Περιστατικά Σχετικά με
Ενδοκρινικό Σύστημα
Gangrene, Diabetes 02494...Italy
While in Prashanti Nilayam, the practitioners (husband and wife team) decided to make a phone call to on old friend in Italy, who was very ill, to see how he was faring. They had been out of touch for some time. Their friend, then 64 years old, had been suffering from diabetes for 30 years and was insulin dependent but did not take care of himself. He was in...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism 02836...India
A man, aged 27, came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from hypothyroidism since childhood. His symptoms were that he appeared lazy though, in fact, he was just lacking in energy. He was losing a lot of hair, his face was swollen, he was chronically anaemic and he suffered from lack of sleep due to nightmares. Intermittent allopathic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣώζοντας το Πόδι ενός Διαβητικού από Ακρωτηριασμό 02640...India
Ένας54χρονος άνδρας που υπέφερε από διαβήτη για πολλά χρόνια είχε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes Mellitus Type 2 02786...Russia
The patient is a 58-year old woman who had diabetes type 2 for 9 years. She was an emotional overweight woman in a bad state of health with a lot of stress and no energy. She was being treated allopathically for diabetes with Byetta and Glucovance. Her blood sugar level was 10 units whereas the normal value is 5.5 units.
She was given #1) CC12.1 Adult tonic +...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism 02799...UK
When this practitioner was in Sierra Leone, a woman doctor who came with the UK allopathic team saw her give Vibrionics treatment to people there. On her return to the UK, the doctor contacted the practitioner to ask if Vibrionics could help her under-active thyroid. She had hypothyroidism for 5 years and since then she had been taking 50 mg of thyroxin...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes with High BP 11423...India
A 49-year-old male patient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the practitioner. He also had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS.
On a regular self-monitoring over a period of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόInfertility 11476...India
A woman aged 33 had not been able to conceive a child for 8 years even though she had tried various artificial allopathic methods. When she came to the practitioner in October 2011, she was tense and agitated. She had been taking allopathic medicines for diabetes for 6 years and hypothyroidism for 3 years. She was given the following:
#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid +...(continued)
Diabetes with High BP and High Cholesterol 02859...India
A 49-year-old male was diagnosed with diabetes a year previous. He also had high BP and high cholesterol. He was given:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
#2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis…BD
The patient monitored his blood sugar regularly but found there was not much improvement. Further investigations...(continued)
Diabetes, High BP & Depression 10001...India
In May 2008, a female patient, 52, who was a distant relative of the practitioner, sought treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 10 years earlier and was now insulin dependent; she took 15 units of insulin before lunch and 10 units before dinner daily. With this, her random blood glucose was 150. In addition, she...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDifficult Pregnancy 11476...India
A 33-year old woman came to see the practitioner in October 2012 because she had been trying to have a child for 7 to 8 years without success despite allopathic fertility treatment. She was also taking allopathic drugs for hypothyroidism (Thyronam 25 mg OD, since 2008) and for diabetes (Centapin XR tablet OD, since 2005).
She was given:
#1. CC6.2...(continued)
Ουρολοίμωξη & Διαβήτης 11520...India
Ένας ηλικιωμένος άνδρας (80), ο οποίος λάμβανε Δονητική Θεραπεία για τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΘεραπεία Ασθενούς με Καρκίνου του Ήπατος Missing...India
Μια 67χρονη γυναίκα διαγνώστηκε με καρκίνο του ήπατος με πολλές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes 02640...India
A medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital, was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was put on the following vibro combination:
CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLife-long Constipation 02859...India
An 80-year-old man approached the practitioner with some trepidation looking for a solution to lifelong constipation for which he had taken all possible treatments. He was given:
CC4.4 Constipation…TDS
His was relieved of the constipation right away. He told the practitioner that vibrionics has changed his life, he is more...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLeukaemia 11993...India
A 72-year-old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors predicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόCarpal Tunnel Syndrome 11476...India
A 46-year-old woman has developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to excess use of a computer. For 4 months she had pain in the wrist, hands and fingers. The pain in the wrist was so severe that she had difficulty in performing even simple tasks with it. She was given the following, and as she was also diabetic a combo was included for that as well:
CC6.3 Diabetes...(continued)
Διαβήτης και Κυκλοφορικό Σύστημα 02802...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Ένας 60 χρονος Sanyasi που είχε επισκεφτεί την Αγγλία από...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυασθένεια gravis 10001...India
Μια βοηθός θεραπεύτρια 55 ετών, η οποία υπέφερε από Μυασθένεια gravis (MG) από το 2001,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥποθυρεοδεισμός, Οίδημα στα πόδια, Πόνος στις Αρθρώσεις, Ακράτεια, Ψυχική Διαταραχή 02817...India
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Συναντήσαμε μια 73χρονη γυναίκα στο σπίτι ενός...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβήτης 11573...India
Μία ζωντανή, χαρούμενή 47χρονη γυναίκα ήρθε στο θεραπευτή στις 10 Απριλίου 2015,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση, Διαβήτης Τύπου 2, Δακρύρροια 02799...UK
Ένας 59χρονος άνδρας που υπέφερε από σοβαρή ψωρίαση τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑναπνευστικές Αλλεργίες 11278...India
Ένας 62χρονος, σωματικά δραστήριος άνδρας θεραπευτής, υπέφερε για 10...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβήτης με Αλλεργία στη Μετφορμίνη 11567...India
Μια 52χρονη γυναίκα επισκέφτηκε το θεραπευτή στις 15 Μαίου 2015 αναζητώντας...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβητική Γάγγραινα 02786...Russia
Κατά την επίσκεψη σ’ ένα φίλο της στο νοσοκομείο στις 19 Μαρτίου 2015, η...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟξεία Τενοντίτιδα με Οζίδια πάνω από τον Ώμο και τις Αρθρώσεις του Αγκώνα, Διαβήτης 01096...USA
Στις 10 Σεπτεμβρίου του 2014 η θεραπεύτρια, η οποίος είναι εν ενεργεία...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβήτης, Οίδημα κάτω από το Αυτί 10399...India
Ένας 41χρονος άνδρας που υπέφερε από διαβήτη για τρία χρόνια επισκέφθηκε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΒρογχίτιδα, Βήχας, Χρόνια Δυσπεψία 03524...USA
Μια ταλαντούχα τραγουδίστρια λατρευτικών ύμνων (ηλικίας 68 ετών)...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥπερβολικό βάρος, ακανόνιστη έμμηνος ρύση, στειρότητα 02806...Malaysia
Μια 28χρονη κυρία επικοινώνησε με το θεραπευτή στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2014...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛευκές Κηλίδες 10940...India
Ένας 35 χρονος επιχειρηματίας αναζήτησε Δονητική θεραπεία για μικρές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, resting tremors, high BP, partial hearing loss 03535...USA
An elderly man aged 76 sought the practitioner’s help to address his long-standing multiple chronic problems. In 1984 his son died in an accident. The pain of losing a grown up child was unbearable and his emotional state started affecting his body. A couple of years after the accident, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. He also had a family...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, Hypertension 03535...USA
A 60-year-old woman had been suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension for fifteen years. Chronic stress and tension were thought to be the main causative factors for her condition. In spite of taking allopathic medicines right from the beginning for both her problems, the fasting and postprandial (after eating) sugar levels were 190 and 250...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, diabetic sores, back pain 03516...Canada
On 15 January 2015, a 40-year-old man sought treatment from the practitioner for type-2 diabetes, diabetic sores and back pain. His blood sugar was so high (~12mmol/L) for the past three years that he needed daily insulin injections along with a low dose of Metformin. Also for three years, he had diabetic sores on his right shin with open wounds. The sores...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, chronic cough...UK 02799...UK
A 70-year-old lady was suffering from persistent severe dry cough for the past two years. She was being repeatedly treated with antibiotics which provided temporary relief only. Seven years ago, suddenly she felt dizzy and it was found that her blood sugar was very high. So the doctor immediately put her on insulin. She had a history of high blood pressure...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism and irregular periods 11570...India
A 35-year-old lady was suffering from hypothyroidism for two and a half years. She had been taking thyroxine 50 mcg but this treatment was not helping her. She felt tired, frustrated and unable to cope. For the past one year, her periods were irregular, occurring 7-10 days later than the due date. She had tried allopathic medication to regularize her periods...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMultiple strokes, hearing and memory loss 03535...USA
The practitioner visited an 89-year-old man recently discharged from hospital. The man expressed his desire to take vibro remedies for his low energy, two-year-old hearing loss (one had to practically shout into his ear) and one-year-old mild memory lapse (for example, forgetting particular names and certain incidents). He was not taking any medication for...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroid 11576...India
On 12 Mar 2016, the practitioner was approached by a 42-year-old lady who was suffering from hypothyroidism for the past 10 years. She was overweight and did not have an energetic profile due to the effect of reduced thyroid hormone. Though her heart rate and cholesterol levels were normal, she complained of feeling tired, sluggish,...(continued)
Hypothyroidism, chronic cough and asthma 03542...UK
On 26 July 2016, a female aged 60 saw the practitioner for her health problems.
Her asthmatic condition started over 40 years ago that subsequently had stopped and resurfaced recently. The condition was rapidly deteriorating and she needed to use Ventolin inhaler or nebuliser at least twice a day to control her wheezing. She was also suffering from...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥποθυρεοειδισμός 11600...India
Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 43 ετών διαγνώστηκε με υποθυρεοειδισμό πριν από 7...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥποθυρεοειδισμός 11594...India
Μια 20χρονη κοπέλα απέκτησε μαύρους κύκλους κάτω από τα μάτια της 3 μήνες...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόSaving a Diabetic’s Foot from Amputation 02640...India
A 54-year old man who had been suffering from diabetes for many years had undergone amputation of all five toes of his right foot. He was hospitalized with the possibility of having his right foot and fore leg up to the knee amputated. A Vibrionics practitioner gave him the following combos in the hope that this could be prevented:
#1. NM20 Injury + NM25...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism 00600J...India
A man, aged 27, came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from hypothyroidism since childhood. His symptoms were that he appeared lazy though, in fact, he was just lacking in energy. He was losing a lot of hair, his face was swollen, he was chronically anemic and he suffered from lack of sleep due to nightmares. Intermittent allopathic...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes Mellitus Type 2 02786...Russia
The patient is a 58-year old woman who had diabetes type 2 for 9 years. She was an emotional overweight woman in a bad state of health with a lot of stress and no energy. She was being treated allopathically for diabetes with Byetta and Glucovance. Her blood sugar level was 10 units whereas the normal value is 5.5 units.
She was given:
#1) CC12.1 Adult tonic...(continued)
Hypothyroid 02799...UK
When this practitioner was in Sierra Leone, a woman doctor who came with the allopathic team from UK, saw her give Vibrionics treatment to people there. On her return, the doctor contacted the practitioner to ask if Vibrionics could help her under-active thyroid. She had a hypothyroid for 5 years and since then she had been taking 50 mg of thyroxin daily. As...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes 02640...India
A medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was put on the following vibro combination.
CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes with High BP 01423J...India
A 49 year old male patient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the practitioner. He also had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was given:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS.
On a regular self-monitoring over a period of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβήτης 03566...USA
Το 2012, αυτή η 26χρονη γυναίκα ένιωσε ξαφνικά υπερβολική κόπωση, συχνοουρία...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΘυροειδής 01644 ...USA
Μια 58χρονη γυναίκα ετοιμαζόταν να κάνει εγχείρηση θυρεοειδούς έξω από...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΒρογχοκήλη 02802 ...UK
Μια 42χρονη κυρία από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, η οποία είχε αναπτύξει μια μεγάλη...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑλωπεκία 01044 ...New Zealand
Συνάντησα την 56χρονη γειτόνισα μου στο δρόμο και αρχίσαμε να κάνουμε...(continued)
Υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση, Διαβήτης, Καπνός και Εθισμός στο Αλκοόλ 02779 ...Japan
Στις 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010, μια 75χρονη μητέρα και ο 45χρονος γιος της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypertension and Diabetes 10679...India
A 52 year old male from Karnataka, was suffering from hypertension and diabetes. He was under treatment for both these problems with allopathic medicines. The patient approached the practitioner in July 2013, after he suffered from Bell’s palsy paralysis of one whole side of the face. The...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes with High Blood Pressure 12051...India
A 70-year-old lady was diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago. She also had high BP of 160/100. In the same month she was detected with diabetes, she was given this combo:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS
Two months later, when she tested herself she had...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism 02090...India
A 10 year old girl weighed 26 kg, saw the practitioner, who after observing her symptoms advised her to check her TSH for hypothyroid. On February 2013, her lab reports showed her TSH as 42.19. On March 2013, the following combo was given: CC6.2 Hypothyroid…QDS for two months.
After 6 months her TSH level came down to 2.93 (normal range)....(continued)
Back Pain with Swollen Knees and Hypothyroid 11990...India
When a 63-year female patient, came to the camp arranged by the Samiti, she was suffering from back pain, swelling on both knees and hypothyroidism. She could not walk properly for five years, and took many allopathic and ayurvedic treatments. But the relief was only at the time of medication. She had no permanent relief and also hadn’t...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHashimoto's Thyroiditis, Uterine Cysts, Coeliac Disease, Slipped Disc 00915...Greece
A 45-year-old woman suffering from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and excessive stress approached the practitioner. She had multiple problems, namely cysts in her uterus, celiac disease-like symptoms and slipped disc. She was very overweight and had a lot of pain in her foot. So the practitioner talked with her a lot in order to help her to decide to lose...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥποθυρεοειδισμός 11623...India
Σε μια 39χρονη γυναίκα που διαγνώστηκε με οριακό υποθυρεοειδισμό...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥποθυρεοειδισμός 02494 ...Italy
Μια 31χρονη γυναίκα διαγνώστηκε με υποθυρεοειδισμό πριν από 10 χρόνια....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHypothyroidism 11594...India
A 33-year-old woman was experiencing muscle cramps, mood swings, and fatigue for the past two months, since July 2020. During this period she had gained 4 kg (8.8 lb) in weight. Her doctor ordered a thyroid test which revealed an abnormally high level* of TSH, >100 µIU/ml. Fearing potential side effects of allopathic medicines which she decided not...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιαβήτης, ισχιαλγία, αϋπνία 03599 & 02726...USA
Μια 75χρονη γυναίκα, ύψους 4'10" και βάρους 52 κιλών, είχε υψηλό σάκχαρο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό