Vol 16 号 1
January / February 2025
From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners,
The joy that pervades Prashanti Nilayam at this time of year is infectious. Beautiful decorations and colourful lights adorn the entire ashram, bathing it in multi-hued vibes of festivity and happiness. Having celebrated the advent of Jesus Christ on Christmas, we bid goodbye to 2024 and look towards 2025 with hope and prayers for more peaceful and fulfilling times ahead.
In His discourse on Christmas day in 1995, Swami said, “It was to teach mankind the greatness of divine love that Jesus came. His father passed away when Jesus was ten years old. Thereafter, with the permission of his mother, he embarked on his ministry of service to the people. He resolved on three tasks: to be filled with Divine love and share it with others was the main purpose of his life; two, he should not succumb to praise or censure in carrying out his mission; three, to inspire in others the conviction that Divinity within is omnipresent.”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 28 (1995). If we take to heart Baba’s words, we should resolve to follow in the footsteps of avatars, be it Christ or Swami – make service the mission of our lives and let nothing hinder us in spreading His glory.
Looking back at the journey of Sai Vibrionics in 2024, there is much to be grateful for, since with His grace, we have witnessed steady growth and refinement in all areas of our activities due to the untiring efforts of our dedicated practitioners.
- The first Annual General Meeting of SVIRT was held on 17 Nov 2024 and was attended by all ten members including the President and four other Governors.
- 95 new Associates have joined SVIRT this year.
- The number of bottles of IB distributed has touched a new high of 1,125,000!
- In the last year, 60,580 patients have been served in 1926 vibro camps at 118 different venues by 135 practitioners.
- Our regular bi-weekly vibro camps in the Ladies Sevadal building and camps in Bhakta Niwas in Prashanti Nilayam continue to be held.
- The patient clinic at SVIRT headquarters has been slowly picking up over the past 18 months and is now serving a steady stream of patients. It is managed by Practitioner11604 and her team every Monday and Friday from 3.30 – 5.30 pm. Practitioner11673 is available to help visiting practitioners with recharging of 108CC box and providing supplies, etc. at the office from 12-1 pm on Tues, Wed, Thurs and 4-5 pm on Mon and Fri.
- We successfully held SVIRT’s first Teachers’ Training workshop from 5 to 7 December 2024. Details can be found in In Addition section.
At organisational level, we are constantly working on making all procedures and guidelines practitioner friendly so that the benefit can trickle down to our patients. Based on suggestions received from practitioners we have updated our documents - Patient Record format, Case History Guidelines and Sample Mentee report. These have been uploaded on our website practitioners.vibrionics.org (go to Forms > Download) and I urge you all to start using them asap. Further comments/suggestions are welcome, all feedback will be taken constructively for the betterment of SVIRT; email us on [email protected].
I would be delighted if you all pay special attention to the Health article that is a major feature in every edition of our newsletter. In this time of information overload through multiple channels, it is often difficult to sift through the mix and pick out facts that are proven to be authentic. In this regard, our health article stands tall; a lot of hard work goes into writing each one. It is meticulously compiled after hours and hours of painstaking research. I urge you all not to miss out on reading it. In this edition, the write-up is all about Spine – a topic that is of great importance to all, especially in these times we live in where spine health is directly related to lifestyle choices. As we step into 2025, let at least one of our new year’s resolutions revolve around improving our own personal health.
In His discourse on New Year’s Day in 1971, Bhagawan said, “Regard every second as a new year and act on that basis. You need not wait for the passing of twelve months to embark on any enterprise. Transform yourselves every moment. Get rid of the bad old ideas; that will herald the birth of the new year. Take part in service activities to sanctify your lives. Adhere to righteous conduct. Live up to the motto - Help ever, Hurt never. This is the essence of the message of Vyasa's eighteen puranas. In rendering service, you must have total dedication.”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 11 (1971 - 72)
Let this be another of our resolutions – to be more steadfast in our dedication to His mission through our continued vibrionics service. May 2025 be fruitful in every way that really matters.
In loving service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal
Food allergy, constipation 11614...India
A 52-year-old man had been struggling with a debilitating health condition for three decades since 1993. On consuming certain foods or beverages, such as coconut, chocolate, dry fruits and nuts, spices, tea, coffee, or soft drinks, his heart rate would increase which would last for up to two days, significantly impairing his ability to work or carry out daily activities. At times, only after vomiting his heart rate would return to normal within 8 to 10 hours.
Unable to completely avoid the trigger foods, he was forced to switch to a physically and mentally less taxing career. From 1995 to 2023, he underwent various treatments – unani, allopathy, homoeopathy, and ayurveda, spending substantial amounts on medications and tests, but to no avail. In a final attempt to alleviate his suffering, he turned to vibrionics.
During consultation, he revealed that for the past six years, he also had constipation with bowel movements occurring once every 2 to 3 days. On 28 Nov 2023, the practitioner gave him:
CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS
After three days on 1 Dec, he started having daily bowel movements. On 17 Dec, he was able to consume tea without a spike in his heart rate and after another week, cashews and spicy foods without any problem. On 2 Jan 2024, dosage was reduced to OD and gradually tapered off to OW before stopping it on 4 March.
Overwhelmed by the rapid and sustained improvement of his decades-old problem, the patient expressed his gratitude to vibrionics. As of Nov 2024, he continues to enjoy all kinds of foods without any concerns.
Practitioner’s comments:
Inspired by the effectiveness of vibrionics, he enrolled in the AVP course and successfully completed the program. He is now a certified AVP, committed to help others find relief from their health challenges.
Corns, pain in legs 11614...India
In Sept 2021, a 51-year-old housewife developed 5 or 6 corns, 15 to 20 mm in diameter, on the sole of each foot. These caused a burning sensation, which hindered her ability to walk, especially bare feet. In Sept 2022, she started to have pain in her legs, more so in the right leg. The pain would intensify after walking 100 to 200 meters, to the point where she could not continue to walk. During episodes of severe pain, she relied on allopathic ointment as well as painkiller, which provided temporary relief. In June 2023, she tried homoeopathic treatment for a month for corns but without success.
She sought vibrionics treatment on 23 Sep 2023 and the practitioner gave her:
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC21.5 Dry Sores...TDS
In one week on 30 Sept, there was 25% relief in leg pain and she was able to walk over 200 m before pain would intensify.
By 11 Nov, leg pain reduced by 50% and burning sensation by 25%; corns became visibly smaller. By 9 Dec, both the corns and leg pain had disappeared and she never needed allopathic medication since the start of vibrionics treatment. She was pleasantly surprised that she could resume her daily tasks without discomfort or fear of pain. Dosage of #1 was reduced to OD.
On 3 Feb 2024, it was pointed out that she had developed snoring. While this did not disrupt her own sleep, it affected those around her. She was given:
#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders...a dose half an hour before sleep.
#1 was slowly tapered down and then stopped on 30 March. By now, snoring had vanished, so she stopped #2 on 1 Apr.
As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence of any of the symptoms.
Insomnia 11630...India
The 67-year-old father of the practitioner had difficulty sleeping at night for the past five years since 2016. The patient attributed this to his sedentary lifestyle after his retirement in 2013, when he started to feel weak and sleepy during the day. He had high BP since he was 29 and became diabetic at the age of 37. He underwent bypass surgery 13 years ago and was diagnosed then with an enlarged prostate, a condition which caused frequent urination at night (about seven times). He satisfactorily managed all these conditions with allopathic medication.
In early 2021, prescribed sleep medicine, which he used 6 to 8 times a month for temporary relief, caused side effects like excessive sleepiness and increased weakness. As a result, during his nocturnal trips to the toilet, he often felt unsteady, increasing the risk of a fall. By June 2021, his sleep disorder had worsened to the extent where he could not sleep for more than two hours without sleeping tablets. Concerned about the potential risk, the practitioner suggested trying vibrionics to improve sleep quality and reduce reliance on sleeping pills.
On 9 Sep 2021, he was given:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders...a dose half an hour before sleep and, if needed, repeat up to six times
After the first dose, he slept for 45 minutes before he needed five more doses to get four hours of continuous sleep. Over the next two nights, he had 4 to 5 hours of fragmented sleep but he longed for uninterrupted sleep. So, on 13 Sep, he was advised to take the allopathic medicine alongside the remedy. While he slept well that night, he woke up feeling drowsy and weak the next morning. Therefore, he decided to discontinue the allopathic medicine and rely solely on vibrionics.
On 14 Sept, after the third dose, he managed to sleep continuously for five hours. From 15 Sept, his sleep improved further, with seven hours of uninterrupted sleep after just two doses. He was pleasantly surprised that he no longer felt drowsy or weak in the morning. He also began taking short afternoon naps and was able to sleep for 7 to 9 hours each night, waking up feeling refreshed and was energetic all day.
Since 19 Sept, he was able to fall sleep after just one dose. As he continued to have sound sleep, the remedy was stopped on 20 Oct 2021.
On 27 June 2022, he was troubled with uncontrollable thoughts due to family issues which in turn disrupted his sleep. He took the remedy for two days and he was able to sleep well again!
As of Dec 2024, he continues to enjoy restful sleep. Occasionally, when under much stress, he takes the remedy for a day or two.
Cervical spondylosis, knee pain 11630...India
A 60-year-old woman had been suffering from severe neck pain for 18 years since 2005. She was prescribed a 15-day course of medication and recommended a neck collar for support. She wore the collar for five years with good relief. After discontinuing its use for a few months, she developed dizziness when bending her head. Diagnosing this as nerve weakness, her doctor gave medication for a few days. She also resumed using the neck collar and since then, she managed her condition with the collar and took medication during severe pain.
In 2021, she became irregular with the collar, and her symptoms returned with greater intensity. She took allopathic medication for two months, followed by ayurvedic treatment for a year, which provided good relief. Unable to afford the treatment any longer, she stopped it in Dec 2022 and the pain returned. By Feb 2023, her neck pain had worsened further. In addition, for the past two years, she was troubled by knee pain which was continuous and worsened with physical strain. A scan revealed gaps in her knee joints. She limited her physical activity and took prescribed medication for some months with temporary relief. Her daughter, a beneficiary of vibrionics referred her to the practitioner who, on 26 Feb 2023, gave her:
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS
#2. IB…OD
In two weeks on 12 March, she reported 25% improvement in her neck and knee pain, with only one or two mild episodes of dizziness while bending her head; she did not need to take any allopathic medication. By 4 Apr, neck pain went down by 50% and knee pain by 75% and by 1 May, there was complete relief. However, pain in knee would recur with excessive strain but resolve quickly with rest. On 13 June, as she remained pain-free for over a month, #1 was reduced to OD and gradually tapered off to OW before stopping on 15 July.
In Dec 2023 due to her husband’s severe health issues and hospitalisation, she underwent excessive physical strain which resulted in back pain in April 2024, she started vibrionics. Initially irregular, now both husband and wife, are being treated regularly by the practitioner; there is already 50% improvement.
As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence of her neck and knee pain.
Depression, anxiety, sleeplessness 11634...India
A 47-year-old woman suffered profound emotional distress six months ago in Nov 2023 following sudden death of a close neighbour due to heart attack; he left behind two young daughters, aged seven and five. She felt the pain of these two children losing their father at such a young age. As a result, she lost enthusiasm for life, had sleep disturbances, and struggled to carry out her routine household tasks.
In Dec, she consulted a doctor, who diagnosed her with depression and anxiety disorder. She was prescribed an oral medication for her anxiety, to be taken for three months. In March, she received a follow-up prescription for 28 days. This regimen provided some relief, enabling her to gradually resume her household chores. However, her lack of enthusiasm and sleeplessness continued. About 2 to 3 times a week, she found herself unable to sleep throughout the night.
Upon learning about vibrionics through a common friend, she consulted the practitioner on 5 May 2024 and was given:
NM6 Calming + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + BR4 Fear…TDS
She was not taking any other treatment. In one week on 12 May, she happily reported that she had been sleeping peacefully from the first night, felt energized and was nearly back to her normal self!
On 25 July, she conveyed that she continued to sleep well and had stopped the remedy as it got exhausted in the first week of June. On a review in Dec 2024, she confirmed she has been free from depression and anxiety and enjoys sound sleep.
Migraine, leg pain & fatigue 11666...India
A 55-year-old housewife had been troubled by migraines for five years since 2019, with throbbing pain on one side of the head; these occurred 2 to 3 times a week, often triggered by stress, loud noise, or exposure to sun. Each episode lasted 2 to 3 hours and significantly impaired her ability to carry out household chores. She took prescribed painkiller for temporary relief during severe episodes.
In addition, she had leg pain and fatigue since May 2023. By the end of each day, she felt completely drained of energy and would have pain in legs, worsening at night. Again her doctor merely prescribed painkiller whenever needed and also multivitamins. On learning about vibrionics from a friend, she consulted the practitioner on 20 June 2024, she was given:
For migraine and general weakness:
#1. CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS
For leg pain:
#2. CC20.2 SMJ pain…TDS in mustard oil for external application
Within two weeks by 4 July, migraine episodes reduced to two per week, each lasting 1 to 2 hours with 20% reduction in pain. The leg pain occurred only 2 to 3 times a week and subsided within an hour; there was 50% improvement in fatigue. On 18 July, she reported that migraine episodes were down to once a week, each lasting for an hour; leg pain down to once a week, lasting half an hour and fatigue was 90% better.
By 8 Aug, migraines were rare, only mild headaches lasting less than half an hour. Leg pain and fatigue were completely gone. #2 was gradually reduced before stopping it on 30 Aug; by then migraine too disappeared. #1 was reduced to OD and tapered off before stopping it on 30 Sept.
As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence of any of the symptoms.
Fungal infection 11659...India
In April 2024, a 46-year-old male started getting dry, itchy lesions, whitish in colour on the back of his left hand, abdomen, and back. On 12 Apr, a dermatologist diagnosed it as tinea corporis and prescribed antifungal medication, both oral and a cream, and an antihistamine. Despite using this medication for two months, there was no relief.
The patient's wife had been taking vibrionics treatment for her skin rash for which, along with oral remedies, she had been given Cow dung* nosode...BD in vibhuti for external application. In June, desperate for relief, the husband decided to apply the same remedy on his skin lesions. To his pleasant surprise, the itching subsided completely within a week!
Motivated by this successful outcome, the patient approached the practitioner on 24 June. During consultation, it was revealed that he was an alcoholic, often collapsing on the street after consuming alcohol; he was given:
#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin Infections + CC21.7 Fungus + Cow dung nosode…BD in vibhuti for external application
#2. CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.6 Eczema + #1…OD
#3. IB (see NL vol 13#5)…OD
He was also advised to follow strictly good hygiene practices, such as washing his hands regularly, especially after touching the lesions, and laundering his clothes and bed sheets separately.
After a week on 1 July he reported that the rash had completely disappeared. As there was no possibility of a pullout now, dosage of #2 was increased to BD on that day and TDS on 8 Jul. After a week on 15 July, both #1 and #2 were reduced to OD for a week before stopping them on 21 July. The patient continues to take #3 indefinitely.
On 8 Oct, a mild rash appeared on his back which resolved in five days after applying #1. As of Dec 2024, there has been no further recurrence.
* The practitioner recollected that Swami in one of His discourses mentioned that cow dung is effective for wounds. Therefore, she consulted an SVP in her vicinity to make a cow dung nosode for her.
