Περιστατικά Σχετικά με
Constipation, Indigestion & Candida 11966...India
On August 15, 2014, a boy (2 ½ years old) was brought in for treatment of chronic constipation and indigestion for which he had been suffering for 1 ½ years. He had been getting up nearly every night crying, complaining of stomach pain. The parents had tried giving him allopathic medicines were tried a couple of times but the problem persisted....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόGangrene, Diabetes 02494...Italy
While in Prashanti Nilayam, the practitioners (husband and wife team) decided to make a phone call to on old friend in Italy, who was very ill, to see how he was faring. They had been out of touch for some time. Their friend, then 64 years old, had been suffering from diabetes for 30 years and was insulin dependent but did not take care of himself. He was in...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMultiple Problems 02813...Belgium
A 31-year-old man came to the practitioner because he had respiratory allergy since he was 15 years old. This prevented him from sleeping at night unless he took allopathic pills. He had been suffering from herpes for the last five years and just before coming to see the practitioner a new eruption had emerged. His brother had been recently diagnosed with...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema and Facial Tumour 02826...India
A 45-year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon-size tumour on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόOsteomyelitis in Right Shin 02786...Russia
A 59-year-old woman from Azerbaijan came to the practitioners because she had a painful condition in the right shin called osteomyelitis – an inflammation of the bone and marrow, usually caused by infection. In this case the shin was a bluish-grey colour with necrotic stains in the centre. Along the inside of the bone there were 3 fistulas from...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin Allergy with Infection 11414...India
A 2-year-old boy was brought to the practitioner with a skin allergy covering the whole of his body. There was infection and itching all over. For the past 4 - 5 months, on the advice of their doctor, the parents had applied a variety of creams to the skin and consumed allopathic medicines but without any improvement. The mother then contacted a...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόVitiligo or Leucoderma 02763...India
A male patient aged 48 came to the practitioner because he was suffering from a skin disease marked by the gradual loss of pigment that produced white patches on the face and on some parts of the body. He was given:
CC21.2 Skin infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
In two months, the white patches were found to be fading. To improve the...(continued)
Infected Sebaceous Cysts 11389...India
The practitioner’s son was always scratching his head and had a lot of dandruff. It was only when all his hair was shaved off that the source of the irritation could be seen: his whole head was a mass of what looked like lots of blisters joined together. These were really swollen, infected and oily cysts that had formed through matter secreted by the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMultiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode 02836...India
A 64-years-old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόChronic Eczema 10364...India
This practitioner aged 55 years treated himself for chronic eczema that he had for 8 years. It was below the abdomen and all over his legs. He had taken allopathic medicines but received only temporary relief. So he took the following:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS
His symptoms have gone completely.
...(continued) Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόWarts on Sole of Foot 02870...USA
A 13-year-old girl had been suffering for 18 months with warts on the sole of her foot. A chiropodist (or podiatrist as it is known in the US), had scaled off the skin over the warts so that Fluorouracil cream 0.5% could penetrate the warts and clear them. The treatment had continued for two months without success, so it was discontinued. When the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHerpes on Lips 02128...Argentina
A man aged 38 had recurrent herpes on his lips for a long time.
SR293 Gunpowder…TDS, was given by the practitioner.
Within two days there was a massive reduction to the size of the sore and in five days, all signs of the herpes had completely disappeared, so treatment was discontinued.
Nut Allergy and Severe Dry Skin 02802...UK
The patient was an 18-year-old blind boy who lived in a blind school but came home during the holidays. His mother called the practitioner to say that he had a nut allergy especially to almonds and would get stomach pains and vomit if he ate them. He also had severe dry skin that required regular use of cream. The following remedy was posted to him:
Facial Rash 02802...UK
A woman aged 47 was suffering from facial rash for a year. It was diagnosed as rosacea, a chronic facial eruption in which papules appear on a flushed or red background. In this case the patient had it around her chin. Several different antibiotics had been given but there was no improvement. She was also treated by a herbalist who gave herbal remedies for...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBlisters in the Cervix 11389...India
A 13 year old girl had suffered for a week from small white pus-filled blisters in the cervix. They were very itchy and painful. On 3 August 2013 she was given:
CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix...6TD for 3 days and TDS for 2 days
Within 4 days the old blisters disappeared but at the same time a few new ones appeared. The remedy was changed to the following:
Scorpion Bites 02765...India
This practitioner says that when they are treating patients in the monthly vibro camps, many people come with scorpion bites and instant relief is given with CC21.4 Stings & Bites. And when the practitioner did not have his 108 Common Combos Box with him, in a remote place recently, similar results were obtained with SR353 Ledum.
Burns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBoils on the Buttocks 11210...India
A 50-year old man was suffering intense pain from boils on his buttocks. The boils would appear one after another, swell with pus and then burst, but always new lesions appeared. Twice some had to be surgically removed. Initially the patient was given:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS
In a month there was 20% improvement. The...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑτοπική δερματίτιδα και Αυξημένα Υγρά Στομάχου 10001...India
Τον Ιούνιο του 2013, ένας άνδρας ασθενής, ηλικίας 18 ετών, ήρθε για θεραπεία...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 02128...Argentina
Στις 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, ένας 28χρονος άνδρας αναζήτησε θεραπεία για...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΆφθες 02806...Malaysia
Στις 23 Μαρτίου 2014, ένας 38χρονος ασθενής αναζήτησε θεραπεία για την άφθα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΤσιμπήματα Εντόμων & πληγές 11176...India
Για 25 χρόνια, ένας 55χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από πληγές στα χέρια του με πύον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈρπης Ζωστήρος 00523...Belgium
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής (63 ετών) υποφέρει τακτικά από επιχείλιο έρπη. Της...(continued)
Angioma in an Infant 02640...India
A baby boy, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the practitioner who is also an...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAcne 02799...UK
A male patient aged 21 came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from acne for five years. It was all over his face and back. The following treatment was given:
NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM36 War + NM37 Acidity + NM61 Acne + SR293 Gunpowder + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR329 Crab Apple + SR342 Antim Crud + Echinacea (30C) from homoeopathic...(continued)
Eczema 02762...USA
A 51 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because 15 years before, her doctor had diagnosed as eczema, an inflamed area on her left leg and foot that constantly itched. From that time, she had been plagued with intense irritation and dry cracks continually appearing and disappearing on the foot with liquid discharge. At times she could neither wear...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBenign Tumour 11278...India
On 23 January 2013 a male patient, aged 62, sought treatment for a benign soft tumour (1 cm x 1 cm), located on his back below the right shoulder. He had this for 10 years. His doctor had recommended an operation to remove it but cautioned that the tumour could recur. Since the tumour was painless, the patient avoided the operation. He was given...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPostnatal Infection with Breast Pain 02802...UK
A 28-year-old mother had a C-section (caesarean section) delivery 2 weeks previously. A week after the birth, she suffered a viral infection; the symptoms were excessive sweating and body ache with a tired and drained feeling. She was also finding it painful to breastfeed her baby. Her doctor had given her a course of antibiotics but there was no...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨύλλοι σε γάτα 02921...Italy
Η Κλειώ, η 6 χρονη Σιαμέζα γάτα της θεραπεύτριας, κάθε καλοκαίρι...(continued)
Λευκές Κηλίδες 10940...India
Ένας 35 χρονος επιχειρηματίας αναζήτησε Δονητική θεραπεία για μικρές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜετεγχειρητική πληγή στο πόδι 00534...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: για να επιδιορθώσω το σπάσιμο ενός οπίσθιου...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛεύκη 02799...UK
Ένα κορίτσι (10 ετών) είχε λεύκη στο πρόσωπο, τα χέρια και το σώμα επί 4 χρόνια....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόInfected Pimple on Breast 01339...USA
A 69-year-old woman had, what she called, a blackhead pimple located near her upper left breast for three years. She did not seek medical care. Periodically, she would squeeze it and pus would ooze out. One day she noticed the area had become inflamed, painful and tender to touch. During sleep, she needed to use a pillow under her breast for comfort. She...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟστρακιά 02680...Japan
Ένα 18 μηνών αγοράκι είχε πολύ υψηλό πυρετό για μια εβδομάδα, δεν μπορούσε να...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιάτρηση Σκωληκοειδούς Απόφυσης 02733...India
Ένα νεαρό 16χρονο αγόρι, παραπονιόταν για μόνιμο πόνο στη δεξιά πλευρά της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόTreatment of crops: Tur, Mosambi and Cotton 11279...India
The Practitioner writes: My first experiment was on a 100 sq ft plot of Tur (Red Gram, Laxmi Niwaran seed) planted in June 2012 by the Peti Master [harmonium player] of our Bhajan Mandali [bhajan circle]. In this plot, I found that worms were eating away the flowering Tur plants. I told him that I had recently done a course in Vibrionics and there were...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈκζεμα, Άγχος εξετάσεων 02799...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Στις 21 Απριλίου 2013, ένας 18 χρονος φοιτητής...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου & Φαγούρα Ορθού 02799...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Στις 26 Μαρτίου 2014 ένας κύριος 73 ετών ήρθε να με δει....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔερματικό εξάνθημα στα χέρια 02806...Malaysia
Μια 59χρονη γυναίκα παραπονιόταν για εξανθήματα και φαγούρα στα χέρια και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΓάγγραινα, Ουλώδης Ιστός 01616...Croatia
Μια έμπειρη θεραπεύτρια 59 ετών συμβουλεύτηκε έναν αρχαιότερο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠληγές στο λαιμό σκύλου 02885...Argentina
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Ο Pitty, ο σκύλος μας, δέχθηκε επίθεση από δυο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΦαγούρα σε όλο το σώμα 12051...India
Ένας 85χρονος άντρας υπέφερε από φαγούρα σ’ όλο το σώμα του για πολλά...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟυρτικάρια (χρόνια κνίδωση) 11483...India
Μια 32χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από σοβαρά ουρτικάρια. Πλησίασε το...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟγκίδιο στον καρπό 11572...India
Μια 27- χρονη γυναίκα ήρθε με επώδυνο ογκίδιο στο δεξί καρπό της στις 15...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔερματικό εξάνθημα και φαγούρα 02892...Australia
Ένας 47χρονος άνδρας παραπονιόταν για οδυνηρά και με αίσθηση καψίματος...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜολυσμένα πόδια 02859...India
Ο ασκούμενος γράφει: Τον Απρίλιο του 2011, ολοκλήρωσα τα μαθήματα των 3...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΝόσος του Πάρκινσον και η Ψωρίαση 02859...India
Τον Μάρτιο του 2013, ένας άνδρας ασθενής ηλικίας 54 χρόνων πλησίασε τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕκζεμα 11569...India
Μία 60χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από έκζεμα κάτω από τα μάτια της για 5-6 χρόνια. Η...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση του τριχωτού της κεφαλής 11569...India
Μια 50χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από ψωρίαση (λευκά λέπια) στο πίσω μέρος του...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑποστήματα και φαγούρα στο πόδι 11570...India
Στις 27 Απριλίου 2015, έφεραν στον ασκούμενο ένα 11χρονο αγόρι από μια φτωχή...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛοίμωξη του δάχτυλου του ποδιού με Ονυχοκρύπτωση 02554...Italy
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής που είχε υποβληθεί σε αγωγή από το θεραπευτή...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια Ημικρανία, Δερματική Αλλεργία 02802...UK
Μια 50 χρονη γυναίκα που η πλήρους απασχόληση δουλειά της ήταν να...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση, Διαβήτης Τύπου 2, Δακρύρροια 02799...UK
Ένας 59χρονος άνδρας που υπέφερε από σοβαρή ψωρίαση τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚακή Κυκλοφορία, Πόνος στην πλάτη, Λευκόρροια και Ουρτικάρια 02799...UK
Μια 76χρονη κυρία που υπέφερε από πολύ κρύα πόδια, πόνο στην πλάτη και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 11567...India
Ένα 7χρονο αγόρι εξετάστηκε για αγωγή μιας πάθησης του δέρματος που...(continued)
Μικρά Ισχαιμικά Επεισόδια μετά από Καρδιοχειρουργική 02890...USA
Η 74 χρονη αδελφή της θεραπεύτριας είχε μια καρδιακή προσβολή το 2013 και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΓυροειδής Αλωπεκία 02806...Malaysia
Ένα 9χρονο αγόρι εξετάστηκε στις 28 Μαίου 2015 για θεραπεία για κατά τόπους...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈρπης Ζωστήρ 01163...Croatia
Μια ηλικιωμένη γυναίκα 82 ετών εξετάστηκε από το θεραπευτή στις 25...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕνδοεγκεφαλική Βλάβη, Δυσπεψία, Εμετός & Δυσκοιλιότητα, Αϋπνία, Νευροδερματίτιδα και Ατονία λόγω Ηλικίας 11573...India
Η 88χρονη προγιαγιά του θεραπευτή έπασχε από πολλές παθήσεις τον Ιούνιο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια Ακμή 03505...UK
Στις 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2014, μια νέα γυναίκα 18 ετών ήρθε για θεραπεία ακμής στο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβητική Γάγγραινα 02786...Russia
Κατά την επίσκεψη σ’ ένα φίλο της στο νοσοκομείο στις 19 Μαρτίου 2015, η...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΤροφικές Αλλεργίες 03523...UK
Μια γυναίκα (ηλικίας 67) αναζήτησε θεραπεία για αλλεργία του δέρματος...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜύκητας Νυχιών 03524...USA
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 65 ετών παραπέμφθηκε στο θεραπευτή από κάποιον φίλο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈκζεμα 01044...New Zealand
Μια μητέρα έφερε τον 7χρονο γιο της για θεραπεία χρόνιου σοβαρού...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈκζεμα 01427...Singapore
Μια 50χρονη γυναίκα αναζήτησε θεραπεία το Μάρτιο του 2013 για σοβαρό έκζεμα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυρμηγκιά/Κονδυλώματα 01620...France
Μια 21χρονη ασθενής, παρουσιάστηκε με μια εκτεταμένη μυρμηγκιά...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟξύ κρύωμα, βήχας και εξάνθημα 02859...India
Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας συνομιλίας μέσω Skype με τον 22χρονο γιο της, η...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβητικόεξάνθημα 03516...Canada
Ένας 66χρονος άνδρας, που υπέφερε από διαβητικό εξάνθημα στην πλάτη και τα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟμαλόςλειχήνας 03507...UK
Ένας 62χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από μια οδυνηρή πάθηση του δέρματος για πάνω...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόVitiligo 02840...India
An 8-year-old boy suffering from vitiligo with depigmented patches spread over legs, hands and face for the past three years, came to the practitioner on 26 August 2015. In the past, he had consulted a skin specialist who prescribed vitamin supplements, tablets, and ointments. During this treatment the patient developed side effects like vomiting, red boils...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPeeling skin 11572...India
When a 30-year-old woman, working as a domestic help, approached the practitioner on 4 January 2016, both her hands were itchy, severely painful, sore, and swollen and the skin was peeling off. The fingers appeared nearly double their normal size. She was in a distressed state. When the condition first started over fifteen days ago, she visited her doctor who...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόWet Eczema from birth 01180...Bosnia
A 12 year-old-boy suffering from chronic wet eczema with intense symptoms was brought to the practitioner on 14 Oct 2015. His problems started when he was just 3 days old. As one can see, the eczema had spread all over the patient’s body (see pictures). More specifically, the eczema was very itchy with transparent/yellow discharge which dried up and in...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFacial discolouration, hirsutism 11958...India
A 70-year-old lady suffering from black discolouration of facial skin and hirsutism which she noticed three weeks ago, came to the practitioner for treatment on 29 February 2016. She had discolouration on both cheeks, and hair growth on both sides of the chin. Her work entailed exposure to the sun that potentially caused this condition. She had been...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11993...India
A 41-year-old man suffering from psoriasis for five years contacted the practitioner on 7 September 2014. When the symptoms first started, the patient thought it was allergy and had applied an ointment for the same. The condition became worse as the skin became dark reddish and very itchy. On scratching, the skin peeled off. As the lesions affected the whole...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHigh BP, Varicose ulcers 11276...India
A 55-year-old lady had been suffering from high blood pressure for over seven years and varicose ulcers in both legs for fifteen years. On 14 November 2015 when she visited the practitioner, the ulcers emitted an odour and were oozing out blood and a whitish fluid. She was in pain. Her legs were swollen, right leg more than the left, and she was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAplastic anaemia 11274...India
A 47-year-old lady diagnosed with aplastic anaemia contacted the practitioner on 25 January 2011. She had suffered from this condition for seven years and was being treated at the Regional Cancer Centre. Patient was wracked with pain in her body and had to take six painkillers a day. Her other symptoms included blood in urine and feeling cold all...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, diabetic sores, back pain 03516...Canada
On 15 January 2015, a 40-year-old man sought treatment from the practitioner for type-2 diabetes, diabetic sores and back pain. His blood sugar was so high (~12mmol/L) for the past three years that he needed daily insulin injections along with a low dose of Metformin. Also for three years, he had diabetic sores on his right shin with open wounds. The sores...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHay fever and itchy scalp 02899...UK
On 29 March 2014, a 31-year-old lady consulted the practitioner for treatment of hay fever and itchy scalp. Since the age of 13 she had suffered from hay fever and was taking anti-histamine tablets. The symptoms included itchy and runny eyes, and sneezing that worsened when near water lilies. Although the anti-histamine tablets had helped her, the hay...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόExcessive body heat 11577...India
On 4 April 2016, a 35-year-old male patient came in with a complaint of excessive body heat for the past one month. His job required him to travel a lot in the blistering summer heat. The heat caused him stomach pain, loose motions and unbearable burning sensation all over his body. Patient drank plenty of fluids, yet the problem persisted. He...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόWound caused by injury 03536...Italy
A 53-year-old lady, a restoration artist, was afflicted with a wound at the tip of her right index finger caused by a splinter of wood or a nail. The size of the wound was about 8 mm. Due to its location, the nature of the patient’s work and cold weather, the wound had remained unhealed since its occurrence a month ago. At the time of...(continued)
Sun allergy, hair oil allergy 11422...India
On 11 June 2016, during the practitioner’s regular visit to an old age home, a 60-year-old male sought treatment for headaches which he had for 20 years. These were caused by exposure to the sun and wearing a cap did not help. He would simply avoid going out in the sun and take a pain killer if needed. He also had slight itching on the scalp. He felt...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόCellulitis 11422...India
A 71-year-old male was admitted to the general hospital in Puttaparthi due to severe body pain and very high fever on 19 June 2016. Blood tests revealed he had dengue and he was treated accordingly. After three days, the fever had subsided but there was some swelling with tenderness, pain and redness in his left foot and ankle. Next day, his...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAcidity, fungal infection, arthritis 03552...Qatar
On 21 July 2016, a 73-year-old man consulted the practitioner for treatment of several chronic ailments. For thirty years, he had been suffering from acidity with heartburn. He has been taking antacids for about fifteen years. His legs were itchy and red due to fungal infection which he had for fifteen years. He was prescribed anti-fungal...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 11585...India
The practitioner’s first patient was his 16-year-old daughter. For a year and a half, she had been suffering from severe itching, and dark patches and minute papules on both legs. The dark patches had spread from her thighs all the way down to her ankles. She took homeopathic remedies for a year but there was no improvement. So she consulted...(continued)
Oral herpes and acute vomiting 02802...UK
A 45-year-old female who had been feverish for two days and had developed a large herpetic sore on the left upper lip, contacted the practitioner on 16 June 2017. Her whole mouth was sore and the tongue had a white coating. She also had acute vomiting for one day. She had undergone surgical removal of a breast cyst a...(continued)
Χρόνια κυτταρίτιδα του ποδιού 02802...UK
Μια 76χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε με κυτταρίτιδα χαμηλά στο αριστερό πόδι για...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚνησμώδη πέλματα με φουσκάλες 11585...India
Ένα 11χρονο αγόρι υπέφερε από αίσθημα φαγούρας και φουσκάλες στα πέλματα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόChronic lymphoplasmacytic psoriasis 12051...India
A 9-year-old boy suffering from chronic lymphoplasmacytic psoriasis had lesions on both his palms and right heel from the age of four. He had two additional lesions, one on his back and the other on his left leg. He underwent many medical tests as recommended by different skin specialists. He was treated with many different allopathic medicines and...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, tinnitus 12051...India
A 63-year-old patient was suffering from psoriasis for 10 years and rheumatoid arthritis for the past 1 year. He had sores on his hands and pain in the joints. He had itching all over his body. He was taking allopathic medicine (methotrexate, an immunosuppressant) only for rheumatoid arthritis. He was given the following remedy in November 2015:
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriatic arthritis 11590...India
A 33-year-old woman developed a psoriatic patch on her scalp seven years ago, one year after the birth of her autistic son. The patient associated her illness with the mental trauma of bringing up an autistic child. She used an allopathic ointment for 4 years which prevented the progression of the lesion on the scalp but then 3 years ago, new lesions appeared...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚάλοιandΣκληρύνσεις 02696...India
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 55 ετών είχε ένασκληρό εξόγκωμαστην κάτω πλευρά του...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιάφοραθέματα 02696...India
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 75 ετών ταξίδεψε περίπου 400 χιλιόμετρα για να δει τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια δηλητηρίαση από τον ήλιο 03567...USA
Μια 57χρονη γυναίκα είχε προσβληθεί από ηλιακή δηλητηρίαση εδώ και 37...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΤραυματισμός σκύλου 11586...India
Για τα τελευταία 8 χρόνια, ένα αρσενικό αδέσποτο σκυλί ζούσε και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 10001...India
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 30 ετών είχε ανοιχτές κόκκινες κηλίδες σε όλο το...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠαρωνυχίδα 03572...Gabon
Μια 35χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από αφόρητο πόνο στον παράμεσο του αριστερού...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜύκητας στο τριχωτό της κεφαλής, μαύρη μαγεία, κακή μνήμη 03572...Gabon
Ο 9χρονος γιος του θεραπευτή είχε μια μυκητιασική λοίμωξη που...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔερματικές αλλεργίες 11587...भारत
Ένας 72χρονος άντρας που ζούσε κάτω από συνθήκες κακής υγιεινής σε μια...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPatches on palms 10596...भारत
A 51-year-old woman had thick and black patches on her palms, accompanied by constant itching, for the past one year. The patient had spent a large amount of money on allopathic treatment without any relief. The condition of her skin made her very depressed. She felt that she was possibly allergic to washing soap. On 9 September 2016, she was given...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLupus 03571...थाईलैंड
A 26-year-old female colleague of the practitioner had developed rashes on her arms and face, and redness on the inner side of the ears in June 2018. Not only was her face swollen, rashes on her face were prominent and large, about 4 cm in size (patient did not want to be photographed). She was on anti-allergic medicine (cetirizine) twice a day...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEhrlichiosis, panosteitis in dog 03571...थाईलैंड
The practitioner had just returned home after having qualified as an AVP in July 2018 . When he went to pick up his 2-year-old pet dog, Browny, from his friend’s house in the neighbourhood, he was shocked to see him in a paralysed state (see pic).
He was looking like a mass of bone and flesh with no spirit. The moment practitioner lifted the dog to pat...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11580...India
A 61-year-old female had black spots all over her hands and feet that looked like unhealed wounds which were itchy, for the past 3 years; it was diagnosed as psoriasis. She underwent allopathic treatment for one year and stopped as there was no improvement. She did not try any other medication.
On 9 October 2016, the practitioner gave:
#1. CC4.2...(continued)
Δερματίτιδα 11594...India
Το βράδυ της 20ής Απριλίου 2018, ένα αγόρι 7 ετών πήγε στη θεραπεύτρια με τη μητέρα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈρπης ζωστήρας στο πρόσωπο 03558...France
Στις 17 Αυγούστου 2018, εμφανίστηκαν μικρά σπυράκια στο μέτωπο μιας 74χρονης...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυκητώδης Λοίμωξη 02840...India
Ένα 12χρονο αγόρι διαγνώστηκε πριν από 4 χρόνια με σοβαρή μυκητώδης λοίμωξη...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑπόστημα 11601...India
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 61 ετών διαγνώσθηκε με διαβήτη πριν από 3 χρόνια και ο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAllergy to worms 01616...Croatia
A 39-year-old male was suffering for the past 25 years from rash all over his body, especially on the face, diagnosed as urticaria (hives). Tests showed he was allergic to a lot of food items. For the past 2 months, his condition was worse with slightly elevated swelling of the rash. Though reluctant due to the side effects he suffered earlier, he took...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕπώδυνο εξάνθημα στο πόδι 01001...India
Ο σύζυγος αυτής της 49χρονης θεραπεύτριας εμφάνιζε ένα μολυσμένο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧειμερινό εξάνθημα 02870...USA
Μια 63χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε κάθε χειμώνα για 15 χρόνια από εξάνθημα, με...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔερματίτιδα 11563...India
Μια 27χρονη γυναίκα είχε ένα εξάνθημα στα χέρια και τα πόδια της για 6 μήνες,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧιονίστρες, πόνος στον καρπό και τα δάχτυλα 10354...India
Τα τελευταία 10 χρόνια, ένας 42χρονος ανώτερος αξιωματικός ασφαλείας...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣπονδυλίτιδα, δερματικός κνησμός 11614...India
Ένας άντρας 54 ετών υπέφερε από πολλαπλά προβλήματα όταν επισκέφτηκε τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό. Κνιδωτικές βλατίδες 03552...UAE
Μια 37χρονη έγκυος γυναίκα είχε κνησμό στα χέρια, τα πόδια και την κοιλιά...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBilateral calcified tendonitis, acne rosacea, facial burn 03508...France
A 47-year-old woman was suffering from intense pain in both her arms, radiating from her neck to her wrists; this was diagnosed as bilateral tendonitis in 2011. She was prescribed paracetamol and tramadol. In December 2014, she also developed pain in both her knees, this could be due to long hours of standing at work. By February 2015, her condition worsened,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚνησμός 11561...India
Ένα 11χρονο κορίτσι για πρώτη φορά είχε σοβαρό κνησμό σε όλο της το σώμα. Αυτό...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 02762...USA
A 51 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because 15 years before, her doctor had diagnosed as eczema, an inflamed area on her left leg and foot that constantly itched. From that time, she had been plagued with intense irritation and dry cracks continually appearing and disappearing on the foot with liquid discharge. At times she could neither wear...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema and Facial Tumour 00744J...India
A 45 year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon size tumor on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin Allergy with Infection 01414...India
A 2 year old boy was brought to the practitioner with skin allergy, covering the whole of his body. There was infection and itching all over. For the past 4 - 5 months, on the advice of their doctor, the parents had applied a variety of creams to the skin and consumed allopathic medicines but without any improvement. The mother then contacted a homoeopathic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόVitiligo or Leucoderma 2763 ...India
A male patient aged 48 came to the practitioner because he was suffering from a skin disease marked by the gradual loss of pigment that produced white patches on the face and on some parts of the body. He was given:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…TDS
In two months, the white patches were found to be fading. To improve the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAngioma in an Infant 02640...India
A baby, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large Angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the practitioner who is also an allopathic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAcne 02799...UK
A male patient aged 21 came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from acne for five years. It was all over his face and back. The following treatment was given:
NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM36 War + NM37 Acidity + NM61 Acne + SR293 Gunpowder + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR329 Crab Apple + SR342 Antim Crud + Echinacea (30C) from homoeopathic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό. Infected Sebaceous Cysts 01389J...India
The practitioner’s son was always scratching his head and had a lot of dandruff. It was only when all his hair was shaved off that the source of the irritation could be seen: his whole head was a mass of what looked like lots of blisters joined together. These were really swollen, infected and oily cysts that had formed through matter secreted by the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex Allergies 02802...UK
A dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the practitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The practitioner...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόChronic Eczema 10364...India
This practitioner aged 55 years treated himself for chronic eczema that he had for 8 years. It was below the abdomen and all over his legs. He had taken allopathic medicines but received only temporary relief. So, he took the following:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS
His symptoms have gone...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPeeling Skin 11572...India
A 30-year-old woman suffering from peeling skin in both her hands since fifteen days approached the practitioner on 4th January 2016. Her hands were itchy, severely painful, sore, and swollen. The fingers appeared nearly double their normal size. She was in a distressed state. She had been taking allopathic medication for 15 days that she discontinued and was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόWhitlow 03572...Gabon
A 35-year-old woman was suffering from unbearable pain on her left ring finger for 3 days. There was inflammation from the tip of her finger up to the nail. It had been diagnosed as whitlow. She did not take any medicine and consulted the practitioner on 5 August 2018. He asked her whether she was having this problem for the first time. She recalled about a...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 10767...India
Ένας άνδρας 64 ετών είχε ξηροδερμία με φαγούρα και στα δύο πόδια ακριβώς πάνω...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλλεργία στο δέρμα 11624...India
Ένας 38χρονος υπέφερε από φαγούρα στην άκρη των δακτύλων του, χεριών και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλλεργία στον ήλιο 11620...India
Μια 46χρονη γυναίκα άρχισε να έχει φαγούρα στο πρόσωπό της τον Οκτώβριο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόItchy scalp 03576...UK
A 26-year-old female pursuing a doctorate in Psychology had been suffering from an itchy scalp for two months. The itching was so intense that she would desperately scratch her scalp vigorously with both hands. There seemed to be no obvious cause for this condition. However, she had undergone two stressful moves to different cities within a...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόScabies 02814...India
A 45-year-old man and his 40-year-old wife were both suffering from severe itching and papular (pimple-like) rash all over the body for over six months. Allopathic treatment did not help much, so they stopped it and on 11 May 2018, consulted the practitioner who gave:
CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS orally and in coconut oil for external application...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈρπης Ζωστήρας 02493...Syria
Μια 45χρονη γυναίκα είχε ένα κόκκινο εξάνθημα στην κοιλιά της που έγινε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚολπίτιδα 11629...India
Μια 40χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από φλεγμονή, κνησμό και φουσκάλες στον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFungal infection 11573...India
A 55-year-old man had been suffering from itchy and scaly skin in his groins and feet for the past ten years, during summer and rainy seasons only. It was diagnosed as a fungal infection in the summer of 2008. For a few seasons, he took allopathic medicines but the infection would reappear the next season, so he stopped taking them. He managed with only...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin itch 03578...France
A 45-year-old female had been suffering for 25 years from skin itch on different parts of her body, it was worse on hands and feet. This did not bother her much until a year ago when it became severe. She would constantly scratch her skin, more so at nights, causing loss of sleep. She tried different allopathic and homoeopathic medicines which provided no...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 11629...India
A 25-year-old female had areas of itchy, dry and scaly skin, mainly on her upper back. The affected parts were lighter than her normal skin colour. Gradually these patches started to spread towards the front as well (see pics). This condition was diagnosed as eczema a year ago and she was prescribed both tablets and ointment. However, she would use these only...(continued)
Itchy and flaky skin on palms 11210...India
A 50-year-old male had been suffering for four years from blisters and flaky skin with itching on both palms and to some extent on feet. During the first two years, he managed by applying just coconut oil but this would give only temporary relief. In 2019 when his condition became worse, he consulted a dermatologist who prescribed anti-allergic tablets along...(continued)
Ακμή 11626...India
Μια 18χρονη κοπέλα άρχισε να βγάζει σπυράκια στα μάγουλα και στο μέτωπό...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλλεργία σε ξηρούς καρπούς και γαλακτοκομικά 00006...India
Ένας 32χρονος άνδρας ανέπτυσσε κόκκινα εξογκώματα στο πρόσωπό του μέσα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 03599...USA
For over two years, an 11-year-old girl had dry eczema above the folds of her left elbow with rough and discoloured skin along with severe itching. Allopathic medicines, both oral and cream for external application, helped to subside the symptoms temporarily as the problem recurred every three to four months. In general her skin was so sensitive that even a...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣκασμένα Πόδια 00135...USA
Μια γυναίκα 55 ετών υπέφερε από περίπου ένα τέταρτο έως μισή ίντσα βαθιές,...(continued)
Υπερτροφία δέρματος σε σκύλο 01053 ...USA
Ο ασθενής ήταν ο Teddy, ο σκύλος υπηρεσίας του θεραπευτή, ένα αρσενικό Whippet,...(continued)
Ψωρίαση 01096 ...USA
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής 77 ετών είχε ιστορικό ψωρίασης στους βραχίονες, στα...(continued)
Πυώδες εξάνθημα 01096 ...USA
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής 56 ετών, εμφάνισε ένα πυώδες εξάνθημα στον αριστερό μηρό...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΘεραπευμένη φθορά των οστών της γνάθου από ακτινοθεραπεία 01339 ...USA
Ένας άνδρας ασθενής, ηλικίας 59 ετών, επικοινώνησε με τον θεραπευτή μέσω...(continued)
Χειρουργική Αρθροπλαστική Γόνατος 01644 ...USA
Μια 86χρονη γυναίκα έκανε επέμβαση αντικατάστασης γόνατος. Ήταν στο...(continued)
Έντονη Ακμή 02870 ...USA
Ένα 14χρονο κορίτσι είχε πολλά, αντιαισθητικά, μεγάλα σπυράκια σε όλο της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΤροφική αλλεργία 03518...Canada
Μια 57χρονη γυναίκα, κατά τη διάρκεια των ταξιδιών της τον Φεβρουάριο του...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈντονη εφίδρωση (υπερίδρωση) 11635...India
Ένας 51χρονος άνδρας είχε ιστορικό υπερβολικής εφίδρωσης τόσο στις...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈκζεμα 01427 ...Singapore
Μια 50χρονη ασθενής επισκέφθηκε τον θεραπευτή με το δέρμα και των δύο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΙγμορίτιδα, πρησμένα χείλη και φαγούρα στο σώμα 01427 ...Singapore
Ένα κορίτσι 24 ετών ζήτησε να της γίνει θεραπεία για χρόνια ιγμορίτιδα. Είπε,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣκύλος με πολλαπλά προβλήματα 03040...Poland
Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων πέντε ετών, η Έλσα (βλ. εικόνα), ένα σκυλί...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔερματική αλλεργία και αλλεργική ρινίτιδα 03040...Poland
Ο 3χρονος γιος της παραπάνω οικογένειας είναι ένα καλό παράδειγμα της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔυσανεξία στο μέλι 03040...Poland
Ένα παιδί δυόμιση ετών είχε δυσανεξία στο μέλι. Με το που έτρωγε έστω και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλωπεκία 01044 ...New Zealand
Συνάντησα την 56χρονη γειτόνισα μου στο δρόμο και αρχίσαμε να κάνουμε...(continued)
Μολυσμένο Τραύμα Ζώου και Αλλεργία στη Γάτα (άσθμα) 02398...Italy
Ένας ενήλικας γάτος βρέθηκε στον πίσω κήπο της Δυτικής Καντίνας, στο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈντονη Φαγούρα στα Γεννητικά Όργανα (Λευκόρροια) 02494...Italy
Μια γυναίκα, ηλικίας 67 ετών, υπέφερε για πολλά χρόνια από έντονη φαγούρα στα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑναμετάδοση από Μεγάλες Αποστάσεις για Έντονη Γάγγραινα 02494...Italy
Ένας 64χρονος άνδρας ήταν διαβητικός για 30 χρόνια και έπαιρνε ινσουλίνη...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔισκοειδής Ερυθηματώδης Λύκος 02494 ...Italy
Μια γυναίκα 60 ετών διαγνώστηκε με την παραπάνω ασθένεια μέσω βιοψίας του...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑτοπική Δερματίτιδα και Παραμόρφωση του Νυχιού του Αντίχειρα 02566...Italy
Μια κυρία, 35 ετών, πήγε στον θεραπευτή αφού άκουσε για τα δονητικά ιάματα....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυρμηγκιά 02584...Italy
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής ηλικίας 35 ετών υπέφερε από ομαλή μυρμηγκιά που...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΡοδόχρους ακμή 02584...Italy
Μια ντροπαλή γυναίκα ηλικίας 35 ετών, έπασχε από ροδόχρου ακμή για δύο χρόνια....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλλεργία στο Νικέλιο 02584...Italy
Μια γυναίκα 28 ετών ήρθε για θεραπεία επειδή είχε χρόνια αλλεργία στο...(continued)
Κονδυλώματα 02901...Italy
Μια 20χρονη νεαρή είχε υποστεί σοβαρή φλεγμονή και φαγούρα στα γεννητικά...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜελαγχρωματική σμηγματορροϊκή Υπερκεράτωση 02918...Italy
Μια 59χρονη φίλη του θεραπευτή υπέφερε για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 10831...India
A ten-year-old boy is observed to be passing stools immediately after taking lunch and dinner. Sometimes this urge to visit the toilet is observed even during meals, interrupting the normal food intake. Considering this case maybe due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the Practitioner has given:
#1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.2 Child...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSpondylitis 10831...India
A 40-year-old man came to the vibro medical camp with multiple ailments, mainly piles with bleeding, lasting for the last several months. He also complained of severe stress due to work related problems and cervical spondylitis with dizziness. The practitioner has given:
#1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1 Adult tonic +...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόChalazion on Eye Lid 11422...India
In April 2013, the practitioner was approached by a 53-year-old lady. She had a half pea-size wart like growth on her left eyelid. It was not painful but embarrassing for her. It was diagnosed as chalazion, an eye problem, and advised surgery. She was not inclined for surgery and wanted to try vibrionics. She had this problem since August 2012 and in the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFungal Infection Skin 10741...India
A 2nd year B Com student was suffering from fungal infection which led to ring worm. In Kannada language it is called Yesabu. She had this problem for ten years. She was being treated by a skin specialist but the fungus would frequently reappear on either foot. When she came to SSSIHMS for seva she showed the practitioner both her infected feet. There was pus...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHerpes & Chronic Breathing Problem 11176...India
A 50-year-old man had a chronic breathing problem since the age of 5 when he fell into a tank and mysteriously remained unconscious for a day after he was rescued. He had taken many allopathic medicines but to no avail. He had also been suffering from Herpes since January 2011. In March 2011, he attended the medical camp conducted by this practitioner and was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόStings & Skin Allergy 11176...India
A 65-year-old lady has been suffering from skin allergy due to insect stings for the past 10 years. When she consulted the practitioner in a medical camp in February 2013, she had rashes on her body oozing pus. She had tried various medications during the past 10 years but did not find any relief, as the rashes and pus would always reoccur. She was given the...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMouth Ulcers 11176...India
A 7-year-old Balvikas girl who led bhajans suffered mouth ulcers since she was 3 years old. The ulcers were very severe and doctors had advised the girl to be operated on two occasions, but for various reasons the parents did not get the operations done. They met the vibro practitioner on October 2011 for help healing the young girl. The following combos were...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόVitiligo 11176...India
In June 2012, a 75-year-old lady suffered vitiligo for the past 40 years on her face, hands, legs and other body parts that allopathic treatments failed to cure. She attended the medical camp conducted by this practitioner and the following combo was given to her:
#1. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS
In July 2013, she was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλλεργία στο τσίμπημα εντόμου 11634...India
Ένα τρίχρονο αγόρι υπέφερε από αλλεργία σε τσιμπήματα από κουνούπια και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFood & Dust Allergy 11271...India
A 15-year-old boy was suffering from food and dust allergy for the past four years. He was allergic to tomatoes, okra (ladies finger), milk, curd etc and suffered from skin allergy (rashes on the body) regularly. The following combo was given to him in April 2013:
#1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC21.3 Skin...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin Problems 11990...India
A 35-year-old mother of two girls attended the camp at the Samithi hall. Eight years after the birth of her second child she noticed varicose veins. She was now suffering from skin allergy; itching, burning sensation under the soles of her feet and the skin below her knees had changed to black. Three years ago she had slipped and experienced pain...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόCracks on soles of feet with infection 10320...India
A 58-year-male for the last six months had cracks on the soles of both feet due to infected dermatitis and as a result he was unable to walk. He is a farmer. He was hospitalized at the Sevagram hospital for a week but there was no relief. He took ayurvedic treatment from a local vaidya spending 700 rupees which...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSoles of feet with cracks and infection 10320...India
A male 62 years of age, was a mill worker and was working in unhygienic conditions. For the past year he had scratches and cracks in both soles of his feet. Because he had tremendous pain, he was unable to walk for the whole year. He was desperate and even thought of committing suicide. He was given allopathic treatment in a government hospital without any...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόInfected Wound 10375...India
The practitioner was approached by a 15-year-old girl in March 2013. Since the past one week, she had a painful, tennis ball sized wound in the left forearm with yellow liquid oozing from it. She was from a very poor family and could not afford any treatment. She was given the following combo in olive oil:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin Infections +...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11292...India
A female, aged 22, from a remote village in the state of Maharashtra, suffered from Psoriasis since the age of ten. During the last 12 years she tried various allopathic and ayurvedic locally available treatments, whatever they could afford.
In September 2011, the patient had gone to Puttaparthi for State Seva. Due to her skin...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin Eruptions 00915...Greece
A 53 year old lady from Delhi suddenly started to get a lot of eruptions on her skin, which were very itchy and later, turned into wounds oozing pus. After talking to the patient, the practitioner understood that she suffered from a shock on her husband’s untimely death due to cardiac arrest. She was only 49 at the time. She had tried many...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 00523...Belgium
A 62-year-old man suffered from chronic eczema. The flare-ups would happen frequently. The symptoms were redness of the skin and flaky skin with severe itching. The symptoms increased when exposed to water. The treatment started with the following: Nosode prepared from the patient’s blood sample TDS
There was almost immediate relief from itching...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMite infestation in water 12051...India
Many inhabitants of a small village had been suffering from severe itching and rash all over the body for almost a month. They found that the water in all the 41 tanks (40 individual house tanks + one common tank) in their village was discoloured and had mite infestation. One of the chief villagers contacted the practitioner who gave the following remedy on ...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόAcne 03554...Guyana
A female aged 34 had been suffering from a severe breakout of acne all over her face since January 2016. She consulted several doctors including a dermatologist, and was given antibiotics and other medicines as well as recommended facial creams, but nothing helped. As soon as the acne dried up, new spots would surface. On her doctor’s advice...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin itch 11592...India
The 62-year-old mother of the practitioner was suffering from itching all over her body and a mild rash in some places for 15 years. She took prescribed allopathic medicines for three years and ayurvedic treatment for four years but in vain. Whenever she consumed brinjal or sorrel leaves, the itching became worse, so she eliminated these from her...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSwelling, itching on face 03555...UK
A 36-year-old woman suffered from recurrent swelling and itching on the face including eyelids for over three years. Doctors could not identify the cause and prescribed steroids both oral and a cream. Symptoms would fade away slowly and during each episode, it will take six weeks before her condition would be tolerable. She would then stop the steroids and...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPilonidal Cyst 03596...USA
A 22-year-old woman suffered from a recurring cyst in her lower back near the tailbone for the past five years. It was diagnosed as a pilonidal cyst - an abnormal pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. Once or twice a year it would get infected and form an abscess which caused severe pain and swelling. This affected her mobility and...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11604...India
A 70-year-old female had itchy red patches below the knees and thick black scars on the ankle joints for the past 18 years and it was diagnosed as psoriasis. Her symptoms would escalate with mental and physical stress. She took homoeopathic treatment for 14 years without much success and then ayurvedic treatment for four years but with only minimal...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLichen planus 11632...India
A 45-year-old woman was suffering from dark, flat, and itchy papules on her hands and feet and vagina during winters, for the last seven years. In addition, the skin on her palms, wrists, knees, ankles and feet was dry and itchy for the past three years, which had worsened in the last year and a half. For the past 10 years, she also suffered from dust...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFungal infection 11630...India
A 23-year-old woman was suffering from an itchy rash on her legs and midsection, on and off for the last five years. It had been diagnosed as a fungal infection. What started out as an itchy patch around her calf muscle had spread to her thighs and waistline as a red swollen rash, aggravated by constant itching and sweating. Her symptoms worsened during...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόCorns 11630...India
A 25-year-old man developed corns, some big and some small, on both his feet six months ago. Being a civil engineer, he did field work six days a week which required him to wear hard shoes and walk for a minimum of 6 to 7 hours a day; he did this for three years. Then the first corn appeared in his right foot in Jan 2021. Within a span of three months, he...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPoison Ivy/Oak rash, blisters 03547...USA
On 26 May 2022, the practitioner noticed rash and blisters near both his wrists. This was accompanied with itching and happened on the fourth day after cleaning the bushes and plants in his garden. He suspected that the itching was due to poison ivy or poison oak which accidentally touched his skin. On 28 May, due to his interest in homoeopathy, he prepared:
...(continued) Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕπώδυνα σπυράκια 11632...India
Μια 28χρονη γυναίκα άρχισε να υποφέρει από επώδυνα σπυράκια στο πρόσωπό της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠρήξιμο μετά από δάγκωμα σαρανταποδαρούσας 11626...India
Τον Νοέμβριο του 2021, ένας 40χρονος άνδρας δαγκώθηκε από μια τεράστια κίτρινη...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυκητιασική λοίμωξη - δερματοφυτία 03604...USA
Μια 24χρονη καλλιτέχνης έπασχε από λοίμωξη από δερματοφυτία για...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin allergy 11634...India
A 63-year-old man had unbearable itching in the folds of his hip and groin areas for the past one year. On scratching, red blisters would form, and these would stay for about two weeks until the skin became dry. It would take ten days for the skin to return to normal. The itching would then start in another area resulting in more blisters. It was so intense...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυκητιασική δερματική λοίμωξη, φαρυγγίτιδα 10741...India
Ένας 21χρονος έπασχε για πάνω από μια δεκαετία, από το 2010, από δερματικό εξάνθημα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΡινίτιδα, σπυράκια 10760...India
Μια 24χρονη κοπέλα υπέφερε κάθε μήνα από κρυολόγημα, βήχα και συριγμό από την...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠληγές στα πόδια 11117...India
Ένας 59χρονος άνδρας τον Ιούλιο του 2013 είχε ένα ατύχημα στο οποίο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 11117...India
Μια 48χρονη δασκάλα είχε υδαρείς εκκρίσεις στο τριχωτό της κεφαλής με...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin lesion 11632...भारत
A 40-year-old female had an 8 cm x 6 cm skin lesion, possibly ringworm or eczema, on her right shoulder for the past one year. It was red in appearance with severe itching which would get aggravated and discharge pus whenever she ate brinjal, red sorrel (gongura in Telugu), meat or spicy food. She took no other treatment and on 1 July 2022, the practitioner...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚνησμός στο δέρμα 11652...भारत
Μια 76χρονη εύθραυστη γυναίκα κατά την παιδική της ηλικία είχε άσθμα το...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈκζεμα 11618...भारत
