Podobni primeri
Imunski sistem
Memory Loss, Lack of Energy, Knee Pain 02859...India
A 46-year old woman complained of constant tiredness, memory loss and knee pain. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS
In a month’s time, she reported that she was able to work tirelessly throughout the day, had no pain in the knees and her memory had miraculously improved. The dosage was reduced to BD for the next 15 days and she is currently on...(continued)
Beri cel primerChronic fatigue and pain 02779...Japan
A 65-year-old woman sought treatment for chronic fatigue and general body pain, which she had suffered from for more than a decade. Previously, she had tried various types of treatment including allopathic without success. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
After taking the...(continued)
Beri cel primerJaundice and Infection in a Premature Baby 02870...USA
A father had requested help for his premature female infant, still in an incubator. She had become poorly with jaundice, a fever, cough and cold. Doctors in the hospital had given the baby a variety of antibiotic medicines and as she had not improved, he was told that nothing more could be done. The practitioner broadcast the following combo via a Sai...(continued)
Beri cel primerSarkoidoza 02895...UK
Zdravilka piše: Moj prvi bolnik je bil moški, 57 let, ki je pred 20 leti dobil diagnozo sarkoidoza, to je vnetna bolezen, ki lahko prizadene več organov. Majhne skupine ali pa koščki vnetih celic rastejo v prizadetih organih, najpogosteje v pljučih, limfnih nodusih, očeh in koži. V medicini ni znane ozdravitve.
Ta bolnik je dobil...(continued)
Beri cel primerKronično krvavenje iz nosa, prhljaj 02799...UK
Zdrav in aktiven deček 11 let je rad imel šport in se je navdušil za nogomet [soccer], a so ga motile krvavitve iz nosa. Takoj ko je začel teči, je pritekla kri iz nosa. To težavo je imel že od tretjega leta, vsaj trikrat tedensko ponoči, kadarkoli je bil aktiven. Družina je pomagala, kolikor je mogla, deček pa je bil žalosten in jezen, ker ni...(continued)
Beri cel primerVitiligo 02799...UK
Deklica (10 let) je imela vitiligo (bele lise) na obrazu, rokah in telesu 4 leta. Starši so povedali, da je zdravnik predpisal steroidno mazilo, ki ni pomagalo. Vibracijsko zdravljenje se je začelo 23 septembra 2012:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.2 Skin...(continued)
Blindness from Childhood 02640...India
A middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic …QDS
After taking the above combo for just two weeks, she...(continued)
Glavobol, Depresija in Hiperaktivnost 02894...UK
23 decembra 2013 je prišel bolnik (34 let) z glavobolom, mokrimi očmi in otrdelim vratom. Na levo stran ni mogel upogniti vratu. Glavobole je imel že 14 let. V času 6-8 tednov je dobival hude glavobole, 2-4 na dan, ki so trajali do ene ure. Napadi so bili hujši v jeseni. Poskusil je več vrst zdravljenja: homeopatijo, ajurvedo, akupunkturo,...(continued)
Beri cel primerLeg Muscle Pain, Stress and Low Energy 02804...India
A 39 year-old woman requested treatment for a painful leg muscle which had been troubling her for a year. She was also having difficulty dealing with a stressful work environment as well as being low in energy. She had taken pain killers for the leg pain and had been treated allopathically for the stress and low energy but there was no improvement.
Beri cel primerDiabetes 02640...India
A medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital, was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was put on the following vibro combination:
CC6.3 Diabetes…BD
Beri cel primerPerforated Appendix 02733...India
A young boy, aged 16, complained of constant abdomen pain on the right side and also of gas formation for the past three months. An ultrasound report revealed an acutely inflamed appendix with perforation and a lump on the right side of his lower abdomen. The surgeon advised an immediate operation but because of poverty, his parents refused the operation....(continued)
Beri cel primerLiver Cancer Patient on the Road to Recovery Missing...India
A 67 year-old woman was diagnosed as having cancer of the liver with multiple complications such as fluid in the abdomen. The abdomen had to be tapped on a regular basis. She had swellings in both knee joints and an enlarged gall bladder. She was also diabetic with high BP, and suffered from constipation and insomnia. The doctors told her that she...(continued)
Beri cel primerComplete Healing of Multiple Myeloma Missing...India
A 51-year-old man was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a type of bone marrow cancer. He had been completely bedridden for a year and had a fracture in his shoulder joint. Doctors had given up hope of him ever recovering. He came to a Vibrionics practitioner who started him on:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths +...(continued)
Urinary Tract Infection & Diabetes 11520...India
An elderly man (80) who was receiving Vibrionics treatment for diabetes (see below), sought treatment for symptoms of cystitis on July 17, 2014. He had a fever of 102° F (38.9° C), with pus cells in the urine of 80-100/hpf. For the week prior, he had frequent urination, pain and burning when passing urine, and urinary incontinence. He also had a...(continued)
Beri cel primerHeel spurs & Peripheral Vascular Disease in Legs 12051...India
The patient, an elderly man of 86, sought treatment for different symptoms. 1) heel and back pain of several years duration, 2) calcaneal spurs (heel spurs) on both feet, and 3) peripheral vascular disease (blockage of blood vessels in the legs) which obstructed the flow of blood to the legs, causing him severe pain and rendering him unable to walk. He had...(continued)