Patient’s testimonial (original video clipping dated 8 Sep 2024 in Telugu language is available):
My name is Sanyasi Rao, and I am 46 years’ old. I had skin infection on my hands and stomach. For 2 months I used the medicines prescribed by KG Hospital but without any relief. I was given Sai Vibrionics powder and pills, and in one week I was cured.
Burning sensation in mouth 11668...India
A 79-year-old woman started getting severe burning sensation in her mouth and tongue since 2020. The sensation occurred whenever she ate or drank her normal food, even fruits, forcing her to immediately stop eating. She was prescribed a 15-day course of allopathic medication; however, her symptoms worsened after the very first tablet, compelling her to discontinue the treatment. So she was left with no alternative but to restrict her diet and manage with bland foods like boiled green leafy vegetables and sago porridge; her usual diet included spices and salt. This had left her feeling very weak.
In May 2024, she attended a brief talk on vibrionics in a local temple; this inspired her to consult the practitioner on 7 May, she was given:
#1. CC11.5 Mouth infections...OD in water to swish around in her mouth
#2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + #1...TDS
On 14 May, the patient reported having diarrhoea since 11 May. She managed it with rest without taking any medication. Suspecting it to be a pullout, the practitioner advised her to reduce the dosage of #2 to OD. Within two days, the diarrhoea stopped with 50% relief in the burning sensation!
By 15 June, there was 80% relief in the burning sensation, and she was able to consume small quantities of mildly salty and spicy food. A month later, on 15 July, she excitedly reported that the burning sensation had completely disappeared, and she was able to eat normal food with salt and spices; as a result, she felt energetic and happy! #1 was stopped and the dosage of #2 was gradually tapered down and stopped on 31 Aug.
As of 14 Dec 2024, she continues to enjoy normal food, without any recurrence and remains grateful to vibrionics.
Burning sensation in throat, nausea 11568...India
An 81-year-old man had been troubled by mild and constant burning sensation in his throat along with nausea for over six months, starting in early June 2023. This sensation intensified at night, necessitating frequent water intake ( 6 to 7 times) for relief, thus interfering with his sleep. The disrupted sleep resulted in daytime fatigue. The nausea occurred shortly after every meal and resolved on its own within half an hour. The patient attributed these symptoms to the strong antibiotics for pneumonia, he finished taking a month ago. He did not take any treatment for current symptoms and managed them by taking light meals. On learning about vibrionics from a neighbour, he decided to consult the practitioner on 15 Dec 2023 and was given:
#1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…TDS
#2. IB (from vol 13 #5)…OD
Within four days by 18 Dec, to the patient’s great relief, the nausea was totally gone, and burning sensation was 50% better. However, he still had to wake up 3 to 4 times during the night to drink water. On 26 Dec, the patient excitedly conveyed that the burning sensation had improved by 90% and he was sleeping better. As a result, his energy levels returned to normal. By 30 Dec 2023, he had 100% relief from burning sensation and started to consume normal meals. #1 was reduced to BD for a month and slowly tapered off before stopping it on 30 March 2024 and #2 is ongoing. As of Dec 2024, he continues to be well.
Fungal infection (Onychomycosis), chronic sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia & post-Covid syndrome 11632...India
A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from fungal infection affecting the thumb and index finger of both hands since 2012. This condition was characterized by yellowing of nails, itching, and blood oozing from cracks on fingertips, especially while washing clothes. She managed with homoeopathic treatment for six years with partial relief. In Nov 2018, she developed respiratory allergy with sneezing, coughing, and itchy, reddish eyes, almost on a daily basis. Typically, one of her nostrils would become blocked with continuous nasal discharge from the other nostril along with breathing difficulty; her condition would worsen at night and in winter. The symptoms would trigger with taking fruits, sweets, or head bath. Additionally, she had throat constriction leading to difficulty in swallowing her own saliva, she would often press her throat to relieve the choking sensation. During sleep, her breathing would resemble the sound of a cat; this occurred about four times a week.
For respiratory allergy, she tried homoeo treatment for three months, also took prescribed antihistamine and inhalers for over three years with little relief, so stopped allopathy on 1 Mar 2022. Meanwhile the Covid pandemic struck, her skin condition worsened due to excessive household work. She took allopathic tablets and antimicrobial ointment provided some relief from itching.
After recovering from Covid in April 2021, she started to suffer from post-covid symptoms: fatigue, pain in her joints and in right jaw, inability to bend her right thumb, and a constant mild headache on the right side and every night for 2 to 3 hours, she would get excessive sweating on the right side of her face while resting her head on a pillow, along with leg cramps and numbness in her palms; this severely disrupted her sleep. No longer keen to take any other medication, she turned to vibrionics on referral from a relative; she first wanted to be treated for post-Covid effects.
She was given the following remedies on 5 Mar 2022:
For post-Covid fatigue:
#1. Covid Recuperation (see NL Vol 12 #4)...TDS
For other post-Covid symptoms:
#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC18.5 Neuralgia...TDS
For disturbed sleep:
#3. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…half an hour before going to sleep
She continued using the prescribed ointment on her fingers. By 15 May, there was 50% improvement in post-Covid symptoms and she was sleeping well, so #3 was stopped. She was then given:
For respiratory allergy:
#4. CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic ...TDS
Three days later on 18 May, she reported 20% relief in allergy symptoms, this progressed to 50% by 28 May. However, eating fruits or sweets continued to trigger an attack. On 30 May, she was given:
For skin infection:
#5. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.7 Fungus...BD orally and in water for external application…6TD
She was advised to soak her fingers in the water remedy for 5 minutes every two hours and also wear gloves while washing clothes.
On 1 July, #1 got exhausted but as she was no longer fatigued, she did not ask for a refill. By 10 Aug, there was 50% improvement in itching, yellowing of nails and oozing of blood from cracks. By 15 Sept, all post-covid and respiratory symptoms disappeared. On 26 Oct, she reported complete relief from skin-related symptoms and mentioned that she had stopped using the prescribed ointment.
On 15 Jan 2023, dosage of #2, #4 and #5 was reduced to OD. In Oct 2023, she developed mild allergy and skin-related symptoms; immediately she increased the dosage of all three remedies to BD and within three days, the symptoms vanished. Since then, she has been taking the remedies at BD, as per her comfort level. As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence of any of the symptoms.
Migraine 11657...India
A 30-year-old housemaid had been struggling with recurrent episodes of one-sided headaches for the past 11 months since Jan 2023. At least once a week, she would wake up with a headache that worsened within an hour, usually around the time she was about to leave for work. She would take an over-the-counter painkiller and go to work. She would get relieved of her headache within 1 to 2 hours, but sometimes needed to apply a balm while at work. By 11 am she would suffer from giddiness lasting about five minutes, accompanied by nausea that persisted until she had lunch and a short nap in the afternoon.
Suspecting that her condition might be related to her eyes, she consulted an ophthalmologist, underwent an eye test, and was prescribed spectacles but this did not alleviate her symptoms.
In the morning of 18 Dec 2023, she had a headache but she chose not to take painkiller, as her Vibrionics consultation was scheduled for 9 am that day. She was given:
CC11.4 Migraines + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD
After the 4th dose, while she was still at the practitioner’s place, she felt better and after one hour, she felt normal.
Three days later on 21 Dec, dosage was reduced to TDS and on 25 Dec, to BD. On 6 March 2024, she reported with great delight that she had no headache or any other symptom since day one! On 6 May, dosage was reduced to OD and slowly tapered off to OW before stopping it on 25 July.
She is grateful to vibrionics for this superfast cure and has been recommending this therapy to people in her vicinity. As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence.
