Cases related to
First-aid and Injuries
Gangrene, Diabetes 02494...Italy
While in Prashanti Nilayam, the practitioners (husband and wife team) decided to make a phone call to on old friend in Italy, who was very ill, to see how he was faring. They had been out of touch for some time. Their friend, then 64 years old, had been suffering from diabetes for 30 years and was insulin dependent but did not take care of himself. He was in...(continued)
Read Full CaseInjured Cat 02494...Italy
A four-year-old female cat was severely hit and found to have a slight fracture in her right rib. She was traumatised, and was in a state of extreme fear and in tremendous pain from this nasty injury. As the owner did not want to give her any allopathic medicines, she was immediately started on the following vibrionics combo:
NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271...(continued)
Cyst on Left Eyelid 10604...India
A 28-year old woman came to be treated for a cyst on her left eyelid for which her doctor had suggested surgery in a week’s time. She was given:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS
In a week the cyst had softened, so surgery was postponed for another week and the Vibrionics...(continued)
Read Full CaseBurns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Read Full CaseInjury to Cat’s Paw 01644...USA
The practitioner's female cat, aged approximately four, came home limping amd holding its left paw up trying not to put weight on it. A few small droplets of blood were on the tips of its fur. The cat seemed somewhat lethargic and just wanted to lay down and curl up in a ball. The practitioner couldn't find where the blood had come from, so she...(continued)
Read Full CaseHeart Emergency 11220...India
The practitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart patient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.4 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5 minutes...(continued)
Read Full CaseFractured ankle 11414...India
A 73-year-old man fell from his bicycle, suffered a painful fracture of right ankle and was admitted to hospital for treatment on 6 December 2013. His X-rays showed that he needed surgery (see image, left), but the surgery could not be performed because blood tests revealed that he had Hepatitis C and was suffering from kidney failure (Blood Urea: 139.9,...(continued)
Headache, Back & Shoulder Pain and Depression 03507...UK
A successful businessman (age 50) was involved in a car crash during the Mumbai floods in August 2005. He sustained serious head injuries to the left side of his head and was in a coma for two months. When he awoke, he found that his right hand was paralysed and he had stiffness in the right leg. After months of physiotherapy, he recovered almost...(continued)
Read Full CaseAdenocarcinoma of the Gallbladder & Liver Cancer, Oedema, Vertigo, Knee Pain 10728...India
In early January 2014, a woman suffering from Stage 4 liver cancer was brought by her son to a hospital for treatment. The diagnosis was adenocarcinoma of the gallbadder with multiple hepatic metastases. She was very ill, with no appetite or strength, and was in much pain from gallstones. The doctor who examined her declared that the cancer was so...(continued)
Read Full CaseMalignant Kidney Tumour 10728...India
In 1999 48-year-old man went to a hospital for treatment of haematuria (blood in his urine) and painful urination. Tests showed he had a malignant kidney tumour. He underwent surgery to remove the tumour but over the next several years, it kept coming back. By the time he sought vibrionics treatment in 2012, the tumour had been removed 3 times...(continued)
Read Full CaseCluster Headaches, Depression and Hyperactivity 02894...UK
On 23 December 2013, a male patient, age 34, came in with acute symptoms of headache, watery eyes, and a stiff neck. He was unable to bend his neck to the left. He had suffered from cluster headaches for the past 14 years. For periods of 6-8 weeks at a time, he would experience 2-4 severe headaches a day, each lasting up to an hour. The attacks were...(continued)
Read Full CaseUlcerative Colitis, Blood Clots in Lungs, Panic Attacks 02799...UK
In September 2014, a male patient aged 71 presented with severe ulcerative colitis (24 years’ duration), panic attacks (1 year), and blood clots in the lungs (3 months).
In 1992 the patient had been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. He was initially treated with immuno-suppressive drugs to control flare ups causing acute...(continued)
Read Full CasePoor Vision (Macular hole) 02799...UK
A 57-year-old male came to see the practitioner on August 14, 2013 because of poor vision. He had lost all vision in his right eye. The vision in his left eye was only 30% because of a hole in the central part of his retina (a lamellar macular hole). His ophthalmologist had said that if the hole did not close by itself, he would become blind. He had been...(continued)
Read Full CaseUrinary Tract Infection & Diabetes 11520...India
An elderly man (80) who was receiving Vibrionics treatment for diabetes (see below), sought treatment for symptoms of cystitis on July 17, 2014. He had a fever of 102° F (38.9° C), with pus cells in the urine of 80-100/hpf. For the week prior, he had frequent urination, pain and burning when passing urine, and urinary incontinence. He also had a...(continued)
Read Full CaseKidney Damage 01339...USA
In August 2013 a 74-year-old man came to the practitioner, suffering from kidney damage verging on renal failure as a result of an enlarged prostate for many years. His nephrologist had put him on a strict diet hoping to stave off kidney dialysis. The patient knew nothing about energy healing and was sceptical but being an acquaintance of the...(continued)
Read Full CaseTongue Cancer 10831...India
A 54-year-old woman suffering from tongue cancer had been undergoing chemotherapy and other related allopathic treatment. When there was no noticeable improvement she came to see the practitioner to see if vibrionics would help. She was given the following remedy:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)
Atopic Dermatitis, Hyperacidity, Cold 10001...India
In June 2013, a male patient, age 18, came for treatment of acute atopic dermatitis and hyperacidity. He had suffered from both since age 5. Black patches and boils were seen on his whole body, but especially on his hands and feet. The lesions were itchy. The itch worsened at night, causing him chronic loss of sleep. He was referred by another vibrionics...(continued)
Read Full CaseEczema, Academic Stress 02799...UK
The practitioner writes: On 21 April 2013, an 18-year-old male university student presented with itchy skin and severe eczema on his face, neck, back and legs. He had developed chronic eczema one year previous, before he went to university and after he had been treated for acne with allopathic medicine in 2011-2012. He was worried about his education.
Read Full CaseIBS & Itchy Rectum 02799...UK
The practitioner writes: On 26 March 2014 a gentleman of 73 years of age came to see me. He had been suffering with IBS for the past 18 months and an itchy rectum for 6 months. The doctor had given him steroids. When he took them, he got better but when he stopped, his condition worsened. The rectal itch was very uncomfortable but he had passed no...(continued)
Read Full CasePost-Surgical Wound on Foot 00534...UK
The practitioner writes: To repair a ruptured posterial tibial tendon on the side of my left foot, I had extensive surgeries beginning in May 2007. The work included restructuring the foot with bone grafts to attach a new tendon, breaking the big toe and realigning the foot by removing part of the heal bone. I had 7 large surgical scars from each of the 7...(continued)
Sarcoidosis 02895...UK
The practitioner writes: My first patient was a gentleman, age 57, who had been diagnosed 20 years earlier with sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs. Tiny collections or lumps of inflammatory cells grow in the affected organs, most commonly the lungs, and also the lymph nodes, eyes and skin. There is no known cure in...(continued)
Read Full CaseVertigo 02895...UK
The practitioner writes: My aunt (59) developed vertigo in August 2013. She was not on any medication at the time. She felt dizzy and unstable when walking, and her head spun when she turned in bed. Nevertheless she managed to cope with the symptoms without seeing a doctor before going to India on November 20. There she was prescribed medication but to no...(continued)
Read Full CasePre-eclampsia in Pregnancy 02802...UK
A 30-year-old mother of an 18-month-old child who was 16 weeks pregnant, had developed severe pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. This is a very serious life-threatening condition causing hypertension in pregnancy. She was monitored by her doctor and spent a night in hospital. Her blood pressure had raisen to 173/98 and her doctor...(continued)
Read Full CaseNeck wounds on a dog 02885...Argentina
The practitioner writes: Our dog Pitty was attacked by two dogs at my nephew’s farm. He had large gaping wounds on his neck. My nephew was away at the time, so the dog went unattended for four days. My nephew's mom cleaned the wound and gave him some medicine. When my nephew returned to the farm, he brought Pitty to town to see...(continued)
Read Full CaseJaundice in an infant 02817...India
A newborn baby boy was diagnosed with jaundice, which he developed within hours of his birth. His weight was just under 1 kg. He was kept in an incubator. His mother’s milk was drawn and was given to him. The doctors did not expect him to survive.
The baby’s grandmother came running to Dharmakshetra and was given the following remedy to be given...(continued)
Read Full CaseVertigo, Flu 02779...Japan
A 78-year-old woman had been suffering from dizziness for about 2 weeks. During this period she also caught a flu, which made it very difficult for her to walk short distances, even at home. She contacted the practitioner on 28 February 2013 and was given:
CC9.2 Influenza + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo...TDS
Read Full CaseResuscitation of a myna bird 10940...India
The practitioner writes: On the evening of 15 July 2015 I returned home from the office around 6:40pm to see that the water in the outside drain was disturbed. I thought that it must be a snake or frog, but no, it was a little myna bird who had fallen into the drain and was trying to get out. The bird’s wings were completely wet so it was not able...(continued)
Read Full CasePanic attacks and Fits 11964...India
A 28-year-old female saw the practitioner on 30 December 2014 with complaints of anxiety, fear, severe headaches, nightmares and panic attacks for past five years. She appeared to be under great stress and was reluctant to reveal much. In order to put her at ease, the patient was given:
For calming:
#1. NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + BR2 Blood...(continued)
Pain from Fractured Wrist 01644...USA
The practitioner writes: When I was taking my AVP training in October 2012, Dr Aggarwal told us to make a Wellness Kit to carry with us. I am very glad I made up one because late one night a woman friend (63) who lives nearby and who is also a vibrionics practitioner, called to ask me to take her to the hospital. She had tripped over a large...(continued)
Read Full CaseInjuries to Ankle and Leg 10304...India
A 28-year-old factory worker was hit by a scooter while riding his bicycle. His left ankle was sprained and the muscles of his left calf were injured. He came to the practitioner three months following the accident, after failing to heal with allopathic treatment. He was given:
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies...6TD for 1 day, then TDS
...(continued) Read Full CaseBird Revived after Hitting a Window 01339...USA
On 22 September 2015 a small warbler flew into a window of the practitioner’s house. It slammed into the glass at an angle and dropped to the deck. The practitioner grabbed a container of vibhuti and rushed out to sprinkle it on the bird and chant the Gayathri mantra. The bird was not moving, its head hung down, and it was initially panting...(continued)
Wounds and Abrasions 10363...India
In the early evening of 22 September 2013, a 10-year-old girl fell into a gutter full of metal rods. As she tried to pull herself out, she injured her thigh. When she came to the practitioner, she was bleeding profusely from 9 or 10 deep wounds. The following combo was given:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…6TD
Read Full CaseCow bitten by snake 11972...India
In a rural area of India, the practitioner was approached by a farmer whose cow had just been bitten by a deadly viper at 7 pm on 23 June 2014. The following treatment was started immediately:
#1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…every ten minutes for one hour
After this, the combo was...(continued)
Read Full CaseWhite Spots 10940...India
A 35-year-old businessman sought a Vibrionics cure for small white spots of 6-8 months’ duration on his neck and thigh. Treatment commenced on 10 July 2013 with:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
After 3 months (9th October), the patient showed 30%...(continued)
Read Full CaseAplastic anaemia 11274...India
A 47-year-old lady diagnosed with aplastic anaemia contacted the practitioner on 25 January 2011. She had suffered from this condition for seven years and was being treated at the Regional Cancer Centre. Patient was wracked with pain in her body and had to take six painkillers a day. Her other symptoms included blood in urine and feeling cold all...(continued)
Read Full CaseMultiple fractures, head injuries and trauma 00512...Slovenia
On 21 November 2014, a 21-year-old man was brought to the Maribor university hospital in Slovenia after a car accident. He was in an unconscious state, having suffered trauma from severe head injuries resulting in subdural hematoma, brain oedema and multiple fractures of face bones and base of skull. The head nurse of the hospital called the practitioner for...(continued)
Read Full CaseChest injury 11578...India
On 28 April 2016, a grandmother brought her nine-year-old granddaughter to the practitioner because of pain in her chest. Four months prior, while at school, she got hurt by a ball, and this resulted in swelling near her nipple and pain in her chest. She had not consulted a doctor and wanted to take vibrionics.
She was given the following combo:
Osteonecrosis of ribs 10602...India
A 67 year-old-lady approached the practitioner on 7 September 2016 with complaints of very painful boils with pus in and around the scar from an earlier operation. A leading surgeon concluded that the boils were due to osteonecrosis which usually results from radiotherapy. Eighteen years ago, she had undergone radiotherapy for breast cancer and later major...(continued)
Read Full CaseWound caused by injury 03536...Italy
A 53-year-old lady, a restoration artist, was afflicted with a wound at the tip of her right index finger caused by a splinter of wood or a nail. The size of the wound was about 8 mm. Due to its location, the nature of the patient’s work and cold weather, the wound had remained unhealed since its occurrence a month ago. At the time of...(continued)
Severe asthma 11581...India
A 32-year-old lady with severe asthma attack and breathlessness was taken to the hospital on 16 September 2016. Patient had a history of childhood asthma and eosinophilia (high count of certain type of disease-fighting white blood cells) for which she had used inhalers. However, during the past 10-15 years, she had been completely free of...(continued)
Triple fracture in forearm with bone graft 03558...France
On 12 November 2017, a 64-year-old retired male doctor was knocked down by a car while he was just sitting on his motor bike. He sustained a fractured pelvis and serious injuries to his right arm. He was taken to the hospital but he also wanted to receive vibrionics treatment. An operation was planned...(continued)
Read Full CaseGrief, shock 11389...India
A domestic helper aged 46 visited the practitioner on 27 April 2017. She was in a desperate situation as her 19-year-old daughter had run away from home 3 days ago. The patient was in a state of shock and suffering from inconsolable grief, severe headache and breathlessness, and appeared to have high BP. But she was not hypertensive and was not taking...(continued)
Read Full CaseHeart Emergency 11220...India
The practitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart patient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.1 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5...(continued)
Read Full CaseKnee Injury 01339 ...USA
A woman, age 49, contacted the practitioner in March 2012, after hearing from her twin sister how vibrionics had helped her. She had a list of issues. We decided to start treatment with the most problematic in terms of her daily activities. She had torn the Meniscus in her left knee and had been living with daily pain. A torn meniscus is one of the most...(continued)
Cured-Jaw Bone Deterioration from Radiation Therapy 01339 ...USA
A male patient, age 59, contacted the practitioner through a referral from another patient in June 2012. The patient had neck cancer four years previously. He made a trip to Puttaparthi and Sathya Sai Baba cured him. He now had necrosis of his jawbone from the radiation treatment he had undergone prior to going to India. Necrosis is death of body tissue. It...(continued)
Cat’s Paw 01644 ...USA
The practitioner's female cat, Callie, age approximately four years, came home limping, holding its left paw up trying not to put weight on it. A few small droplets of blood were on the tips of its fur. The cat seemed somewhat lethargic and just wanted to sit down and curl up in a ball. The practitioner could not find where the blood had come...(continued)
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