Divine words from the Master Healer
Vol 14 号 2
March / April 2023
"As the food, so is the head (thoughts). As the head, so is God" Thus, the food, the head, and God will be on the same wavelength. Hence, one has to cultivate good and noble thoughts always. If you eat satvic (pure, serene) food and cultivate satvic nature right from childhood, your entire life will run smoothly. Hence, one has to be wary of one's food and head (thoughts).”
...Sathya Sai Baba, “Cultivate Satvic Qualities Right from Childhood” Discourse 22 October 2005 https://www.sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume38/sss38-17.pdf
“You must not merely have enthusiasm to serve, but the intelligence and the skill also; then only can you be efficient and useful…Seva done lovingly and well to the people…is a great opportunity for you to acquire discrimination and non-attachment, to widen and deepen your bhakti, and to realise how Sai is the inner motivator of all beings. I wish you well. Be humble, be sweet, be sincere.”
…Sathya Sai Baba, “The Badge: a call to sadhana”, Divine Discourse Prashanti Nilayam, 22 Nov 1965 https://www.sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume05/sss05-54.pdf