Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Severe asthma 11581...India

A 32-year-old lady with severe asthma attack and breathlessness was taken to the hospital on 16 September 2016. Patient had a history of childhood asthma and eosinophilia (high count of certain type of disease-fighting white blood cells) for which she had used inhalers. However, during the past 10-15 years, she had been completely free of asthma. She would only occasionally get cold and cough during damp weather. For two months, she had been having frequent attacks of cold and for a week she also had cough with greenish sputum and wheezing. 

When a doctor saw her at the hospital, she was breathing heavily with wheezing. She was prescribed 5 types of medicines including antibiotics for 5 days. She was told that if she did not improve in 5 days she would have to use a nebulizer whenever she had the attack. She chose to consult the practitioner about her condition before purchasing the allopathic medications. She was given the following:

#1. CC10.1 Emergencies…one dose every 10 minutes in water

#2. CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack + CC19.6 Cough chronic…6TD

She did not take any prescribed allopathic medications and solely relied on vibro remedies.

#1 was stopped after one hour as she felt much relief from wheezing. She slept well during the night. In two days, her sputum changed from green to yellow and she had 60% improvement in her symptoms. On the third day, #2 was changed to:

#3. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute + #2...6TD

After one week she was completely well and felt 100% relief from all her distressing symptoms. She was advised to continue #3 TDS for two weeks, reducing to BD for a week followed by OD for four weeks, and subsequently to take OW as a preventive measure. The last update from the patient was on 8 December 2016, and at that time she was doing well with no relapses. She was advised to continue OW for another month. 

Editor’s comment:
This practitioner finds that CC8.1 Female tonic helps to boost immunity in female patients.