
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Enuresis, stress 01480...France

A 12-year-old young boy came to the practitioners with his mother who expressed her concern that the boy often had bedwetting episodes in the night for almost 10 years. He also suffered from stress and anxiety and exhibited sporadic outbursts of anger. The practitioners treated the boy with the following combo: 

CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

After one month, the practitioners observed that there was a marked improvement (30%) in the boy’s overall condition, especially emotional. So, they continued with the same treatment.

After two months, the bedwetting episodes had reduced (70%) and he was feeling much better emotionally. The practitioners once again decided to continue the same treatment.

A year has passed since, and the boy has not had a single bedwetting incidence. On the emotional front the boy has been doing very well except for one incidence when he experienced stress.

Practitioners’ comment:
They would like to share that they have had extremely good results in treating problems of morale, stress and anxiety with CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic and/or CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders.