Περιστατικά Σχετικά με
Ανδρικά Όργανα
Infertility cases 10717...India
I have treated several cases of infertility. My first patient came to me on September 9, 2009. She was a housewife who had been married for 10 years. Her husband was a driver. The couple were unable to have a child. For the past five years, they had sought treatment from different gynaecologists but she never conceived. They were desperate as their hopes...(continued)
Difficulty in Conceiving Children 10437...India
A 29-year-old female patient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become pregnant but had lost the foetus early during the pregnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and possibly suffered from hypothyroid....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόEnlarged Benign Prostate 02762...USA
A 72-year-old man had a history of difficult and painful urination which was diagnosed as an enlarged prostate. The doctors recommended a prostate operation. He asked the healer for Vibrionics treatment to avoid the surgery. He was given:
#1. CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC14.2 Prostate + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC10.1...(continued)
Prostate Cancer 02799...UK
The practitioner started treating an 81-year-old man three months after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He refused to take allopathic medicines including chemotherapy but agreed to have check-ups at the hospital every 6 months. He was given:
CC2.1 Cancers + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.2 Prostate…TDS
After 8...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόInfertility 02799...UK
A lady of 36 years had been married 11 years and had been unable to conceive due to a problem with immune system and with chromosomes. She had been given three IVF treatments but they had failed. It was suggested she should adopt a child but she had set her heart on having her own. The practitioner gave her:
NM7 CB7 + OM24 Female Genital + BR7 Stress + BR16...(continued)
Ισχυαλγία και Ακράτεια 03502...USA
Ένας 63 χρονος άνδρας ζήτησε θεραπεία για πόνους ισχυαλγίας στο δεξί...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια αμυγδαλίτιδα 10741...India
Ένας 33-χρονος νεαρός αναζήτησε θεραπεία για χρόνια αμυγδαλίτιδα,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΝεφρική Βλάβη 01339...USA
Τον Αύγουστο του 2013, ένας 74χρονος άντρας επισκέφθηκε τη θεραπεύτρια,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBurns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτειρότητα 11176...India
Ένα άτεκνο ζευγάρι που είχε παντρευτεί εδώ και επτά χρόνια εξετάστηκε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥπερβολικό βάρος, ακανόνιστη έμμηνος ρύση, στειρότητα 02806...Malaysia
Μια 28χρονη κυρία επικοινώνησε με το θεραπευτή στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2014...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥπογονιμότητα 10728...India
Ένα άτεκνο ζευγάρι παντρεμένο οκτώ χρόνια ήρθε σε επαφή με τον ασκούμενο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛευκές Κηλίδες 10940...India
Ένας 35 χρονος επιχειρηματίας αναζήτησε Δονητική θεραπεία για μικρές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτειρότητα – Στυτική δυσλειτουργία, κύστη ωοθήκης 10980...India
Ένα νεαρό ζευγάρι προσπαθούσε ν’ αποκτήσει μωρό επί 3 χρόνια, από τον γάμο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόInfertility 11975...India
On 17 May 2018, a 32-year-old female and her 35-year-old husband visited the practitioner in a distressed state as they could not have a child in the past 8 years of their marriage. At the age of 20, the wife started having irregular menstrual cycles, only once in 2-3 months which gradually decreased to once a year. Four years ago, they decided to...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτειρότητα 02444...India
Ένα ζευγάρι, ένας 35χρονος άντρας και η 32χρονη σύζυγός του, παρέμεναν...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑναπνευστικές αλλεργίες, στυτική δυσλειτουργία 11964...India
Τα τελευταία τέσσερα χρόνια ένας 31χρονος υπέφερε, σχεδόν όλο το χρόνο, από...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτυτική δυσλειτουργία, χαμηλός αριθμός σπέρματος 11217...India
Ένας άντρας 40 ετών και η 35χρονη σύζυγός του, νοσοκόμα, έκαναν το πρώτο τους...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόProstate adenoma (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) 03558...France
A 65-year-old man used to wake up frequently at night for urination since August 2018. Slowly, this frequency increased during the day as well. On 23 Sept 2018, he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma (enlarged prostate, restricting the flow of urine). His urologist suggested prostatectomy (surgery for partial/complete removal of the prostate) and also...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτειρότητα 02820 ...UK
Ένα ζευγάρι, ο σύζυγος 29 ετών και η σύζυγος 26 ετών, πήγε να δει τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHairline Fracture, Prostate and Hypertension 11520...India
The practitioner 02860 was approached in September 2011 by a 45-year-old male patient who suffered an accident in the year 2005. He had an upper left hip hairline fracture consequent to which he was kept on traction for six months. Due to incorrect procedures, he was subsequently confined to...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόProstate Enlargement 10375...India
A 71 year old male had been diagnosed with a Grade II enlargement of the prostate during a routine health check-up in April 2011. The PSA reading was 6.16 against an upper permissible limit of 4.4 for an age of 70+ years. He was not on any allopathic medication. He was given:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growth + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC14.2...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό