Vol 4 号 6
November/December 2013
From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal
In this issue Dr. Aggarwal tells us about preparing for the Vibrionics conference, all the information sent in by the practitioners around the world, the offers of help, and the many practitioners who plan to come to the conference, the invitation to "Heal Your Cancer" seminar in Bangalore, the invitation by the Founder of Unity of Faiths Festival in Southall Park in London to conduct a Vibrionics awareness and healing camp, and the vibrionics camp held in Puttaparti Railway station for 3 days with 719 patients treated.
This issue’s cases include treatment of injury to cat’s paw; carpal tunnel syndrome; nut allergy and severe dry skin; facial rash; irregular periods; respiratory, sinus & throat infection; and influenza. Please click the button below to explore.
プロフィールを読むThe Answer Corner
This time Dr. Aggarwal tells us how may CCs to give at one time, whether it is normal for the level in the 108CC bottles to go down despite not being used, does the effectiveness of a remedy decrease if the details are not entered in the Case sheet, the importance of the healer's physical and mental health when prescribing remedies, whether or not the vibrations can "escape" from the pearls, at what age to transition a patient from child tonic to adult tonic, and tips for meeting with a patient for the first time.
記事の全てを読むDivine Words from the Master Healer
Swami lovingly instructs us that smiling causes love in our hearts, there is no "my work" and "his work", and to love needs to fill all our words and actions.
News about forthcoming workshops in India
記事の全てを読むIn Addition
Dr. Aggarwal teaches us about the benefits of seeds and vitamin B12