
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 02652...Poland

Practitioner 02652 has found, during 13 years of her practice, that vibrionics remedies are an excellent tool for restoring the health of many patients. She has also discovered that a change in lifestyle is a must. Without this, in one way or another, the illness often comes back. Now she counsels her patients, teaching them how to change to a healthy lifestyle, which she calls an alkaline lifestyle. Consequently she has witnessed a big improvement in the health of her patients. Several exemplary cases were presented at the seminar and two of these appear at the end of this article. She is so convinced by this approach that she was eager to share her knowledge with other practitioners. It is not surprising that the subject of her power point presentation at the seminar was ‘An alkaline lifestyle - key to health’. According to her an alkaline lifestyle is a way of living that harmonizes the body, returning it to its naturally balanced functioning. The areas she featured are: the mind, diet, sleep, exercise, sunlight and fresh air. 

·        The mind is the most important and powerful tool in healing ourselves. Sai Baba says, “Mind is the cause of every disease.....and the mind can heal it". He also says, “...nature is a manifestation of God and the same divine force is our true nature”. So when we tune in to the divinity within us, we unlock a limitless healing power that can reverse all diseases. This divine power is pure unconditional love. If we allow that love to flow from our hearts, to guide every thought, word and deed, we transform into a state - science calls it, coherence of the heart. Studies have shown that in this state, our body regenerates, our hormones regulate, our youth hormone production increases and our immune system strengthens. We experience peace, happiness, security, confidence, trust, acceptance and love for ourselves and consequently others. Stress, fears, depression and other negativities are eliminated. Unconditional love (frequency - 528Hz) is the strongest healing vibration in existence, balancing the body's alkaline and acidic levels into a perfect state and creating radiant health.

·        The next area is diet. Much of what we eat today causes our body to be overly acidic, thus creating an environment for nurturing viruses, bacteria, fungus, and yeast. With an acidic body, our immune system is lowered and our cells suffer oxygen deficiency, which hinders their proper regeneration. In 1933 Dr William Howard Hay declared that acid culmination in the body, poisons the whole system, creating the foundation for all diseases. He said, “It might seem shocking to hear that there is only one cause for all diseases, even though they appear on the surface as different, but that’s the truth”. 

Acidity has also been linked to cancer. Biochemist Otto Warburg in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering that all cancer cells are characterized by oxygen deficiency which creates an acidic environment. So keeping an alkaline diet is extremely important. Eat as much raw food as you can, drink freshly made juices, especially from green leafy vegetables full of chlorophyll; they alkalize the body wonderfully. Some symptoms of over acidity are: chronic fatigue, lack of energy, weakness, restless sleep, irritability, lack of concentration, anxiety and fear, and low sexual desire. 

We must also remember to drink daily at least two litres of good quality water, which means it should have a high pH level and a proper structure for full absorption by the body. Water is alkalized by the addition of a little Himalayan salt or lemon or silica stones. We can enhance the vitality of water by adding the following combo to pure drinking water: NM12 Combination-12 + SR360 VIBGYOR. Alternatively, add CC12.1 Adult tonic.

·        Always remember the crucial importance of getting enough sleep during the night. Otherwise the body turns acidic. An adult person needs at least 6-7 hours of sleep. From 10pm to 12 midnight is the best time for regeneration of our cells. Each hour of sleep before midnight is worth as much as 2-4 hours after midnight!

·        Exercising the body eliminates toxins and increases oxygen intake which in turn helps to balance the body's pH. Be sure to avoid overexertion because this stresses the body and thus increases acidity. Follow your body's signals when you exercise and get moving at least 30 minutes per day.

·        Finally it is essential to get enough fresh air and sunlight for vitamin D3 production; this is essential for our bodies to function properly.

The practitioner narrated the case of a friend who was having numerous fears. She was often angry and had difficulty accepting her child with Asperger syndrome. She was unhappy most of her life and often fell ill as did her child. She was given NM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM3 Soul Cleansing + SM4 Stabilizing + SM5 Peace and Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM39 Tension…TDS. She took this remedy for one month, releasing many tears and strong emotions from past traumas. 

Then she was given CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic…6TD for 6 months during which time she often consulted with the practitioner. They discussed at length various aspects of her diet as well as her thinking and daily habits. She began to alter her lifestyle, affecting many amazing changes over several years; the most impressive being in the mental realm. She changed her way of thinking. She now acknowledges a divine power that guides and protects her and to which she prays. Most importantly she feels greater love for herself and increased self-esteem. She has accepted her son almost completely and taken huge steps with her diet, eating far more alkaline food than she did previously. She makes fresh juices for her whole family who now eat much less meat.

During this period she became pregnant with her second son. Her pregnancy was supported with CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.9 Morning sicknessTDS throughout the term. The doctors had warned her that she might miscarry or be forced to spend the nine months in bed. She felt fine throughout her time of pregnancy. Thanks to her change of attitude, her fears subsided, allowing her to sail through the pregnancy with a positive outlook. The practitioner reports that she is really proud of all the effort her patient made in changing her lifestyle. She now portrays far greater happiness and contentment.

One of the practitioner’s recent patients has obviously benefitted from changing his lifestyle. This 36-year-old man whose stomach ulcer (caused through long term acidity) had burst, requiring emergency ambulance assistance, was saved at the last minute by the doctors. After that incident he requested vibrionics treatment and was given CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic...TDS. After several consultations he changed his diet to a more alkaline one and reduced his work hours as his hours and style of work were the main reason for his stress. After just two weeks, his condition improved by 20%. He is still taking vibrionics remedies TDS and gradually continues to change his lifestyle. A complete shift in one’s long ingrained habits is seldom easy and generally requires time.

The practitioner concludes that an alkaline lifestyle is creating a life in harmony with the divine within. When we reach that state of mind we prevent illness, increase vitality and slow down the aging process.