Vol 14 号 6
November / December 2023
From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners
As I breathe in the clean air of Parthi, this paradise of sylvan charm, I am reminded of the love Swami had for Mother Nature. He exhorted us to learn lessons from nature - our school, our laboratory, the gateway to liberation, and the panorama of God’s majesty. I am particularly reminded of what Swami had said about trees, “Trees teach the lesson of sacrifice in that they not only bear fruits while they are alive, but also give away their body to be used as firewood once the life goes out of them. Amongst teachers, a tree is the greatest.”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 33, Ch 17, 29 Sept 2000.
What can be a more befitting way of paying homage to our Lord than the initiative taken by the Sai Seva Organisations to adorn Mother Earth with millions of trees to celebrate Bhagawan’s birth centenary in 2025. All devotees are encouraged to participate in this program by planting saplings and registering them on the relevant website/app. Inspired by this opportunity several practitioners have come together to plant and grow trees under the care of Sai Vibrionics! We applaud these practitioners for taking the lead on this wonderful initiative and invite others to actively participate too. All feedback on the number of trees planted under the care of vibrionics should be sent to [email protected] for our records.
I am thrilled to inform you that since the formation of SVIRT, practitioners from all over the country are collaborating on a regular basis in order to serve as many people as possible. We acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all practitioners and coordinators involved in these vibro camps. This will inspire others to seek out opportunities to collaborate and tap into online, regional, and global vibrionics resources in order to grow their practice.
For more details on both the above activities, refer to the In Addition section of this issue.
In three decades of vibrionics practice, many SVPs have experimented with potentising different substances in SRHVP to treat various diseases, often with amazing results. Over the years, experienced SVPs have also formulated their own combos as part of their treatment regime for different ailments. It is with the help of such valuable information from practitioners, our research team is able to make alterations and additions to our 108CCs. We urge all those who had such experiences to share the details by writing to us at [email protected]. Your feedback, suggestions, and case histories lie at the very heart of a constantly evolving Sai Vibrionics and are deeply appreciated.
We are soon approaching the Indian festival of lights Deepavali, which coincides this year with the Global Akhanda bhajan. Swami says, “When a lamp is lit from another, there are two where there was but one. The first one did not stop emitting light. You can light a million lamps from one; but, yet, the first will not suffer a jot! Love too is like this. Share it with a million, it will still be as bright as when it was alone..…Deepavali is intended to teach you this lesson of light and love; move out, clasp, spread, expand, give up limits of mine and thine, his and theirs, caste and creed, in one limitless flow of Love. That is the culmination of all spiritual sadhana.” Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 10/Ch. 31, October 29, 1970.
At a time when senseless violence ravages several parts of the world and war continues to claim hundreds of innocent lives, let us join together in prayer for world peace. Let us sing His glory during the Akhanda Bhajan and pray that Swami keeps the lamp of love in our hearts shining bright so that we may become beacons of His light spreading His healing vibrations to every corner of the world.
In loving service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal
Delayed permanent teeth 03547...यूएसए
A 6½-year-old boy’s upper front teeth had not emerged even though his baby teeth fell out more than a year ago in Mar 2022. The concerned mother (an AVP) who also noticed hardened gum in the gap sought medical advice. An x-ray revealed trapped central incisor teeth inside the gum (delayed eruption). The doctor recommended a minor surgical procedure, to open the hardened gum, could wait for up to a year. The mother contacted a senior practitioner for help. On 14 Jul 2023, the boy was given:
NM12 Combination-12 + NM67 Calcium + NM89 Mouth and Gum + NM90 Nutrition + SM38 Teeth + SR254 Calc Phos…QDS
The boy was not taking any other medication. Just in 2 to 3 days, to the mother’s delight, the left central incisor was spotted emerging! Within a month, by 14 Aug, the right incisor had also surfaced (see pic). The remedy was continued for the next two months to ensure overall strengthening of the teeth and then slowly tapered off to OD before stopping. With the successful emergence of the teeth, there was no need for a follow-up with the doctor.
If using the 108CC box give:
CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC12.2 Child tonic
Knee pain 03547...यूएसए
A 61-year-old woman who suffered from swelling and pain in both her knees 15 years ago got cured with homoeopathy, ayurveda, and siddha treatments. However, the knee pain recurred over five years ago after her menopause. The pain would increase with activities like household chores, climbing stairs or trying to stand up. She had been taking homoeopathy along with home remedies but there was only partial relief. Her thyroid was removed in 2013, and so was taking 88 mg thyroxin daily.
She stopped all other remedies and opted for vibrionics. On 7 July 2023, she was given:
CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.5 Spine…every 10 minutes for two hours followed by TDS*
By 23 July, the pain improved by 70% allowing her to perform the daily chores with only mild discomfort. By 13 Aug she achieved 100% relief, enabling her to engage in all activities without any pain. At the end of October, she remains pain-free and has chosen to continue the remedy.
*Patient felt overwhelmed to take 6TD after a highly acute dosage of every 10 minutes for 2 hours; so, she was advised TDS for her comfort.
Mental Depression 03599 & 02726...यूएसए
A 58-year-old woman suffering from mental depression for the past 12 years consulted the practitioner who was already treating her severely ill mother. The patient, in her childhood days, was very confident, happy and energetic but as she grew up she was exposed to frequent conflicts between her parents. This had negative impact on her mental health, leading to depression in adulthood. She lacked self-confidence and was unable to focus on any work which in turn led to disagreements with her spouse and eventual separation. She was on allopathic medication for the past four years, without much improvement.
On 23 Sep 2022 she was given:
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic...TDS
#2. IB…OD and she stopped the allopathic medicine.
She returned on 7 Oct and was under greater stress due to her mother’s worsening health, so the practitioner increased the dosage of #1 to 6TD in water and also gave:
#3. CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS in water, for spraying in and around the house. Later in October itself, the mother passed away.
During a follow-up session at the end of Nov 2022, she reported her condition had improved but over the past few weeks, she was having muscle cramps and spasms all over her body. So #1 was enhanced to:
#4. CC3.7 Circulation + #1...6TD in water
By Mar 2023, she had 60% improvement in her mental depression and 70% in muscle cramps and spasms. However, she requested treatment for indigestion and acidity caused by borderline liver dysfunction as identified by her doctor as she did not want to take allopathy. #4 was enhanced to:
#5. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + #4...6TD in water
By 27 April, she had 90% improvement in depression, muscle cramps and spasms and 80% in indigestion and acidity. #5 was reduced to TDS, #2 was stopped and she uses #3 occasionally. On 23 May, she was symptom-free; she reported that she was doing fine. As of 11 Sep 2023, she continues to do well and wants to carry on with #5 as this gives her more confidence.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 02726...यूएसए
A 30-year-old man with a BMI of 30 had been passing loose stools once or twice every week since childhood. Whenever he took even slightly spicy food, he would also suffer from abdominal pain along with loose motion which resolved on its own with his normal diet. In 2017 he had jaundice and recovered with allopathic treatment. Since then, belching and bloated abdomen have been bothering him almost daily. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with IBS for which he took prescribed medicines (Pantocid DSR and Unienzyme) for a few months but stopped them as there was no noticeable improvement. He was managing his condition by being cautious about his eating habits.
After witnessing successful results in a vibrionics patient, he developed faith in this system and consulted the practitioner on 3 Mar 2023 when he was given:
For digestive issues:
#1. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion…6TD
For general wellbeing:
#2. IB*…OD
For emotional wellbeing:
#3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS
Within two days, there was significant improvement in his symptoms which resolved completely in the next two weeks! He felt better mentally and emotionally as well. So #1 was reduced to TDS for two weeks and the patient chose to stop all remedies on 8 Apr.
As on 8 Sep 2023, he continues to be happy and healthy without any recurrence!
*IB combo as per newsletter vol 13 #5
Menorrhagia 02726...यूएसए
A 45-year-old cook had been experiencing for over six months, painful and heavy menstrual bleeding lasting 10 to 12 days (menorrhagia). In the first week of Oct 2022, the doctor gave her some medicines which did not help. The doctor found her scan reports to be normal and recommended a hysterectomy. As she was not keen on surgery, her caring employer brought her to the practitioner on 31 Oct 2022, she was given:
#1. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.6 Menopause + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic+ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…6TD
#2. IB*…OD
After three months on 28 Jan 2023, she reported 80% relief from pain as well as bleeding. So #1 was reduced to TDS. By 31 March, her menses were normal, lasting 3 to 4 days with almost no pain. When she contacted the practitioner in Sept 2023, she had stopped the remedies as she continued to have normal menses.
*IB combo as per newsletter vol 12 #2
Skin itch 11652...भारत
A 76-year-old fragile woman during her childhood, had asthma which got cured with ayurvedic treatment but then she developed itching on her neck, groin, and ankles at the age of 12. The itching was quite severe and only during the day, not during sleep. She used Nixoderm cream, commonly used for acne for years, even though it gave only little relief. When she was 19, she consulted a doctor who prescribed Betnovate cream and a moisturizer; these provided good relief, albeit short-lived. She managed her condition in this way for over 5 decades until 2021 when the itching became so severe that it led to bruising from scratching. Reluctant to seek medical help due to past bad experience, in Feb 2023, she took a home-remedy suggested by a practitioner for over two months but it gave partial relief. So she went back to using Betnovate OD, then her daughter qualified as an AVP. She gave her on 26 May 2023:
#1. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema…BD in virgin coconut oil for external application
#2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + #1…TDS
She stopped using the Betnovate cream and was advised not to wear a chain around her neck. Within three weeks by 15 Jun, she had amazing 80% relief and by 30 June, itching had vanished. #1 was stopped and #2 was tapered off gradually to OW on 26 Aug before stopping it in the last week of Sept.
As of 27 Oct 2023, she remains free from itching which had troubled her for 64 years!
Migraine 11647...भारत
A 41-year-old housewife suffered for four years from frequent headaches in the front and back of her head, since Jan 2019. These occurred at least thrice a week after sun exposure, head bath or stress, each attack lasting 7 to 8 hours. During this time, she needed complete rest which in turn disturbed her routine and adversely impacted her family. As she could not afford any treatment, she resorted to over-the-counter (OTC) medication for temporary relief. When she learnt that her daughter’s teacher at school was a practitioner, she consulted him on 29 Dec 2022. At that time, she had runny nose with fever and she was given:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.3 Headaches…6TD
After four days, she reported 100% relief from runny nose and fever. She continued to take her usual OTC headache medicine. At her next visit on 25 Feb 2023, there was hardly any improvement in her headache, the practitioner on further enquiry realised her condition was migraine. So #1 was changed to:
#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic…every 10 minutes for 2 hours followed by 6TD
There was remarkable improvement during the next week as she had only one episode lasting 2 to 3 hours and that too following a full-day outing. And she did not need any OTC medication!
By 10 May, exposure to sun or head bath no longer triggered headache, and stress-induced headache was milder lasting only an hour; patient put this improvement at 90%. On 15 June, #2 was reduced to TDS and she had a mild headache that day. As that was the last of her headaches, she was put on maintenance dosage of OD on 18 July.
As of 26 Oct, she remains headache-free and happily continues with #2.
Cataract 11632...भारत
A 61-year-old female was having problem with her vision since mid-2020. After reading for more than three hours, her vision would become blurred, more so in the left eye. On taking rest for five minutes and washing the eyes, the blurriness would disappear for some time. On 16 Jul 2022, when her condition had become much worse, she consulted an ophthalmologist who diagnosed it as cataract and advised her to go for surgery within three months. By 5 Sep 2022, the blurriness increased further, and she also started having pain in the eyes due to strain of taking some online classes.
On 12 Sep 2022, she was given:
#1. CC7.2 Partial Vision…BD in distilled water as eye drops
#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + #1...every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD
By 20 Oct, there was 50% improvement in blurriness and 20% in pain; these went up to 75% and 30% respectively by 29 Nov. As the recovery in pain seemed slow, #2 was enhanced to:
#3. CC18.5 Neuralgia + #2...TDS
By 2 Jan 2023, the above figures moved up to 100% and 75% respectively and before end-January, the pain had disappeared. On 27 Jan, her ophthalmologist confirmed that she no longer had cataract and hence didn’t need surgery. The dosage of #3 was reduced to BD.
As of 26 October 2023, since she needs to spend long hours on the PC for online classes, she feels very comfortable to continue #1 and #3.
Patient’s testimonial: Her original audio clipping in Telugu is available on our website, along with an English transcript.
Enlarged adenoids in baby 03511...यूके
A 15-month-old baby suffered from persistent runny nose for over seven months. The nose would get blocked during nights which disrupted her sleep. Two months later, she was diagnosed with enlarged adenoids (lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and throat) and was prescribed Calpol and multivitamin syrup. These gave her short-term relief and caused side effects - abdominal pain, hard stools, and vomiting. As the medicine seemed to do more harm than good, it was stopped after three months. The baby continued to suffer, cried often and did not want to go to the nursery. The mother came to know about vibrionics through a colleague at work, so she decided to try it.
