
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 9 号 1
January/February 2018

Question 1: Once I added one drop of CC7.3 Eye tonic to 30 ml of sterile water in a dropper bottle to be used as eye drops. But the patient felt some stinging in the eye. Can you please explain the correct procedure for making eye drops?

Answer 1: The stinging was caused by the alcohol content of the remedy drop. We should not put more than one drop of remedy in 100ml of sterile water. If you are putting 1 drop each of 3 different combos, use at least 300ml of water. Then transfer 30ml of this mixture into a dropper bottle for the patient’s use, the remaining remedy to be used for plants. These eye drops can be used for 15 days. You can buy distilled water from a chemist or make your own sterile water by boiling tap water for 20 mins and then cooling it to room temperature, leaving the sediments behind.


Question 2: Why are vibro remedies more effective when taken in water?  Will the potency of remedy change according to the type of water used eg, reverse osmosis, deionized, distilled, structured water etc? 

Answer 2: Vibrionics remedies in water work very well because of its extremely good memory. Healers and shamans in many traditions have long used water to absorb, retain and transfer healing energies to treat ailments of body and spirit. The potency of remedy does not depend on the type of water used. However, if a remedy is taken orally, use water suitable for drinking. If you are not sure about the purity of water, then make sterile water, see answer to Q1.


Question 3: According to the AVP manual, we should not use any metal container or spoon to handle vibro remedies. I drink copper-charged water and wondered if a copper vessel/spoon is acceptable?

Answer 3: According to our latest findings, vibrionics remedies are compatible with copper and silver (must be high purity) but not metals like stainless steel, aluminium or brass. 


Question 4: What should I do with leftover remedies returned by a patient?  We were told these can be neutralised in SRHVP and reused.

Answer 4: We have had some further insights into the reuse of leftover remedies. While SRHVP will neutralise the vibrations in the remedies, any gross impurity absorbed by the pills cannot be eliminated. For example, when a patient puts a pill into the lid and drops it into his mouth, quite often and unintentionally, the lid can come in contact with his mouth or a whiff of his breath, thereby picking up some germs. Therefore we suggest, unless you are absolutely sure that the pills were not contaminated, discard those pills by putting them in a garden, a spring, a stream or other water source. The bottles should always be thoroughly washed, dried and reused.


Question 5: As the majority of cases reported in the newsletters relate to 108CC box would it be true to say that remedies made from the 108CC box are more effective than the ones made using the SRHVP?

Answer 5: Both 108CCs and SRHVP remedies have a place in our vibrionics system of healing. The 108CC box was developed in 2007 to meet the growing demand of a large number of patients needing treatment within a short time in a busy clinic or in a health camp. At that point in time, many practitioners had prepared some more frequently used combos of their own. Impressed with these results, and inspired and approved by Sathya Sai Baba, the system of 108CC came into existence.

With 108CCs one of its strength lies in the ease and speed of treating patients. The other is the effect of their healing power through the blessings of Sai Baba given physically during His lifetime to the Vibrionics Master box. These combos are very wide based as one combo can treat many conditions. As you know, the 108CCs are made using the SRHVP, also profusely blessed by Baba. The SRHVP is used to make a specific remedy to address a particular issue, especially when the 108CC box has not produced the expected improvement. More experienced practitioners are using either or both depending upon the condition being treated or their own experience. Although outside the scope of the 108CC box, it is good to know that SRHVP has many other uses but this requires advanced training.