
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Chronic throat, Ankle pain and Hot flushes 11964...India

A 54-year-old woman came in complaining of throat infection, ankle pain and hot flushes. She had been suffering from cough, throat pain, itching in her throat and hoarseness for the past twenty years. The symptoms worsened after eating when she would feel a lump in her throat. She was also extremely allergic to anything sour. Whenever the throat condition got worse, which would be once every two to three months, she would take anti-allergic allopathic medicine that gave temporary relief. She had ankle pain for four years due to Plantar Fasciitis, for which painkillers gave only temporary relief. She started getting hot flushes two years ago and had at least two to three episodes a day.      

Her sad demeanour suggested that she had resigned herself to her fate and was going about her chores by dint of sheer will power. At the time she started Vibrionics treatment, she was not taking any other medicine. On 10 December 2014, the practitioner gave her:

For Plantar Fasciitis, cough and hot flushes:
#1. NM3 Bone I + NM6 Calming + NM8 Chest + NM10 Climacteric + NM32 Vein Piles + NM36 War...TDS

For pain and chronic throat problem:
#2. NM59 Pain + NM71 CCA...6TD

On the 7th day, the patient reported a 75% reduction in ankle pain and hot flushes and 50% relief in the throat condition. The dosage for #2 was then reduced to TDS. Within a month the patient was totally out of her melancholia and she reported more than 80% improvement in her overall health. She was in no pain and did not have a feeling of a lump in throat. The practitioner prepared a new remedy to replace #1 and #2. In the new combo, NM8 Chest and NM71 CCA were discontinued. NM2 Blood and SM40 Throat were added to tone up general condition and treat chronic problems:

#3. NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone I + NM6 Calming + NM10 Climacteric + NM32 Vein Piles + NM36 War + NM59 Pain + SM40 Throat...TDS

By the end of two months, the pain had completely gone, her throat felt normal and the hot flushes were far less frequent, occurring only on some days.  Since there was no pain and no apparent infection, NM2 Blood, NM36 War and NM59 Pain were stopped. The patient was given a fresh combo to treat the remaining chronic conditions:

#4. NM3 Bone I + NM6 Calming + NM10 Climacteric + NM32 Vein Piles + SM40 Throat...TDS 

In little less than three months, the patient was completely cured, and she was even able to enjoy sour fruits. As of July 2015, she is asymptomatic and is on a reduced dose of OD. The entire family has switched over to Sai Vibrionics after witnessing her improvement and cure.

The patient’s comment:

I am from Delhi, India. I had been suffering from sensitive throat for almost twenty years. I often would have bouts of coughing and felt a lump in my throat especially after eating. Fearing the onset of cough, at times, I would even avoid conversation with friends. Over time, my voice had turned hoarse and I could not eat anything sour or enjoy a cold drink. Anti-allergic or antibiotics would give only temporary relief. To add to my woes about three years ago I developed terrible pain in my left heel and ankle. The condition was diagnosed as Plantar Fasciitis. No amount of allopathic medicine could give relief. Hot flushes over the last two years were the final straw to put me in a state of total despair. I carried on with my life in a mechanical manner resigning myself to destiny.

On 10 December 2014, a day after our wedding anniversary, I received the best gift of my life via my husband in the form of blessed Sai Vibrionics remedies. Since then, my life has been a series of wonderful happenings. I don’t remember the last time I felt so good physically and mentally. It has been six months now and I am enjoying the freedom especially when I eat sour fruits and savour cool drinks. I have no pain in the ankles and I can wear any type of footwear I like. I have also been introduced to the world of vibrionics and I am doing service by assisting in preparing remedies. My family members have switched over to vibrionics treatments entirely. I look forward to being a healer myself one day.