After a sea crossing in dramatic circumstances he lived for 9 months in “migrant” camps in Libya, Italy and France; during this time, he got separated from his pregnant wife. In September 2018 while at a camp in Italy, he was attacked by two...(continued)
Read Full CasePanic attacks after trauma 03533...UK
In December 2015, after a sexual assault, a 23-year-old independent and extrovert woman started having panic attacks every other day; symptoms were sudden trembling, palpitation, heightened bouts of anxiety with sweating, and ashen face. Whenever the incident flashed past her mind, these symptoms would arise. Gradually she lost self-confidence and refused to...(continued)
Read Full CaseCompulsive fur-chewing in cat 03553...Canada
An 8-year-old rescue cat named Abby suffered from nervousness right from the time adopted by her owner in November 2009, when she was 10 weeks old, from a home with kids who handled her roughly. She jumped at the slightest noise, hesitated to bond with the owner, and often chewed her fur in desperation. As a result, she developed bald patches on her body...(continued)
Read Full CasePrimary infertility 03572...Gabon
A 33-year-old woman could not conceive even after six years of marriage, despite several medical examinations and allopathic treatment for over 3 years. The attending doctors could not diagnose the cause as the medical reports did not show any abnormality. On 1 October 2018, she visited the practitioner in a desperate state as she was the only childless...(continued)
Read Full CaseBipolar disorder 03572...Gabon
A 42-year-old female, graduate artist proficient in painting and ceramics, used to help her mother in her drugstore. But she lived in a pitiable condition for the past 10 years by locking herself in her room most of the time. She wore ragged clothes and sometimes dragged herself on streets. She neither spoke to anyone nor accepted anything from anyone except...(continued)
Read Full CaseHigh BP, heart attack, dementia 01616...Croatia
A 78-year-old woman on allopathic medicines for the past 30 years for high blood pressure, had in July 2017 a mild heart attack which made her bedridden. She was put on an antidepressant along with medication for heart. One month ago, she developed dementia, stopped recognising people, and found it difficult to keep her eyes open.
On 19 July 2017, her...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddiction 01163...Croatia
A 51-year-old fisherman, addicted to alcohol for more than 20 years and criticized by his family all the time, did nothing to overcome his addiction. Rather he was in debt, stopped supporting his family, avoided doing his share of routine chores in the house and garden, and became temperamental and an angry man.
In November 2017 he lost his appetite, was...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 03582...South Africa
A 66-year-old housewife suffered from insomnia for the past 17 years. She could sleep only for about 3 hours every night. This made her lethargic, irritable, and mentally and physically exhausted. She had difficulty in doing even her routine household chores. She had not taken any medicine for insomnia.
On 19 September 2019, she visited the...(continued)
Read Full CaseRemoval of entity 11601...India
An 11-year-old girl had intolerable pain in her legs, especially thighs, and middle of her abdomen due to which she missed her school for the past three weeks. Presuming that her symptoms may be due to onset of puberty, her parents had consulted a doctor who also suspected the same. As medicine did not help her, the parents brought her to the practitioner on...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety, depression, panic attack, tinnitus 02899...India
A 63-year-old female was suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and a touch of insomnia for the past 10 years. She had become totally dependent on allopathic medications because these helped control the panic attacks; also, she was able to go to work and carry on with her normal activities. If she stopped taking them for a while, her symptoms...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 00814...Croatia
A 65-year-old woman, known to the practitioner for a long time, asked for help with insomnia. For over a year, she had been sleeping less than two hours a night. She looked upset, nervous and restless which was unusual for her as she leads a very healthy lifestyle; she did not have the will to live.
On 10 September 2019 she was given:...(continued)
Read Full CasePsychiatric disorders 11592...India
In 2017, when a 40-year old woman visited the practitioner, she was extremely distraught due to unknown fears, persistent sadness, and crying for no reason. Any news of death made her shiver with fear and the sound of an ambulance frightened her. She felt strain in the nerves on top of her head resulting in severe headache. She...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety 11597...India
On 5 May 2018, a 47-year-old female consulted the practitioner to overcome her habit of constant worrying. Whenever she was emotionally disturbed, she would notice an unsteady gait and feel the heaviness of heart. These symptoms of restlessness and anxiety began in Dec 2017. Although her menstrual cycle had been erratic for three months, she did not...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety disorder 03576...UK
On 15 March 2019, a 48-year-old male contacted the practitioner to ask if she could help. For the past six months, he had been suffering from severe anxiety attacks, tiredness, and mood swings. A blood test revealed a TSH level of 6.8 mIU/L (normal range 0.4 to 4.0) that could lead to hypothyroidism in the future. The doctor did not give any medicine but...(continued)
Read Full CaseTrauma of a puppy 10741...India
An abandoned and traumatised 2 to 4-week-old puppy was sighted trembling by the roadside. Seeing the puppy threatened by bullying stray dogs, a compassionate passer-by simply couldn't resist rescuing such a tiny pathetic creature. She called him Prashanti, perhaps hoping to influence its disposition and confidence. This kind Samaritan took the...(continued)
Read Full CaseAcid reflux, constipation, phobia 11210...India
For the past two years, a 52-year-old female had been suffering from acid reflux, constipation, and phobias of the sudden sound of a pressure cooker whistle or food mixer, and electric shock from an iron or a mobile charger. For acid reflux and constipation, she was prescribed allopathic medicines to be taken for six months. As there was no improvement, she...(continued)
Read Full CaseADHD & Autism 03518...Canada
On 3 Jan 2020, mother of a 5-year-old girl consulted the practitioner for her daughter diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Autism with speech impairment. She was hyperactive, seeking constant stimulation from movement and throwing tantrums when denied. Throughout the day she would alternate between spinning around or rocking...(continued)
Read Full CaseSleeplessness, knee pain, gastritis 03560...India
For the past one year, a 52-year-old woman could only sleep for three to four hours; so during the day, she felt fatigued and dull at work. She did not take sleeping tablets for fear of getting addicted to them. On 3 January 2019, she consulted the practitioner who gave:
#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…every...(continued)
Read Full CaseHerpes zoster (shingles) 02493...Syria
A 45-year-old woman had a red rash on her abdomen that became unbearably painful after a few days. There was an itching and burning sensation and the area was sensitive to touch. It was identified by her physician as herpes zoster in mid-April 2018. She took allopathic medicines for a month but did not get any relief in her pain which was so...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety disorder, backache 03553...Canada
A 33-year-old female had severe anxiety for six years owing to traumatic divorce from an abusive husband just three months after marriage. Symptoms included crying often for no reason, disturbed sleep, lack of concentration and sometimes increased heart rate. She was not taking any medication but was doing some breathing exercises for anxiety. Intermittently...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddiction to crystal meth 03591...Indonesia
A 33-year-old man was addicted to smoking crystal meth (methamphetamine, a stimulant drug) on a daily basis for the past two years. He started isolating himself in his room, hardly interacting with his wife and son because of which they left him in Sept 2020. So he decided to give up his addiction and stopped using the drug. Within three days,...(continued)
Read Full CaseFear in child 01001...Uruguay
A two-year-old girl started having episodes of fear in Sept 2019. Whenever she saw a dog or heard a bell ring or saw anything that moved quickly (eg, another child running or a cat jumping), she would start to tremble and cry inconsolably for about half an hour hugging her mother tightly, without letting her go. Ever since her birth (through a C-section) she...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnime cartoon addiction 03594...USA
A 25-year-old male moved to USA seven years ago to pursue his undergraduate studies. During his first year of college, he started watching Japanese cartoons, called anime*. This slowly turned into an addiction and after some months, he was watching anime continuously during the nights. So during the day, he lacked concentration and could not focus on his...(continued)
Read Full CaseIntractable abdominal pain 01001...Uruguay
A seven-year-old boy would complain of abdominal pain soon after starting to have his food and would then stop eating. Thus his food intake was minimal and he became thin. The doctor tested him for parasites but the result was negative. So he did not prescribe any medication and said the underlying cause was emotional. All this started when he began schooling...(continued)
Read Full CaseSpastic Choking 00135...USA
The patient was a young woman, around 30, who was a wife and mother of two rather unruly children. She was suffering from symptoms of spastic choking rendering her unable to eat. She had suffered for over a week and her condition was becoming increasingly severe. Every time she ate, she would begin choking to the extent that breathing was difficult.
Read Full CaseNightmares & Tantrums in a Child 00135...USA
A small child aged 5, who had frequent screaming tantrums to the extent that her mother had often to remove her from the darshan area, was brought by her mother to see the practitioner. She was concerned not only with the tantrums and her general unruly temper, but also the terrible nightmares she was having. Her temper had been going on for three of the...(continued)
Read Full CaseSleeplessness & Anxiety 00135...USA
A man between 55 and 60 years old suffering from Asperger’s, a mild form of autism with severe and chronic difficulty in functioning and socializing with people, came because at present he was suffering symptoms of sleeplessness and anxiety with enormous worry and negativity. The practitioner gave:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.5 ADD &...(continued)
Long term Depression 01339 ...USA
A 64-year-old second generation Jewish man whose parents were Holocaust survivors, came to me the first time in October 2011, having suffered life-long depression, a continuing feeling of hopelessness and a concern for his lack of memory. We spoke at length both about his life and illness. We also talked about Sathya Sai Baba and related topics. I mailed the...(continued)
Cigarette Smoking, Bipolar and Eating disorder 01339 ...USA
Edward, came to me in March 2012, distraught over not being able to give up cigarettes. He believed he needed to give them up for his spiritual growth, but felt powerless to do so. He had already successfully stopped drinking alcohol. His negative self- talk about cigarette smoking was neither mentally healthy nor helpful in any way. He also over ate and...(continued)
Isolation - Healing by broadcasting 01361 ...USA
This was a very unusual case of a 40 year-old-lady and my only case where the patient had to be in seclusion for a period of 3 to 4 weeks due to personal reasons. This isolation caused extreme emotional, mental and physical stress, resulting in the loss of her monthly periods for 60 to 75 days. The loneliness of...(continued)
Restless Leg Syndrome 02864 ...USA
A 72-year-old female complained about restless leg syndrome for 30 years. And because of the pain in her legs she has been unable to get a good night’s rest for the same amount of time. The pain has steadily worsened, specifically in the nights, which are bad. She has a whole lot of other medical complaints including ...(continued)
Read Full CaseGeneral Fatigue 02819 ...UK
A 48-year-old businessman had been feeling very tired during the last since six months. Many years ago he had taken vibrionics treatment with very good result when he was in Prashanti Nilayam. So he decided to take some vibrionics remedy this time for his exhaustion.
On October 15, 2011, he was given:
#1. CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddiction to alcohol and drugs 03108...Greece
A 28-year-old woman who had a weakness for alcohol became addicted to it five years ago, soon after the birth of her son. She was divorced and could not cope with the responsibility of looking after the boy, for which she had to depend on her mother even though they did not have a good relationship. She would go out to clubs to drink and dance while her...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddictions 02758 ...Russia
A young couple, male of 25 years and female of 24 years, were addicted quite strongly to smoking marihuana (dope). They understood that it was bad for them and wanted to quit but had no willpower and potency to do it. There were no acute or chronic symptoms yet (due to their young age) except for the addiction itself. They started treatment in the beginning...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddictions – Cigarettes 03040...Poland
A 63 years old woman was addicted to cigarettes for 35 years. She used to smoke one to two packs of cigarettes a day. One day on 20th of September I asked her if she wanted to quit smoking. She answered that she wanted to do it. She was given:
#1. NM6 Calming + BR7 Stress + SM1 Removal of Entities...TDS
#2. NM117 Anti-Smoking...6TD
After one...(continued)
Read Full CaseClaustrophobia, Panic attacks 01044 ...New Zealand
A 58-year-old female suffered from claustrophobia and panic attacks. She also used to wake up very early and did not feel refreshed on waking. She could not drive herself to work into the city for her job as insurance medical personnel. She had no other past problems except high cholesterol. She is a doctor and in the past worked as a paediatric...(continued)
Read Full CaseHigh Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Tobacco & Alcohol Addiction 02779 ...Japan
On 12th September 2010, a 75-year-old mother and 45-year-old son came to see the practitioner because they were suffering from the same symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, tobacco and alcohol addiction as diagnosed at a nearby hospital. The mother had enjoyed for over 20 years smoking more than 24 cigarettes a day and drinking more...(continued)
Fibromyalgia 02779 ...Japan
A 68 year old lady had suffered from fibromyalgia symptoms with much pain for seven years. She constantly needed sleeping pills because she could not sleep at night due to the pain. In March 2011, she contacted the practitioner and was given the following:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles &...(continued)
Heart failure, Alzheimer, Arthritis 02779 ...Japan
An 82-year-old man had suffered from heart disease for about ten years. In October 2010, his daughter contacted the practitioner. At this point of time he was hospitalized. His medical doctor said that 80% of his heart was dead so only half the normal amount of blood was circulating through his body.. This physical condition seemed to trigger...(continued)
Isolation from family 02696...India
A 49 year old male, with a responsible government position, rarely socialized with his family for the past 10 years. On returning from work he would go straight to his room, not speaking with anyone nor would he come out for dinner at the family table; all this was explained by his wife. Whenever there was contact, he was extremely dominating. He also...(continued)
Read Full CaseHyperactive Child 02696...India
A hyperactive 2 year old girl constantly awakened the whole family at around 2 am, turning on the TV and noisily insisting everyone watch with her. The parents were getting desperate with this uncontrollable activity in their child and asked for help. I gave them:
NM6 Calming + SR422 Cherry Plum…OD
In one week, she had improved considerably...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepressed and Constantly Complaining 02696...India
A female medical practitioner, aged 59, was constantly complaining about her different physical ailments, and she looked very depressed. I asked when her illness began and after much gentle questioning, she finally realized she only became ill after the death of her daughter about 6months ago. Knowing that she was taking a large amount of allopathic...(continued)
Read Full CaseAddiction, Pregnancy with Fibroids 11176...India
A 38-year-old lady addicted to tobacco chewing consulted the practitioner. In January 2012 she was given: #1. CC15.3 Addictions…TDS
Within a month she gave up chewing tobacco. She is a resident of a village in South India where the villagers were exposed and harmed by Endosulfan insecticide, including their unborn children. As a result, two deaf and...(continued)
Read Full CaseSleep disorder post Covid-19, adverse effects of dementia medication 03598...UK
An 87-year-old man was diagnosed with mild dementia in 2019 but did not require any medicine for this. In July 2020, a few months after he recovered from Covid-19, he started having prolonged disturbing dreams during which he would get visibly agitated and scream in his sleep. These nightmares occurred two to three times in a month and his caretakers found it...(continued)
Read Full CaseFear 11581...India
A 35-year-old woman had profuse menstrual bleeding in May 2020. Having always had normal menses, this was an unusual and frightening experience for her. Allopathic treatment over two months resolved this issue. But the bleeding episode triggered in her fear and anxiety of...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnorexia and Crohn’s Syndrome 00915...Greece
A 35-year-old woman, divorced with one child, suffered from anorexia and Crohn’s disease. She was very stressed. Because of Crohn’s disease, a part of her intestine was removed but her condition did not improve and she was losing weight continuously with no...(continued)
Read Full CaseSpeech Problems 01626...Greece
A 76-year-old male had difficulty in speaking due to a stroke that occurred 3 years ago. He was given:
#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS
And two days later was also given:
#2. CC18.1 Brain disabilities...TDS
He started the therapy on 2/10/2013. Now he has stopped...(continued)
Read Full CaseCerebral Palsy 02295...Greece
I met Paraskevoula, an 11-year-old girl in 2010, at a summer camp for children with special needs from a Greek institution, where I have been a volunteer for the last 9 years. She is a child with cerebral palsy and she cannot communicate, at least not in the common ways.
During the first week of the camp she kept screaming for hours every day, pulling...(continued)
Read Full CaseStress 02295...Greece
A 17-year-old boy suffered much stress since the age of 6 when in the first grade of elementary school, his tension caused him to vomit. This would become worse during examination periods or upon presenting an essay at college. Even the thought of going out with his friends to unknown places made him feel very uncomfortable, very nervous, and he would vomit....(continued)
Read Full CaseInfant Stress 02295...Greece
The practitioner’s friend in Belgium called about a sleeping problem with her 9 month old baby girl, since the child was moved to a separate bedroom 3 months earlier. The baby was not sleeping at night. The mother had to wake up several times every night, which caused her great fatigue during the day when the baby was sleeping. A...(continued)
Read Full CaseAnxiety, abdominal pain 11603...India
A 53-year-old woman visited her daughter in the US for three months with plans to return to India in March 2020 but it got indefinitely postponed due to the pandemic. This upset her and she started to have pain in the left side of her abdomen that became worse after eating, a burning sensation in throat, loose motions, anxiety, loneliness and sleeplessness on...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 03605...France
Since her husband’s death ten years ago, a 76-year-old woman was suffering from insomnia. She had difficulty in falling asleep and slept fitfully through the night. She was anxious and nervous at the very thought that she would not be well-rested. She was also acutely stressed about her 40-year-old severely disabled son who was admitted into a...(continued)
Read Full CasePsychiatric disorders 11604...India
A 92-year-old woman was having hallucinations, talking irrelevantly and at times screaming without reason, in addition to having sleepless nights for the past two months. She was being cared for by her 72-year-old daughter whose own mental and physical health was getting affected by her mother’s condition. The neighbours were also getting disturbed and...(continued)
Read Full CaseRevival of apricot tree 03546...France
The practitioner came across a seemingly dead apricot tree with broken branches in her friend’s garden. When the friend mentioned her plans to cut down the tree, she appealed to her to try vibrionics treatment first for a few months to which she agreed.
On 27 Aug 2021, the practitioner made the following remedy in a 500 ml spray...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression 18007...India
A 25-year-old female, brought to the practitioner by her aunt (her carer), was suffering for over two years from depression caused by a huge shock. In early 2020, she lost both her parents within a period of two months and soon after, she stopped talking and responding to others. Previously, she was a very cheerful and bright young lady. Now she became...(continued)
Read Full CaseIrregular periods and stress 11633...India
A 16-year-old girl was experiencing irregular periods since her menarche three years ago. She got her periods once every 2 to 3 months, with normal bleeding and no pain. Also, for the past six months, she had been very tense and tired. A day before her exams, she started having nausea and did not sleep well. This continued until the end of...(continued)
Read Full CasePoor appetite, anger in child 11615...India
A 2-year-old boy refused to take his normal family meal, mainly rice, dal, vegetables and fruits. He would take milk and other items like idlis and upma. Due to poor appetite, his food intake was low for his age, and his worried mother often force-fed him. On 18 Jan 2021, she consulted the practitioner who gave:
# 1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.2...(continued)
Read Full CaseViolent dreams 03564...Australia
A 68-year-old man had disturbed sleep for the past 50 years due to violent dreams which occurred at least once a fortnight. He would act out his dreams while asleep. Till the age of 45, his dreams were mostly those of being strangled by a wild fierce man. He would scream loudly and wake up others in the household. He was not keen to visit a doctor as he did...(continued)
Read Full CaseSleep disorder 11605...India
A 78-year-old woman had trouble falling asleep at night and also going back to sleep every time she woke up to urinate, on average three times during the night, since Mar 2009. She did not take any treatment for five years. In Mar 2014, her doctor prescribed sleeping pills and she could fall asleep faster about 80% of the time and on waking, go back to sleep...(continued)
Read Full CaseOverthinking (generalised anxiety disorder - GAD) 11641...India
A 15-year-old girl was suffering from overthinking since Aug 2020, for the past two years. This affected her concentration, studies and quality of sleep, For no reason, she would often have emotional outbursts and would occasionally cry and sometimes be aggressive and angry without provocation. The girl was a boxer but was unable to concentrate on her sport....(continued)
Read Full CasePlantar fasciitis, stress, mood swings 03611...यूएसए
A 40-year-old female was limping due to stabbing pain, swelling and stiffness in the sole of her left foot (more in the heel) since Mar 2022. Her doctor diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the fibrous tissue along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel to the toes). She was prescribed painkillers and advised to apply ice, change...(continued)
Read Full CaseMental Depression 03599 & 02726...यूएसए
A 58-year-old woman suffering from mental depression for the past 12 years consulted the practitioner who was already treating her severely ill mother. The patient, in her childhood days, was very confident, happy and energetic but as she grew up she was exposed to frequent conflicts between her parents. This had negative impact on her mental health, leading...(continued)
Read Full CaseRespiratory allergy, sleep disorder
A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from sneezing fits, runny nose and sleeping difficulty for the past 15 years. The allergic symptoms, likely caused by dust and pollen, occurred every two days, persisting year-round, peaking in winter. Sneezing bouts would repeat every 10 to 15 minutes and sneezing could continue for hours. When it did not stop...(continued)
Read Full CaseDiabetes, sciatica pain, sleeplessness 03599 & 02726...USA
A 75-year-old female 4’10” in height and 52 kg in weight had, high fasting blood sugar FBS (260 mg/dL fasting, normal being 90 to 130) in spite of taking three different tablets and 3 units of insulin daily, for more than a decade; sciatica and back pain with only 50% improvement on taking homoeopathic treatment for 4 years and also sleeplessness,...(continued)
Read Full CaseMental agony, fear, severe leg pain 11645...India
A 76-year-old woman, living alone after her husband’s passing in 2012, battled with loneliness, fear, and mental anguish, akin to depression. She found solace in frequent visits to temples and relatives and regularly driving her car. In 2019, her routine was disrupted due to severe right leg pain particularly while driving, the pain worsened with time....(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression, headache, acidity & insomnia 11570...India
Shortly after the untimely death of a close relative in 2017, a 36-year-old woman went into depression, lost all interest in daily activities, had constant headache and could not sleep due to intrusive thoughts. She had burning sensation in the chest due to excessive acidity and a lot of burping post meals. Three years of allopathic treatment for depression...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression 11608...India
A 29-year-old woman began exhibiting symptoms of depression in Aug 2018; she withdrew and isolated herself, avoiding communication with her husband and their only son. On three occasions she left home without telling her family and once for 10 days, while the husband kept searching for her.
Attending ten counselling sessions with a psychiatrist between...(continued)
Read Full CaseIndigestion, addiction 11658...India
A 26-year-old truck driver presented with pain and burning sensation in his lower abdomen, alternating between one side and both sides over the past four years from 2019. Since then his appetite had been low, coupled with dark-coloured stools occurring 2 to 3 times a week. The symptoms appeared on consuming outside food or even mildly spicy or oily food at...(continued)
Read Full CasePanic attacks, vertigo, gastritis 11658...India
A 42-year-old woman had recurrent episodes of dizziness, vomiting, and involuntary diarrhoea for 20 months since Apr 2022. These occurred about three times daily and were often accompanied by restlessness and sweating; dizziness lasted for 2 to 3 hours each time and diarrhoea sometimes occurred during sleep, which in turn disrupted her sleep....(continued)
Read Full CaseConstipation, low appetite & insomnia 11659...India
A 47-year-old female presented with a history of constipation characterized by hard stools occurring once every three days, since childhood. Over the past three years, as her appetite had diminished, she could manage only one meal per day. She also had difficulty with sleeping for the past ten years, this she attributed to her family-related issues. She was...(continued)
Read Full CaseInsomnia 11630...India
The 67-year-old father of the practitioner had difficulty sleeping at night for the past five years since 2016. The patient attributed this to his sedentary lifestyle after his retirement in 2013, when he started to feel weak and sleepy during the day. He had high BP since he was 29 and became diabetic at the age of...(continued)
Read Full CaseDepression, anxiety, sleeplessness 11634...India
A 47-year-old woman suffered profound emotional distress six months ago in Nov 2023 following sudden death of a close neighbour due to heart attack; he left behind two young daughters, aged seven and five. She felt the pain of these two children losing their father at such a young age. As a result, she lost enthusiasm for life, had sleep...(continued)
Read Full CaseFungal infection (Onychomycosis), chronic sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia & post-Covid syndrome 11632...India
A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from fungal infection affecting the thumb and index finger of both hands since 2012. This condition was characterized by yellowing of nails, itching, and blood oozing from cracks on fingertips, especially while washing clothes. She managed with homoeopathic treatment for six years with partial relief. In Nov 2018, she...(continued)
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