
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Menopausal Problems 02322...USA

A female patient aged 55 years came to the practitioner with typical menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, emotional mood swings of anger, depression, sadness and restlessness. She had little enthusiasm for her daily chores and generally lacking in any positive outlook. She was given:
SR513 Oestrogen…BD in vibhuti, one dose on waking and the other before sleep at night.

Within 2 weeks the flushes had reduced from daily to 1 or 2 times weekly and her mood swings were less. After two more weeks she was only occasionally upset and flushes were very infrequent. The remedy was reduced to 1 dose nightly.

The editor's comment:
We also have NM10 Climacteric which helps these problems where Oestrogen is included in the mixture. 

Practitioners with the 108CC Box can use CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.6 Menopause.