
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 3 号 5
September/October 2012

Dear Practitioners 

A couple of senior Vibrionics practitioners who conduct camps all over India sent in a wonderful report from a camp they conducted this summer in the Himalayas. The news about two foreigners giving out free medicine spread around the valleys over a large area of Himachal Pradesh and motivated many people to spend 5-6 hours on a bus and then walk another couple of hours just to get the medicine “that works so miraculously”. They were very happy to get pills that cure without any side-effects and makes their arthritis, muscle pains, gastritis, toothaches, etc. vanish, many times over night. They passed the news to relatives and friends and without any advertising people would come every day not only from Manikaran, Barshini, Kalga, Keerganga, and Purana Kangra where the practitioners held the health camps but also from distant villages and towns like Manali, Mandi, Bunthar and Kullu.

With Swami’s grace, the practitioners treated 412 patients and saw many miraculous cures. One elderly lady, who had severe body pain (osteoporosis), fever, liver deficiency, anaemia, was bedridden and also grieving because of her husband’s demise. Three days after she started the Vibrionics pills, she was 70% better, could walk around the house on her own, the fever was gone and she was smiling again. All her family members were so happy and grateful. Several porters who carry heavy loads day after day were especially grateful when their body pain was relieved overnight. The practitioners were deeply touched by Swami’s immense love and compassion and for Him giving them this wonderful opportunity to witness His Divine Healing Hand.

We conducted a workshop for Senior VPs in Venice, Italy this September. It was a very good group and all 9 practitioners who attended the camp worked very hard and had mastered the entire course book for SVPs, in advance of taking the course. Because of their dedication, it was possible to complete the course in just 3 days. All the applicants passed the tests set for them and thus qualified to receive Sai Ram Potentisers. Credit goes to our Italian Coordinator 2494 who made all arrangements for the workshop. He organises regular meetings of practitioners which provide a platform for exchange of experiences and this keeps the practitioners’ interest alive!

I strongly urge co-ordinators and active practitioners in other regions to hold such meetings and refresher courses – they can be so motivating and inspiring and will only take us closer to our Lord by doing our chosen path of seva with more zeal, love and dedication.

In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal

P.S. As we all know, diet plays an extremely important role in treating an illness and keeping good health. I recently came across three very interesting and useful websites.

1. http://www.acidalkalinediet.com/Alkaline-Foods-Chart.htm#.UC31BjICCdM.gmail
This site is especially wonderful for distinguishing between acidic and alkaline foods.

2. http://www.thefutureofhealthnow.com/defeating-ms-with-the-paleo-diet-drug-free
This is an incredible video of a medical doctor who defeated Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that took away her mobility and threatened her memory and cognitive motor skills. She did this by conducting a life or death experiment on herself and dramatically changing her diet. I believe that everyone can benefit from watching this video – it is a truly life-changing story!

3.http://www.bottomlinepublications.com/content/article/health-a-healing/how-a-harvard-brain-specialist- keeps-her-own-brain-healthy-simple-steps-anyone-can-take?utm_campaign=_ BQR0UVWB8to60A
Scientists used to believe that memory and other mental abilities inevitably declined with age. Not anymore. We now know that the brain has the ability to form new neurons and create new neural pathways throughout life. In this article, a brain and memory specialist from Harvard Medical School, USA, describes what she does to keep her own brain healthy. A very informative and interesting read.