Vol 11 号 1
January/February 2020
Practitioner Profile 01616...क्रोएशिया
Practitioner 01616 Croatia, trained and experienced in the field of pharmacy, is presently the chief accountant in her family business. Compassionate and responsive to the needs of the people around her since childhood, she came into Swami’s fold in 1992. She came to know about vibrionics from a friend during one of her visits to Prashanti in...(continued)
Practitioner Profile 01163...क्रोएशिया
Practitioner 01163 Croatia is an accomplished medical doctor who worked in the field of family medicine for 37 years, dedicating most of her time to preventive medicine. This entailed conducting group sessions with diabetic, alcoholic, obese, and hypertonic patients and working on the problems of socially unacceptable behaviour of...(continued)