Psoriasis 11292...India
A female, aged 22, from a remote village in the state of Maharashtra, suffered from Psoriasis since the age of ten. During the last 12 years she tried various allopathic and ayurvedic locally available treatments, whatever they could afford.
In September 2011, the patient had gone to Puttaparthi for State Seva. Due to her skin condition she was not allowed to work in the canteen. She profusely wept the whole night praying to Swami to intervene and indeed He did! Finally she was given duty near the Mahasamadhi and it was at this place where this vibro practitioner asked about her problem, and offered to give her a vibro remedy. Fortunately another practitioner had brought the vibro combo box during State Seva and she received the first dose of vibro pills in Puttaparthi on September 9, 2011.
She was given:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…One dose five times a day.
The same combo was given in petroleum jelly for external application. After three months of treatment, the old skin started peeling off and new skin appeared. After 8 months of treatment her entire skin became normal except some whitish marks on the affected area of skin. The same combo is continued.