Vol 15 号 2
March / April 2024
From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners
As we await the bliss-inducing 12-hour-long Shivaratri bhajans that will lift the energies and augment the vibrations of our surroundings, let us reflect upon Swami’s message on this occasion. Swami explains that on Shivaratri, Shiva represented by the Lingam, must be adored as the form for acquisition of Jnana or supreme wisdom. He says, “Do not treat this day lightly, and reduce the discipline prescribed by the sages for its celebration, such as fast, vigil and uninterrupted recital of name of God, into a routine ritual, or a chance for picnic, revelry, rivalry or factious fun. Contemplate this day and this night, on the Atma Linga (elliptical idol which emanates from Shiva as His symbol), the Jyothir Linga (symbol of supreme light of wisdom), and be convinced that Shiva is in every one of you. Let that vision illumine your inner consciousness.” – Shivaratri Discourse, 5 March 1973, Disc. 4, Sri Satya Sai Speaks vol 12
Sai devotees all over the world are gearing up to celebrate the 100th birthday of Swami in Nov 2025 and we are happy to see the enthusiastic response from vibro practitioners with respect to ideas for a collective offering on behalf of our organisation. Some suggestions that have come our way are: A book of 100 Case Histories (similar to the book of 90 CHs offered to Swami on His 90th birthday), a book detailing 100 regular vibro camps across the globe and a book featuring 100 practitioners describing their extraordinary experiences with vibrionics.
Whilst many have expressed an interest in attending a mammoth event on the lines of our 1st International Conference in Jan 2014, we propose state-wise seminars can be organised in India and country-wise/region-wise retreats overseas. If we can garner enough support and volunteers and can ensure a minimum of 100 participants, there is a distinct possibility of a National Conference actualizing.
We are still in the ideation stage and the reality of any of these panning out depends on each one of us. Those who wish to volunteer to take responsibility for carrying out any of the listed suggestions or would like to extend support in another capacity are welcome to write directly to me at founder@vibrionics.org. I shall be delighted to provide you with guidance on how to proceed thereon. We hope to make this momentous occasion to celebrate the 100th year of the Kaliyuga Avatar, a truly special and memorable one.
As an organisation perpetually striving for growth and expansion of our reach, I earnestly feel that the one area we need to work on is to increase our practitioner base at all levels. Recently, we have had fewer applications for promotions to the next level, especially from VPs aspiring to become SVPs. It has come to my attention that some practitioners are under the impression that we lack senior-level teachers and do not have sufficient supply of SRHVP machines. Let me clarify that this is not true, we can comfortably cater to an increased demand so, do not let such myths deter you from applying for the SVP training. To encourage VPs to apply for the SVP course we have relaxed the guidelines for admission. For further details, see the In Addition section.
As you all know, our Research Team is constantly working on improving and updating our Handbooks for Users of Vibrionics (108CC 2011 and Vibrionics 2016). The team carefully reviews the symptoms and causes of every new disease, studies the conventional treatment for it, looks into relevant homoeopathic remedies and seeks Swami’s guidance before updating the combos. Several additions have been made to the 108CC book that was last published in 2011. An updated index of the 108CC book was published in 2018 in Vol 9 #5. I am pleased to announce that this index has been further modified and the 2024 addendum is included in the In Addition section. We suggest that all practitioners print this list and attach it to their 108CC book for easy reference.
May I seize this opportunity to remind ourselves that SVIRT belongs to us - the practitioners and, as such, it is the collective responsibility of us all to contribute to the running and growth of the Institute. There are ample opportunities for all practitioners, experienced VPs and SVPs can volunteer to qualify as e-course and workshop trainers. Being a completely charitable institution, every additional offer of seva will be deeply appreciated.
I leave you with a very potent and apt message of Bhagawan that we may keep in our hearts and follow it through our daily life. “This is the primary message of Shivaratri. I am giving you three maxims which you have to bear in mind: ‘Seva, Seva, Seva’. Never forget the duty to serve. For this, you have to develop love. To develop love, you have to promote the spirit of sacrifice. Service will become meaningful when it manifests love that issues from sacrifice. Consider service as conducive to your own spiritual development. Be good, do good.”…Shivaratri Discourse, 7 March 1997, Disc. 6, Sri Satya Sai Speaks vol 30.
May our dear Sai Shiva bestow the light of wisdom on us all. Wish you all a very happy and holy Shivaratri!
In Loving Service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal
Constipation 03590...USA
A 13-year-old boy with constipation for five years since May 2015 consistently passed hard stools almost daily but sometimes every 2 to 3 days. In Sept 2019, when he complained of stomach-ache and low appetite and got tired easily, a doctor was consulted. An X-ray revealed colon backup and he was prescribed a laxative (Miralax) which did not help much; so two weeks later, it was stopped.
On 22 May 2020, the concerned mother took him to the practitioner who gave him:
CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS
In addition, the boy was advised to gradually increase his daily water intake to 8 to 10 glasses, from 6 glasses earlier and include fibre-rich foods in his diet.
Within 3 to 4 days, the stomach pain vanished and in another ten days, by 4 June, the stools had become normal with daily bowel movements albeit at varying times. Progress continued and on 24 June, the mother reported substantial improvement in his appetite and energy level. By 27 Aug, there was 100% improvement as the bowel movement was now regular. The dosage was reduced to BD and tapered down to OW over the next two months and stopped after a month on 30 Nov 2020. As of Jan 2024, the boy remains free of constipation and enjoys good health.
Achilles tendinitis, shoulder pain 03590...USA
A 61-year-old female had been experiencing persistent pain in her left heel for one year after a fall in Dec 2018. So, she had restricted movement, with difficulty in walking. Her doctor diagnosed it as Achilles tendinitis. She applied the prescribed ointment daily and took the painkiller only when the pain was severe; this gave her temporary relief. In Sept 2019, she pulled a muscle in her right shoulder and the resulting pain made her daily activities challenging. This situation became worse while under stress, but she had been managing with painkillers only. For several months, she had been feeling agitated and got fatigued easily.
On 3 Jan 2020, she stopped allopathic medication when the practitioner gave her:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures…6TD for 5 days followed by TDS
Within four days, there was 95% relief in both heel and shoulder pain. She could walk normally and complete her daily chores with ease. On 16 Jan, she reported the pain had almost gone and there was a newfound sense of calmness, even in stressful situations. Furthermore, she felt happier and more energetic! She achieved 100% relief by 21 Feb. She decided to taper off the remedy in early May and stopped it on 30 June 2020.
As of Jan 2024, there has been no recurrence of any symptom.
Migraine 03590...USA
A 48-year-old woman suffered from recurring migraines that started in her teens. Initially manageable, the frequency and intensity of attacks gradually increased over the years. During each episode, she experienced pressure and pain behind her eyes and tightness in her temples, along with nausea and sensitivity to light. In 1997 at age 25, her condition was diagnosed as migraine and the doctor advised her to apply icepack and take good rest during an attack. For temporary relief, she relied on over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers. She managed like this for years until July 2019 when she was undergoing emotional turmoil, so feeling dejected, anxious, helpless, and fatigued. As a result, the symptoms intensified and by Sept, she was having 2 to 3 attacks a week with each episode lasting 1 to 2 days, during which she would lock herself in a dark room. This affected her daily routine as well as her work as a cab driver.
Reluctant to use conventional medicine due to fear of possible side effects, she consulted the practitioner; she was experiencing slight pressure behind her eyes and looked upset. On 3 Jan 2020, she was given:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…6TD
On 7 Jan she conveyed that she did not get migraine and so did not need painkillers. The dosage was reduced to TDS. A week later, she sounded very happy as she now had an improved mental state and clarity of thought, and no more migraines. On 16 Feb, she reported one mild episode lasting a few hours but without the need for a painkiller.
She was advised to continue taking the remedy and after four months, it was tapered off and stopped at the end of July 2020. As of Jan 2024, she continues to be migraine-free and is very happy.
Fungal infection 11612...India
For the past 6 months since March 2022, a 68-year-old woman was distressed by persistent itching in her vagina and urinary urgency. The doctor diagnosed this as a fungal infection and the prescribed medicines would relieve her symptoms within a week but only to come back after some days. As the itching would sometimes be severe, she was taking prescribed medication at least twice every month. As she was concerned about its long-term side effects, when her symptoms next started, she did not take her usual medication and opted for vibro. On 8 Sept 2022, she consulted the practitioner at a monthly camp where she was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections* +
CC13.3 Incontinence + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC21.7 Fungus…6TD
After a month on 9 Oct, she reported 50% relief from both symptoms. She was relieved and happy that she did not need the allopathic medication. The dosage was reduced to TDS. By 15 Dec, her symptoms were completely gone. The dosage was reduced to OD and continued till Feb 2023 when the remedy finished. As of Jan 2024, there has been no recurrence. She is now taking treatment for her other problems.
*CC13.2 was included because she had suffered from a urinary tract infection four years ago
Editor’s note: Relief could have been much faster if the combo pertaining to the organ CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix had been included in the above remedy; also external application is extremely important in such cases.
Pus discharge, itching & pain in ear 11612...India
The 56-year-old wife of the practitioner had been suffering from recurrent pain, itching, and pus discharge in her right ear since 2005. This would happen at least once a month and homoeopathic medicines would stop the discharge within a week with 60% relief in itching and pain. As there was no further improvement, she would discontinue the treatment. In this way, she managed her condition for 16 years. On 28 Aug 2021, when she faced another episode of pus discharge, she opted for vibrionics in the hope of a permanent solution. She was given:
#1. CC5.1 Ear infections…BD in olive oil, 1 drop in the affected ear
#2. CC5.2 Deafness + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + #1…6TD
Just three days later on 1 Sept, discharge stopped! #2 was reduced to TDS and the patient discontinued #1. By 10 Oct, there was 20% relief in other symptoms but the patient stopped the treatment.
On 30 Mar 2022, as the pus recurred, #2 was resumed at TDS. Within three days, the discharge stopped, never to recur again. By the end of April, there was 50% relief in other symptoms, progressing to 80% by Dec 2022. By 1 Mar 2023, complete relief from pain and itching was achieved. This brought immense relief to her as she was previously fearful of discharge after every head bath. The dosage was reduced to OD for a month and then stopped. As of 28 Jan 2024, there has been no recurrence and she remains grateful to vibrionics.
Editor’s note: Instead of CC5.2 Deafness and CC21.1 Skin tonic, addition of CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies for itching could have brought faster relief.
Respiratory allergy 11612...India
A 42-year-old man sought help at a monthly vibrionics camp for a recurring respiratory allergy, which had been bothering him since childhood. Symptoms included sneezing, runny nose, cough and throat congestion due to sputum. These were triggered by exposure to dust during travel or house cleaning and weather changes. Each episode lasted a week disrupting his work and daily life. He relied on home remedies like ginger and pepper decoctions for moderate symptoms and over-the-counter antihistamine (Cetirizine) for severe symptoms which occurred occasionally. At the time of his visit, he was having runny nose and cough with sputum that started 4 to 5 days ago and was taking home remedies.
On 13 July 2022, the practitioner gave him:
CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD
During his next visit to the camp on 10 Sept, he shared that he had two episodes in the past two months, each lasting only three days with 20% improvement in the symptoms. The dosage was reduced to TDS. Again, in the next two months, he had two episodes lasting three days each, but with 50% relief in the symptoms. This progress continued through winter and on 26 Dec, he was very happy because he had only one mild episode in one month lasting two days.
On 17 Jan 2023, he reported complete relief, remaining symptom-free for a month, even during long-distance travels. The dosage was reduced to OD until the pills got exhausted in Feb. As of Dec 2023, he has continued to be free from allergy, even when exposed to triggers.
Hole in eardrum, ear infection 11655...India
In early Apr 2023, a 42-year-old school teacher, noticed regular white discharge from her left ear, later becoming thicker and occasionally reddish. Although there was no pain, the bothersome discharge increased after a bath. So she started placing cotton in her ear. A homoeopath treated her with ear drops (SBL Mullein) but this aggravated her condition causing severe pain, hence it was stopped. On 16 Apr, an allopathic doctor identified a 2-4 mm infected perforation in the middle layer of the eardrum with fused outer and inner layers; he believed the perforation to be very old. She mentioned she had impaired hearing in that ear over the past few months and presently, she had pain also. The doctor gave her antibiotics for five days after which the pain ceased but the discharge persisted. He then recommended surgery for separating the fused layers and closing the perforation*. Reluctant to go for the surgery, she sought vibrionics treatment and on 20 July 2023, the practitioner gave her:
CC5.1 Ear infections + CC5.2 Deafness + CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS and in coconut oil…BD for applying to the back of left ear
Initially inconsistent, after a month, she religiously followed the dosage regimen. In Sept, she excitedly reported that the discharge had completely stopped. In Nov she visited her doctor for a follow-up scan. To the surprise of the doctor as well as the patient, there was no trace of perforation**, eliminating the need for surgery! When the doctor exclaimed that it was a miraculous cure without any treatment, the patient revealed that she had been taking vibrionics remedies.
In Dec, the patient informed that her hearing was back to normal, so the dosage, oral as well as topical, was reduced to OD which the patient continues to date. As of Feb 2024, there has been no recurrence.
* If the layers were not fused there was a chance that the perforation could have healed by itself.
**Reports of the eardrum before and after vibro treatment are available on request.
Diabetes, sciatica pain, sleeplessness 03599 & 02726...USA
A 75-year-old female 4’10” in height and 52 kg in weight had, high fasting blood sugar FBS (260 mg/dL fasting, normal being 90 to 130) in spite of taking three different tablets and 3 units of insulin daily, for more than a decade; sciatica and back pain with only 50% improvement on taking homoeopathic treatment for 4 years and also sleeplessness, not able to have good quality sleep. Her hypothyroidism for two decades was under control with allopathic tablets.
On 8 Sep 2022, she was given:
For diabetes:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases…TDS
For sciatica and back pain:
#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine...TDS orally, also in water for local application
For sleeplessness:
#3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic+ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2
Psychiatric disorders + CC15.6 Sleep disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…one hour before bedtime & again at bedtime
For general wellbeing:
#4. IB…OD
She immediately stopped the homoeopathic medicine for sciatica but continued the allopathic medicines for diabetes. In three weeks by the end of Sept, her FBS dropped to 160 and both sciatica and back pain were reduced by 70%. By the end of Nov, the FBS came down to 130 and sciatica & back pain were completely gone. #2 was reduced to BD for 2 weeks, OD for 2 weeks and then stopped.
On 15 Jan 2023, the insulin dosage was reduced to one unit by her doctor. Her sleep quality had also significantly improved and she was taking #3 on rare occasions only.
At a case review on 27 Apr, #3 was not being taken and #4 was stopped. She happily continued #1 at TDS.
The patient’s sugar level continued to drop and on 16 Sept, her FBS was down to 119. Her doctor stopped the insulin but advised to continue the three allopathic tablets.
As FBS came down further to 104, the patient took #1 until 2nd week of Dec 2023 when the remedy finished. Thereafter, her FBS fluctuated between 93 and 104. On 19 Feb 2024, the doctor advised her to stop two more tablets; so now she is taking only one and she feels absolutely fine!
Editor’s note: CC15.1 should suffice to take care of stress; CC15.2 which includes both CC15.1 and CC18.1 is generally not preferred in the first instance unless a deep-seated problem is envisaged or reflected in the symptoms or mental state.
Itching & white patch on scalp, knee pain 11650...India
A 60-year-old female had been battling with persistent itch on her frontal scalp since 2010. On scratching, dry scales would falloff leaving behind a white patch. She underwent a frustrating journey through various treatments spanning 13 years. Homoeopathy from 2011 to 2013, gave little relief. Allopathic treatments between 2014 and 2017, including steroids – both oral and external, only exacerbated the issue, spreading the itch to the back of her head, neck, waistline, below the navel and groin; itching in these areas continued even after stopping the treatment! Seeking solace in a skin specialist in 2022 and a subsequent attempt with yet another dermatologist in Feb 2023 (who prescribed oral Hydroquin) proved futile.
Simultaneously, since 2011 she started having knee pain, due to standing for long as a beautician. She took homoeopathy for a year, various painkillers and did yoga but nothing helped. With time it kept becoming worse; by April 23, she could hardly walk, had difficulty in driving, could not climb stairs and changing position in her sleep would cause severe pain. An orthopaedist treated her condition with a vitamin D injection; this caused a severe reaction, so she stopped it. In May 2023, her condition worsened significantly, hindering her daily activities. But what frustrated her the most was the visible white patch on her frontal scalp, this made her apprehensive about meeting people. This affected both her personal life and her career.
On 6 May 2023, as a last resort, she reluctantly agreed to take vibrionics, first for her bothersome skin condition:
#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin infections + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS and for external application…BD in coconut oil
When she returned on 20 May, it was discovered that she was irregular with the dosage, took it orally only OD and stopped the external application after a few days! She was warned that she must take the remedy as prescribed and for external application, it was now made in water. Just 10 days later on 30 May, she was excited to report 30-40% relief in dryness and itching in all the affected areas. and the white patch was noticeably smaller.
Within another two weeks on 10 June (see pic), to her utter amazement and great relief, all the skin symptoms were gone without a trace! #1 was tapered down and she stopped it on 20 June.
On 25 June, she returned for treatment of knee pain:
#2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1
Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive
tissue…every 10 minutes for two hours followed by 6TD
By 14 July, she had 50% relief in knee pain and the severe pain in her left leg, while changing posture during sleeping, was completely gone. However, she was now having burning sensation in both her knees. #2 was enhanced to:
#3. CC18.5 Neuralgia + #2…every 10 minutes for two hours followed by 6TD and for external application…BD in water
The following day there was 75% relief in burning sensation, and in another three days, the knee pain was 75% better. A week later, on 25 July, #3 was reduced to TDS. On 15 Aug, she complained of pain in shoulder joints & back. #3 was enhanced to:
#4. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + #3…TDS
By 21 Sept, the burning sensation was gone. Pain in knees, shoulder and back was 90% better and this progressed to 100% by 20 Oct. At a review on 31 Dec, #4 was reduced to BD which she continues to date. As of Feb 2024, there has been no recurrence of any symptom. She remains grateful to vibrionics and has been referring her friends to the practitioner.
Food allergy 11655...India
The 52-year-old female practitioner had a history of frequent episodes of breathlessness, a choking feeling, and dry cough since age seven. Each episode would last 10-15 minutes, sometimes persisting through the night. Excessive speaking worsened her symptoms which were treated by her doctor but sometimes antibiotics didn’t work. A concoction of black pepper, ginger, and honey with hot water provided relief but it was temporary.
As she grew older, breathlessness and choking feeling abated, but the cough persisted. Despite trying ayurveda, homoeopathy, and allopathy, permanent relief eluded her. At age 25, an allergy test revealed sensitivity to rice, potato, peanuts, guava, and watermelon amongst many others. She had to undergo a month’s course of steroids for quick relief, thereafter she avoided allergenic foods, although skipping her favourite - rice, proved challenging. During severe bouts, when antihistamines did not help, she had to resort to steroids.
On 24 Apr 2023, a severe cough resurfaced after accidental intake of some allergenic food. Homoeopathic remedy (Aconite 30C) gave very little relief; even when taken with prescribed steroids for a week, relief was marginal. On 1 May 2023, just two days after she qualified as an AVP, she stopped taking all medication and started with vibro:
CC4.10 Indigestion + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS
She carefully avoided allergenic foods. Within six days by 7 May, the cough was completely gone! On 10 July, while away from home, she had to consume rice as no substitute was available and astonishingly, there was no trace of a cough! Confident of her cure, she reduced the dosage to OD for a week and then OW for a month before stopping it on 18 Aug. As of Feb 2024, she is absolutely fine and can enjoy all foods.
Editor’s comment: Excellent case of 45-year-old food allergy vanishing in six days of vibro treatment!
Pain due to strained muscle 11650...India
A 45-year-old man was suffering from persistent pain in his left upper arm from elbow to shoulder for five months since Dec 2022. The patient attributed it to possible strained muscle while lifting heavy vessels weighing 30-40 kg, during his daily voluntary service as a cook for 15 years. Over the past two weeks, the pain intensified extending to both his shoulder joints, hindering his ability to lift the vessels and also disturbed his sleep.
Unable to afford any kind of treatment, he relied on prayers and applied vibhuti on his arm for relief. As soon as he heard of this recently qualified practitioner, he consulted him on 10 May 2023, he was given:
CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…6TD
Within one week, there was 25% relief from pain in the arm as well as the shoulder joints. The dosage was reduced to TDS. On 30 May, he reported that the pain had completely vanished and he was able to sleep comfortably. He expressed his gratitude to vibrionics. On 15 June when he came for a refill, the dosage was reduced to BD and then slowly tapered off before stopping on 20 Aug.2023
As of 13 Feb 2024, the patient continues his daily activities, including lifting heavy vessels, without a trace of pain. Now the patient’s father is taking treatment from the practitioner.
Pounding in ear, numbness in leg 03610...UAE
A 70-year-old female doctor was suffering from intense pounding in her ear and numbness in her leg when she sought vibrionics treatment. She attributed her condition to a distressing incident on 4 July 2020, when she got stuck in her apartment lift for about 10 minutes. She was escorted out of the lift and helped to lie down on the floor since she nearly fainted. Her friend, a vibro practitioner happened to see her and immediately gave IB in water and sprayed it on her face and head every 5 minutes. The patient started feeling better and after half an hour was taken to her apartment. After two days she fell down at home, so was taken to the hospital by her maid, who was tested positive for Covid on arrival. The patient, though tested negative, spent two weeks in the hospital because of her mental condition and pain. She was now even more depressed and soon after, the news of her mother’s death and inability to have her last glimpse added to her woes.
After this, she started having pounding and palpitations in her right ear daily, while going to sleep and also at 3 am for a few moments, then on and off until about 4 am after which it was not noticeable. She managed without any treatment for a year until in July 2021, these episodes intensified, each lasting 5 to 10 minutes and gradually, the duration increased to 30 minutes. Getting very concerned, she consulted an ENT specialist and an audiologist, the latter advised X-rays and scans to investigate potential ear-related problems. However, all the results turned out to be normal; she was prescribed only a vitamin supplement. Soon after she started to have intense numbness in her right leg from her toes to her thigh. Her fervent prayers for recovery were answered when she got an opportunity and graciously volunteered to be a test case at a workshop where the practitioner was undergoing AVP training.
On 24 Nov 2021, she was given:
For pounding in the ear
#1. CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC18.5 Neuralgia…every 10 minutes for one hour from 3 to 4 am for one week followed by 6TD
For numbness in the leg
#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS in petroleum jelly for external application
Within a week, both pounding in her ear and numbness in the leg disappeared, to the patient’s amazement and great relief! She felt energetic, happy and expressed gratitude to vibrionics. On 3 Dec, #1 was reduced to TDS, slowly tapered down and stopped on 24 Dec. #2 was continued for another month.
On a review in Feb 2024, the patient was doing fine and these symptoms never recurred.
Practitioner Profile 03590...USA
Practitioner 03590...USA has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and worked as a senior client specialist in the financial industry for 20 years. After retiring in July 2023, she is a homemaker and pursues her hobby of creating custom beaded jewellery.
When she was just nine years old in 1976, she attended Sai bhajans but for some unexplained reason, Swami disappeared from her life for the next three decades. In 2008, a friend invited her to attend akhand bhajans and her connection with Sai was re-kindled; this time, there was no looking back. In June 2009, she had her first darshan of Baba and was blessed to get padnamaskar a month later. Thereafter, she has been actively involved in various service programs like ‘Public Action to Deliver Shelter’, ‘Feed My Starving Children’, ‘Animals Deserving of Proper Treatment’, Bread Truck project (making and distributing sandwiches in low-income neighbourhoods) and has volunteered in soup kitchens and seniors’ nursing homes.
Ever since her childhood when she read a book about a Chinese doctor in a small town who dedicated her life to serving the sick, she nurtured a dream to become a doctor to help those suffering. Though this dream did not get actualised in the way she imagined it to, it was always there at the back of her mind. She was prone to falling sick often and allopathic doctors and medical tests were unable to explain why. In December 2013, she began her quest to explore alternate methods of healing. She consulted a massage therapist who also practised magnified energy healing. After a few sessions, she felt a tremendous improvement in her overall well-being. Over the next few years, she tried various alternative therapies like Reiki, Shamanic healing, etc, all of which yielded positive results. It was at this time that she heard about vibrionics from a fellow Sai devotee and felt that Swami had answered her prayers and showed her the path to fulfilling her dream. As Swami had physically blessed the Vibrionics system several times, she knew, without a doubt, that this was the way forward for her. In Nov 2019 she qualified as an AVP and became a VP in April 2020.
Soon after becoming AVP, during her travels, she had a great personal experience with vibro. She slipped and fell on thin ice and hurt her right knee and wrist. As she was carrying only her wellness kit with her, she immediately started taking CC10.1 Emergencies every ten minutes. Over the next few hours, the swelling and pain came down miraculously and the next day she was completely cured. On the third day, she flew home and was even able to walk in the airport for an hour in her high-heeled boots without any discomfort!
The practitioner finds that CC10.1 Emergencies given every 10 minutes for two hours and 6TD thereafter works wonders in any emergency situation, healing patients fully in 2 to 3 days. She makes her own base combo CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic which she believes, when combined with any remedy, makes patients feel calmer, more relaxed and energized; this encourages them to continue taking the vibro treatment. In Feb 2020, she was approached by a 14-year-old girl who had fallen down while playing volleyball and hurt her right shoulder and arm. It was so painful that she was unable to move her shoulder. Within three days of taking the above base combo together with CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.7 Fractures…6TD, the pain completely vanished!
She shares her experience of treating a 3-year-old Hungarian Vizsla dog that had been suffering with paw blisters, extreme lethargy, and constant pain for a year. On 2 July 2023, she gave the dog CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions and also in water to be applied to the blisters. The remedy was stopped after a week as the dog experienced a severe pullout and had to be given antibiotics. Ten days later the treatment was resumed, starting with OD for a week and increasing slowly to TDS. Five weeks into the treatment the dog was almost completely cured but the remedy continued for another month. The practitioner is very particular in ensuring that every patient understands that pullout is good for them as it implies expulsion of toxins from their system; as a result, they happily take the remedies and immediately approach her if pullout occurs.
She is filled with gratitude to Swami who has blessed her with the opportunity to fulfil her desire for seva and, countless times, feels Him guiding her in her practice of vibrionics. On more than one occasion she has experienced her hand reaching out for a particular combo that she had not been planning on adding. Later, she would discover that the combo was needed for another ailment that the patient had forgotten to mention at the initial consultation!
Now that she has retired, she is able to dedicate more time to vibrionics. She is already helping with editing case histories and has taken charge of supplies to practitioners in the US and Canada. She helps the North America coordinator with admin work as and when required. She has applied for SVP training and as such is ready to serve in any capacity. Working with senior practitioners in India and the USA has helped her to understand complex diseases and is able to take a more effective approach to treatment. She tries to put herself in her patients’ shoes and see things from their perspective, this has helped her become more empathic and understanding. Practising vibrionics has taught her to be more loving and has instilled in her a deeper sense of gratitude to the Lord.
Cases to share:
Practitioner Profile 11612...India
Practitioner 11612…India has a Masters’ degree in commerce and served as assistant office superintendent in BSNL for over 18 years. Having retired in 2018, he currently enjoys listening to spiritual discourses and participating in social service activities.
He came to know of Sai Baba through his brother-in-law and, along with his wife, had His first darshan in May 1991. At the age of 34 in 1992, a holy man told him that God would protect him in all situations and that Baba’s prasadam would come to his family in the form of a boy. In April 1993, his wife gave birth to a baby boy, whom they named Sai Krishna. In a beautiful affirmation of His presence, Swami’s blessing hand, etched on a heap of rice, was clearly visible in his home; since then, he has been actively involved in Sai service activities. Having always had an interest in alternative medicine, he had been volunteering to dispense remedies in an organisation practising homoeopathy since 1993.
In 2018, he attended a talk on Sai Vibrionics by a practitioner and this piqued his interest in the system. He sought remedies for a stomach disorder and was pleasantly surprised to experience how effectively they worked. He was inspired to pursue the training course and qualified as an AP in March 2019.
The practitioner serves regularly at weekly medical camps. He finds that over the years his medical knowledge has improved considerably from having treated a wide variety of medical conditions. He also attributes his progress to having the opportunity to work with fellow practitioners from whom he has learned a lot. He is often guided intuitively to stay on after the medical camp has ended and a couple of more patients will invariably turn up! Together with Practitioner 11594 he has already participated in 101 regular camps near his residence in Visakhapatnam and has served 1616 patients.
A 3-year-old girl had white vitiligo-like spots, on her forehead and temples for the past 18 months. On 28 Oct 2020, she was given #1. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions in vibhuti for external application; and #2. CC12.2 Child tonic + #1 to take orally. Within a month, the family reported 90% improvement and in another month, they completely disappeared.
In another instance, he was approached by a 17-year-old young woman who had been diagnosed with PCOD a month earlier. For two years, she had irregular menses, weakness and headaches. The practitioner gave her CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.1 Adult tonic. Within two months the patient reported that headache and weakness were gone and her menses became regular. However, she missed her period two months later. The above combo was enhanced by adding CC3.1 Heart tonic and from next month onwards, her menses became regular again and this is continuing to date, two years later.
From amongst lots of interesting cases treated by him, the practitioner would like to share a few. He treated a 4-year-old boy who was suffering from a severe cough for five days and due to this he was unable to sleep. He was given CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD. The very next day, the parents reported that the child slept well after taking the remedy. The cough subsided completely within a few days.
He uses the combo CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia frequently with very good results. As an example, in three patients treated at home - two for back pain and one of spondylitis, the symptoms started to improve only after he added the above to the original combo. The same was observed in several arthritis and spondylitis cases treated in the regular vibrionics camps. Now the practitioner adds this combo in the first instance itself when treating such patients.
During the pandemic, the practitioner was actively involved in the distribution of IB, our immunity booster. He has been regularly mailing remedies to many of his patients and he is happy to join the postal network. He says that Sai Vibrionics is unique in that it is so easy to prepare and dispense remedies.
Through his practice, he has developed more patience, perseverance, love and the zeal to do more seva. He is extremely grateful to Swami for giving him such a wonderful opportunity to sanctify his life post-retirement, and with vibrionics he can serve his family, friends, and all those who come to him for help.
Cases to share:
Answer Corner
Q1. Why do two patients take different times to cure from the same chronic illness of similar duration?
A. Assuming both patients take the remedies as prescribed and strictly follow all precautions, there are some obvious factors which affect the time it takes to cure an illness eg, age, immunity or lifestyle of the patient. There are other equally important reasons that influence the speed of healing like the patient’s faith in the system and how consciously he takes the remedy eg, with intense prayer and positive thoughts. We only train people with 100% faith in vibrionics. But the prayer, positive thoughts and loving approach of the practitioner during consultation and preparing a remedy can achieve faster healing. Further, as often emphasised by Sai Baba, purity of mind (thoughts), words, and deeds of both patient and practitioner contribute to a speedy cure.
Q2. I have read instructions on how to make eye drops using the 108CC box. My patient wants to dissolve some pills he has for his eye problem in water to make eyedrops because he lives far away. Is there a way he can do this?
A. We recommend putting three globules in 200 ml of distilled water to make eye drops. The miniscule amount of glucose content will not adversely affect the eyes. Discard the excess water and it is good to use it on plants. To be on the safe side, repeat the process frequently, say every 2 to 3 days. Also see vol 4 #2.Q5, vol 8 #2.Q3 and vol 9 #1.Q1.
Q3. Immunity Booster IB was created in early 2020. People have been taking it for a long time and some are concerned that the body might have become resistant to it, so it may be futile to continue it. What is your recommendation?
A. The same question was posed earlier in vol 12 #5.Q1 and the key to the revised answer lies in the ‘dosage’. After recovery from a common chronic ailment (eg, high BP, diabetes), we suggest that the patient continues indefinitely with the remedy at OW, this being our standard prophylactic dosage. The same applies to IB; in other words, it can be continued lifelong when taken at OW; it behaves like a tonic. Incidentally, the body does not develop resistance to a vibration but it may learn to ignore it if taken frequently, meaning >6TD. In areas where there is the presence of Covid-19, take IB more often than OW. Also, refer to Vol 14 #1.Q2.
Q4. We commonly come across patients with nutrient deficiency, how best can we treat and advise them?
A. As you know we often use CC12.1 Adult tonic or CC12.2 Child tonic to boost energy; SRHVP users can give NM12 Combination-12, NM90 Nutrition, SR561 Vitamin Balance. If the problem is due to weak digestion, then one can give CC4.1 Digestion tonic or SM18 Digestion for better assimilation of food. If a patient is taking supplements then combining these with their potentized version (prepared using SRHVP) will result in better absorption of nutrients. Remember that organic supplements are far better absorbed than ordinary ones. It is good to give general guidance on diet and water intake (see AVP or SVP manual) to all patients, especially for a chronic disease. Good eating practices help in the optimum use of nutrients in our diet. Please do go through the health articles in our newsletters for comprehensive guidance on the subject.
Q5. Chapter 7 of the AVP manual states that urine nosode at 30C is a wonderful tonic for the heart. Is there a reason and what is the connection between urine and heart?
A. There is an established school of thought that if one drinks a glass of first urine daily, it is very good generally and especially for strengthening one’s heart. As many people don’t like the idea of drinking their urine, some have tried taking the nosode made at 30C instead and it is their experience that it is indeed an excellent heart tonic. Usually, nosodes are made at 200C but as this is working more on the physical body it is best taken at 30C.
Divines words from the Master Healer
“All ills are traceable to faulty living. And what is that traceable to? To ignorance of one’s real nature, ignorance so deep-rooted that it affects thoughts, words, and deeds. The drug that can cure it is patented under different names: spiritual wisdom (Jnana), action (Karma), contemplation (Upasana), devotion (Bhakti). They are all the same in potency and curative power. The difference lies only in the method of administration either as mixture or as tablet or injection.”
...Sathya Sai Divine Discourse, “Climb the Right Tree” 25 Jan 1963, SSS vol3, chapter 1
“Serve others gladly; do not serve with an air of superiority or the sour face of disgust. Let people know that you are genuinely glad at the chance to help.”
,,, Divine Discourse “The burden of the Badge”, 24 Feb 1965, SSS vol 5, Chapter 6
Forthcoming workshops*
- Face-to-face AVP Practical Workshop in Spanish 6-7 April 2024**as a follow-up to the virtual workshop of 19-27 Feb 2024, contact [email protected]g
- Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 5-22 Apr 2024 followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 April 2024, contact [email protected]g
- India Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 23-25 July 2024** contact [email protected]m
- Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 1-20 Nov 2024** followed by face-to-face workshop 25-27 Nov 2024**, contact [email protected]
*Workshops are only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.
**Subject to change
In Addition
1. Health Article
Plan a balanced intake of Minerals – essential micronutrients for health!
“The food that we eat contains many metals like copper and iron. Iron content is more in leafy vegetables. Tamarind and lemon preparations develop “amla”, which is the basic constituent in the formation of cells. In this manner, food strengthens our body…generates blood and energy in the body. Every drop of blood in your body is suffused with divinity. This divine energy has to be properly utilised by entertaining divine thoughts.”…Sathya Sai Baba1
In the previous issue of this newsletter, we dealt with vitamins; this article will delve into minerals, the other micronutrients.
1. What are Minerals?
Minerals are compounds of one or more elements, mostly inorganic, that plants obtain from rock, soil, and water. There are over 5000 minerals used widely in fertilizers and food. We will concern ourselves with those that our bodies need to survive, develop, and function properly.2-5
2. Minerals for health
2.1 Essential minerals: The sixteen minerals considered essential to sustain the human body are:
(i) Seven macro/major minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, and sulphur; the needed amount of each is 0.1 to 1 g/day and (ii) Nine trace minerals: iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, iodine, chromium, fluoride, and manganese, needed in very small quantities, less than 100 mg/day.6,7
They are the building blocks of life, the natural sources of all these minerals being vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and dairy products.8
2.3 Role of minerals: Minerals become part of the tissue structure, maintain water and acid-base balance, regulate body processes, nerve and muscle functions, and release energy from food. They ensure optimum functioning of the immune system and prevent susceptibility to infection and development of chronic disease.6,9
3. Macro minerals
3.1 Calcium (Ca), the most abundant mineral in the body, it is the primary building material of bones and teeth and it nourishes the cells and ensures normal blood clotting. The greatest need for
calcium is in childhood, adolescence, and for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.7
Ca is not easily absorbable even from some excellent sources like milk and its products, tofu (soy cheese), fortified orange juice (around 30% is absorbable), dried beans, peas, dry roasted almonds, sesame seeds, sweet potatoes (20-25%), and spinach (hardly 5% due to its high oxalates). But other leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables like kale, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and radish are good sources with a higher bio-absorption of nearly 50-70%.7,10,11
Deficiency/Excess: Ca deficiency will bring about the same bone problems as caused by lack of vitamin D.7 Further, low Ca in the blood may result in dry scaly skin, brittle nails, coarse hair, and muscle cramps in the back and legs; over time it can affect the brain. Extremely low level will show up as tingling, spasm, seizure, and abnormal heart rhythm.12 Excess Ca can block the absorption of iron and zinc and increase the risk of constipation, kidney stones, and prostate cancer.10
3.2 Phosphorous (P) is the second most abundant mineral in the body that makes the building block of our genes, activates the enzymes and balances the blood pH.13
Caution: Those following low “P” diet on medical advice should avoid processed foods and cola drinks containing hidden and easily absorbable phosphorous.7,13
3.3 Potassium (K): This third most abundant mineral in the body is an electrolyte and maintains normal levels of fluid inside our cells. Potassium is lost daily through stool and sweat and needs to be replenished with both hydration and a good diet. It can help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke, and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.14-16
3.4 Magnesium (Mg): It is important for strong bones and steady heartbeat, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Mg can prevent leg and foot cramps and help treat some chronic diseases like migraine, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular issues, and type-2 diabetes, aid better sleep, and alleviate mood disorders and premenstrual syndrome. It is naturally present in a variety of fibre rich wholefoods, highest in pumpkin seed kernels, almonds, spinach, black beans, and dark chocolate. For more details refer to health article, vol 5 #4, July-Aug 2014.17-20
Caution: Mg is present in popular antacids; high doses can have a laxative effect.17
3.5 Sodium (Na): It is a 40% component of common salt (NaCl) and an electrolyte to maintain the fluid levels around the cells. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and dairy are low in Na but enough for the body. As the body needs not more than 500mg of Na (¼ tsp of salt) per day, deficiency is rare; it may occur in older adults esp. after a bout of excess vomiting, diarrhoea, or sweating, see health article, vol 14 #3, May-June 2023.21,22
Caution: High sodium and low potassium diet can be a health risk and can damage the heart, kidneys, and bones even without increasing the blood pressure. Sodium is not a nutrient we need to look for; rather it finds us through hidden salt in processed and packaged items. For high sodium foods, see vol 3 #3, May-June 2012. Do not be liberal with sea or rock salt presuming these to be healthier, as Na content of all salts is the same.21,23,24
3.6 Chloride (Cl): A 60% component of salt and an electrolyte like sodium and potassium, it regulates the amount of fluid and types of nutrients going in and out of cells. Also, it maintains proper pH levels, stimulates the stomach acid needed for digestion, and facilitates the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the cells.25
3.7 Sulphur (S): Abundant in the body equivalent to potassium, it is anti-inflammatory, protects against cellular damage and oxidative stress, builds and repairs DNA, helps in synthesis of antioxidants, maintains nitrogen balance, inhibits some harmful bacteria and is good for skin, hair, and nails. It can treat acne, eczema, arthritis, pains, and digestive issues.26-28
Foods high in sulphur are onion, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, best when cooked for joints and the immune system; also, legumes, lentils, nuts, and seeds.26,27
4. Trace minerals
4.1 Iron (Fe): Essential to make haemoglobin and myoglobin that carry oxygen to all parts of the body and store it in muscle tissues. Fe is vital for healthy brain development and growth in children and the normal functioning of various cells and hormones. It nourishes skin and hair, reduces dark circles around the eyes, improves sleep quality and memory, enhances sports performance, and ensures a healthier pregnancy. Symptoms of deficiency are reduced energy, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, sensitivity to cold, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, hair loss, brittle nails, and pica (craving for dirt, clay, ice, or other non-food items).29,30
Vegetarian wholefoods are rich in iron esp. millets like finger millet (Ragi), nuts, dates, black sesame seeds, pumpkin and hemp seeds, legumes like kidney beans, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables, beets, carrots, potato with skin, sweet potato, moringa leaves, fruits like black olives, mulberries, prunes, pomegranate, apples, and tofu, dark chocolate, and fortified breakfast cereals. Using a cast iron pan can transfer iron to food while cooking. Fe is absorbed better in the presence of protein and vitamin C; adequate vitamin A helps release stored iron.29-34
Caution: Do not drink tea or coffee at least an hour before and after meals as tannin in tea or coffee can reduce iron absorption.31,32
4.2 Copper (Cu): Found in body tissue it helps to make red blood cells, healthy bones and nerve cells, and in absorption of iron; it can prevent and delay arthritis. Water stored overnight in copperware can provide this mineral. A copper imbalance is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. High intake of zinc or vitamin C supplements can block its absorption and cause deficiency. Lack of Cu may lead to anaemia, high BP, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and loss of skin pigment.35-37
Caution: Adding lemon/lime juice or anything sour to drinking water in a copper vessel can cause a reaction, resulting in stomachache, nausea and vomiting. Also, read our health article, vol 8 #3 May-June 2017.37-39
4.3 Zinc (Zn): Essential for the growth of cells, building proteins, healing damaged tissue, and a healthy immune system, Zn is crucial during childhood, adolescence, and during pregnancy for healthy foetal development. Signs of deficiency are loss of taste or smell, depressed mood, delayed wound healing, and hair loss. Ointments containing zinc can protect from sunburns and treat inflamed conditions like burns, eczema, bedsores, and diaper rash. 40
4.4 Molybdenum (Mo): A hardly known mineral found in many fibre-rich foods like black-eyed peas, lima beans, and peanuts, it has a crucial role in detoxifying the body from harmful substances by breaking down proteins, alcohol, drugs, toxins, purines that form uric acid (a risk factor for gout), and deadly sulphites.41,42
4.5 Selenium (Se): It protects against cell damage and infection, increases immunity against viruses including HIV, helps in the reproduction and metabolism of thyroid hormones, and reduces asthma symptoms. It has a synergistic relationship with iodine important for a healthy thyroid; too much of one can contribute to the deficiency of another. Alone or in combination with vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant and is known to decrease cancer risk.43,44
Present in tofu, cottage cheese, mushrooms, navy beans, sunflower seeds, oats, and fortified cereals, selenium is exceptionally high in Brazil nuts. Symptoms of deficiency are fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, thyroid dysfunction, hair loss, infertility in men, poor immune function, osteoarthritis, and heart disease.43,44
4.6 Iodine (I): Essential to make thyroid hormones, it helps in regulating body temperature, brain development before and after birth, breathing, and heart health, and prevents hypothyroidism and goitre – refer to health article on thyroid in newsletter vol 10 # 6, Nov-Dec 2019). It also helps to disinfect and heal mild cuts, wounds, and burns. Good vegetarian sources are dairy, soya-based foods, iodised salt, and a healthy balanced diet.45-47
Symptoms of low iodine are fatigue, lethargy, sensitivity to cold, dry skin and hair, weight gain, and fibrocystic breasts. Too much can cause irregular menses, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, sweatiness, sleep issues, and weight loss.45,46
4.7 Chromium (Cr): Essential for the metabolism of sugar and fat, the biologically active Cr is present in most plant foods, brewer’s yeast, and coffee; also, in drinkable tap water and food cooked in stainless-steel vessels. Vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin C enhance its absorption. For infants, the ideal amount is present in the breast milk of healthy mothers.48,49
4.8 Fluoride (Fl): Naturally found in water, brewed black tea and coffee, oatmeal, raisins, and potatoes and in mouthwash and toothpaste*, it prevents and reverses early tooth decay and remineralizes tooth enamel. Also, benefits those having dry mouth, gum disease, history of tooth decay, or crowns, bridges, braces, or removable dentures; crucial for children between the ages of six months and 16 years.50,51
Deficiency can lead to dental caries and bone problems. Excess can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, joint pain, skeletal fluorosis or bone loss. In places like India in the fluoride belt, steps are taken to remove it from water when it exceeds the prescribed limit of 1mg/L. Fluoride can be removed from drinking water through reverse osmosis (RO) filters.50-52
*Caution: Some studies show fluoride having a neurotoxic effect; minimise the use of fluoride toothpastes esp. for children up to age 6 to prevent fluorosis; look for better alternatives.53,54
4.9 Manganese (Mn): A lesser-known mineral but vital for building bones, immune and nerve function, and reproductive system, it works with vitamin K to assist in wound healing by clotting blood. Both Fe and Mn work together and are often found in the same foods.55,56
4.10 Boron (B): A hitherto unrecognised trace mineral, is considered important for bone and brain health, wound healing, balancing reproductive hormones, alleviating arthritis, and has anticancer properties. It is found as boric acid in many foods, esp. beans, nuts, whole grains, avocados, berries, plums, oranges, and grapes.57,58
5. Tips
- Take a variety of foods at the same meal. Avoid eating large amounts of a single food because too much of one mineral can interfere with the absorption and functioning of others.59
- Good cooking practices like soaking, sprouting, fermenting of wholegrains and steaming of cruciferous and leafy vegetables will help better absorption of minerals. Unlike vitamins minerals are not damaged by heat or light though they can be lost in excess cooking water.57
- Limit sugar intake, excess can deplete your intake of essential minerals.60,61
- Minerals are best absorbed from natural organic foods, not from supplements. However, the global use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and mass production has degraded the soil necessitating supplements to avoid chronic deficiency.62,63
Final word: Pay attention to your body’s needs. Do not underestimate the importance of both major and trace minerals in diet which are very powerful and vital for health.
References and Links
- Sathya Sai Speaks,” Purify the Mind and Focus it on Divinity”, Dasara Discourse, Day 5, 13 October 2002: https://www.sathyasai.org/discour/2002/d021013.html
- How minerals evolved: https://www.earthdate.org/episodes/minerals-evolve-too
- Source of minerals: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/precious-metals-and-other-important-minerals-for-health
- Natural elements: https://www.thoughtco.com/how-many-elements-found-naturally-606636#
- Usage of minerals: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-monroe-environmentalbiology/chapter/minerals/
- Essential Minerals: https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/minerals-and-the-body.html
- https://www.edubloxtutor.com/essential-minerals-your-body-needs/
- https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/What-Chemical-Elements-are-Found-in-the-Human-Body.aspx#
- Minerals for immune system: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8840645/#
- Large macro mineral Calcium: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/calcium/
- Absorption of Ca: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-nutrition/chapter/12-22-calcium-bioavailability/
- Ca Deficiency: https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-sg/home/hormonal-and-metabolic-disorders/electrolyte-balance/hypocalcemia-low-level-of-calcium-in-the-blood#
- Phosphorous: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/phosphorus/
- Potassium: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-does-potassium-do
- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/potassium/
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-importance-of-potassium
- Magnesium: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/magnesium/
- Mg benefits: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/286839
- Mg sources: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15650-magnesium-rich-food
- Details on Mg: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/186
- Sodium: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/salt-and-sodium/
- Newsletter health article on “salt and health”: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/406
- Foods high on Na: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/138
- Sea salt: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sea-salt-benefits#sea-salt-vs-table-salt
- Chloride: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/chloride/#
- Sulphur: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-with-sulfur
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/foods-high-in-sulfur/
- https://www.digicomply.com/dietary-supplements-database/sulfur#
- Trace mineral Iron: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/iron/
- https://medparkhospital.com/en-US/lifestyles/health-benefits-of-iron
- Veg source for Fe: https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/nutrition-and-health/nutrients/iron#
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/iron-rich-plant-foods#increasing-iron-absorption
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/5-winter-friendly-indian-dishes-that-can-increase-the-iron-content-in-body/photostory/105444681.cms
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/ayurveda-expert-on-home-remedies-to-improve-iron-levels-101671434962210.html
- Copper: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288165
- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/copper/
- Cu water: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/219
- https://www.india.com/lifestyle/3-serious-mistakes-to-avoid-while-drinking-water-from-copper-vessel-6081531/
- https://farmtopalms.com/can-we-drink-lemon-water-in-copper-vessel/
- Zinc: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/zinc/
- Molybdenum: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/molybdenum/
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/molybdenum/
- Selenium: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/selenium/
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/selenium-benefits/
- Iodine: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/iodine/
- https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-iodine
- Health article on thyroid: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/291
- Chromium: https://draxe.com/nutrition/what-is-chromium/
- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/chromium/
- Fluoride: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/fluoride/
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/11195-fluoride
- Fluorosis & Fluoride belt: https://ncdc.mohfw.gov.in/WriteReadData/l892s/98807285401651746944.pdf
- Fluoride neurotoxicity: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6923889/
- https://gcholisticdentalcare.com.au/7-toothpaste-ingredients-to-avoid.html
- Manganese: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/manganese/
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/manganese/
- Boron: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/#
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/boron-uses/
- Best absorption of minerals: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/anti-nutrients/
- Sugar effects: https://www.medicine.lu.se/article/more-sugar-less-vitamins-we-eat-study-shows
- Excess Sugar a risk factor: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6140170/#
- Soil degradation: https://drkellymccann.com/soil-nutrient-depletion-how-is-industrial-agriculture-harming-your-health/
- Need for Supplements: https://www.healthaid.co.uk/blogs/news/soil-depletion-and-the-need-of-nutritional-supplements
2. Addendum to the Index of 108CC book
For the Addendum to the Index of 108CC book, please click the link below and the document will get saved to your local drive.
3. Anecdote
Cobwebs on withering Tulasi Plant 11648…India
The Practitioner's three-month-old Tulasi (holy basil) plant was ailing. Beginning 15 Nov 2022 cobwebs plagued its branches, the leaves were withering, the new ones would be smaller, soon to turn yellow, dry up and fall. Though the owner ensured adequate sunlight, daily removed the cobwebs, and carefully watered the plant, it remained unhappily stunted, with very little foliage. On 30 Dec 2022, the pot was changed, and the following remedy was given CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS
In two weeks, there was obvious improvement, no cobwebs among burgeoning new growth and foliage. Beginning in March 2023, the remedy was reduced to CC1.2 Plant tonic…OD, always chants Krishna's name during its morning application. As of 14 July 2023, the healthy Tulasi plant is fully grown, often producing new seeds that sprout into plants (see pic). She uses the remedy once every 2 to 3 days.
Additionally, from the second week in Oct 2023, a nearby Plumeria pudica, in a big pot since 2020, was also sprayed every morning and after one month, for the first time Plumeria began to flower! This encouraged the neighbours to request the remedy for their own ailing plants.
4. Camps & Clinics
a. Camp in Penukonda, Sri Sathya Sai district, AP
At the invitation of a group of students from Penukonda College, Practitioner 01228 held a vibrionics camp on 28 Jan 2024 from 9 am to 7 pm, in a slum area close to Gagan Mahal, Penukonda, AP. Their teacher got his students involved in a monthly cleaning drive of the area visited by many tourists. The students had earlier experienced the benefits of vibrionics first-hand during the Puttaparthi railway station camp on Swami’s 98th Birthday. So they invited the practitioner to give an introductory talk on Sai Vibrionics, especially elaborating on the benefits of ‘student tonic’. The practitioner, single-handedly, gave remedies to 116 patients for various ailments, eg, burning eyes, body pains, diabetes, cough and cold, high BP, skin issues etc. There was a regular stream of patients in small groups. The camp was very well organized, and the students hope it will become a monthly event and can be held on the day they come for cleaning seva.
b. Wellness Camp in Pudimadaka, Achutapuram, Visakhapatnam, AP
On the auspicious Magha Purnima (full moon) day the local Sai bhajan group had a kiosk to serve buttermilk at this sea-shore village to the pilgrims coming for a dip in the sea and perform religious and spiritual rituals. At the invitation of this group, Practitioner 18009 held a vibrionics camp at the beach on 24 Feb 2024. He treated 24 patients mainly suffering from joint pains, high BP and hypothyroid, in addition to distributing IB bottles to 60 people.
c. Sai Vibrionics presentation at the Wellness Clinic SSSIHMS, Whitefield, Bangalore 23 Feb 2024
This happened to be the 7th anniversary of the wellness centre at the hospital. All the Wellness centre practitioners of different modalities were present for the talk. Before the formal presentations, the practitioners had a brief meeting where they decided to have a special awareness session about wellness with the counselling department to find ways and means to reach out to doctors and patients more effectively, to expand their patient base. One suggestion was to put up flyers near the counters at the entrance of the hospital. SVP 12051, in her presentation, emphasized the integration of Sai Vibrionics with allopathy. When she spoke about the effectiveness of immunity boosters during Covid, there was much appreciation among the audience.
5. Eligibility criteria for SVP application made more flexible
We have now broadened our SVP application criteria. Earlier we had required all SVP applicants to have done at least 90 hours of admin work and a commitment to continue this indefinitely. This left out many good practitioners who did not have an aptitude for admin work but did extremely well with their patients’ seva. So admission to the SVP level will now be open to those practitioners who, instead of participating in the administration of SVIRT, can contribute significantly to the growth of vibrionics in other ways, like enhanced patient seva along with their commitment to write completed case histories by submitting at least one case history per quarter on an ongoing basis, volunteering to get trained as e-course teachers and mentors of AVPs & APs, help conduct workshops, and organize regular vibrionics camps. All interested VPs who aspire to become SVPs should write to [email protected].