
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 03576...UK

Practitioner 03576…UK has been a practicing lawyer since 2006. She first heard of Shirdi Baba from an Indian family while on vacation in Turkey in April 2014. She was so excited that she made two trips to Shirdi in 2014 itself. In early 2015, she visited a medium who introduced her to Swami and indeed He was present at the meeting and the medium merely conveyed His messages to her. She was directed to go to Sathya Sai Baba’s ashram and told that she had the money for the journey (refunded to her by the airlines from her delayed earlier flight to Shirdi). Soon after in March 2015, she made her first trip to Puttaparthi. On her return, she had a beautiful life-changing dream in which many of her questions were answered by Swami and she woke up a complete vegetarian and teetotaller. She started attending all Sai events in her vicinity regularly. In her own words “I only had to take a few steps towards Him, and He began to open a new world to me, my faith in Him escalated overnight as He comforted me with miracle after miracle to prove His existence. Swami Himself cleared all my doubts about Him.”

She visited Puttaparthi again for Swami's 90th birthday celebration and volunteered at the medical camp. On returning home, she felt a strong calling to continue with seva. This spurred her to take on part-time work, on minimal wage, as a community care worker; she also worked every weekend with dementia patients. Of course on weekdays she was in full-time employment as a lawyer. She also felt drawn to healing rooms in churches and remembered the message from the Bible - when we pray for others from our heart, God listens. This prompted her to pray regularly for family and friends in distress. She did this sincerely, no matter what the difficulty. It was after appealing to Swami for another path to help others that Sai Vibrionics manifested in her life. Suddenly she experienced a few health issues herself and soon after starting the remedy, these melted away, thereby 100% faith in vibrational healing was cemented. She knew the ailments were just an excuse to bring vibrionics into her life.

Her journey to qualify as a practitioner was fraught with obstacles; she was advised to try a year later. Under normal circumstances, accepting this decision and walking away would be her norm, but she got a strong message from Swami to fight for it. Consequently, she qualified as an AVP in Feb 2019. Looking back, the practitioner feels this was all part of Swami's plan to help shake off her ego and chisel her into a better human. Soon afterward in Sept 2019, she became a VP.

In the last two years, she has treated over 100 patients and achieved success with varied ailments such as heart issues, acidity, intestinal worms, diabetes, heavy and irregular periods, prostate problems, aphasia, epilepsy, osteoarthritis, and Covid-19. She finds CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic, a magical remedy that makes people peaceful and as positive calmness starts to replace their negative thoughts, healing begins. She has discovered a new love for gardening and finds that plants are joyful to nurture and bring beautiful energy to the house. She uses CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant tonic to spray on plants every other day to keep them healthy and free from mites and other diseases. She adds CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic if planning to transplant them or if they look unhappy. She has successfully used CC1.1 Animal tonic in another way. A six-year-old girl could not get rid of her tapeworms despite allopathic treatment for three years. The practitioner started treating her for many health issues in Sept 2019. The child improved in other areas but the tapeworms persisted. On 30 June 2020, she added CC1.1 Animal tonic to her earlier remedy and within five days, the worms came out and nine months later in March 2021, she is still free of them!

In another case, the practitioner was treating a 70-year-old female with multiple chronic health problems including pain in the kidney area. An ultrasound scan on 2 Jan 2020 revealed a tumour in her kidney, so she added CC2.3 Tumours & Growths to the combo. When a CT scan was done on 28 January, the tumour was no longer there.

The practitioner keeps the 108CC box in her prayer room and always feels Swami's strong guiding presence when preparing remedies. Many patients have reported that they started feeling relief soon after consultation but before receiving the remedy. She finds the cure is quicker when supported with prayer. Sai has shown His divine presence in her home with the manifestation of vibhuti and honey from photographs. She has the habit of speaking to Swami and always seeks His assistance with her patients. It has happened on many occasions that patients have omitted to relate important information and Swami has guided her to add a specific combo to their remedy. On later mentioning it to her patients, they expressed surprise and confirmed having forgotten to mention that particular point.

She sets one weekday evening aside for patient phone calls and prepares the remedies over the weekend. The rest of the time, she receives patients’ requests and communicates with them via text messages. All urgent cases are prioritized and she keeps padded stamped envelopes ready to mail the remedies. Attendance at regular meetings keeps her abreast with the vibrionics world and provides an opportunity to discuss difficult cases and learn from senior practitioners. She has learnt that an illness appears in the etheric body before manifesting in the physical but it lingers on in the subtle body even when we feel well; hence it is important not to abruptly stop the treatment. This understanding has not only helped her in making changes to her own lifestyle but also in counselling patients to adopt a more positive way of life.

She has an important tip for practitioners, that is to maintain comprehensive patients’ records. This saves time and prevents frustration when referring to past remedies and helps with completing seva hours and submitting completed cases. Another tip is that although we are keen to help everyone, there are patients who do not want to be helped and in such cases, it is best to pray for them, surrender to Swami and move on to other patients.

She makes time in her busy schedule for prayers, reading inspirational books, listening to positive affirmations and shares this learning with patients. Her overall outlook on the world has changed as she now realizes that what happens on the outside is a mere reflection of her inner thoughts and feelings. She has learnt to let go of past hurtful events, expectations, and disappointments, which caused her anxiety in the past. Qualifying as a vibrionics practitioner, she truly believes, is the best opportunity that Swami has given her to progress on the path of self-transformation. It is a privilege to be placed in a position where, as His instrument, she is able to help others.

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