
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Itchy & watery eyes, post-cataract surgery 11629...India

A 50-year-old female farm worker’s right eye was operated for cataract over two years ago but her vision improved to only 75% from 25%. Moreover, the operated eye was itchy and would continuously discharge water whenever she was exposed to strong sunlight and dust due to working in the farm. She had been using the prescribed Flubigat and Ara eye drops which did not help her at all. Gradually she started having these symptoms even when she was not exposed to sun or dust. As her daily work was adversely affected, she was living in great distress. When she visited the practitioner on 9 Mar 2020, her right eye was watering profusely all the time. She was given:

CC7.3 Eye infections + CC7.6 Eye injury…6TD orally & TDS in distilled water as eye drops 

As she started to feel improvement she stopped the allopathic eye drops after three days. By 14 March, there was 50% improvement in water discharge, itching was a little less and overall vision had also improved. Now oral dosage was also brought down to TDS. On 12 April, she reported her vision to be completely normal and itching had vanished but there was still some water discharge. By the first week of May, she was free from all symptoms and was able to perform her work in the farm normally, in spite of constant exposure to sun and dust. On 25 May the dosage of both oral remedy and eye drops was reduced to OD. As of March 2021, she is doing well and has chosen to continue the remedy at OD as a preventive.