Μια γυναίκα 60 ετών ήρθε με μια μαύρη, φολιδωτή κηλίδα περίπου 10 cm x 5 cm στο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΈρπης, επιπτώσεις μετά τον Covid 11648...भारत
Τα προβλήματα μιας 39χρονης γυναίκας ξεκίνησαν σε ηλικία 24 ετών το 2006...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin allergy 18001...भारत
A 26-year-old woman presented with a severe skin rash on her face, characterized by redness, mild swelling, and itchiness. The rash had emerged three months ago, soon after her visit to a beauty parlour. She started using prescribed allopathic tablets and ointment. These gave only partial relief and that too was temporary. During this treatment, she tried...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin itch 11652...भारत
When the practitioner visited her 57-year-old cousin, the latter mentioned that she had itching on her right forearm near the wrist, right thigh, and right ankle. This condition had developed three years ago in May 2020 during the Covid pandemic, when in the absence of home help, her workload had increased. The itching occurred 2 to 3 times daily,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυκητιασική λοίμωξη 11612...India
Τους τελευταίους 6 μήνες από τον Μάρτιο του 2022, μια 68χρονη γυναίκα ήταν...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚνησμός & λευκή κηλίδα στο τριχωτό της κεφαλής, πόνος στο γόνατο 11650...India
Μια γυναίκα 60 ετών πάλευε με επίμονη φαγούρα στο μετωπιαίο τριχωτό της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11632...India
A 52-year-old female got itching and pain in her right big toe and heel in March 2001 and obtained relief with allopathic medication though it was temporary. In 2002, when similar symptoms emerged on the palms and fingers of both hands, the same medication proved ineffective. Since then, she has endured persistent pain, itching, and a burning sensation in her...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin allergy 11658...India
For the past 30 years, a 45-year-old woman had allergy on both her hands, whenever she touched soap or vegetables. Her palms would darken and noticeable lines and cuts would appear, particularly around her nails. Once a month or so, these cuts would bleed, and she would get a fever. Occasionally, her palms would itch. She resorted to ayurvedic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόItchy patches on skin 11608...India
A 42-year-old woman presented with a skin condition that had been troubling her for the past five months since Oct 2018. All over her abdomen, there were several, mildly swollen reddish patches with constant and severe itching. This significantly impacted her daily life, making it challenging for her to perform routine tasks and causing irritability. She had...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόItchy skin rash 11570...India
A 39-year-old woman was suffering from rash with severe itching all over her body for one and a half years; this started soon after she fell on the road in Jan 2020. Despite taking various allopathic treatments since then, both oral and topical including anti-fungal cream (Clobeta Gm), she found only temporary relief, hence stopped them. She was not on any...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHives 03608...South Africa
A 57-year-old female, diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2001, had been taking allopathic medicine (Levothyroxin 50 mg) daily. From March 2020, she developed intense itching, red hives on her legs, back, arms, and neck, occurring three times a week. The symptoms would get relieved within 5 minutes if she immediately applied the prescribed ointment (Allergex)....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEczema 03608...South Africa
A 59-year-old woman had thickened skin, swelling and pain at the tip of her left thumb since 1986. Symptoms worsened during winters and with prolonged exposure to water and household detergents, leading to cracks that bled. She managed by avoiding the triggers until the symptoms became even worse in 2007. Diagnosed as eczema, she was prescribed antihistamine...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόItching, knee pain during menstruation 11656...India
For the past ten years, a 19-year-old female had been suffering from itching on both her lower legs. Itching would begin after she stood up for five minutes and subside within ten minutes of sitting down. Believing that it would resolve itself, she never consulted a doctor. She avoided standing for prolonged periods and adapted her daily activities...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11634...India
A 54-year-old woman was undergoing substantial emotional stress 13 years ago in 2010. As a result, she developed red, itchy spots (resembling those of chickenpox and hives) all over her body (front & back) except the face but including the scalp; spots were accompanied by slight burning sensation. Distressed and embarrassed, she isolated herself at home,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSkin allergy 11630...India
A 41-year-old woman, for the past seven months, had been bothered with a red, itchy rash on her legs extending to the thighs and occasionally to her arms. Triggers included sun exposure, sweating from walking even for five minutes, and prolonged sitting. Initially mild, the symptoms worsened after a long bus journey in March 2022, so she scratched her feet...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαταραχή του δέρματος 18007...India
Μια 52χρονη γυναίκα είχε συνεχές πρήξιμο, φαγούρα και κοκκινωπό δέρμα που...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 11648...India
Ένας 40χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από οδυνηρές κόκκινες ρωγμές και...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFungal infection 11659...India
In April 2024, a 46-year-old male started getting dry, itchy lesions, whitish in colour on the back of his left hand, abdomen, and back. On 12 Apr, a dermatologist diagnosed it as tinea corporis and prescribed antifungal medication, both oral and a cream, and an antihistamine. Despite using this medication for two months, there was no relief.
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόFungal infection (Onychomycosis), chronic sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia & post-Covid syndrome 11632...India
A 45-year-old woman had been suffering from fungal infection affecting the thumb and index finger of both hands since 2012. This condition was characterized by yellowing of nails, itching, and blood oozing from cracks on fingertips, especially while washing clothes. She managed with homoeopathic treatment for six years with partial relief. In Nov 2018, she...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόCorns, pain in legs 11614...India
In Sept 2021, a 51-year-old housewife developed 5 or 6 corns, 15 to 20 mm in diameter, on the sole of each foot. These caused a burning sensation, which hindered her ability to walk, especially bare feet. In Sept 2022, she started to have pain in her legs, more so in the right leg. The pain would intensify after walking 100 to 200...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsoriasis 11632...India
A 66-year-old man experienced persistent painful cracks on his feet for over three months, beginning in Jan 2021. Diagnosed with psoriasis, he was prescribed an antifungal ointment which he used along with moisturizing creams, but his condition did not improve.
His medical history included a skin allergy on his feet at age 21, triggered by prolonged use of...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό