
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 10741...India

Practitioner 10741…India, after obtaining her BA degree served as the Joint Secretary of the Divine Life Society for five years; now she is a homemaker. At the young age of 12, she had her first darshan of Swami in 1956 when she accompanied her parents who believed in the divinity of Swami. She was rendered spellbound listening to His discourse. After marriage in 1969 she moved to Mumbai where, encouraged by her mother-in-law, she got actively involved with the Sai organization as a bhajan singer. Later she became a Bal Vikas coordinator, and in-charge of the Ladies wing which required supervision of all three wings - spiritual, education and service. All this brought her immense peace and self-confidence. It was in 1975 when she had the divine call to visit Puttaparthi. Her seva continued when she moved to Bangalore in 1997, also she was fortunate to join the Brindavan bhajan group. 

The practitioner feels blessed to have been guided to participate in the vibrionics training program and become an AVP in 2009 and VP a year later. The regularly held refresher courses, she felt, secured the necessary confidence needed to practise. She treated members of her Samiti, Bal Vikas children and their parents, also her friends and relatives. She cherished the opportunity to serve sevadal ladies at the Super speciality hospital in Whitefield from 2011 to 2014. She successfully treated many ailments of the digestive system, acute chest infections, tropical diseases, respiratory allergies, skeletal/muscle/joint issues and skin conditions. Many women used to take remedies for their family members too.

She extended her practice to include patients from the medical camp regularly hosted by Swami's students in a school near Brindavan ashram. The patients allocated to her had mostly neurological disorders like epilepsy, brain disabilities, vertigo and neuralgia. The success rate was high and especially in patients with epilepsy, 90 to 95% improvement was noted. In 2017, when the Wellness Clinic was started the practitioner served there for 4 months and thereafter finding it difficult to travel regularly, now does the seva on ‘as needed’ basis.

The practitioner says that vibrionics practice has helped her enormously in her spiritual journey. She perceives her self-transformation at three levels, physical well-being, mental satisfaction, and spiritual equilibrium. She attributes this to the uniqueness of the seva in that before giving healing vibrations to patients, she feels Swami’s love in her heart as she prays deeply for them. In this way, through repetition of God’s name (namasmarana), she receives positive, sacred, and healing vibrations while engaging in selfless service, as Swami teaches "Dil Mey Ram, Haath Mey Kaam”, meaning “Head in Forest, Hands in Society”.

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