Περιστατικά Σχετικά με
Ανοσοποιητικό Σύστημα
Memory Loss, Lack of Energy, Knee Pain 02859...India
A 46-year old woman complained of constant tiredness, memory loss and knee pain. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS
In a month’s time, she reported that she was able to work tirelessly throughout the day, had no pain in the knees and her memory had miraculously improved. The dosage was reduced to BD for the next 15 days and she is currently on...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια κούραση και Πόνος 02779...Japan
Μία 65-χρονη γυναίκα αναζήτησε θεραπεία για τη χρόνια κόπωση και γενικά τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόJaundice and Infection in a Premature Baby 02870...USA
A father had requested help for his premature female infant, still in an incubator. She had become poorly with jaundice, a fever, cough and cold. Doctors in the hospital had given the baby a variety of antibiotic medicines and as she had not improved, he was told that nothing more could be done. The practitioner broadcast the following combo via a Sai...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣαρκοείδωση 02895...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Ο πρώτος μου πελάτης ήταν ένας 57 χρονος κύριος ο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνιες ρινορραγίες, Πιτυρίδα 02799...UK
Ένας υγιές, ενεργό αγόρι 11 ετών που λάτρευε τα σπορ, ανέπτυξε πάθος για το...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛεύκη 02799...UK
Ένα κορίτσι (10 ετών) είχε λεύκη στο πρόσωπο, τα χέρια και το σώμα επί 4 χρόνια....(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBlindness from Childhood 02640...India
A middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic …QDS
After taking the above combo for just two weeks, she...(continued)
Αθροιστική Κεφαλαλγία, Κατάθλιψη και Υπερκινητικότητα 02894...UK
Στις 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, ένας 34 χρονος ασθενής ήρθε με οξέα συμπτώματα...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLeg Muscle Pain, Stress and Low Energy 02804...India
A 39 year-old woman requested treatment for a painful leg muscle which had been troubling her for a year. She was also having difficulty dealing with a stressful work environment as well as being low in energy. She had taken pain killers for the leg pain and had been treated allopathically for the stress and low energy but there was no improvement.
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes 02640...India
A medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital, was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was put on the following vibro combination:
CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΔιάτρηση Σκωληκοειδούς Απόφυσης 02733...India
Ένα νεαρό 16χρονο αγόρι, παραπονιόταν για μόνιμο πόνο στη δεξιά πλευρά της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΘεραπεία Ασθενούς με Καρκίνου του Ήπατος Missing...India
Μια 67χρονη γυναίκα διαγνώστηκε με καρκίνο του ήπατος με πολλές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠλήρης Θεραπεία Πολλαπλού Μυελώματος Missing...India
Ένας 51χρονος άνδρας διαγώστηκε από τους γιατρούς ότι έπασχε από έναν τύπο...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΟυρολοίμωξη & Διαβήτης 11520...India
Ένας ηλικιωμένος άνδρας (80), ο οποίος λάμβανε Δονητική Θεραπεία για τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΆκανθας πτέρνας & Περιφερική Αγγειοπάθεια των κάτω άκρων 12051...India
Ο ασθενής, ένας ηλικιωμένος άνδρας 86 χρονών, αναζήτησε θεραπεία για...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΧρόνια αμυγδαλίτιδα 10741...India
Ένας 33-χρονος νεαρός αναζήτησε θεραπεία για χρόνια αμυγδαλίτιδα,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜεταστατικός καρκίνος οστών 01768...Greece
Την 6η Ιανουαρίου 2014, στο Θεραπευτή προσέρχεται μια γυναίκα, 62 ετών, η οποία...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛευχαιμία & ανάκαμψη από χειρουργική επέμβαση μεταμόσχευσης μυελού των οστών 12051...India
Στις 19 Σεπτέμβρη 2013, ζητήθηκε θεραπεία για ένα 4χρονο κορίτσι που έπασχε από...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΨωρίαση 02128...Argentina
Στις 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, ένας 28χρονος άνδρας αναζήτησε θεραπεία για...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΝεφρική Βλάβη 01339...USA
Τον Αύγουστο του 2013, ένας 74χρονος άντρας επισκέφθηκε τη θεραπεύτρια,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΚαρκίνος της γλώσσας 10831...India
Μια 54 χρονη γυναίκα που υπέφερε από καρκίνο της γλώσσας υποβλήθηκε σε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕπιληψία 01626...Greece
Μια γυναίκα 40 ετών, αναζήτησε θεραπεία για επιληψία. Τα συμπτώματά της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBenign Tumour 11278...India
On 23 January 2013 a male patient, aged 62, sought treatment for a benign soft tumour (1 cm x 1 cm), located on his back below the right shoulder. He had this for 10 years. His doctor had recommended an operation to remove it but cautioned that the tumour could recur. Since the tumour was painless, the patient avoided the operation. He was given...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDifficult Pregnancy 11476...India
A 33-year old woman came to see the practitioner in October 2012 because she had been trying to have a child for 7 to 8 years without success despite allopathic fertility treatment. She was also taking allopathic drugs for hypothyroidism (Thyronam 25 mg OD, since 2008) and for diabetes (Centapin XR tablet OD, since 2005).
She was given:
#1. CC6.2...(continued)
Boils on the Buttocks 11210...India
A 50-year old man was suffering intense pain from boils on his buttocks. The boils would appear one after another, swell with pus and then burst, but always new lesions appeared. Twice some had to be surgically removed. Initially the patient was given:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS
In a month there was 20% improvement. The...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBurns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόDiabetes, High BP & Depression 10001...India
In May 2008, a female patient, 52, who was a distant relative of the practitioner, sought treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 10 years earlier and was now insulin dependent; she took 15 units of insulin before lunch and 10 units before dinner daily. With this, her random blood glucose was 150. In addition, she...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόOuter Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia
A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:
Bedwetting 02765...India
The practitioner was asked to send vibrionics remedy to a 12-year-old school girl who had a long standing bedwetting (enuresis) problem. She could not come to the regular Vibro camp that was held monthly as she lived in a distant town. She was sent by post:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence...TDS
Within a month the problem rapidly subsided, giving...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόRespiratory, Sinus & Throat Infection 01176...Bosnia
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71CCA + NM113 Inflammation ...TDS
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 11476...India
A 46-year-old woman has developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to excess use of a computer. For 4 months she had pain in the wrist, hands and fingers. The pain in the wrist was so severe that she had difficulty in performing even simple tasks with it. She was given the following, and as she was also diabetic a combo was included for that as well:
CC6.3 Diabetes...(continued)
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Crohn’s Disease 02817...India
A small boy of 9 was diagnosed with ASD and Crohn’s disease. Surgery was refused because he was very weak. The family was so poor that the parents were unable to afford the cost of allopathic medicines. They came to see the practitioner on the recommendation of a patient who had been successfully treated for arthritis with vibrionics. The boy was given...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΕλκώδης Κολίτιδα, Πνευμονική Εμβολή, Κρίσεις Πανικού 02799...UK
Το Σεπτέμβριο του 2014, ένας 71 χρονος άνδρας ασθενής παρουσιάστηκε με...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜετεγχειρητική πληγή στο πόδι 00534...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: για να επιδιορθώσω το σπάσιμο ενός οπίσθιου...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΊλιγγος 02895...UK
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Η θεία μου (59 ετών) ανέπτυξε ιλίγγους τον...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠροεκλαμψία στην Εγκυμοσύνη 02802...UK
Μια 30 χρονη μητέρα ενός μωρού 18 μηνών που ήταν 16 εβδομάδων έγκυος, εμφάνισε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΜυασθένεια gravis 10001...India
Μια βοηθός θεραπεύτρια 55 ετών, η οποία υπέφερε από Μυασθένεια gravis (MG) από το 2001,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΊκτερος σε βρέφος 02817...India
Ένα νεογέννητο αγόρι διαγνώστηκε με ίκτερο, το οποίο ανέπτυξε μέσα σε...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΑποστήματα και φαγούρα στο πόδι 11570...India
Στις 27 Απριλίου 2015, έφεραν στον ασκούμενο ένα 11χρονο αγόρι από μια φτωχή...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΙογενής πυρετός 11573...India
Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Η νεότερη κόρη μας, ηλικίας 9, έπασχε από βήχα,...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣυναισθηματικές Δυσκολίες σε Παιδί 02128...Argentina
Μια μητέρα ήρθε να δει το θεραπευτή επειδή ανησυχούσε για την 6χρονη κόρη...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHIV/AIDS 11177...India
Μια 24χρονη γυναίκα με AIDS εξετάστηκε στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2012.
Προερχόταν από...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΛευκές Κηλίδες 10940...India
Ένας 35 χρονος επιχειρηματίας αναζήτησε Δονητική θεραπεία για μικρές...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόBedwetting 11276...India
The parents of a six-year-old boy, who had been bedwetting practically all his life, contacted the practitioner on 9 November 2015. During the last five years, they had tried allopathic, ayurvedic and homoeopathic treatments but without any success. The little boy was much distressed by the problem, which was probably made worse by the parents who often...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPsychosis 11576...India
A much-harried father brought his 13-year-old son to the practitioner for treatment in January 2016. The son had refused to go to school for the previous seven months and also occasionally showed signs of indifference, rage, and resistance to authority.
About ten months prior to meeting the practitioner, the patient had once demonstrated such behavioural...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόLow Immunity 11590...India
A 3-year-old boy had repeated attacks of upper respiratory infection with runny nose, cough with sputum difficult to expectorate and sore throat for the past 2 years. These symptoms occurred almost every month and lasted for a week. The patient had 8-9 such episodes per year. The child did not have asthma but was allergic to dust. The doctor would prescribe...(continued)
Υπόταση, κόπωση 11586...India
Ένας ξυλουργός ηλικίας 42 ετών είχε χαμηλή αρτηριακή πίεση τα τελευταία 20...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόMiller Fisher syndrome 03542...UK
When this 63-year-old female, otherwise healthy with normal vision, arrived in the UK from India in the third week of June 2018, suddenly she could not move her left eye ball; she felt it had frozen in one position and her vision was impaired. Worried, she immediately consulted a doctor on 25 June 2018. She was referred to an ophthalmologist who...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHIV 11975...India
A 55-year-old woman had been bed-ridden and her body weight had halved from her normal 80 kg to 40 kg in 4 months. On 25 November 2016, she was taken to the hospital by her brother as she had cough, high fever, and immobility due to extreme weakness. There she was diagnosed as HIV positive, her CD4 count* being a mere 77. She had contracted the disease from...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΣτοματοφαρυγγική δυσφαγία 11613...India
Μια 57χρονη γυναίκα είχε δυσκολία στην κατάποση, καθώς κάθε μπουκιά της...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόHIV 11585...India
A 42-year-old construction worker was suffering from fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, and night sweating since the beginning of Feb 2019. On 7 March he was diagnosed with HIV and immediately started taking antiviral medication from a government hospital. His wife was tested negative. He knew that he had caught the infection due to his...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΠόνος στα πόδια και τα χέρια 01361 ...USA
Ένας άνδρας 38 ετών, υπέφερε από έντονους πόνους στα πόδια κάτω από τα γόνατά...(continued)
Σαρκοείδωση 02779 ...Japan
Μια γυναίκα ασθενής ηλικίας 69 ετών δεν μπορούσε να κοιμηθεί λόγω έντονων...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόΥπερβολική λαχτάρα για αλάτι 12051...India
Ένα 5χρονο κορίτσι είχε έντονη λαχτάρα για αλάτι και αλμυρά φαγητά από την...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόRheumatoid Arthritis 10375...India
A 19-year-old girl working as a nursery school teacher started getting pains in small and big joints, jaws, neck, etc., since Jan, 2013. There was a lot of difficulty in carrying out even simple tasks like lifting a glass. Her doctor diagnosed it as rheumatoid arthritis and put her on strong medicines. But the pains did not subside and she was given expensive...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόRheumatoid arthritis 11647...भारत
A 50-year-old woman had been battling with persistent pain and swelling which initially manifested in her fingers and wrists, for the past 30 years since 1997. In the year 2000, this was diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis and she had been taking prescribed allopathic medication, both oral and external. Her condition deteriorated over time, leading to...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το ΠεριστατικόPost-Chikungunya effects 11646...India
A 47-year-old male sought treatment for several symptoms that lingered for over four years after his recovery from chikungunya in 2019. He was constantly tired and had body and joint pain which exacerbated at night. Additionally, he suffered from episodes of sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and cough, recurring every 2 to 3 months, that lasted a week. For...(continued)
Διαβάστε Ολόκληρο το Περιστατικό