On 16 Jan 2023, the baby was given:
CC19.5 Sinusitis…6TD for two days followed by TDS
Within a week, the baby had 75% relief from runny nose and her sleep improved. After another week, the symptoms disappeared; thereafter she had sound sleep and was back to her playful self. The remedy was continued for three more weeks before stopping.
As of 25 Sep 23, the baby continues to be fine with no recurrence.
Eczema 11618...भारत
A 60-year-old woman came with a black, scaly patch about 10 cm x 5 cm on the inside of her right ankle (see pic 1), with oozing pus and blood. What had developed as a small patch when she was 18, gradually worsened and at age 30, her doctor diagnosed it as eczema and prescribed oral medicines as well as an ointment. During winters and monsoon season, the patch would flare-up; it would become sweaty and itchy and develop cracks that oozed blood and caused irritation. Only then she would take the prescribed medication and the flare-up would subside in a week’s time but would recur, hence she stopped allopathy after two years. She then took ayurveda for one year, also without success. Finally, she resorted to the ointment again along with some home remedies, this gave 25% relief. She managed her condition in this way until she consulted the practitioner on 20 July 2020. She did have a history of diabetes for the past 10 years which was under control with insulin but she wanted treatment only for eczema. She was given:
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS orally and BD in mustard oil for external application
By 30 Sep the itching and oozing of pus and blood came down by 30%. She had been taking only the oral remedy along with allopathic ointment. The practitioner emphasized the benefit of external application for faster relief. By 30 Dec there was 40% improvement in all her symptoms, even the texture and colour of the patch looked better. Thereafter the patient lost touch with the practitioner until several months later on 17 Jul 2021, she was happy to report considerable improvement - 80% in itching, 70% in cracks and 60% in sweating and irritation; the flare-up during the ongoing monsoon was much less than before. She had started using the external remedy albeit occasionally but along with the ointment. She mentioned that three months ago, pain and burning sensation in her soles had started. #1 was enhanced to:
#2. CC3.7 Circulation + #1…dosage as before
By 3 Nov the flare-up was minimal and so was pain and burning sensation in the soles. However she was bothered by her rough and itchy skin, so #2 was enhanced to:
#3. CC21.10 Psoriasis + #2…same dosage
By 17 Jun 2022, as there was 90% improvement in itching and all other symptoms, she stopped the allopathic ointment. By 19 Sept 2022, all her life-long symptoms had vanished! #3 was reduced to BD with no external application. Over the next three months, the dosage was further tapered down to OW to be taken for maintenance.
A year later on 25 Sep 2023, the patient confirmed there had been no flare-up.
During treatment After treatment
Digestive disorder 11639...भारत
Since 2020, a 61-year-old female had been experiencing mild burning sensation due to acid reflux and belching on a daily basis; although she passed regular motion her stools were hard once a week on average. These symptoms would aggravate with spicy food or even with a slight change in her meal timings. She was under constant stress from 2019 as she took care of her ailing husband until he died of cancer in 2021. This in turn had affected her eating habits. She did not opt for any treatment and managed her condition by minimising the triggers. However, she constantly worried about her health and was seeking a permanent solution.
The patient experienced the power of vibrionics during a spiritual camp in June 2022 when she became very anxious before a presentation that she had to give. Understanding her situation, the practitioner gave her one dose of CC10.1 Emergencies. Within five minutes, her anxiety had vanished, she felt energetic and presented her topic with great ease and confidence! She thanked the practitioner for what she called magic pills and sought treatment for her digestive issues.
On 28 June 2022, she was given:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS
By 30 July, she had 50% relief from all the symptoms, this progressed to 90% by 10 Aug, so the dosage was reduced to BD. On 18 Aug, as she reported 100% improvement, the dosage was further reduced to OD before it was stopped on 31 Aug.
As of Sept 2023, she continues to be fine and is able to enjoy mildly spicy food without any problem.
Herpes, post-Covid effects 11648...भारत
The problems of a 39-year-old female started at the age of 24 in 2006 with stress due to a traumatic marriage full of abuse and harassment by her husband. Her weight was constant at 65 kg in 2006 but went up to 85 kg in two years. Perhaps due to depression, she developed unhealthy eating habits and so continuously gained weight until she was 115 kg in 2021. In 2014, she got herpes, from her spouse, on her lips and it shifted to her genitals in Dec 2016. There were three painful blisters, about 10 mm each, outside her vagina and later three more on the inside. She was prescribed an oral medication as well as an ointment and also advised to keep her vagina dry by wiping it frequently. As the oral medicine did not help, she stopped it after a month. Sometimes, blood oozed out due to rupture. When under excessive stress, especially during menses, the blisters became itchy and very painful, almost intolerable. She had to take lots of time off work during such episodes, occurring twice a month each one lasting 10 to 15 days. She used the ointment as her only refuge, that too at 50% relief.
To add to her woes, in May 2021, she got Covid (Delta) which required strong steroids and antibiotics for her recovery. This resulted in swelling (water retention) in her ankles and feet, when sitting down for long periods, and puffiness below the eyes, later turning to dark circles in December. Post-Covid effects included disturbed sleep and low energy levels. Then due to her overweight, she started having knee pains, borderline diabetes by May 2022 and a fatty liver in June 2022. She had a sedentary lifestyle with very little physical activity. She was using no medicine except the ointment.
On 2 Dec 2022, she was given:
For post-covid effects:
#1. IB Recuperation*…TDS
For herpes
#2. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC21.8 Herpes…BD in coconut oil for topical application
For knee pain:
#3. CC20.2 SMJ pain…BD in mustard oil for external application
The patient was advised to eat raw vegetables – mainly salads before meals. In ten days on 12 Dec, the patient reported improved energy level by 20%; swelling reduced by 20%, and pain and size of blisters reduced by 30%. She also felt less stressed. Within four weeks, swelling in ankles and feet was gone, herpes pain and stress had reduced by 70%, knee pain by 30% and energy level improved by 60%.
Within two months by 1 Feb 2023, her stress and the itchy and painful blisters also vanished; her energy level was back to normal. As a bonus, some other ailments such as episodes of nausea/vomiting and phlegm in the throat also subsided fully. The improvement in puffiness below the eyes stood at 90%, dark circles at 50% and knee pain at 60%.
Having experienced dramatic improvements, she requested treatment for obesity, this commenced on 21 Feb 2023 and is ongoing. She is continuing #1 to #3. However, on 10 May, she informed the practitioner that she did not take any remedy for a month because of her travels and itching and pain in the genitals had returned. She was advised to continue the remedies without missing a single dose. In the next review on 14 June, the symptoms had disappeared.
As of 26 Oct 2023, she has been continuing to take the remedies, with no recurrence of herpes or post-Covid symptoms.
*Refer to Sep/Oct 2022 Issue #5 of vol 13.
