
" 病める人、打ちしおれた人、落胆した人、疾患に苦しむ人がいれば、まさにそこにあなたの奉仕の場があります " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Anal fistula 11634...India

From Dec 2010, a 73-year-old man had been struggling with a painful hard swelling on his left buttock, which would gradually increase in size and turn into an abscess. After 4 to 6 days, it would burst, discharging blood and pus, and pain would subside. This painful cycle recurred every week or every other week, severely affecting his ability to sit for more than a few minutes. The doctor diagnosed his condition as fistula and prescribed antibiotics which provided only temporary relief. 

Between June 2014 and Oct 2021, he explored various treatments including homoeopathy, ayurveda and unani but without any effect. He relied on painkillers during severe episodes. He decided to seek help at the weekly vibrionics camp near his house where he had recently received IB. On 24 Aug 2022, the practitioner gave him:

#1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC10.1 Emergencies…6TD

He continued to take painkiller whenever needed. Three weeks later on 14 Sep, he complained of giddiness on hearing even routine sounds. #1 was enhanced to:

#2. CC5.1 Ear infections + #1…TDS

On 21 Sept, he happily conveyed that there were only two episodes since start of remedy and 50% improvement in swelling and pain! On 28 Sept, as he complained of toothache, #2 was enhanced to:

#3. CC11.6 Tooth infections + CC18.7 Vertigo + #2…6TD

Three weeks later on 19 Oct, he reported 80% reduction in swelling with no abscess formation in the past two weeks and 20% relief from giddiness. #3 was reduced to TDS. He did not need painkiller anymore.

By 16 Nov, there was 90% relief from swelling and abscess had formed only once in the past month: giddiness and toothache completely disappeared. He was advised to consult his dentist (who later performed root-canal treatment).

On 14 Dec, the patient reported with great delight that he was completely free from all symptoms in the past month, so was able to sit, and ride vehicles without any discomfort. The dosage was reduced to OD and tapered down gradually before stopping it on 7 Feb 2023. As of Feb 2025, there has been no recurrence.

Patient’s testimonial (original video clipping in English is available):

“Om Sai Ram, I suffered with fistula since 2010 for 12 years. I tried several methods of treatment like Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Unani but I did not get any relief. Fortunately I met Sai Vibrionics practitioner in June 2022 in a medical camp at Desapatrunipalem and I got 100% relief within 3½ months. I am grateful to Sai Vibrionics. Om Sai Ram.”

Practitioner’s comment:

The patient is so thrilled that he comes to our vibrionics camp every week without fail and explains to all waiting patients how Vibrionics cured his long-standing problem in a short time.