
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Anime cartoon addiction 03594...USA

A 25-year-old male moved to USA seven years ago to pursue his undergraduate studies. During his first year of college, he started watching Japanese cartoons, called anime*. This slowly turned into an addiction and after some months, he was watching anime continuously during the nights. So during the day, he lacked concentration and could not focus on his studies. As a result, he did not perform well in the exams and eventually dropped out of college after two years of study. He was physically fit and took up a part-time job as a receptionist. His father managed to convince him that he should give up his addiction and suggested vibrionics because of his own earlier experience of its healing power. As the son agreed to this, the practitioner prepared the following remedy which was given on 14 Dec 2015:  

#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.3 Addictions…TDS  

On 29 December the practitioner received the feedback that the patient’s inability to fall asleep during the night contributed to him watching the cartoons. In order to help him return to a normal sleeping pattern, an additional remedy was given:     

#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…30 minutes before normal bedtime, followed by up to two doses, 30 minutes apart if unable to sleep.  

This helped the patient to reduce the habit of watching cartoons continuously and to function better during the day.

Right from the start, the time spent on watching anime came down week after week. By 3 Mar 2016, he felt that he had improved by 50%. With his family’s support, he continued to take the remedies and they observed further steady improvement. By the first week of June, he had completely overcome his addiction, though he still liked to watch cartoons. Dosage of #1 was reduced to BD and gradually tapered down to zero by the last week of July and he no longer needed #2. In 2017 he resumed his studies and successfully graduated in 2019. As of July 2021, he is doing fine.  

*Anime addiction is very real and can be dangerous (like videogame addiction). because it's fun, action-packed, comedic, and entertaining. It's like a show that's so riveting that you can't help but watch another episode.