Patient’s Testimonial:
I want to express my deep gratitude to the practitioner who is remarkable, a powerful blend of ancient wisdom and modern technology that has enabled me to overcome various health challenges that seemed insurmountable. The remedies are miraculous, providing healing and relief.
However, what truly sets the practitioner apart is her unwavering support and holistic approach to wellness. The practitioner is not solely focused on treating physical symptoms but recognizes the intrinsic connection between mind, body, and spirit. Through her compassionate coaching, she has empowered me to tap into my own internal reservoir of strength and energy, leading to a newfound sense of balance and harmony in my life. Her consistent guidance has inspired me to prioritize self-care and to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. As a result, I now experience greater vitality, inner peace, and an enhanced ability to manifest my dreams.
I highly recommend Vibrionics remedies for exceptional medicinal solutions and holistic guidance.
Practitioner Profile 03547...USA
Practitioner 03547....USA, a structural engineer from New Jersey USA, works on the design of commercial and mixed-use buildings. At the young age of 12, he came into Swami’s fold through the Bal Vikas program. His Bal Vikas guru, also a music teacher, was highly inspirational in nurturing his devotion to Swami by exposing him to seva activities, involving him in dramas based on human values, and narrating incidents from Swami’s life through story-telling. Later, his advisor during his graduate program turned out to be an ardent devotee of Bhagawan and was instrumental in steering the direction of his professional life. He participated in various service activities including Narayan Seva at his samiti. The practitioner recognizes the invisible guiding hand of Sai at every step in his life. Having moved to the USA, he participates in soup kitchen seva and coordinates study circles at his local Sai Centre.
In March 2016, he first heard of Sai Vibrionics, through an internet episode of Souljourns featuring the US & Canada Coordinator. Later while watching an interview with Dr and Mrs Aggarwal, Swami’s words ‘Vibrionics is the medicine of the future’ resonated deeply within him. Thus began his quest to become a practitioner, spurred on by the hope in this system when he witnessed improvement in patients suffering from seemingly incurable conditions such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, including his mother aged 73 suffering from Parkinson’s disease for seven years. He became an AVP in July 2016 and SVP in March 2022. At present, he is also working with the vibrionics admissions team, the broadcasting network team, and AVP e-course teachers.
The practitioner shares a wonderful case of a 38-year-old pregnant woman who, in her third trimester, had developed gestational diabetes. She underwent the ultrasound test called Nuchal Translucency (NT) which measures the amount of fluid behind baby’s neck; the NT reading in her case was 6.5 mm whereas the normal reading at her stage of pregnancy is under 3.5 mm. As the excessive fluid could indicate the possibility of brain damage in the foetus, she was extremely concerned. On 2 May 2019, the practitioner gave her CC6.3 Diabetes + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities. An MRI done two weeks later confirmed that the fluid level had normalized! She continued to take the remedy and delivered a healthy baby at full term.
During the unsettling times of Covid, Swami’s words ‘Why fear when I am here’ constantly reverberated in his mind as he observed patients recovering from the virus in 4 to 5 days after taking the IB. He was immensely grateful to Swami when he witnessed patients recovering from damage caused to their respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems with the Covid Recuperation remedy.
He found, when he was inflicted with allergic reaction by accidental contact with an ivy plant that by potentizing ivy leaves, his symptoms vanished in 2-3 days, see vol 13 #5.CH6. He shares his own case of remarkable improvement in thyroid function with blood nosode. In 2014, he was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and allopathic medicine did not help. On 4 August 2022, the practitioner started taking a blood nosode. His annual check-up in Dec 2021, revealed his TSH was 7.55 mU/l (normal range: 0.5 to 4.5) with vitamin-D level at 24 ng/ml (normal value: 30+). In Dec 2022, lab tests showed that his TSH had come down to 5.5. The nosode also helped with better absorption of vitamin-D and so his vitamin-D level had risen to 40.
Some of the practitioner’s favoured combos are: CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis for chronic bloating issues, CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders for bad temper and behavioral issues and CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular for patients with suppressed or irregular menstrual cycles.
He finds NM12 Combination-12 (a combination of 12 tissue salts) to be of paramount use in treating almost all health conditions. He believes deficiency of inorganic salts in the cells causes disease and this remedy works to make up the shortfall and helps in the healing process. He noticed that out of the 18 tonics listed in 108CCs, eleven tonics contain NM12 and seven others include the individual tissue salts to a varying degree, some having as many as 7 out of 12. Recognizing the importance of tissue salts in general and NM12 in particular, he recommends that all SVPs learn more about the benefits of the constituents of this remedy from Soham Series Vol 2 Section 3.
He has found that, when the 1st dose in water is given as “one dose every ten minutes for two hours” during the first 2 to 3 days, it helps to jump-start the healing process. For diabetic patients, when blood sugar doesn’t reduce with increase in allopathic dose, taking vibrionics remedy with the above dose regimen, helps to lower blood sugar. He likes to either chant or listen to Swami’s recording of Gayatri Mantra while preparing remedies since this results in notable improvement in a patient’s condition. Another tip he gives to our practitioners is:Shake the remedy bottle a few times before opening as the vibrations seem to become more effective.
Over the years, the practitioner has improved upon his procedures for recording patient histories and follow-ups. He maintains, when a practitioner takes a personal interest in following up on a patient’s progress, it reassures the patient that someone cares about their well-being. He is convinced that reading of each newsletter thoroughly has been extremely valuable in his practice; also, a detailed study of the Soham series books has helped him deepen his understanding of the subject. He is constantly in awe as to how the human body can heal itself through the energy fields regulated by the chakras and feels immensely grateful to Swami for introducing him to this unique system of holistic healing.
Cases to share:
Practitioner Profile 03599 & 02726...USA
Practitioners 03599 & 02726…USA a couple from Houston, do their vibrionics seva together as a team. The husband is a chemical engineer who worked in the public sector as well as in various
MNCs in India and later in the United States, when he moved there. Since 2019, he has served as President of a pro bono organization, helping people realize their dreams globally through coaching and career guidance. He is currently teaching project management while also mentoring over 50 engineering students in communication and self-management techniques. The wife, holding BSc and MBA degrees, worked in various research laboratories until her retirement. She is very passionate about Bal Vikas, singing bhajans, and writing poetry.
The couple came into Sai Baba’s fold in 1999 when the husband was posted in Yokohama, Japan, for an overseas assignment. On the lookout to expose their 4½-year-old son to Indian culture and spirituality, they came across a teacher at his school who conducted weekly Bal Vikas classes. When they visited a Sai Centre for the first time, their son walked straight up to the altar and bowed down at Swami’s feet. This deep connection between Sai and their son, began their family’s journey to Sai, with the teacher as their spiritual guide and Swami as the focal point of their lives. They actively participated in Narayan seva in Yokohama and continued the same in Houston. The wife served as SSE teacher for 13 years and Education Coordinator for four years. The husband took on various roles as SSE teacher, Seva Coordinator, Vice President, and Centre President of the Sai Organisation. He is also a certified Disaster Seva volunteer. They have been actively participating in medical camps and food distribution programs, also serving in nursing homes.
Having always been intrigued by alternative healing methods, on hearing of Sai Vibrionics in 2007, the wife was inspired to become a practitioner. She trained as an AVP at Puttaparthi in 2007 itself. She later re-trained as AVP and shortly thereafter became VP in 2021. The husband, having witnessed the power of vibrionics first-hand on several occasions, decided to join his wife. He became an AVP in 2020, VP in 2021 and SVP in 2023.
They share a beautiful experience wherein Swami blessed their work. Once when they were charging their 108CC box with an SVP, they noticed that the light bulb above their table was flickering continuously as they chanted Sai’s name. As soon as the charging concluded, the flickering stopped abruptly. They were overwhelmed with this unequivocal reassurance from Swami of His omnipresence. In another instance of Sai’s mercy, the wife talks about her septuagenarian brother, an allopathic doctor in the UK, who had to attend to patients at the peak of the Covid pandemic in 2020. She was prompted from within to suggest that his family take the Immunity Booster IB and, to her utmost surprise, he agreed. Even more surprising was that they found a practitioner within half an hour driving distance from their home who could provide them with the IB! The day after they received the remedy, the brother came down with Covid symptoms. On hearing about this, she ran to her prayer room and fervently pleaded with Swami to take care of him. Swami responded that her brother would be fine. It took two weeks for her brother to recover but he gave all the credit for saving his life to his sister!
In March 2023, a 30-year-old male approached them with the diagnosis of IBS and a complaint of loose motions. He had a history of digestive issues since childhood and, after an episode of jaundice six years ago, was bothered by excessive belching, bloating, and gastric issues. He tried allopathic treatments but to no avail. He was given #1. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion…6TD, #2. IB and #3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic. Within two weeks the patient was fine as no symptoms recurred during the next six months.
The practitioner couple recognize CC17.2 Cleansing and CC12.1 Adult tonic to be very powerful remedies. The husband’s severe decade-old pollen allergy vanished in four months by alternately taking these combos for a month at a time and that happened eight years ago. They used in six cases of elderly patients, where covid had caused complications and the recovery was difficult, the IB + Covid Recuperation combo which gave amazing results and they all achieved normalcy. In another four cases where patients had been suffering from Covid for at least 10 days, the above remedy resulted in quick recovery.
Based on the premise that ’all problems arise from the mind,’ the couple have prepared a stock remedy CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disorders for giving support to spouse or families of seriously ill patients. They used it successfully on at least 50 patients, having tried it on themselves for several months, as a tonic. This remedy worked well in a case of severe depression.
They are always on the lookout for any potential seva opportunity and offer vibrionics to anyone who could benefit. They feel Swami is with them during all their consultations and preparation of remedies. Having done their best, they pray to Swami and surrender the result to Him; this makes them both feel at peace as they are out of the way of the healing process. They also realize that their thoughts can assist in curing an ailment or be a barrier to; so what is essential is a heart soaked with love and godly thoughts.
When the wife started with vibrionics, she did not fathom the depth of blessing Swami had bestowed on her. Now they say that this has given meaning and purpose to their lives. In fact, during last year, living in a senior community in Dehradun India, they have been treating lots of fellow residents and staff. Practising vibrionics has helped them move forward in their inner journey to Sai and taught them lessons in faith, gratitude, humility, and acceptance. They never shy away from sharing their experiences or seeking advice on complicated cases from other practitioners or taking up any responsibility.
The wife believes that every practitioner is hand-picked by our beloved Lord and we should always remember this and be grateful for this golden opportunity to serve Him. The husband, who feels that Swami has fulfilled the dreams of his parents who wanted him to become a doctor at one time, exhorts fellow practitioners to focus on our actions and not be a ‘result seeker’ as we cannot see the inexplicable way in which the hand of the Divine works.
Cases to share:
Answer Corner
Q1. For bedsores, I would like to make a nosode using the sweat of a patient. Would that be effective? When there is discharge from the bedsore, would a nosode from this be more effective?
A Bedsore is a form of injury to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. Since sweat is fluid coming from the skin, it may be used to make a nosode but the best way to treat the injury is to give CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions orally as well as for application on the site of the bedsore. The next best way is to take a swab of the discharge from the bedsore and make a nosode from it. Also, it is important to clean and dress the wound, along with reducing pressure on the sore by frequent changes in position.
Q2. While making a remedy in SRHVP using cards, I want to place Swami’s photo in the sample well in order to invoke His blessings. Is it advisable and will it work?
A. You may well be aware that the SRHVP has been amply blessed by Swami, also several times in the interview room. It is therefore not necessary to place Swami’s photo in the SRHVP. Prayers emanating from a pure heart (remember intensity of prayers is very important) during remedy preparation is the best way to invoke His blessings.
3. I understand from a recent scientific study that the invisible aura around a person is affected during an illness. Can we cleanse this aura by spraying a vibro remedy and if so, which vibration would be appropriate?
A. First, just a little background: This Q is referring to a recent study published in the journal “Science”, which suggests that humans exhibit an invisible aura of air-purifying molecules produced when ozone in the air comes in contact with the oil in our skin. The study found that these molecules, called OH radicals, have been analyzed earlier when they were made by sunlight and are known to neutralize toxic molecules. However, this is the first time that scientists discovered OH radicals made by humans themselves. The source of these molecules is a compound called squalene, which is known to keep our skin supple. It’s important to note that this study is still in its early stages and more research needs to be done to understand the implications of this discovery. While it’s fascinating to think about the potential benefits of this aura, since the OH radicals purify the air around the body, it’s important to remember that we don’t yet know if it could have any negative effect on our health.
Coming back to your query, cleansing a person’s aura is no different to treating the person with a remedy. Hence yes, you can spray a remedy appropriate for the person’s illness to cleanse the aura. In fact, a two-prong approach would be more effective. In other words, do both - give the remedy orally as well as spray on the body.
Q4. When should we ideally start treating women for menopause? What factors should we keep in mind?
