Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 6 Issue 1
January/February 2015

Dear Practitioners

Let me start by wishing you all a happy and holy 2015! Swami has blessed us with the gift of Vibrionics, so let us devote ourselves to spreading the healing vibrations of love wherever we live.  The new year may bring many changes. This is the nature of life. But amidst the changes, let us remain steadfast in our promise to God to alleviate suffering wherever we find it through our Vibrionics practice.

Thank you for sending me your comments on the new version of our Newsletter! I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me at [email protected]. Your feedback is very helpful. We will endeavor to respond to all your messages.

I am happy to announce that the focus of our Practitioner Profiles in this issue is the UK, for which Practitioner00534...UK deserves the credit. She has coordinated the entire effort, tracking down practitioners, collecting, writing and editing information and cases. We hope you will enjoy this introduction to the Vibrionics seva of some of our UK practitioners and will be inspired to send us Profiles of practitioners in your region. 

New support for practitioners: All case histories are now searchable 

With this issue, we have finished uploading all the previous case histories from past Newsletters (2010-2014). They are now in our online database. That means that you can quickly call up all cases relevant to your patients by doing a simple online search. 

You can search for information in two ways:

The searches are easy to use. To do a Keyword Search, use the new Search box located at the top of the page OR in the left-side menu. Type in your word, click Search, and the cases will pop up (These two options are circled in the screenshot on the left):

To do a Subject Search, click Cases by Subject at the top of the page and a drop-down menu will open up, and you can then click on the 108CC category you want.  OR you can go to the Cases by Subject list in the left-hand menu and click on the 108CC category you want (These two options are circled in the screenshot below and to the left):

I do hope you will all use these new search functions to expand your knowledge of Vibrionics practice and improve your treatment of patients. I also hope that when you read past cases, you will be inspired to share your own cases! Please send them to me and we will build a library of cases that all practitioners can share.

When practitioners share, patients benefit.

As we near the end of the Kali Yuga, the need for loving Sai Vibrionics will increase. Given the world today, it is really not enough for us to practice as separate individuals no matter how many patients we may treat successfully. We must open our hearts to each other. If we live with an expanded sense of self that embraces our brother and sister practitioners in our area -- and indeed, if we can expand our heart so it is large enough to embrace the whole Vibrionics community -- we will be able to help many more people than we can alone. We can help more people by sharing our experiences as practitioners. Going forward into the future, I hope that each of you will be able to contribute what you have learned from your practice with Swami's Grace. This is my wish for you.

With this in mind, we will continue to make the Newsletter more accessible and useful to all. We plan to create searchable versions of the Newsletter in all 13 languages in which we publish the Newsletter, not just English. To do this, we will need the help of volunteers to upload the translations.  If you read the Newsletter in any of these languages (Croation, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian,  Slovenian, Spanish, Telegu), and wish to help, then please contact me at [email protected]. Only basic computer skills are required. 

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal