Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Περιστατικά Σχετικά με
Πεπτικό Σύστημα

Constipation, Indigestion & Candida 11966...India

On August 15, 2014, a boy (2 ½ years old) was brought in for treatment of chronic constipation and indigestion for which he had been suffering for 1 ½ years. He had been getting up nearly every night crying, complaining of stomach pain. The parents had tried giving him allopathic medicines were tried a couple of times but the problem persisted....(continued)

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Travel Sickness, Diarrhoea, Vomiting 11965...India

The practitioner writes: During my initial stage of practicing Vibrionics, I experienced my first miracle when seven guests from Kerala arrived on April 18, 2014 to visit Delhi. From traveling and eating food outside, all 7 had come down with stomach upset and continuous vomiting. I immediately prepared a remedy in water:
CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion...(continued)

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Cirrhosis of Liver 02494...Italy

A woman aged 57 asked these practitioners for help as she had a sick liver that was not functioning properly. She was very tired, anaemic and bedridden and was waiting for a liver transplant. They gave her:
#1. NM22 Liver + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SR263 Nat Sulph (200C) + SR284 Chelidonium + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol + SR504 Liver + SR547 Carduus Mar...(continued)

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Pancreatitis 02494...Italy

A female patient, who was hospitalised with pancreatitis, sent an emergency call to the practitioners to see if they could help her. The doctors were concerned because she was not responding to the allopathic drugs they were giving to treat the condition. With the Sai Ram Potentiser (SRHVP), the practitioners broadcast the following combo to her:
NM36 War +...(continued)

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Fear & Constipation 02854...UK

A mother came to see the practitioner with her son aged nearly 3 years because he had been very constipated for the past 2 years. He was also withdrawn and frightened of people including his own father. He was particularly fearful when he was expected to use the toilet and pass stool. When the practitioner spoke to him, he looked scared and clung to his...(continued)

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Hospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex Allergies 02802...UK

A dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the practitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhoea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The practitioner posted...(continued)

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Chronic Constipation 02802...UK

A mother brought her 9-year-old daughter to see the practitioner because the child had suffered from chronic constipation for three years and recurrent urine infections. She could not open her bowels unless she took Movicol laxative daily. She was given:
CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC13.2 Kidney &...(continued)

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Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Crohn’s Disease 02817...India

A small boy of 9 was diagnosed with ASD and Crohn’s disease. Surgery was refused because he was very weak. The family was so poor that the parents were unable to afford the cost of allopathic medicines. They came to see the practitioner on the recommendation of a patient who had been successfully treated for arthritis with vibrionics. The boy was given...(continued)

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Jaundice and Infection in a Premature Baby 02870...USA

A father had requested help for his premature female infant, still in an incubator. She had become poorly with jaundice, a fever, cough and cold. Doctors in the hospital had given the baby a variety of antibiotic medicines and as she had not improved, he was told that nothing more could be done. The practitioner broadcast the following combo via a Sai...(continued)

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Life-long Constipation 02859...India

An 80-year-old man approached the practitioner with some trepidation looking for a solution to lifelong constipation for which he had taken all possible treatments. He was given:
CC4.4 Constipation…TDS

His was relieved of the constipation right away. He told the practitioner that vibrionics has changed his life, he is more...(continued)

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Nut Allergy and Severe Dry Skin 02802...UK

The patient was an 18-year-old blind boy who lived in a blind school but came home during the holidays. His mother called the practitioner to say that he had a nut allergy especially to almonds and would get stomach pains and vomit if he ate them. He also had severe dry skin that required regular use of cream. The following remedy was posted to him:

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Ατοπική δερματίτιδα και Αυξημένα Υγρά Στομάχου 10001...India

Τον Ιούνιο του 2013, ένας άνδρας ασθενής, ηλικίας 18 ετών, ήρθε για θεραπεία...(continued)

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Γάτα με ηπατική νόσο, διάρροια και σκουλήκια 02494...Italy

Οι Θεραπευτές κλήθηκαν να θεραπεύσουν την 5 μηνών γάτα των φίλων τους, την...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα 02896...UK

Ένας Θεραπευτής θεράπευσε μια 25-χρονη γυναίκα που έπασχε από ακραία...(continued)

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Θεραπεία Ασθενούς με Καρκίνου του Ήπατος Missing...India

Μια 67χρονη γυναίκα διαγνώστηκε με καρκίνο του ήπατος με πολλές...(continued)

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Διάτρηση Σκωληκοειδούς Απόφυσης 02733...India

Ένα νεαρό 16χρονο αγόρι, παραπονιόταν για μόνιμο πόνο στη δεξιά πλευρά της...(continued)

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Gallstones 02804...India

A male patient aged 55 had been suffering from pain in his abdomen for many years. On his doctor’s advice he had a sonography of abdomen. This showed an enlarged gallbladder with a thickened wall due to inflammation caused by gallstones impacted at the neck of the gallbladder. His doctor advised him to have an operation to remove the gallbladder. He...(continued)

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Facial Rash 02802...UK

A woman aged 47 was suffering from facial rash for a year. It was diagnosed as rosacea, a chronic facial eruption in which papules appear on a flushed or red background. In this case the patient had it around her chin. Several different antibiotics had been given but there was no improvement. She was also treated by a herbalist who gave herbal remedies for...(continued)

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Diabetes with High BP and High Cholesterol 02859...India

A 49-year-old male was diagnosed with diabetes a year previous. He also had high BP and high cholesterol. He was given:
#1.  CC6.3 Diabetes…BD

#2.  CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis…BD

The patient monitored his blood sugar regularly but found  there was not much improvement. Further investigations...(continued)

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Multiple Problems Cured by Blood Nosode 02836...India

A  64-years-old male had been suffering from severe knee pain for the past 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C....(continued)

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Όγκος Στομάχου 11973...India

Το Μάρτιο του 2014, μια γυναίκα 50 ετών διαγνώστηκε με καλοήθη όγκο στην...(continued)

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Αδενοκαρκίνωμα της Χοληδόχου Κύστης & Καρκίνος Ήπατος, Οίδημα, Ίλιγγος, Πόνος στο Γόνατο 10728...India

Αρχές Ιανουαρίου του 2014, μια γυναίκα που υπέφερε στο στάδιο 4 από...(continued)

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Κακοήθης όγκος νεφρού 10728...India

Το 1999 ένας 48 χρονος μεταφέρθηκε στο νοσοκομείο για θεραπεία...(continued)

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Μυοσκελετικοί πόνοι, Αλλεργική Ρινίτιδα, Ίλλιγος και Δυσκοιλιότητα 02894...UK

Μια 41 χρονη ασθενής, ανάμεσα σε άλλα προβλήματα, παραπονιόταν για πόνους...(continued)

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Ελκώδης Κολίτιδα, Πνευμονική Εμβολή, Κρίσεις Πανικού 02799...UK

Το Σεπτέμβριο του 2014, ένας 71 χρονος άνδρας ασθενής παρουσιάστηκε με...(continued)

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Εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο και εντερική λοίμωξη σε σκύλο 00829...Australia

Ένα πρωί Δευτέρας, τον Ιούνιο του 2014, ο θεραπευτής παρατήρησε ότι κάτι δεν...(continued)

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Λευχαιμία & ανάκαμψη από χειρουργική επέμβαση μεταμόσχευσης μυελού των οστών 12051...India

Στις 19 Σεπτέμβρη 2013, ζητήθηκε θεραπεία για ένα 4χρονο κορίτσι που έπασχε από...(continued)

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A Nervous and Needy Child 00534...UK

The patient was a 7-year-old male child who had started clinging to his mother, would not let go of her hand at the school gate and wherever he was, he needed her in the background. He was constantly eating and then being sick before he went to school. He was also suffering from irritation around the anus. The practitioner gave him:
NM35 Worms + SR424 Chicory...(continued)

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Σύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου & Φαγούρα Ορθού 02799...UK

Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Στις 26 Μαρτίου 2014 ένας κύριος 73 ετών ήρθε να με δει....(continued)

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Μετεγχειρητική πληγή στο πόδι 00534...UK

Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: για να επιδιορθώσω το σπάσιμο ενός οπίσθιου...(continued)

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Γαστρίτιδα 02897...UK

Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Μια γυναίκα, ηλικίας 79 ετών, παραπονέθηκε για...(continued)

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Καρκίνος μαστού από μετάσταση 10014...India

Μια 61χρονη γυναίκα στο τελικό στάδιο καρκίνου του μαστού...(continued)

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Τροφική δηλητηρίαση, IBS (Σύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου) 11968...India

Μια γυναίκα (ηλικίας 60 ετών) ανέπτυξε συμπτώματα έντονης τροφικής...(continued)

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Ίκτερος σε βρέφος 02817...India

Ένα νεογέννητο αγόρι διαγνώστηκε με ίκτερο, το οποίο ανέπτυξε μέσα σε...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα, Γνωστική δυσλειτουργία 02779...Japan

Μια 85χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από τις επιπτώσεις εγκεφαλικού...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα, Οίδημα στους μηρούς και στα πόδια 02779...Japan

Μια 45χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από σοβαρή δυσκοιλιότητα για πολλούς...(continued)

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Νεφρική Ανεπάρκεια 00971...Japan

Μια 64χρονη γυναίκα επισκέφθηκε το θεραπευτή στις 24 Αυγούστου 2014 μετά...(continued)

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Διαταραχή πανικού, Ακράτεια 02754...Japan

Ο θεραπευτής γράφει: Μια 30χρονη γυναίκα, κόρη κάποιου φίλου μου, είχε...(continued)

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Δυσπεψία, Χλαμύδια, Εμμηνόπαυση και Στοματκή φλεγμονή 11572...India

Στις 29 Απριλίου 2015, μία γυναίκα (ηλικίας 49) αναζήτησε θεραπεία για μια σειρά...(continued)

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Ημικρανίες, Υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση, Αιμορροϊδες 11573...India

Τον Μάιο του 2015, ένας 73χρονος άνδρας ζήτησε θεραπεία για ημικρανίες που...(continued)

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Βουβωνοκήλη 02899...UK

Ένας 63 χρονος διαγνώστηκε με βουβωνοκήλη στις 29 Ιουνίου του 2015.  Την...(continued)

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Χρόνιο Κοιλιακό Άλγος & Δυσκοιλιότητα 03523...UK

Ένα 8χρονο κορίτσι υπέφερε επί τρία χρόνια από κοιλιακό άλγος. Ήταν ένας...(continued)

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Μελαγχρωστική Αμφιβληστροειδοπάθεια. Κρίσεις Πανικού, Δυσπεψία 02802...UK

Ένας 65χρονος άνδρας με μελαγχρωστική αμφιβληστροειδοπάθεια (RP), μια...(continued)

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Επιληψία, Ακανόνιστη Έμμηνος Ρύση, Δυσκοιλιότητα 11310...India

Ένα 13χρονο κορίτσι εξετάστηκε για θεραπεία επιληψίας στις 16...(continued)

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Χρόνια Λοίμωξη Λαιμού, Μετεωρισμός 11177...India

Ο θεραπευτής, ηλικίας 45 ετών, αποφάσισε να δώσει θεραπεία στον εαυτό...(continued)

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Μικρά Ισχαιμικά Επεισόδια μετά από Καρδιοχειρουργική 02890...USA

Η 74 χρονη αδελφή της θεραπεύτριας είχε μια καρδιακή προσβολή το 2013 και...(continued)

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Χρόνια Ημικρανία, Δυσπεψία, Κρίσεις Πανικού, Πόνος των άκρων 03507...UK

Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 30 ετών αναζήτησε θεραπεία για διάφορα προβλήματα...(continued)

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Ενδοεγκεφαλική Βλάβη, Δυσπεψία, Εμετός & Δυσκοιλιότητα, Αϋπνία, Νευροδερματίτιδα και Ατονία λόγω Ηλικίας 11573...India

Η 88χρονη προγιαγιά του θεραπευτή έπασχε από πολλές παθήσεις τον Ιούνιο...(continued)

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Διαβήτης με Αλλεργία στη Μετφορμίνη 11567...India

Μια 52χρονη γυναίκα επισκέφτηκε το θεραπευτή στις 15 Μαίου 2015 αναζητώντας...(continued)

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Χρόνιος Πόνος στο Στομάχι 10363...India

Ένα 14χρονο αγόρι υπέφερε από πόνο στο στομάχι για περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο....(continued)

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Όγκος στη Μύτη, Χρόνια Δυσπεψία 03524...USA

Ένας ηλικιωμένος άνδρας 83 ετών πήγε για να δει το θεραπευτή για τη...(continued)

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Σχισμή στον Πρωκτό 10355...India

Μια 75χρονη κυρία που υπέφερε από σχισμή στον πρωκτό κατά τους...(continued)

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Οξεία Οξύτητα 10355...India

Στις 15 Μαΐου 2015, ο θεραπευτής εξέτασε μια 52χρονη γυναίκα για οξεία...(continued)

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Κύστη Ωοθηκών 10940...India

Σ’ ένα 16χρονο κορίτσι δόθηκε θεραπεία Δονητικής αφότου διαγνώστηκε από...(continued)

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Βρογχίτιδα, Βήχας, Χρόνια Δυσπεψία 03524...USA

Μια ταλαντούχα τραγουδίστρια λατρευτικών ύμνων (ηλικίας 68 ετών)...(continued)

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Severe Constipation 03526...USA

The patient was a 15-year-old girl who suffered from severe constipation for the past 5 years for unknown reasons. When she visited her doctor for severe stomach pain, she did not realise that her pain was due to constipation. The doctor suspected Helicobacter pylori infection and treated her with antibiotics. In her subsequent visit, the doctor examined her...(continued)

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Diarrhoea 11570...India

A 50-year-old security guard suffering from stomach ache and diarrhoea for the past three to four days requested vibrionics treatment on 25 May 2015. The weather was hot and upon enquiry, the practitioner found that he had been drinking tap water at the local park.

He was treated with the following combo:
CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)

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Λευκές Κηλίδες 10940...India

Ένας 35 χρονος επιχειρηματίας αναζήτησε Δονητική θεραπεία για μικρές...(continued)

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Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Headache & Insomnia 02840...India

A woman, 28 years of age, was suffering from hyperacidity, indigestion, headache, and insomnia for the past two years. Her job involved switching between night and day shifts during the same week. She was taking antacids which relieved her of some of the symptoms and that too, only temporarily. So the patient decided to take vibrionics treatment and stopped...(continued)

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Mysterious pain in child 02921...Italy

A mother brought her 8-year-old daughter to the practitioner on 16 April 2016. The girl was afflicted with intense pain in the lower part of her stomach and intestine. She had been experiencing the pain for three months during which time it spread to the head, upper back, arms, and legs. She was on strong adult-dose painkillers. Yet they gave her relief only...(continued)

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Haemorrhoids, faecal incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux 01001...Uruguay

A 74-year-old man with a 15-year history of bleeding haemorrhoids (which was so severe that he had to use pads) and faecal incontinence visited the practitioner on 20 June 2016. He had also been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome IBS and gastroesophageal reflux just one month earlier.

He was treated with the following combo:
#1. CC3.2...(continued)

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Allergic rhinitis, indigestion, anxiety 01001...Uruguay 01001...Uruguay

A 49-year-old lady having allergic rhinitis for the past 32 years, indigestion with flatulence, bloated abdomen, headaches and emotional problems since she got divorced in 2014, came to see the practitioner. She had been feeling insecure, anxious and tired all the time since her divorce. She took to binge eating for comfort and to calm herself. Patient...(continued)

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Chronic abdominal pain 10602...India

A 93-year-old woman suffering from chronic abdominal pain for over 40 years came to the practitioner on 7 March 2015. Over this period, she had taken allopathic treatment and undergone various surgeries such as removal of uterus 35 years ago, removal of gallbladder 20 years ago, treatment for pancreas and kidney stones 10 years ago and surgery for hernia five...(continued)

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Diabetes 11576...India

A 78-year-old woman, diagnosed with diabetes in 2009, approached the practitioner on 3 Apr 2016. She had excessive tiredness and needed to rest frequently. Many years of restricted diet and the need to have controlled intake of sugar seemed to have affected her emotionally. Her BP and cholesterol readings were normal and she had no family...(continued)

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Chronic acidity & wheat allergy 10001...India

During September 2015, a 28-year-old lady visited the practitioner complaining of severe acidity which she had for the past 8 years. This resulted in a severe headache lasting several hours almost daily and the patient got relief only after taking allopathic pain killer (Crocin). This was very stressful for the patient and resulted in low self-esteem. The...(continued)

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Acidity, fungal infection, arthritis 03552...Qatar

On 21 July 2016, a 73-year-old man consulted the practitioner for treatment of several chronic ailments. For thirty years, he had been suffering from acidity with heartburn. He has been taking antacids for about fifteen years. His legs were itchy and red due to fungal infection which he had for fifteen years. He was prescribed anti-fungal...(continued)

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Chronic allergy and constipation 11578...India

On 11 April 2016, a 35-year-old woman suffering from cough for eight years sought treatment from the practitioner. She was allergic to dust. Every morning, upon waking, she went through severe bouts of continuous coughing. Also she had constipation for one year which caused pain in the rectum. She had not tried anymedical treatment or medication for...(continued)

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Stomach cramps 03542...UK

On 20 November 2016, an 8-year-old girl developed stomach cramps with intense pain. Unable to bear her daughter's agony, her mother reached out to the practitioner. The patient did not have any previous history of such stomach pain and was not on any other medication. Later that afternoon, she was due to perform in a major dance program for which she...(continued)

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Kidney Stones 03522...Mauritius

A 27-year-old man was suffering from back pain, indigestion and acidity for two years. He had developed these symptoms after his mother’s demise. As a result, he was unable to concentrate on work and often took sick leave. He consulted a physician who prescribed allopathic medicines, but these provided only temporary relief. After an...(continued)

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Υποχονδριακή διαταραχή 11567...India

Ένας 35χρονος δάσκαλος της βιολογίας υπέφερε από υποχονδριακή...(continued)

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Ulcerative Colitis 02802...UK

A 55-year-old lady suffering from ulcerative colitis for many years, contacted the practitioner on 6 September 2014. She had intermittent diarrhoea and abdominal pains. Her bowels would open up 4 to 8 times a day. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist who had prescribed Pentasa (anti-inflammatory tablets used for...(continued)

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Piles and constipation 11589...India

On 29 July 2017, a 44-year-old male with piles and severe constipation for the past 4 months approached the practitioner. For the past 5 days he had difficulty in sitting down and he had also noticed blood in his stool. At the time of consultation he had not passed stool for two days and was in severe discomfort. He was given:

CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1...(continued)

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Dysphagia 01001...Uruguay

For the past one year this 8-year-old girl had difficulty in swallowing her food as it would get stuck in her throat. Somehow she managed to eat by sipping lots of water even though it was difficult and painful. The patient was fearful and nervous at every meal due to the fear of choking. So she could not enjoy her meals. These episodes occurred daily. She...(continued)

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Depression, dyspepsia and constipation 11581...India

A 64-year-old woman became anxious and depressed due to sudden death of her husband in 1990.  Due to anxiety, she developed psychological imbalance resulting into dyspepsia and constipation and she went through all these for 15 long years.  She is non-diabetic and non-hypertensive.  She had been taking allopathic medications for depression,...(continued)

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Injured leg, hepatitis-B 11271...India

On 19 Nov 2016, a 46-year-old male visited the practitioner for treatment of his injury-related leg pain, numbness and burning sensation. He had met with an accident in Jan 2015 when he suffered head and multiple leg injuries. He was treated in a hospital where the doctors implanted a surgical steel rod in his leg. Now the doctor told him that the cause of...(continued)

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Crohn’s Disease 03564...Australia

On 17 Dec 2017, a 57-year-old man sought treatment for Crohn’s disease which he was having for the past 4 years. The symptoms included intense stomach pain and diarrhoea at least 6 times a day. Over the years, he was having severe bleeding while passing stools; this was ongoing on a daily basis. He was unable to take any milk products as this triggered...(continued)

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Enlarged Prostate 11589...India

A 63-year-old man had a history of frequent, difficult and painful urination for the past 2 years, in addition to swelling of feet for the past 4 months. He would wake up 4 to 5 times during the night to urinate. Often, he could take as long as 15 minutes to urinate because he was subject to a constant feeling of urinary retention in the bladder. He...(continued)

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Crohn’s disease

A 62-year-old Australian woman had been suffering from Crohn’s disease for the past 7 years. Her symptoms included severe abdominal pain, stomach bloating, alternating bowel movements between constipation and diarrhoea, fatigue, loss of appetite and gradual weight loss. The patient underwent hemicolectomy (surgical removal of one side of colon) in...(continued)

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Διάφοραθέματα 02696...India

Μια γυναίκα ηλικίας 75 ετών ταξίδεψε περίπου 400 χιλιόμετρα για να δει τον...(continued)

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Οξύτητα, ακράτεια, φλεγμονώδης νόσος της πυέλου 11601...India

Μια 86χρονη γυναίκα είχε πολλαπλές οξείες και χρόνιες ασθένειες. Κατά...(continued)

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Φούσκωμα στην κοιλιά

Ένας 49χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από φούσκωμα στην κοιλιά, με βάρος και πόνο τα...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα, πόνος στην πλάτη

Μια 63χρονη γυναίκα στις Η.Π.Α. υποβλήθηκε σε χειρουργική επέμβαση πριν...(continued)

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Πρωκτικό συρίγγιο και δοθιήνες, δυσκοιλιότητα 11601...India

Στις 2 Νοεμβρίου 2018, ένας νέος 27 ετών πήγε στη θεραπεύτρια που παρατήρησε ότι...(continued)

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Γαστρεντερική αιμορραγία κατώτερου πεπτικού 11594...India

Ένας 64χρονος άνδρας που ταλαιπωρείτο από πολυκυστική νεφρική νόσο...(continued)

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Κατάποση μπαταρίας από παιδί 11607...India

Ένα 4χρονο αγόρι παραπονιόταν για πόνο στο στομάχι κάθε μέρα για πάνω από δύο...(continued)

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Ελκώδης κολίτιδα, βρουξισμός 03558...France

Ένας 53χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε για τα τελευταία 11 χρόνια με κοιλιακό...(continued)

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Allergy to worms 01616...Croatia

A 39-year-old male was suffering for the past 25 years from rash all over his body, especially on the face, diagnosed as urticaria (hives). Tests showed he was allergic to a lot of food items. For the past 2 months, his condition was worse with slightly elevated swelling of the rash. Though reluctant due to the side effects he suffered earlier, he took...(continued)

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Gallstone 01616...Croatia

In 2018, a 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with a gallstone of about 2.5 cm in size. Every day for the past one year, she suffered from stomach pain which got worse after each meal. Though she was otherwise healthy and not on any medication, she feared the worst as her grandmother had died of a burst gallbladder and there were cases of renal...(continued)

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Διάρροια, δύσπνοια 03542...UK

Τα μεσάνυχτα της 22 Αυγούστου 2019, κατά τη διάρκεια διακοπών στο Παρίσι, ο...(continued)

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Κολίτις με κύστες στο παχύ έντερο 03542...UK

Μια 53χρονη από τη Μαλαισία υπέφερε τουλάχιστον 2 χρόνια από στομαχικές...(continued)

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Πόνος στην κοιλιά 11618...India

Ένας 47χρονος άντρας εμφάνιζε αμβλύ διακοπτόμενο πόνο στο δεξί μέρος της...(continued)

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Οξύτητα, τροφική αλλεργία 11618...India

Μια 58χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από στομαχόπονο και οξύτητα τα τελευταία 8...(continued)

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Οξύτητα 12013...India

Ένας άντρας 62 ετών, που είχε ανώτατο διοικητικό αξίωμα, προήχθη σε θέση ακόμη...(continued)

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Εμμηνορροϊκός πόνος, αναιμία, οξύτητα 11585...India

Μια 38χρονη γυναίκα από ένα απομακρυσμένο χωριό υπέφερε από έντονο πόνο κατά τη...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα 11614...India

Μια 61χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από δυσκοιλιότητα τα τελευταία πέντε χρόνια,...(continued)

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Plantar fasciitis, Constipation 11613...India

A 44-year-old female was suffering from severe constipation since 2009. Allopathic medicine gave her temporary relief. For many years she took ayurvedic medicine (triphala) to ease her bowel movements but to no avail. Also, for the past 4 years, she was having pain under her heels especially in the morning. During the past 4 months the pain became so severe...(continued)

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Νόσος του Κρον 00814...Croatia

Ένας 47χρονος άνδρας πήγε παραπονούμενος για συχνά αιματηρά κόπρανα και...(continued)

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Κήλη 02444...India

Ένας 47χρονος άνδρας από τη Γαλλία υπέφερε για δύο χρόνια με μια οδυνηρή...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα 02444...India

Ένας 60χρονος Ιρλανδός υπέφερε από χρόνια δυσκοιλιότητα από την παιδική...(continued)

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Χρόνιο ρέψιμο, κάψιμο στον οισοφάγο 11603...India

Ένας 37χρονος άντρας υπέφερε τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια από ρέψιμο όλη την ημέρα...(continued)

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Perforated Appendix 02733...India

A young boy, aged 16, complained of constant abdomen pain on the right side and also of gas formation for the past three months. An ultrasound report revealed an acutely inflamed appendix with perforation and a lump on the right side of his lower abdomen. The surgeon advised an immediate operation, but because of poverty, his parents refused the operation....(continued)

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Cirrhosis of Liver 02494...Italy

A woman aged 57 asked these practitioners for help as she had a sick liver that was not functioning properly. She was very tired, anemic and bedridden and was waiting for a liver transplant. They gave her:

#1. NM22 Liver + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SR263 Nat Sulph (200C) + SR284 Chelidonium + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol + SR504 Liver + SR547 Carduus Mar...(continued)

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Gallstones 02804...India

A male patient aged 55 had been suffering from pain in his abdomen for many years. On his doctor’s advice he had a sonography of abdomen. This showed an enlarged gallbladder with a thickened wall due to inflammation caused by gallstones impacted at neck of gallbladder. His doctor advised him to have an operation for removal of gallbladder. He hoped Sai...(continued)

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Pancreatitis 02494...Italy

A female patient, who was hospitalized with pancreatitis, sent an emergency call to the practitioners to see if they could help her. The doctors were concerned because she was not responding to the allopathic drugs they were giving to treat the condition. With the Sai Ram Potentiser, the practitioners broadcast the following combo to her:

NM36 War + OM1 Blood...(continued)

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Fear & Constipation 02854...UK

A mother came to see the practitioner with her son aged nearly 3 years because he had been very constipated for the past 2 years. He was also withdrawn and frightened of people including his own father. He was particularly fearful when he was expected to use the toilet and pass stool. When the practitioner spoke to him, he looked scared and clung to his...(continued)

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Hospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex Allergies 02802...UK

A dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the practitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The practitioner posted...(continued)

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Acute Diarrhoea 11569...India

Practitioner herself aged 50 yrs had acute Diarrhoea and felt extreme acidity on the evening of 15th October 2015 after intake of spicy food and overeating on the previous day. She passed watery stools every 10 minutes for an hour or so and was not able to retain even water, nor she could get up and make her own vibro...(continued)

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Colitis, pancreatitis 01339...USA

A 48-year-old man was suffering from type-II diabetes for the last 12 years. However, his most urgent health problems included a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis in October, 2014. He was given Lialda medication but suffered side effects. In December, 2014, he had been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Following a medication change for pancreatitis he suffered...(continued)

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Δυσπεψία, πονοκέφαλος 11606...India

Λίγο μετά την πιστοποίηση, η θεραπεύτρια αντιμετώπισε την 32χρονη οικιακή...(continued)

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Στοματοφαρυγγική δυσφαγία 11613...India

Μια 57χρονη γυναίκα είχε δυσκολία στην κατάποση, καθώς κάθε μπουκιά της...(continued)

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Επώδυνες αιμορροΐδες 03592...South Africa

Μια 50χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από οδυνηρές αιμορροΐδες και...(continued)

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Αιμορροΐδες, επαναλαμβανόμενες 11615...India

Μια 50χρονη γυναίκα είχε αίμα στα κόπρανα και σοβαρό πόνο στον πρωκτό και...(continued)

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Τραυματισμός κουταβιού 10741...India

Ένα εγκαταλελειμμένο και τραυματισμένο κουτάβι ηλικίας 2 έως 4...(continued)

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Παλινδρόμηση οξέος, δυσκοιλιότητα, φοβία 11210...India

Τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια, μια 52χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από παλινδρόμηση...(continued)

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Αλλεργία στο δέρμα 11624...India

Ένας 38χρονος υπέφερε από φαγούρα στην άκρη των δακτύλων του, χεριών και...(continued)

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Πόνος στην πλάτη 11508...India

Μια 40χρονη γυναίκα, το προηγούμενο έτος, υπέφερε από σοβαρό πόνο στην πλάτη,...(continued)

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Απώλεια φωνής 03570...Canada

Μια 54χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από γαστροϊσοφαγική παλινδρόμηση για πέντε...(continued)

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Αϋπνία, πόνος στο γόνατο, γαστρίτιδα 03560...India

Τον τελευταίο χρόνο, μια 52χρονη γυναίκα μπορούσε να κοιμηθεί μόνο για...(continued)

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Back & joint pains, gas retention 02814...India

A 32-year-old female had been suffering from pain in her lower back, knees, and ankle joints and intestinal gas retention due to indigestion for over two years, after a caesarean delivery. She took allopathic medicines for a year without any benefit; these provided temporary relief as symptoms would soon return. On 9 April 2017, she was given: 


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Food intolerance 03566...USA

A 70-year-old female paediatrician had an intolerance to certain foods for over 30 years. Within 3-4 hours of consuming cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes or wheat, she would get stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhoea which would usually last a week even with taking Pepto Bismal an over-the-counter medication. She stopped eating these foods and feeling helpless,...(continued)

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Allergy to avocado 03599...USA

An 11-year-old girl would develop dry itchy eruptions all over her body, except the face, whenever she ate an avocado; this severe allergic reaction had been occurring for over a year. With allopathic medicines, it would take her a week to get back to normal. Being familiar with and having faith in vibrionics, the girl’s mother approached the...(continued)

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Χαμηλή όρεξη, κακή μνήμη 11616...India

Μια μητέρα ανησυχούσε για την 11χρονη κόρη της που είχε χαμηλή όρεξη για...(continued)

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Dysphagia 11573...India

A 44-year-old woman had been suffering from difficulty in swallowing, diagnosed as dysphagia five years ago. Every time she would start eating, aspiration would occur (food would go down the wrong way) resulting in coughing and a feeling of choking. Due to the impact of continuous violent coughing during the day as well as night, many a time she...(continued)

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Intractable abdominal pain 01001...Uruguay

A seven-year-old boy would complain of abdominal pain soon after starting to have his food and would then stop eating. Thus his food intake was minimal and he became thin. The doctor tested him for parasites but the result was negative. So he did not prescribe any medication and said the underlying cause was emotional. All this started when he began schooling...(continued)

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Οίδημα με εντύπωμα, απώλεια όρεξης 11624...India

Ένας 96χρονος άνδρας είχε πρήξιμο και στα δύο πόδια από τα γόνατα και κάτω και...(continued)

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Πόνος στην πλάτη, στομαχόπονος και παλινδρόμηση οξέος 11601...India

Ένας 53χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από πόνους στη μέση για τρία χρόνια λόγω της...(continued)

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Βήχας με φλέγματα, γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση 11601...India

Ένας άνδρας ηλικίας 52 ετών υπέφερε από βήχα με υπερβολικό φλέγμα το οποίο...(continued)

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Αλλεργία σε ξηρούς καρπούς και γαλακτοκομικά 00006...India

Ένας 32χρονος άνδρας ανέπτυσσε κόκκινα εξογκώματα στο πρόσωπό του μέσα...(continued)

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Σύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου (IBS) 03599...USA

Ένα πεντάχρονο αγόρι υπέφερε για πάνω από ένα χρόνο, από επεισόδια κοιλιακού...(continued)

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Καρκίνος του παχέος εντέρου 02799...UK

Μια δασκάλα ηλικίας 52 ετών υπέφερε για περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο από πόνο...(continued)

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Chronic acidity 11599...India

A 51-year-old man had been suffering from acidity causing burning, belching, and acid reflux for five years. He had a sedentary lifestyle and a very stressful job as head of a retail sales chain, and for over 30 years he had been smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Over the past five years, he had tried many over-the-counter as well as prescription medications but...(continued)

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Αιμορροΐδες και Δυσκοιλιότητα 00135...USA

Με τα χρόνια η θεραπεύτρια αυτή αντιμετώπισε γυναίκες ασθενείς, με τις...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα 01096 ...USA

Όταν αυτό το 5χρονο παιδί μεταφέρθηκε στον θεραπευτή είχε...(continued)

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Δυσπεψία και Πόνος στο στομάχι 02864 ...USA

Μια 18χρονη ήρθε με δυσπεψία, κράμπες και έντονους πόνους στο στομάχι όταν...(continued)

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Χρόνιες αιμορροΐδες 02799 ...UK

Ένας 64χρονος άνδρας έπασχε από χρόνιες αιμορροΐδες για 8 χρόνια και...(continued)

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Χρόνια Δυσκοιλιότητα 02802 ...UK

Ένα 9χρονο κορίτσι είχε χρόνια δυσκοιλιότητα και επαναλαμβανόμενες...(continued)

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Κατακράτηση υγρών και ορμονική ανισορροπία 02802 ...UK

Μια 42χρονη δασκάλα και μητέρα εμφάνισε πρήξιμο και στα δύο χέρια και δεν...(continued)

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Πολλαπλά προβλήματα 02820 ...UK

Αυτή η ασθενής, μια κυρία 36 ετών ήρθε να με δει το 2012. Είχε αιμορροΐδες για 8...(continued)

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Εκκολπωματίτιδα και ουρολοιμώξεις (UTI) 01427 ...Singapore

Μια γυναίκα ασθενής, 50 ετών, προσήλθε στον θεραπευτή για θεραπεία της...(continued)

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Σκύλος με πολλαπλά προβλήματα 03040...Poland

Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων πέντε ετών, η Έλσα (βλ. εικόνα), ένα σκυλί...(continued)

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Δερματική αλλεργία και αλλεργική ρινίτιδα 03040...Poland

Ο 3χρονος γιος της παραπάνω οικογένειας είναι ένα καλό παράδειγμα της...(continued)

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Αλωπεκία 01044 ...New Zealand

Συνάντησα την 56χρονη γειτόνισα μου στο δρόμο και αρχίσαμε να κάνουμε...(continued)

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Σαρκοείδωση 02779 ...Japan

Μια γυναίκα ασθενής ηλικίας 69 ετών δεν μπορούσε να κοιμηθεί λόγω έντονων...(continued)

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Γάτα με Διάρροια και Σκώληκες 02494...Italy

Οι Θεραπευτές κλήθηκαν να θεραπεύσουν την 5 μηνών γάτα των φίλων τους, την...(continued)

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Παγκρεατίτιδα 02494...Italy

Η φίλη μας, μια γυναίκα 52 ετών, ζει στο Παλέρμο της Σικελίας και έχει δύο...(continued)

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 10831...India

A ten-year-old boy is observed to be passing stools immediately after taking lunch and dinner. Sometimes this urge to visit the toilet is observed even during meals, interrupting the normal food intake. Considering this case maybe due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the Practitioner has given: 

#1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.2 Child...(continued)

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Spondylitis 10831...India

A 40-year-old man came to the vibro medical camp with multiple ailments, mainly piles with bleeding, lasting for the last several months. He also complained of severe stress due to work related problems and cervical spondylitis with dizziness. The practitioner has given: 

#1.  CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1 Adult  tonic +...(continued)

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Pain of old wounds from surgery 11483...India

A 46-year-old female came to see the practitioner on June 23, 2013. She had surgery for piles and fissures 18 years ago in which her submucosa was removed leaving a permanent anal opening. She was suffering from severe acidity, reflux, constipation, bloating and was in immense pain. The remedy given was: 

NM7 CB 7 + NM13 Constipation + NM21 KBS + NM22...(continued)

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Multiple Problems 11520...India

A 79-year-old man approached the practitioner with multiple problems. He was diabetic and had an enlarged prostate. He had also been suffering from constipation for the past thirty years. Recently he had been suffering from a stiff back, frozen shoulder, deafness, enlarged liver and a frequent urge to urinate. The treatment was started in March 2013 and the...(continued)

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Hyperacidity 11538...India

A male patient, aged 31, had been suffering from hyperacidity, indigestion, headache, and lack of sleep for 7 years. Though he felt hungry he was unable to eat much, especially particular kinds of food. These problems were caused by unhealthy food habits and too much intake of non- vegetarian food. He had taken undergone various tests like colonoscopy and...(continued)

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Food & Dust Allergy 11271...India

A 15-year-old boy was suffering from food and dust allergy for the past four years. He was allergic to tomatoes, okra (ladies finger), milk, curd etc and suffered from skin allergy (rashes on the body) regularly. The following combo was given to him in April 2013: 

#1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC21.3 Skin...(continued)

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Blood in Stools 10320...India

A 62-year-old male was suffering from bleeding in stools for the last two years. He used to eat spicy food including non- vegetarian food. He had taken ayurvedic treatment but did not get any relief. On October 12, 2012, the vibro practitioner gave him the following combo: 

CC4.4 Constipation…TDS 

There was steady improvement over the next...(continued)

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Cancer pain 10375...India

An 86-year-old female was in acute pain as she was in the final stages of stomach cancer. Allopathic doctors had given her a maximum  of  2  to  3  months   of  survival  and  that   too  with excruciating pain. The vibrionics remedy given to her by the practitioner was: 

CC2.1 Cancers -...(continued)

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis) 10590...India

This disease involves rectum, sigmoid colon and sometimes the whole of the large bowel. If untreated, the colon becomes shortened and pseudo polyps develop. It may lead to the development of cancer of the colon. A housewife, aged 50 years, under treatment with a gastroenterologist for about a year was not completely  cured  but  had  some...(continued)

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Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Uterine Cysts, Coeliac Disease, Slipped Disc 00915...Greece

A 45-year-old woman suffering from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and excessive stress approached the practitioner. She had multiple problems, namely cysts in her uterus, celiac disease-like symptoms and slipped disc. She was very overweight and had a lot of pain in her foot. So the practitioner talked with her a lot in order to help her to decide to lose...(continued)

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Anorexia and Crohn’s Syndrome 00915...Greece

A 35-year-old woman, divorced with one child, suffered from anorexia and Crohn’s disease. She was very stressed. Because of Crohn’s disease, a part   of   her   intestine   was   removed   but   her condition did not improve and she was losing weight continuously with no...(continued)

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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Coeliac Disease 00915...Greece

A 55-year-old lady had rheumatoid arthritis with excruciating pain in her hands and legs. She was also suffering from symptoms of Coeliac disease resulting in pain and discomfort in the digestive tract, chronic constipation and diarrhoea. She was given the following combo: 

CC4.1  Digestion  tonic  +  CC4.2  Liver  &...(continued)

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Crohn’s Syndrome 00915...Greece

A 27-year-old female patient was in incredible stress as she was suffering from Crohn’s Syndrome and no medicine gave any relief to the recurring diarrhoea problem. She was given the following combo: 

CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis +...(continued)

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Intestinal Bleeding 02295...Greece

My father of 79 years is a cancer patient since 1999. It began in the prostate, and for this he had 60 radiation treatments in 2000. As a result of the radiations, the prostate diminished, but caused cracks in his intestines, which brought about bleeding for long

periods. We were hoping this would eventually heal, but the years passed with the bleeding...(continued)

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Diarrhoea 01786...Germany

A 52-year-old man had been hospitalized for 4 weeks because he  had  on-going  diarrhoea;  all  he  had  eaten  went  right through him and he was near to death. The practitioner gave him: 

NM1 Amoebic Dysentery + NM12 Combination 12 + NM35 Worms + NM36 War + OM6 Colon… TDS 

After taking the...(continued)

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Cat with Constipation 00523...Belgium

A 2 year old Siamese cat with a tendency for constipation suffered from acute symptoms. The symptoms were absence of bowel movement though frequently visiting the cat litter. The cat was in agony. The following remedy was given: 

NM13 Constipation + OM14 Small Intestine + BR8 Constipation + BR9 Digestion 

One drop of the remedy made in alcohol was...(continued)

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Τροφική δυσανεξία σε μπανάνα, μέλι 12051...India

Μια 22χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από τροφική δυσανεξία στη μπανάνα και το μέλι...(continued)

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Appendicitis 11601...India

A 9-year-old girl suddenly developed severe abdominal pain in mid-August 2018. She was not eating properly and would cry in pain every day. The doctor diagnosed acute appendicitis and recommended surgery. He did not prescribe any medicine and advised the girl to take very light food. Four days later on 19 August 2018, the child’s grandmother...(continued)

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Haemorrhoids, indigestion 11623...India

Since early 2019, the practitioner’s 45-year-old husband had a protruding haemorrhoid forming a lump that was very uncomfortable and caused severe pain while sitting for long periods at work. Occasionally he had shooting pain while passing stool with slight blood in it. He took homoeopathic treatment for six months but stopped it as he had very little...(continued)

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Άγχος και πόνος στην κοιλιά 11603...India

Μια 53χρονη γυναίκα επισκέφτηκε την κόρη της στις ΗΠΑ για τρεις μήνες με...(continued)

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Αιμορροΐδες, δυσκοιλιότητα & οξύτητα 11603...India

Μια 38χρονη γυναίκα υπέφερε από δυσκοιλιότητα, αιμορροΐδες με...(continued)

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Οξύτητα, πόνος στο πόδι 11633...India

Μια 60χρονη γυναίκα πλησίασε τον θεραπευτή αναζητώντας θεραπεία για...(continued)

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Recurrent UTI, constipation 11632...India

A seven-year-old girl was suffering from recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) with fever and burning sensation while passing urine, for the past two years. She took prescribed antibiotics during each episode that lasted 1 to 2 weeks. However, the infection would recur every alternate month. In addition, for the past three years, she had...(continued)

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Lazy bile 03606...Romania

A 23-year-old man sought vibrionics treatment for headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and constipation; he suffered from a bad bout of these symptoms 2 to 3 times a month, each episode lasting 2 to 3 days. Based on these symptoms, the doctors diagnosed his condition as lazy bile and fatty liver. For the past ten years, whenever there was an...(continued)

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Chronic constipation 11634...India

An 8-year-old girl was suffering from constipation for the past seven years. She had bowel movements once in 2 to 3 days and that too, only after taking a prescribed laxative. The issue started at the age of one when she was given antibiotics for a fever. She started having bowel movement once a week, so had to take a laxative to pass stools....(continued)

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Internal piles 11627...India

A 75-year-old man was suffering for the past 15 years from pain and mild occasional bleeding while passing hard stools. He never consulted a doctor as his condition was manageable but in Jan 2020, when he started having pain and bleeding every day, he went to a doctor who diagnosed this to be internal piles. He took the prescribed medicine which gave him...(continued)

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Severe Constipation 11632...India

An 85-year-old woman had been suffering from constipation for the past 40 years. Her stools were very hard and caused severe pain and anal rupture. She passed stools 3 to 4 times a day but never felt that her bowels were completely cleared. She had been continuously taking prescribed laxatives and stool softeners which gave her 40% relief. From April 2006 to...(continued)

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Poor appetite, anger in child 11615...India

A 2-year-old boy refused to take his normal family meal, mainly rice, dal, vegetables and fruits. He would take milk and other items like idlis and upma. Due to poor appetite, his food intake was low for his age, and his worried mother often force-fed him. On 18 Jan 2021, she consulted the practitioner who gave:

# 1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.2...(continued)

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Δυσπεψία 11635...India

Ένας 40χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε τα τελευταία τέσσερα χρόνια από συχνό ρέψιμο...(continued)

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Πόνος στο πέλμα, Δυσπεψία & Covid-19 03611...USA

Μια 55χρονη είχε αρκετές χρόνιες παθήσεις. Από το 2017 πονούσε στα πέλματα της...(continued)

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Πόνος στο γόνατο, στον ώμο & δυσκοιλιότητα 11642...India

Ένας 50χρονος άνδρας αντιμετώπιζε συνεχή πόνο και στα δυο γόνατα καθώς...(continued)

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Αιμορροΐδες 11117...India

Ένα 18χρονο αγόρι έπασχε από αιμορροΐδες τους τελευταίους έξι μήνες από...(continued)

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Αναπνευστική και τροφική αλλεργία 11646...India

Μια 58χρονη γυναίκα ήταν αλλεργική στο τυρόπηγμα, στο ραφιναρισμένο...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα, επαναλαμβανόμενος βήχας & κρυολόγημα σε νεαρό αγόρι 11645...India

Ένα οκτάχρονο αγόρι είχε σοβαρή δυσκοιλιότητα - ξηρά, σκληρά κόπρανα μια...(continued)

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Πεπτική διαταραχή 11956...India

Μια γυναίκα 66 ετών είχε μετεωρισμό και αίσθημα βάρους στο στομάχι για 2...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα, βάρος στο στομάχι 11645...India

Ένας 73χρονος άνδρας υπέφερε από σοβαρή δυσκοιλιότητα με λιγοστά και...(continued)

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Προβλήματα Πέψης 11646...India

Μια γυναίκα 40 ετών υπέφερε καθημερινά από ναυτία, αίσθημα καύσου στον...(continued)

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Skin lesion

A 40-year-old female had an 8 cm x 6 cm skin lesion, possibly ringworm or eczema, on her right shoulder for the past one year. It was red in appearance with severe itching which would get aggravated and discharge pus whenever she ate brinjal, red sorrel (gongura in Telugu), meat or spicy food. She took no other treatment and on 1 July 2022, the practitioner...(continued)

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A 76-year-old farmer was suffering from swelling, burning sensation, and pain in both his ankles and knees, as well as pain in his finger joints, for the past 22 years. He had difficulty in climbing uphill. Whenever the pain was severe, he had fever also. In the year 2000, his blood test revealed increased uric acid and his condition was diagnosed as gout. He...(continued)

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Constipation in child

A boy aged six, with normal height and weight and good at studies, was having constipation for the past five years. He would pass hard stools once in 2 or 3 days; as this was very painful, he would avoid going to the toilet. If he did not have a motion for two days, he would become very restless, angry and at times violent. The boy’s mother had a lot of...(continued)

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Σύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου (IBS) 02726...यूएसए

Ένας 30χρονος άνδρας με Δείκτη Μάζας Σώματος (ΔΜΣ) 30 είχε χαλαρά κόπρανα μία ή...(continued)

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Διαταραχή της πέψης

Από το 2020, μια γυναίκα 61 ετών αντιμετώπιζε ήπιο αίσθημα καύσου λόγω...(continued)

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Δυσκοιλιότητα 03590...USA

Ένα 13χρονο αγόρι με δυσκοιλιότητα για πέντε χρόνια, από τον Μάιο του 2015 έκανε...(continued)

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Τροφική αλλεργία 11655...India

Η 52χρονη θεραπεύτρια είχε ιστορικό συχνών επεισοδίων δύσπνοιας,...(continued)

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Acid reflux 11645...India

An 80-year-old female had been suffering from severe acidity, causing burning sensation in her oesophagus accompanied with regurgitation with sour taste after every meal, for five years since May 2018. These episodes resulted in dizziness and severely limited her food intake and mobility, making her bedridden and dependent on others for her basic tasks.


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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 11650...India

In Oct 2022, a 13-year-old boy with BMI of 25, started to have 3 or 4 bowel movements a day (normally once) with moderately hard stools, accompanied by slight abdominal discomfort and an urgency to defecate soon after each meal, irrespective of the portion size. By 15 Dec, the frequency went up to 7 or 8 times. with abdominal cramps and discomfort. The boy...(continued)

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Migraine & acidity 11652...India

An 18-year-old boy had been struggling with severe headaches for five years since 2018, occurring after cycling home from school in the scorching sun. The pain diagnosed as migraine afflicted both sides of his head. Exposure to loud noise, exacerbated the headaches, as did studying or reading. He took prescribed medication for one week; though this provided...(continued)

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Haemorrhoids 10399...India

The practitioner’s 32-year-old housemaid had been passing hard stools for nearly a year since Feb 2018. With every bowel movement, she suffered from intense pain and irritation in the anal region, accompanied by severe bleeding. In June, her doctor diagnosed this as haemorrhoids; she took prescribed medication for ten days which completely stopped the...(continued)

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Indigestion, addiction 11658...India

A 26-year-old truck driver presented with pain and burning sensation in his lower abdomen, alternating between one side and both sides over the past four years from 2019. Since then his appetite had been low, coupled with dark-coloured stools occurring 2 to 3 times a week. The symptoms appeared on consuming outside food or even mildly spicy or oily food at...(continued)

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Acidity & haemorrhoids 11632...India

For the past 12 years since 2010, a 62-year-old female was suffering from bloating, heaviness, belching, and heartburn after every meal. Additionally, she had painless bleeding during bowel movement; this slowly progressed to anal bleeding even while passing urine, coughing or sneezing, necessitating use of diapers throughout the day. Even mildly spicy food...(continued)

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Panic attacks, vertigo, gastritis 11658...India

A 42-year-old woman had recurrent episodes of dizziness, vomiting, and involuntary diarrhoea for 20 months since Apr 2022.  These occurred about three times daily and were often accompanied by restlessness and sweating; dizziness lasted for 2 to 3 hours each time and diarrhoea sometimes occurred during sleep, which in turn disrupted her sleep....(continued)

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