A. A woman is said to be in menopause after she has gone through one full year without menses. A small number will experience menopause as early as age 40 or as late as their late 50s. Initially, the periods usually start becoming irregular. The most commonly experienced symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, breast soreness, vaginal dryness, reduced libido, fatigue, thinning hair, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, weight gain, joint/muscle pain. Some may experience headaches, tingling extremities or electric shocks due to hormonal fluctuations, or memory lapse. We may start treatment when any of these symptoms are accompanied by irregular menses as soon as a woman reaches the age of menopause, typically 45 to 55.
Q5. Can I potentise vibhuti and add this vibration to all my remedies to make them more powerful?
A. If your intention is to include Swami’s protection then SM2 Divine Protection will be the appropriate card. It is not necessary to potentise vibhuti. It may also have some other vibrations depending on how this was prepared and handled. If the patient is Baba’s devotee and he so desires then the remedy itself can be made in vibhuti.
Divine words from the Master Healer
“People fill themselves with such large quantities of food that they find it hard to rise from the eating plate. Ruining their digestive system by consuming heavy, rich foods, the affluent are proud when they host costly banquets. Those who know that physical health is the greatest treasure take great care to eat only satvic food. Uncooked food, nuts and fruits, germinating pulses are the best. Use these at least at one meal, say, for the dinner at night; this will ensure long life.”
..Sri Sathya Speaks, Divine Discourse, Good health and goodness, vol 15, Chapter 21, 30 Sept 1981
“Take Hanuman as your example in seva. He served Rama, the Prince of Righteousness, regardless of obstacles of all types. Though he was strong, learned and virtuous, he had no trace of pride. When asked who he was by the raakshasaas (demons) in Lanka into which he had entered so daringly, he described himself, in all humility, as the 'servant of Rama.' That is a fine example of uprooting of the ego which seva must bring about in us. No one can serve another while his ego is rampant. The attitude of mutual help and selfless service develop the 'humanness' of man and help the unfoldment of the divinity latent in him.”
...Sri Sathya Speaks, Divine Discourse in Seva http://Dal Conference, “Lessons on Seva sadhana”, vol 15, Chapter 31, 19 Nov 1981
Forthcoming workshops*
· India Puttaparthi: Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 2-20 Nov 2023 followed by face-to-face workshop 25-27 Nov 2023, contact [email protected]
· France Périgueux: AVP face-to-face workshop 9-13 Nov 2023** contact [email protected]
*Workshops are only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.
In Addition
1. Health article
Planning Macronutrients essential in a balanced diet
Physical body is annamaya kosha (food sheath). Body is transient. But you should nourish it, because only a properly nourished healthy body can support the pranamaya kosha (life sheath) and manomaya kosha (mind sheath). Pranamaya kosha helps in the balanced flow of prana (life force) in the body.”…Sathya Sai Baba1
Introduction: The key attribute of health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being”.2 Sustainable good health commands appropriate and adequate diet, exercise, rest and sleep, satisfying occupation, and recreation along with mental peace right from childhood. In this, a balanced diet of macro and micronutrients plays a predominant role. This article delves into the essential macronutrients.
1. What are macronutrients?
1.1 Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats as a group (CPF) are called “macronutrients” (in short “macros”) which the body does not produce but are absolutely necessary for it to function optimally.
Carbohydrates (carbs) are the primary source of energy crucial for the central nervous system, brain, and muscles. Protein is vital for building and repairing the tissues, producing enzymes to regulate metabolism, and transporting nutrients throughout the body. Amino acids in protein allow the immune system to form antibodies to fight infections. Fats are the energy reserve for the body, provide the essential fatty acids, insulate the body from extreme temperatures, and maintain healthy hormonal balance.3,4,5
1.2 CPF ratio: There cannot be one ideal carbs-protein-fat ratio. The proportion in which they should be included in a balanced diet is to be planned within the broad framework of 40-65% carbs, 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fat, with a 10% ceiling on saturated fats, based on one’s total calorie needs, after taking into consideration one’s age, gender, body composition, weight, occupation, lifestyle, and state of health. As an example, it could be 50-20-30 for an average healthy adult, 45-25-30 for those over 60’s, and 40-40-20 if the aim is weight loss.3,4,5
2. Our energy needs – Know the basics
2.1 What is a calorie? It is a measure of energy released by food when it gets metabolised. It is normally expressed in kilocalories (since calorie is too small a unit) written as kcal or Calorie (Cal for short). Our body extracts energy from carbs, protein, and fat like a car does from petrol. Carbs and proteins produce 4 Cal per gram, whereas fat gives 9 Cal per gram.4,5,6
2.2 Calorie needed per day ranges from 1600-2400 Cal for women and 2000-3200 Cal for men per day.6-8
2.3 Work out: The minimum level of energy required to sustain vital functions like breathing, digestion, and circulation depends on your weight, height, age and the level of your physical activity ranging from sedentary to very active lifestyle. This can be worked out using the formulae given in the links. 6-8
3. Choosing healthy Carbs
3.1 Carbs consist of sugar, starch, and fibre, and are the most abundant and widespread organic substance in nature formed by green plants and found in a wide array of foods. Sugar is a simple carb and gives instant energy. It includes fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose), and milk sugar (lactose), naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. Starch and fibre are complex carbs found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and cooked dry beans and peas; they give fullness, strengthen the body, and keep it energised for long. Most fruits are fibre-rich but bananas and dates are high in starch.9,10
3.2 Most people’s diet is carb-rich, the proportion of starch being 50% in Western countries and up to 80% in Asia and Africa based on their major food sources and customs. But, carb is the only macro with no established minimum requirement though it is the body’s preferred fuel source. 275 g of carbs per day is recommended though lesser intake may help in reducing blood sugar and prevent hormonal imbalance.5,9,11-14 One can keep track of one’s intake with guidance from the carb list with portion size for each item, given in the links.13-19
Caution: Too much of simple carbs can cause a spike in insulin to balance the excess sugar released into the blood stream; extra carbs get stored as fat and increase the belly fat, may also retain water in the body causing bloating and gas.20,21
3.3 Fibre-rich foods: Fibre is present exclusively in plant foods in their cell walls. When soluble fibre, present in fruits, oatmeal, chia seeds, and lentils, gets dissolved in gastrointestinal fluids from stomach and intestine, it forms a gel-like substance which is digested in the large intestine. This improves overall digestion, prevents fats from being absorbed, and reduces blood cholesterol and sugar. Fermentable fibre, in some beans, legumes, raw banana, and leeks, onion and garlic, feeds healthy gut bacteria. (Resistant starch found in cooked and cooled rice and potatoes, green bananas, various legumes, cashews, and raw oats work similar to fermentable fibres). Insoluble fibre found in wholegrains, green beans, unpeeled potatoes, and most nuts and seeds, remains unchanged as it moves through the digestive tract, does not release calories but works as a bulking agent and facilitates easy bowel movement. For adults at least 20-35 g of fibre per day is advisable, but for above 50’s the need is slightly less; for children aged 2-5, it is 15 g, to be increased gradually over the years. One cup each of rice and lentils and some fruits and vegetables should fulfil the daily need of fibre. Taking a wide variety of fibres is known to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.22-30
Caution: Too much fibre can make one too full preventing both absorption and intake of other essential nutrients and may result in bloating, gas, and constipation.23
4. Choosing Protein rich food
4.1 Protein is found in every part of our body and its tissues. Our body makes protein from twenty-plus building blocks called amino acids (of which 9 are essential as body can’t make them) derived from food items. The recommended minimum daily intake for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 g/kg of body weight or 0.36 g/pound, to prevent getting sick. Adequate protein in every meal will ensure healthy hair, glowing skin, and lower the risk of arthritis.4,12,31-33
4.2 Eggs are favoured worldwide as a high protein food, with 6 g in one egg. But studies show that commercially sold eggs are not healthy and make people resistant to antibiotics as commercially reared hens live in adverse conditions and are injected with antibiotics to prevent them from falling sick. Plant-based quality protein comes from seeds and nuts (eg, walnuts, almonds, pecans, a handful has 6 g), cooked legumes (peanuts, beans, lentils, easily absorbable when cooked with cumin seeds and bay leaf), dry roasted gram and its powder, quinoa, oats, whole soya, vegetables like spinach, potato, sweet potato and broccoli. Dairy-based sources are A2 milk (10 g/cup), cottage cheese (11.5 g/100 g), and yogurt (8.5 g/cup), preferably fresh and homemade.31-37
4.3 Whereas it is good to consume the required amount of daily protein, it is best to space it over a day’s meals.31
Caution: Excess protein intake can lead to renal disorder and calcium loss through urine. If taking less protein, which normally vegetarians do, increase it gradually so that the body gets used to it, otherwise it may lead to abdominal discomfort. If supplementing with protein powder, choose the one without additives; it should not exceed 10% of the daily requirement.36,38
5. Choosing healthy Fats
If you need a diet of 2000 Cal/day, your total fat should not exceed 70 g (= 630 Cal @ 9 Cal/g). If you need to lose weight, fat should be much less. Focus on healthy fats from plant foods like nuts esp. walnuts, seeds esp. flax and chia, legumes, sprouts, avocado, and spinach. Take minimal saturated fats mostly found in dairy products, not more than 5-10% of total calories. Studies show that saturated fat from coconut is beneficial.12,37,39-44
Caution: Avoid harmful trans fats found mostly in packaged, fried, and baked foods.
6. Tips for balancing macronutrients
- It is more important to get your macros from different types of healthy foods rather than get obsessed with the numbers or grams consumed.12
- Choose a healthy plate with vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruits filling ½ the plate, and whole grains ¼, the remaining ¼ should contain protein-rich foods like legumes and peanuts, nuts, and seeds, preferably soaked or dry roasted. Adults should eat at least 1 to 2 cups of fruits and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day.5,12,18,19,44
- Stop when you feel half or a little over half full and satisfied; resist the temptation to take more.
- In order to clean the system, melt extra fat, aid digestion, and ease bowel movement, drink reasonably hot water early morning and between meals, fresh aloe vera-amla-ginger juice, overnight soaked barley water, and include cabbage in diet.45
- Read carefully nutrition information on packaged foods. Avoid fast foods, processed and canned foods and drinks with high fructose, and refined sugar.10,12,13
- Do not resort to low carb or high protein diet or keto diet that centres on fat by yourself, unless medically advised, eg, keto diet is primarily used to help reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures in children.46
Final word: Preferred sources of macros should mostly be plant-based whole foods and not supplements. As always, everything in moderation; changes in diet should be relevant and gradual, giving time for the body to adapt.
References and Links
- Sri Sathya Sai Speaks on “Nature of Self”, Divine Discourse, Kodaikanal, 28 April 1999: sss32p1-13.pdf (sssbpt.info)
- World Health Organization(WHO) Definition Of Health - Public Health
- What are macros: https://www.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/healthy-tips/what-are-macronutrients
- What Are Macronutrients? All You Need to Know (healthline.com)
- Macronutrient ratios: Daily Diet Composition Charts for Carbs, Protein, and Fat (verywellfit.com)
- Recommended Calories: https://www.verywellfit.com/what-is-a-calorie-and-why-should-i-care-3496238
- Calories calculation: https://www.verywellfit.com/how-many-calories-do-i-need-each-day-2506873
- BMR: https://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-Basal-Metabolic-Rate
- What is a Carb: https://www.brittanica.com/science/carbohydrate
- Types of Carbs: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/carbohydrates/art-20045705#
- No minimum carbs prescribed: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5996878/
- Body’s Preferred fuel source: Macronutrients: 3 Types of Food Your Body Needs Daily (verywellfit.com)
- RDA for carbs: https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/foods-highest-in-carbohydrates.php
- Carbs and Insulin response: How Many Carbs Should a Person with Diabetes Have? (healthline.com)
- Carbs list: https://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/MEND/CarbList.pdf
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-healthy-high-carb-foods
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323110
- Determining food portions for fruits: https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/support/healthy-living/healthy-eating/healthy-eating-toolkit/food-portions/fruit
- Portion of vegetables: https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/food-essentials/how-much-do-we-need-each-day/serve-sizes#
- Blood Sugar Spikes: Symptoms and How to Manage Them (verywellhealth.com)
- Do Carbs Make Your Belly Fat? | Healthfully
- Fibre: https://www.usta.com/content/dam/usta/pdfs/USTAFiber.pdf
- Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber: What’s the Difference? (healthline.com)
- https://medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319176#what-are-the-benefits-of-fiber
- https://hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/fiber/
- Fibre - British Nutrition Foundation
- What Are High Fiber Foods? Chart, Fiber Needs, and More (healthline.com)
- https://health.clevelandclinic.org/high-fibre-foods/
- The Top 25 Fruits High In Fiber - Nutrition Advance
- https://healthline.com/nutrition/resistant-starch-101#how-to-add
- Protein: https://hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/protein/
- Essential Amino acids: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22243-amino-acids
- 5 Amazing vegetarian protein foods better than egg—fit tuber: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Pcd28t9x8w87t=459s
- https://hopkinsmedicine.org/wellness-and-prevention/5-protein-packed-foods-for-healthy-meatless-meals
- https://pharmeasy.in/blog/list-of-protein-rich-food-for-vegetarians/
- How much protein you need for weight loss: How much PROTEIN do you need for weight loss? - YouTube
- Fat and Protein in fruits: Fruits Protein And Fruits Fat Content (dailyonefruit.com)
- Excess protein: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9614169
- Track your fats: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/fat-grams-how-to-track-fat-in-your-diet/
- Healthy fats: https://helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/choosing-healthy-fats.htm
- https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/
- Goodness of coconut oil: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/coconut-oil/
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/healthy-cooking-oils#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3
- Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Melt extra fat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjYVS8m91UU
- Should you try the keto diet? - Harvard Health
2. UK annual meet, London, 24 September 2023
This national meet organized by the UK coordinator 02822 was attended by 21 practitioners in person and 8 participated virtually. All material presented in the seminar was sent in advance to the coordinator who circulated this to all UK practitioners.
In his address, Dr Aggarwal shared that ever since Vibrionics was started with Swami’s blessings in 1994, UK has been in the forefront of vibrionics seva. He encouraged the gathering to keep up the momentum by introducing more new people to take up this seva, from amongst their patients, friends, relatives, and Sai Centres. He also made a plea that more practitioners come forward to take up admin work to lighten his and UK coordinator’s workload. It was very encouraging that practitioner 03531 who is already doing a lot of IT work offered to take greater responsibility. The practitioner 02802 made a very welcome suggestion that we should be open to recruiting non-practitioners for admin seva; full training will of course be provided.
There were two PowerPoint presentations*; the first was made by guest speaker Dr Bishakha Chowdhury on ‘Real-life management of type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol’. Each of these three conditions, if untreated, is life-threatening in itself. They often co-exist and together they vastly increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Emphasis was placed on prevention by simple practical lifestyle management. She recommends diet, low in sugar, carbs, salt and saturated fats, high in fibre with more pulses and legumes and good fluid intake (two litres of water/day) which reduces hunger. Regular exercise will reduce weight, BP, strain on the heart, and stress. Regular meal times are important, so is eating before 8 pm.
The other presentation was given by our experienced SVP 02802 on ‘Life-threatening Medical Emergencies’. From her experience as a GP for 33 years she emphasized ‘Awareness can be lifesaving’. As such, she explained the following emergency conditions which need urgent medical care: unconsciousness or chest pain for over 30 minutes, breathing difficulty, serious blood loss, signs of shock, sepsis, or meningitis, acute allergic reaction, sudden severe headache, severe burns and choking. She gave useful tips on how to recognise an emergency and how to deal with such situations until help arrives.
The coordinator concluded with a reminder to the practitioners to continue using the IB remedy. He regularly sprinkles the IB around his house and garden and believes this has helped to keep these areas clean. Eight practitioners had the opportunity to recharge their 108CC boxes.
*Full details in PowerPoint format are available on request from [email protected]
3. Group activities gain momentum under Sai Vibrionics Institute for Research and Training ( SVIRT)
With the untiring effort of RCs and enthusiastic participation by local practitioners, undeterred by heavy rains, just in seven months to the end of Sept 118 practitioners held 968 camps at 97 venues including 17 new venues in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, and Gujarat. Other states where camps are held, are Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, UP, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nādu, West Bengal & Odisha. Camps are generally held monthly and in many places, weekly depending upon the local demand. A total of 32837 patients received treatment. This momentum is expected to be maintained more vigorously in the future.
Participation in the Prema Tharu Tree Plantation Initiative
Between 16 Sept and 14 Oct 2023, a total of 278 saplings under Vibrionics care were planted in the northern region of India with the participation of eight practitioners, Bal Vikas children, seva dals, and local residents. For a strong foundation, CC1.2 Plant tonic is used at the time of planting, and later other appropriate remedies for protection and care. So far, 278 saplings have been planted in four states of India - 232 in Delhi, 38 in Haryana, 5 in UP, and 3 in Uttarakhand. This is just the beginning as SVIRT is committed to supporting activities related to the protection of our environment.
Clinic in Puttaparthi
A regular clinic is held twice a week at the office of SVIRT by local and visiting practitioners.
4. Anecdote
Sai grace on terminally-ill patient 03598…UK
A 93-year-old widower, a close family friend, lived alone with support from neighbours and friends. He enjoyed reasonably good health other than osteoarthritis of his knees and cervical spine. He was receiving regular steroid injections into his knees with partial relief. He was coping independently reasonably well until March 2023 when he fell in the bathroom, suffered severe hypothermia, and was admitted to the hospital. This started a series of crises with recurrent urinary and chest infections and a progressive decline in his general health. He became completely bed-bound with severe exacerbation of his arthritis. Both his knees were swollen and a mere touch would make him scream with pain! He was put on strong opiate analgesics which made little difference to his pain.
He had a prolonged stay in hospital due to various infections and hope for recovery was waning. He became increasingly drowsy, refusing to eat, and responded poorly to commands even after finishing two courses of antibiotics. The pain was so severe that he would scream with every little movement of his legs despite strong medications. As a desperate measure to help relieve his pain the practitioner, a recently retired physician, prepared the following remedy:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles and soft tissues + Pain* + Inflammation**…in water orally and in castor oil for topical application
On 3 June, she gave him one dose in the mouth and discreetly applied the remedy oil to both his knees chanting Swami’s name. She also added three pills to the jug of drinking water by his bedside. Both medical and general opinion was that his end was only days away. But this was not to be! When she went back to visit him two days later, to her absolute astonishment, the patient was fully alert, comfortable in bed and was able to make perfect and sensible conversation. He denied feeling any pain in his knees. There was no swelling and the joints were not tender anymore. When checked with the nursing staff, there has been no change in his medications to explain such a dramatic turn-around in his condition. He was discharged to a care home in mid-June where he spent his last three weeks in peace and passed away painlessly on 7 July 2023
*Pain: NM20 Injury + NM36 War + SR397 Morphinum + Cannabis 10M + Cocaine 10M + Crotalus Horridus 30C + Lithium 10M, all four from homoeo store
**Inflammation: NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM113 Inflammation + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SR324 X-ray + SR348 Cortisone
5. In Memoriam
Mrs Chandravati Vaman Shetty12017…India, our vibrant and multi-faceted 74-year-old VP from Mumbai, reached Swami’s Lotus feet on 1 Aug 2023 after a 10-month-long valiant battle with subarachnoid haemorrhage. Since 2011 she had been a very active practitioner, treating patients regularly at Sion and Wadala medical camps travelling long distances, till she was admitted to the hospital. She was a much-adored Bal Vikas Guru, a soulful bhajan singer, a regular seva dal at Prasanthi Nilayam and participated with great dedication, devotion and enthusiasm in all samiti activities, inspiring everyone with her beautiful smile and cheerful demeanour. She is fondly missed by both her family and Sai family.