Ear discharge (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media) 11634...India
A 45-year-old woman suffered from persistent discharge of pus from her left ear since childhood. In the beginning, she received some treatment but it was not effective. Over time, she accepted this condition as part of her life and managed it by just using cotton buds. In May 2021, she noticed a spontaneous cessation of discharge, only for it to begin from the right ear instead. She continued to use cotton balls to absorb the fluid. Occasionally, she was troubled by a buzzing sound in both ears. She was prescribed ear drops by her doctor, but she discontinued its use after three months as there was no relief. Additionally, she complained of fatigue for the past two years, attributing it to disturbed sleep; she often felt as though she had not slept enough.
When she consulted the practitioner at a weekly vibrionics camp on 15 June 2022, she was given:
For ear discharge & buzzing sound:
#1. CC5.3 Meniere’s disease…TDS and in coconut oil as ear drops…BD
For disturbed sleep:
#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…a dose half an hour before sleep
Three weeks later on 6 July, she reported that all symptoms had disappeared! #2 was stopped. In the second week of Aug when the remedy got exhausted, she also stopped #1.
As on 27 Dec 2024, there has been no discharge and she has good sleep and no fatigue.
Practitioner Profile 11614...India
Practitioner 11614…India having qualified as a Mechanical Engineer, worked with the Indian Railways for 39 years, throughout his working life.He has been in Swami’s fold since the year 1971 at the age of fifteen and often visits Puttaparthi especially on Swami’s birthday and other festivals, sometimes as part of Parthi yatra (pilgrimage). He has participated in service activities like medical camps, and serving water to the public during hot summer months in Hyderabad.
Inspired by the continued emphasis Baba put on the importance of seva, he has always been on the lookout for service activities in which he could involve himself. In his search for this, he heard about vibrionics from a friend who is a practitioner and subsequently attended a vibro medical camp which he found very inspiring. The simplicity of Sai Vibrionics system with its 108CC box to treat all diseases and the ease with which it could be used to serve in remote areas, appealed to him. He secured admission in vibrionics course and qualified as an AVP in Nov 2019 and became VP in May 2020.
In his practice, he has come across various acute and chronic cases and has treated nearly 1700 patients till date. He finds that vibrionics remedies give very quick relief in cases of fever, cold, cough – acute or chronic, headache, migraine, digestive problems like gas, acidity, constipation and diarrhoea. He has successfully treated menses problems and PCOD. On a personal front, he has experienced miraculous results on himself. He had been suffering from asthma for 25 years which was completely cured by taking vibro for six months before he became a practitioner himself. Four years ago, he was diagnosed with glaucoma and cataract. Having taken CC7.5 Glaucoma for one month, his eye pressure tested normal with the same result again when retested a month later. Also, taking CC7.2 Partial Vision saved him from cataract surgery.
He shares an interesting case of a 35-year-old woman who had multiple health issues. She was suffering from pain in her legs for four years, more intense in the last two months. Allopathic medicines gave her only temporary relief. She had numbness in her left hand, irregular menses and also occasional neck and back pain. She was constipated, her hair was falling and she was under a lot of stress due to family issues. He gave her CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC20.5 Spine and administered the first dose. He also gave her Swami’s vibhuti, asking her to take it in water. Two weeks later she came back smiling. All her problems had been resolved. When asked if she wanted a refill of the remedy, she revealed that she had not taken a single pill after the first dose given to her and had only taken Swami’s vibhuti every day! Just one dose of vibro and faith in Baba's vibhuti is sometimes all it takes!
He was approached by a 34-year-old woman who had been suffering from irregular menses for five years and she would normally have fever, heavy bleeding, severe back pain, and lose her appetite during her periods. Currently, she was undergoing one such menstrual cycle with much weakness; blood test showed her calcium level to be low. The practitioner gave her #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC20.5 Spine…6TD for her acute issues. Within a couple of days, the fever came down and pain reduced. Three days later, she was given #2. CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic with advice to continue for at least two months. During her next menses, she did not get fever and pain was about 30% less than in previous cycles. The following month, she was ecstatic to report that her menses pain had completely vanished. Previously, she had been unable to do any work during her menses and would only sleep, but now, to the utter astonishment of her husband and children, she was able to cook and do her normal household chores.
The practitioner has been conducting regular vibrionics camps once a week in two local temples and has recently started a camp at another temple, also once a week. Number of patients vary between 7 to 15 at each camp. He actively distributed bottles of IB during the Covid pandemic. He wants to concentrate on treating people in remote and deprived areas, where they have little or no access to medical facilities. He is in talks with a local school where he hopes to be able to start a regular vibrionics clinic soon.
The practitioner feels that, on administering the first pill in a patient’s mouth, healing triggers at a spiritual level in the patient; in due course this would translate into improvement at the physical level. His dream has always been to dedicate himself to serving humanity and is extremely grateful to Bhagawan for fulfilling this desire through Sai Vibrionics.
Cases to share:
PractitionerProfile 11630...India
Practitioner India…11630 holds a BSc from Swami’s college in Anantapur and a master’s degree in computer applications. She worked in IT, developing software applications for eight years before quitting her job in 2018 to care for her newborn. She is currently a homemaker and loves to sing bhajans and experiment in the kitchen.
Her family came to Swami in 1990, when she was just five years old. In 1995, at the age of 10, she joined Balvikas classes. Since she was 15 years old, she has been actively participating in Sai centre activities like Narayana seva, bhajan singing, grama seva, etc. Being an alum of SSSIHL, she has had an opportunity to do security duty in Sai Kulwant Hall a few times.
She first heard of Sai Vibrionics on WhatsApp group of Hyderabad Sai Samiti where a practitioner posted about the Immunity Booster and provided the website address. Curious to know more, she visited the website and was thrilled to know that Swami had physically blessed this system of healing. In May 2020 she felt a prompting from within, so she enrolled for admission to AVP course; shortly afterwards, she was undergoing her second pregnancy. She got a boost to her enthusiasm when her gestational diabetes developed in Feb 2021 came under control with vibro. She became AVP in March 2021 and VP in Aug 2022.
Being a practitioner gives her immense satisfaction, and she says that vibro has become the medicine of choice for her family as they have all experienced its wonders. Her father suffers from multiple issues like insomnia, indigestion, mild memory loss. He manages these problems only by taking vibro which gives him excellent results. Her father has the habit of overthinking which can lead to distress. At such times CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic comes to his rescue. It is her wish that everyone in Swami’s fold should come to know about this system of healing. She finds it ironic that while several of her close relatives and friends do not ask her for remedies, often complete strangers approach her for treatment and get cured.
She has treated many patients with joint pains and finds that those who are regular in taking the remedies always experience the best results. A couple in their fifties who were both suffering from knee pain and tingling sensation in the legs for the past 2 to 3 years approached her for treatment. She gave them CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine and explained about the possibility of a pull-out in which case they should contact her. In the first 4 to 5 days, pullout was so huge that they could not get out of bed due to pain but they bore it as part of the treatment and did not inform her. After a fortnight they came back, delighted that the remedy did wonders and tingling sensation had vanished and knee pain had reduced substantially; that too disappeared in another two weeks.
She has seen in four cases, rapid relief of tooth pain and infection with the combo CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC18.5 Neuralgia…6TD, especially when patients make it in water and use it to rinse their mouth. In one case, a 20-year-old student had been suffering from mouth ulcers for four months and allopathic medicines only gave him temporary relief. He was given CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic. This gave him relief within a short time. The patient was also under a lot of stress which reduced greatly from taking this remedy. Once, during the pandemic, the practitioner gave Immunity Booster IB to a family. They all took it regularly and to their astonishment, one of the members of their family found that her frequent bouts of indigestion, gas and stomach burns disappeared as an added benefit of taking IB!
The practitioner has an interesting personal experience to share with us. Her husband plays badminton every day and, sometimes, when he spends a little extra time playing, his legs start to hurt while walking and he has to apply muscle relief cream. One day, when he went to apply the ointment, he found the tube empty. He saw the vibrionics pain relief oil (which his grandmother was using for joint pains) and asked his wife if it would work on his leg pain. She replied in the affirmative and while applying it, he jokingly said that it was already working. The next minute, when he got up to put his phone to charge, to his utmost surprise, he was able to walk without an iota of pain or discomfort! He could not believe that his words said in jest proved true within seconds.
In another case she treated a 25-year-old man suffering from unbearably painful corns on his feet for six months, these regrew after being surgically removed. With no other option in sight, his mother prayed in a temple and the gods obliged since soon after this, they came to know about vibrionics. Within a month, the patient was completely cured (full details in vol 13 #5 Sep/Oct 2022).
The practitioner has experienced very good results with CC17.1 Travel sickness when taken as a prophylactic. A 6-year-old boy prone to motion sickness was able to comfortably complete a six-hour road journey with ease (barring one short-lived urge to throw up) just by taking a dose before travel and thereafter sipping it every ten minutes. The family were thrilled as they were unable to travel anywhere prior to this and had to cancel vacations in the past due to his condition.
During the AVP training, the practitioner says that she was asked to pray to Swami to make her His instrument to undertake vibrionics seva. Often, when 2-3 days pass without her treating anyone, she earnestly prays to Swami and He sends patients her way. She is extremely grateful to Bhagawan for giving her the opportunity to do seva and prays that she can become a more worthy instrument in due course.
Cases to share:
Answer Corner
Q1. One of my patients read that a radionics machine is capable of broadcasting negative vibrations also. He got scared in case her ill brother in ICU, receiving broadcast from our SRHVP, could be adversely affected. She wants to know if this is possible?
A. There are various types of radionics machines available globally but fortunately our SRHVP cannot broadcast negative vibrations. When the card/sample of a healthy organ/health-giving substance is placed in the Sample well, its healthy vibrations are infused into the medium in the Remedy well. When the card/sample of a morbid/diseased matter is placed in the Sample well, the negative vibrations from this are first inverted and the resulting healthy vibrations are then transmitted into the medium. The remedy thus made (ready for broadcasting) will contain only positive vibrations. Over and above that, our SRHVP machine, unlike the ones commercially available, has been personally blessed by Sai Baba with an assurance that it will always create Divine vibrations!
2. My aged patient has been prescribed 6TD dosage. But he prefers to take 2 pills TDS as this seems to be working for him and earlier he found it difficult to manage 6TD. How can I handle such a situation?
A. It is understandable that aged patients sometimes find it cumbersome to take a remedy at 6TD. As his symptoms are improving with TDS, this is the right dosage for him! However his supply of remedy would last twice as long if you could gently explain and convince him that the effect of 2 pills taken at one time is the same as that of one pill. Keep in mind that for some patients two pills is better than one, especially when this thought is deep-rooted in their mind.
3. There are standard potencies listed on all the cards. I want to understand the principle behind choosing a specific potency for a card so that I can choose my own in a case where the standard potency does not seem to be working.
A. In vibrionics, the concept of ‘potency’ is based on the principles of homoeopathy. Masters of homoeopathy differ widely in their opinion on selecting a potency. To quote an example, Close writes “Different potencies act differently in different cases and individuals at different times under different conditions. All may be needed. No one potency, high or low, will meet the requirement of all cases at all times.” Most experts appear to agree on the following: A. Acute conditions: lower potencies with frequent dosage. B. Severe conditions: higher potencies with cautious monitoring. C. Chronic conditions: higher potencies with less frequent dosage for deeper healing. D. Terminal conditions: even mother tincture may be required.
A vital factor in selecting potency is a patient’s psychological state, i.e., vitality, sensitivity and mental state. In our opinion, quite a lot depends on the practitioner’s reading of a patient’s situation and problem, and also on his own intuition. Some practitioners follow a simple rule: for physical issues, use lower potencies and for mental illness, use higher potencies.
4. I am advised to recharge my 108CC box every 2 to 3 years. I am wondering how the vibrations in 108 bottles of the Master Box remain fully charged? Do you do anything specific to those bottles so that they can maintain their charge?
A. This question was partially touched upon in our NL vol 8 #2. The Master box in Prashanti Nilayam physically blessed by Swami, is kept in a cupboard well away from all sources of radiation and never taken out of the room. At least once in three months, it is checked for any bottles running low, which are then topped up; all bottles are then shaken as prescribed. In the unlikely event of any bottle drying up, a parallel Master box, also blessed by Swami, is maintained and is always kept in sync with the original box. I can reiterate that the Force Field of Baba's energy is as powerful as it was when the Master Box was first blessed.
5.In order to prepare a remedy using the 108CC box, sometimes when I have to add 5 to 6 different drops (even 13 drops in case of IB remedy) to one dram bottle of pills, they become clumpy. Is there a way to get round this problem?
A. Yes, the simple procedure is to first put all drops of CCs to an empty bottle, transfer this mixture into another empty bottle leaving behind 1-2 drops in the original bottle, to which add pills and shake as usual. In this way, all the different vibrations, contained in the 1-2 drops, get infused in the pills. This answer can be found in vol 10 #2 but here is some additional information.
Make water remedy with the removed mixture and make use of it for your plants. If you are making a remedy which will be required frequently (eg IB) then it is advisable to prepare and store it in a dropper bottle.
Divine words from the Master Healer
“Man seeks to change the foods available in nature to suit his taste, thereby putting an end to the very essence of life contained in them. Because he is exterminating the lifegiving forces in the food available to him, he is increasingly subjecting himself to disease. So, it follows, again, if man were to eat foods in their natural state, he certainly would not be so subject to disease.”
…Sathya Sai Speaks on Food, Divine Discourse 8 October 1983, Sathya Sai Newsletter, USA, Vol 8-4
Source—Sathya Sai Baba speaks on food, Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust publication, Dec 2016, p.55
“Whatever you do as service, to whomsoever you offer the act, believe that it reaches the God in that person: lshwarassarva bhoothaanaam. So it is Ishwaraar-panam (dedicated to God).”
…Sathya Sai Speaks, Divine Discourse, No bumps, no jumps, 14 Nov 1975
Forthcoming workshops*
- : India Puttaparthi: Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 2-21 April 2025** followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 April 2025** , contact [email protected]
- : India Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 2-5 May 2025** contact [email protected]
- : India Puttaparthi: Virtual SVP follow-up course, 26-27 July 2025** contact [email protected]
- : India Puttaparthi: Virtual AVP Practical Workshop 3- 21 Nov 2025** followed by face-to-face workshop 26-28 Nov 2025**, contact [email protected]
- : India Puttaparthi: Teachers Training Workshop for all e-course teachers and participants of Dec 2024 TT workshop 1-3 Dec 2025** contact [email protected]
*only for those who have undergone the admission process and the e-course.
**Subject to change
In Addition
Health Article
Take care of your spine: the pathway to power Divine
“To sit straight is important. Between the 9th and 12th vertebrae is the life-force. If the spine is injured at this point, paralysis occurs. If the body is in a straight position, as if it were wound around a straight pole, the life force may rise up through the straight body and give the quality of intense concentration to the mind. Moreover, just as a lightning rod attached to the roof of a building attracts lightning, in like fashion, a perfectly straight body provides a conductor, so to speak, for divine power to enter the temple of your body and give you the strength to accomplish your task and reach your goal.”… Sathya Sai Baba1
Introduction: The first component of the central nervous system (Brain) was covered in our health article “Maintaining Brain Health” published in our newsletter vol 15 #4, July-Aug 2024.2,3 Here we deal with the structure of and how to maintain the second component, the Spine, housing the spinal cord.
1. Spine makes us stand tall!
1.1 The S-shaped spine with three natural curves is the central support structure that gives both stability and flexibility to the body, allows us to have right shape and upright posture, sit, stand, move, walk, twist, bend, and make complex athletic movements. Known as the “vertebral column” or “backbone”, it is mainly comprised of the spinal cord, vertebrae, and the intervertebral discs, supported by joints and soft tissue!4,5
1.2 Spinal cord, a cylinder-shaped tube of nerves, runs through the centre of our spine from the brainstem to the lower back. It carries signals from the brain to the rest of the body and back, helps us to feel sensations, and controls the body movements and reflexes and involuntary functions like heartbeat and breathing.4,5,6
1.3 Vertebrae are the bones that protect the spinal cord. There are 33 of them stacked one on top of the other, divided into five segments -- the first seven vertebrae (C1-C7) constitute the cervical spine that lends mobility to the head and neck; the next set of 12 vertebrae in the upper and mid-back attached to the rib cage is the thoracic spine (T1-T12) that grants the needed stability to the body; and the third set of five vertebrae in the lower back (L1-L5) is the lumbar spine that bears most of the upper body weight as well as stress of lifting and carrying heavy items during daily activities, the common site of pain and injury. The five fused vertebrae (S1-S5) form the triangular sacrum that carries all the weight of the body, and the last four fused vertebrae (Co1-Co4) constitute coccyx, the tailbone; the last nine do not move but lend support to pelvis and pelvic organs and facilitate standing and walking. Correspondingly, the spinal cord has 30 pairs of nerves -- eight cervical, 12 thoracic, five lumbar, and five sacral, and one final nerve is a bundle at the base of our spine to give sensation to the lower body.4,5,6
1.4. Intervertebral discs are circular rings of resilient fibrous tissue between the vertebrae cushioning the spine; they form a tough exterior, are resistant to compressive forces, and act as shock absorbers. Each disc has a soft gel like centre with a high water content and some electrolytes which can leak under constant pressure and come in contact with the nerves leading to spinal disorders.4,7
1.5 Ingeniously created by nature, a healthy spine is vital and should be tended to. Any abnormality in one part of the spine can affect the entire system as various components of the spine work together and are integral to the stability, movement, and protection of the nervous system.4,5
2. Spinal disorders
2.1 Commonly known disorders: Back pain: Most spinal disorders cause back problems with symptoms ranging from a constant dull ache to sudden sharp pain that may shoot down the leg, along with numbness or weakness in legs or feet. The causes could vary and should be addressed immediately. Back pain is more likely with advancing age, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, obesity, stress, and also degeneration. Neck pain is normally due to aging and natural wear and tear, poor posture, or physical strain due to overuse of neck muscles (eg, strain owing to viewing digital screen for long periods at a stretch). The nature of pain could be persistent ache, stabbing or burning pain, or shooting pain that travels from neck to shoulders or arms. It may be accompanied by headache, stiffness in neck, shoulders and upper back, inability to turn the neck or tilt the head, numbness or tingling (pins and needles) in shoulders and arms.4,7-10
2.2 Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) occurs when the cushioning in the spine begins to gradually wear away with age owing to reduction in fluid content, elasticity and height of the discs, causing shrinkage of discs. Eventually bones start to rub together and sometimes bulging, herniation, and other spinal disorders can occur. Most common symptoms of DDD are neck and back pain, especially lower back, stiffness, muscle spasm, muscle weakness, decreased reflex, numbness, and tingling in arms and legs, especially after prolonged sitting or standing, worsening with movement; in severe cases, bladder or bowel dysfunction can happen.4,11-15
2.3 Herniated disc: As herniation progresses through the various stages of breakdown of a spinal disc from degeneration to bulging and prolapse and slips from its position, it reaches the final stage when the outer ring of the spinal disc ruptures and the soft core pushes out of the disc. This happens mainly due to continued strain or injury caused by repetitive lifting, improper lifting of heavy objects, twisting motion, sitting or standing for long periods, sudden fall, jerk, or a blow. Often occurring in the lower back, symptoms are pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in buttocks, thigh, calf, or foot, reducing one’s ability to walk. When it occurs in the neck, maximum pain, usually sharp or burning, is in the shoulder and arm, sometimes hand and fingers. Symptoms can worsen with movement or sneezing, coughing, or laughing. Symptoms normally tend to improve over time; sometimes, one may not feel any symptom.12-17
2.4 Myelopathy refers to a collection of symptoms (similar to those in 2.2 above) that result from severe spinal compression in any part of the spinal cord. Any traumatic injury to the spine, disc related disorders, degenerative conditions like arthritis (see vol 13 #4), spondylosis (slow degeneration of spine), tumours, or infections can cause enough pressure to affect or injure the spinal cord.18-21
2.5 Other associated spinal disorders: (i) spinal stenosis when the space around the spine narrows causing, in addition to pain and tingling, difficulty walking and balance issues; (ii) spondylolisthesis with similar symptoms can happen when vertebrae move in and out of place; (iii) sciatica is a common issue when the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body (that starts in the lower back just outside the base of the spine and runs down the back of each leg) gets pinched, compressed, or inflamed and causes severe lower back pain with numbness, tingling, weakness in the legs or feet, burning, stinging, or sharp pain. (iv) Bone spur (osteophyte) on spine is a smooth lump (an extra growth of tissue) on the vertebrae which bear a lot of pressure and get damaged due to age, injury, or other spinal disorders. It is a by-product of the repairing process and can compress the nerves in the spinal cord and cause pain, muscle weakness, and even incontinence.4,11-17,22-25
2.6 Spinal cord injuries: Most traumatic injuries arise from car crashes, sports, falls, and violence causing various spinal disorders including sudden or gradual paralysis with symptoms of loss of feeling and muscle control, muscle cramps, tingling or numbness in limbs, difficulty in moving, confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech, vision problems, dizziness, loss of balance and coordination. Osteoporosis makes one more vulnerable to get injured even with a simple fall, leading to fractures, dislocations, or ligament sprains causing acute and severe pain in the back and the neck.5,26
2.7 Spinal curve abnormalities: Sometimes the natural curvature of spine is not properly aligned or is exaggerated resulting in some abnormal conditions. Cause is generally unknown but could be genetic, inherited or both. In Scoliosis, spine curves laterally to the right or left into a C or S shape, projecting uneven shoulders or hips, typically occurring during childhood or adolescence. Kyphosis
(round back) means excessive forward curvature of thoracic spine resulting in a hunchback appearance. Lordosis (swayback) involves exaggerated inward curve of cervical or lumbar spine. Symptoms for these are muscle imbalances and
strain and pain in the back or neck, difficulty standing upright or walking, numbness or weakness in legs; in severe cases, difficulty in breathing and heart problems. Some lifestyle changes like correct posture, yoga, weight management, physical therapy, and not smoking may improve the situation.27-30
2.8 Birth defects: Torticollis (wry neck), mostly congenital and painless, causes the head to tilt to one side at birth, with a stiff or swollen neck muscle or a pea-sized lump on it, and uneven facial features; when it is due to an infection, injury, or disease, it can be very painful with headache and head tremors. Spina bifida (meaning split spine) is a neural tube defect that occurs in the first month of pregnancy; the spine and the spinal cord don’t fully develop in the womb leaving a gap in the spine called the hidden spot on the spine, though normally apparent at birth. The condition can vary in degree from mild with no symptoms to severe with nerve damage.31,32
3. Prevent and combat spinal problems4,8-12,32-43
3.1 One can prevent getting hurt and minimise degeneration by adopting right posture, movement, and strengthening exercises. Remember that, for many types of chronic pain, inflammation is the root cause, mostly due to higher intake of sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods.8
3.2 Practise good posture: Invest in a good ergonomic or a supportive chair for the back and position the digital gadgets properly so that shoulders are aligned, your back remains straight, and you don’t slouch or strain your neck. Ensure your sleeping position and the pillow keep your neck and back aligned with the rest of your body and give you well rested sleep. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow underneath your knees to take additional pressure off your lower back.4,8,33-35
3.3 Give your back a break and keep moving every half hour, for instance, go and get a glass of water for yourself, do mild stretches, take a brief stroll, breathe consciously to relax the body.34
3.4 Self-help to relieve neck pain!8,11
(i) Cold therapy immediately after an injury: Place a cold pack or a bag of frozen vegetables (wrapped in a thin towel to protect your skin) for 15 minutes every few hours. The cold will narrow your blood vessels, reducing inflammation and swelling.
(ii) Heat therapy after the initial inflammation has gone down or when pain is chronic: Take a hot shower or place a hot towel or heating pad (on its lowest setting) on the site of your pain for 15 minutes every few hours. This will loosen the muscles and promote blood flow.
3.5 Simple stretching and relaxing exercises for neck are neck glide, extension, rotation, head tilts, shoulder shrugs, rolls, and squeezes, towel pull and so on. See details and demo in the links.8,33-35
3.6 Stretches for strengthening lower back and spine are gentle warm-ups, cat-cow stretch, knee rolls and hugs, pelvic lift, knee to chest stretch, knee cradle, bridge exercise, some exercises including cobra stretch for herniated disc, curl-up, side plank, and bird-dog exercises for better spine health, and yoga namaskar for rejuvenating the spine. In case of herniated disc, avoid high-impact activities, weight lifting, twisting movements, toe-touching and forward bends.36-43
4. Tips for a strong pain free spine 4,8,9,12,33-44
- Stay active and follow right postures - congenial for neck and back.
- Protect your neck and back with stretching and muscle strengthening exercises at least twice a week; physical activity should be a habit. Warm-up and cool down while exercising. Better be guided by a yoga teacher or a therapist.
- Aim for a healthy weight through fresh healthy diet, avoiding the unhealthy ones like sugar that impacts bon health, and stay hydrated. Say NO to smoking.
- Avoid heavy lifting, if inevitable bend your knees and keep your back straight to enable the leg muscles do most of the work.
- Don’t compromise on your sleep. Sleep on your back or side (preferably left) in a well-supported position.
- Manage your stress levels judiciously through various available techniques of breathing, walking, yoga, games, or meditation.
References and Links
- Sathya Sai Speaks on Right Posture in “Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by Dr John S. Hislop”, Jan 1999 edition, Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, page 155: https://sathyasai.us/devotion/meditation#
- Health article on brain health, page 11-15: https://newsletters.vibrionics.org/english/News 2024-07 Jul-Aug-RG.pdf
- Health article on Brain health: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/439
- What is Spine: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/10040-spine-structure-and-function
- https://spinehealth.org/article/spine-anatomy/
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21946-spinal-cord
- Intervertebral discs: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/intervertebral-disk
- Neck pain: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21179-neck-pain
- Back pain: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/lifestyle-changes-to-ease-back-pain
- Overview of back pain: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/back-pain
- DDD: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16912-degenerative-disk-disease
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12768-herniated-disk
- Stages of herniation: https://www.nyp.org/ochspine/herniated-disc/symptoms
- https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/herniated-disk-in-the-lower-back/
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/lumbar-disc-disease-herniated-disc
- Degenerated disc and herniated disc difference: https://www.southeasttexasspine.com/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-herniated-disc-and-a-degenerative-disc#:
- Symptoms of herniated disc: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/herniated-disk/symptoms-causes/syc-20354095
- Myelopathy: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21966-myelopathy
- Health article on preventing Arthritis, page 11-14: https://newsletters.vibrionics.org/english/News 2022-07 Jul-Aug RG.pdf
- Types of arthritis: https://news.vibrionics.org/en/articles/377
- Spondylosis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17685-cervical-spondylosis
- Spinal stenosis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17499-spinal-stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/10302-spondylolisthesis
- Sciatica: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21618-sciatic-nerve
- Bone spur: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/10395-bone-spurs-osteophytes
- Spinal injuries: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12098-spinal-cord-injury
- Spinal abnormalities: https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/brain-spine-neuro/spine-diseases-conditions/spinal-curvatures#
- Scoliosis: https://www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae/en/health-hub/health-resource/diseases-and-conditions/scoliosis
- Kyphosis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17671-kyphosis
- Lordosis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23908-lordosis
- Torticollis: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22430-torticollis
- Spina bifida: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/8719-spina-bifida
- Right posture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfnEZulM9mA
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/back-pain/addressing-neck-and-back-pain-when-youre-working-from-home
- Good night to neck pain: https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/say-good-night-to-neck-pain
- Neck exercises: https://thcboneandjoint.com/educational-resources/neck-exercises.html
- Loosening relaxing exercises: https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/services/aurora-spine-services/neck-pain/relief
- Exercises for lower back pain: https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/activity/exercises-for-lower-back-pain#
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/stretching-and-strengthening-exercises-to-relieve-and-prevent-lower-back-pain
- Exercises for herniated disk pain: https://www.njspineandortho.com/safe-exercises-for-herniated-disk-back-pain/
- Spinal health exercises: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/three-moves-for-better-spine-health
- Yoga namaskar to rejuvenate spine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVb7mE9VtW8&list=PL3uDtbb3OvDMd3kUaU7uJgujVpsURetBm&index=1
- Comprehensive Do’s and Don’ts for spine health: https://spinehealth.org/article/spine-health-wellness/
- Tips: https://odphp.health.gov/myhealthfinder/healthy-living/safety/prevent-back-pain
2. Workshops & courses held at SVIRT office, Puttaparthi
2.1. AVP workshop 26-28 Nov 2024
Nine enthusiastic participants*, five from India and four from UK, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, had undergone a comprehensive e-course from Aug to Oct 2024. This was followed by a 2-week long interactive practical course with virtual demonstrations and clinic. Having passed the online written examination, they attended the face-to-face workshop. Guided by two senior teachers, they gained hands-on experience of interacting with patients one-to-one, taking down their case histories, making and presenting an elaborate patient record, followed by a thorough discussion leading to appropriate prescriptions. The participants greatly enjoyed the learning experience, this was evident from their inquisitiveness to know more, sincerity of efforts in timely completion of assignments, and their eagerness to excel and serve. During the valedictory, they listened intently to the words of wisdom from Dr Aggarwal and Hem Aggarwal who touched upon some aspects of vibrionics, namely, the importance of remaining focussed on the Lord and understanding of the origin of illness in the etheric body, and spreading awareness of vibrionics with humility. They were also reminded that serving with vibrionics ‘medicine of the future’ with love and compassion was a life-long commitment. All nine truly inspired practitioners returned home with their 108CC boxes to embark on their service.
*11669, 11670, 11671, 11672, 11673, 03620, 03621, 03622, 03623
2.2. SVP workshop 1-3 Dec 2024
Practitioners desirous of becoming SVPs are selected for the course only if they are truly committed to take Vibrionics forward, ready to actively participate in the mission, and are keen to acquire a deeper understanding of the subject in order to enhance the quality of patient seva. Only four practitioners**, two from India and two from the USA, were selected for the 2024 batch. They underwent SVP e-course for 6 weeks followed by a three-day face-to-face workshop and qualified as SVPs on 3 Dec 2024. They were thrilled to learn how to use the potentiser and made remedies on the SRHVP for the patients they had interacted with during the workshop. Dr Aggarwal, in his valedictory address, drew the attention of the participants to the subtler aspects of healing, how it takes considerable time for an illness to reflect itself in the physical body, power of thought in healing, and importance of forgiveness and gratitude to enhance and purify one’s energy body. All four returned home with renewed zeal to serve with their precious Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentisers, which would open new vistas in their healing seva.
** 11635, 11646, 03950, 03611
2.3 Teachers training course 5-7 Dec 2024
It took our two senior teachers down the memory lane when Dr Aggarwal had conducted teachers training course just for them in Dec 2014 followed by a second part in March 2015. Since mid-2015 the two committed teachers have taken complete charge of teaching bringing in significant changes to training courses at all levels. So the courses have become more comprehensive and of longer duration. As a result, there is a continuous need for retraining existing practitioners. This has resulted in a growing need for more teachers. With this in mind, SVIRT initiated a three-day structured teachers training course in Dec 2024, a first in the upcoming series of workshops for new teachers who can undertake e-courses, effective mentoring, and conduct virtual and face-to-face workshops. This course was attended by 3 eligible SVPs*** who will need to attend a follow-up course in 2025 in order to qualify as Vibrionics Teachers.
***03611, 11585, 11634
3. Meet, Camps & Clinics in November 2024
3.1 Practitioners Meet of AP & Telangana States at Vijayawada, 8 December 2024
This all-day meeting was hosted by Practitioner 01428 at her home where 30 enthusiastic practitioners* came together to share information and experiences on vibrionics, leadership, teamwork, accountability, and camps and clinics, and formation and objectives of SVIRT. There was a lively discussion on the progress made in compilation of case histories and extraordinary experiences to be offered to Swami for centenary celebrations. All through the meeting, emphasis was on committing oneself to the cause of Vibrionics and Swami’s teachings on seva. All listened attentively to the words of wisdom from the founders on keeping our Promise to God, regular updating of knowledge by reading our website content, especially the bimonthly newsletter and balancing seva with family life. The participants dispersed, highly charged with a resolve to continue committed service to Vibrionics.
*Speakers were 11585, 11567, 11648, 11604, 11634, 10375, 02696
3.2 Country-wide Camps held in November 2024
In the holy month of November, 35 practitioners from 12 states of India namely. AP, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana, UP, Uttarakhand and West Bengal held 35 camps of 1 to 3 days duration and treated 1422 patients. Venues included schools, remote villages, public and religious places and local Sai centres. Of special mention is the 16th annual camp, held from 21 to 23 Nov 2024 at Puttaparthi railway station, organised by Practitioner 01228, supported by two others. The continuous stream of patients kept the three practitioners on their toes and this enthusiastic team attended to 515 patients serving for a total of 36 hours, starting at 6 am daily. Like previous years, many patients from neighbouring villages took advantage of this opportunity.
3.3 Twin states of AP & Telangana saw many new monthly clinics/camps inaugurated in Nov-Dec 2024
1. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Alwal, Secunderabad, Telangana 3 Nov 2024
Sai Vibrionics Wellness Centre was inaugurated by the District President of the Samithi, on the initiative of Practitioners 11563 & 11614 who will operate the centre on the 1st Sunday of every month.
2. Seven Milestones Special School and Rehabilitation Society, Pedawaltair, Visakhapatnam, AP 30 Nov 2024
The program started with prayer to Swami followed by giving of remedies to ten specially challenged children suffering from varying grades of Autism, ADHD and mental retardation and one adult. Children and parents were also counselled by SVP11567 and Practitioner 11650, the latter will be attending the patients, initially once a month on the 4th Saturday. Head mistress, other teachers of the school along with the parents graced the occasion.
3. ZP High School, N Jagannadhapuram village, Mulakalapalli Mandal, Bhadradri, Telangana 3 Dec 2024
The centre, to be run on a monthly basis, was inaugurated by SVP 11585 in the presence of the Headmaster and staff of the High School. On the inaugural day 136 persons were given vibro remedies.
4. Vemukunta Village, Near Palvoncha Town, Bhadradri, Telangana 14 Dec 2024
SVP 11585 took the initiative to start a Sai Vibrionics Wellness Centre in the interior tribal area and 13 patients were given vibro remedies on the first day. He will operate the centre once a month.
5. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Patancheruvu, Hyderabad, Telangana 19 Dec 2024
A brief inaugural talk by SVP 11568 was followed by prayers and bhajans. Practitioner 11632 gave more details on vibrionics during the Q & A session. Along with the convener of the Samithi, there were 50 other devotees and all received IB remedy bottles.
Both practitioners will run this centre on 3rd Sunday of every month.
4. Anecdotes
4.1 From the Diary of Dr Jit K Aggarwal – Miraculous healing of a severe burn!
This incident happened towards the end of 1994 in those early days of vibrionics, before my family moved to Prashanti Nilayam. I was making the SRHVP machines in the huge living room, which now resembled a workshop, in our house in Delhi. I was scheduled to visit the ashram in two days and was in a rush to complete some soldering before our trip. I worked till late at night and put away most of the tools and machine parts before going to bed. The next morning, I noticed that I had not put away the soldering iron and it was lying on the living room floor. Not realizing that I had forgotten to switch it off the previous night, I just picked it up with my bare hand. The pain was excruciating; my right hand was severely burnt with the skin from my palm and fingers stuck to the soldering iron at a temperature of 350 to 400C. At that moment I fetlt sure that I would not be able to fly next day. My wife immediately started giving me NM20 Injury + NM95 Rescue Plus every few minutes. With firm faith in Swami and the power of His vibrations, I did not even consult a doctor. The pain soon subsided and within a few hours, even the skin showed signs of recovery. Miraculously, the open wound disappeared within 24 hours and we could undertake the journey to Parthi as planned; it was truly unbelievable!
4.2 Remarkable healing power of Vibrionics, especially when taken with deep faith and devotion 03607...UK
A 39-year-old female contacted the practitioner at 10 am on 23 June 2024, complaining of severe acidity with a burning sensation in her stomach. Since 5 am, she had experienced 6–7 episodes of vomiting and 3 bouts of diarrhoea. She was extremely weak, dizzy, and unable to get out of bed. She had similar episodes occurring once in 1 -2 years for more than 20 years. Every time, she would have to take high doses of Pantop for 5 to 6 days before she would become normal. She was given one dose of Pantop; as this did nothing for her, she was advised to go to emergency. Being a staunch devotee of Swami, she decided to go for vibrionics treatment. The practitioner gave her CC10.1 Emergencies + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion in water. She took one dose and almost immediately, she felt a significant sense of comfort in her stomach and within 1-2 min, she fell asleep. When she woke up two hours later, she felt completely normal, with no vomiting, diarrhoea, or acidity. Although still weak, she was able to eat lunch and continue with her day as usual.
4.3 Wisdom of carrying emergency remedy 02817…India
The practitioner always carries with her a bottle of general emergency remedy containing CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue. On a recent visit to the ashram, one morning as she ate her breakfast in the South Indian canteen, right in front of her one woman had slipped from her chair and fell on to the floor. She was crying in pain and a sevadal was trying to lift her on to the chair. The practitioner quickly popped one pill from her emergency bottle into the patient’s mouth. Within five seconds, she was calm and composed; one more pill was then given. After a few minutes, when the practitioner finished her breakfast and was leaving the canteen, the woman was smiling, perfectly comfortable and blessed her.
5. In Memoriam
We sadly announce the untimely loss of Ms. Kunda Choure12052 AVP from Nagpur, India, on 27 September 2023 at the age of 38. She became a practitioner when she was 25 years’ old and was regularly treating patients from her home as well as in vibrionics camps; often the patients numbered as many as 400-500 in a month. In March 2020, when Covid-19 struck, she started having severe respiratory health issues and was unable to do regular seva. Vibrionics fraternity of Nagpur who came to know of her demise only recently, will always have fond memories of her exemplary service which she did for 13 years.