Beri cel primerChronic tonsillitis 10741...India
A 33-year-old man sought treatment for chronic tonsillitis of 20 year’s duration after his condition worsened and his physician had recommended surgery. His symptoms included frequent fevers, for which he took strong antibiotics, and an allergic cough. On 5 February 2014 the patient was given the following combo for 20 days:
#1. CC9.2 Infections...(continued)
Metastatic bone cancer 01768...Greece
On 6 January 6 2014 the practitioner treated a woman, 62 years of age, who had been suffering from breast cancer for the previous 3 years. After undergoing a mastectomy and completing chemotherapy, the patient had been stable until June 2013 when she began to experience pains all over her body. She received a diagnosis of metastatic bone cancer on...(continued)
Beri cel primerLeukaemia & recovery from bone-marrow transplant surgery 12051...India
On 19 September 2013 treatment was sought for a 4-year-old girl suffering from leukaemia. She had been diagnosed 2 years earlier and had completed chemotherapy in one hospital in Bangalore but had suffered a relapse 4 months after returning home and was not considered a candidate for further treatment. She was then admitted to another cancer centre in...(continued)
Beri cel primerPsoriasis 02128...Argentina
On 10 December 2013 a 28-year-old man sought treatment for psoriasis outbreaks which he regularly experienced from the stress of university exams. He had extensive patches on his chest, flanks, back, shoulders and upper arms (see 12 December photos below). He had previously tried allopathic treatments and aloe but got no relief. He was given the...(continued)
Beri cel primerKidney Damage 01339...USA
In August 2013 a 74-year-old man came to the practitioner, suffering from kidney damage verging on renal failure as a result of an enlarged prostate for many years. His nephrologist had put him on a strict diet hoping to stave off kidney dialysis. The patient knew nothing about energy healing and was sceptical but being an acquaintance of the...(continued)
Beri cel primerTongue Cancer 10831...India
A 54-year-old woman suffering from tongue cancer had been undergoing chemotherapy and other related allopathic treatment. When there was no noticeable improvement she came to see the practitioner to see if vibrionics would help. She was given the following remedy:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)
Epilepsy 01626...Greece
A woman aged 40, sought treatment for epilepsy. Her symptoms began when she was 14, after she suffered the shock of her parents’ divorce. She was given:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Emotional & Mental tonic + CC18.3 Epilepsy…TDS
Since commencing vibrionics some six months ago, she has experienced no further epileptic seizures. Her mood...(continued)
Beri cel primerBenign Tumour 11278...India
On 23 January 2013 a male patient, aged 62, sought treatment for a benign soft tumour (1 cm x 1 cm), located on his back below the right shoulder. He had this for 10 years. His doctor had recommended an operation to remove it but cautioned that the tumour could recur. Since the tumour was painless, the patient avoided the operation. He was given...(continued)
Beri cel primerDifficult Pregnancy 11476...India
A 33-year old woman came to see the practitioner in October 2012 because she had been trying to have a child for 7 to 8 years without success despite allopathic fertility treatment. She was also taking allopathic drugs for hypothyroidism (Thyronam 25 mg OD, since 2008) and for diabetes (Centapin XR tablet OD, since 2005).
She was given:
#1. CC6.2...(continued)
Boils on the Buttocks 11210...India
A 50-year old man was suffering intense pain from boils on his buttocks. The boils would appear one after another, swell with pus and then burst, but always new lesions appeared. Twice some had to be surgically removed. Initially the patient was given:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS
In a month there was 20% improvement. The...(continued)
Beri cel primerBurns on the Hands 11520...India
A 53-year-old male patient came to the practitioner in December 2013 with second-degree burns on both hands, caused by a molten plastic stick. He was in much pain. The palms were blistered and red. He could not move his palms and fingers due to the swelling, so he could not do his daily work or even change his clothes. The patient was too poor to afford...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiabetes, High BP & Depression 10001...India
In May 2008, a female patient, 52, who was a distant relative of the practitioner, sought treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 10 years earlier and was now insulin dependent; she took 15 units of insulin before lunch and 10 units before dinner daily. With this, her random blood glucose was 150. In addition, she...(continued)
Beri cel primerOuter Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia
A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:
Bedwetting 02765...India
The practitioner was asked to send vibrionics remedy to a 12-year-old school girl who had a long standing bedwetting (enuresis) problem. She could not come to the regular Vibro camp that was held monthly as she lived in a distant town. She was sent by post:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence...TDS
Within a month the problem rapidly subsided, giving...(continued)
Beri cel primerRespiratory, Sinus & Throat Infection 01176...Bosnia
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71CCA + NM113 Inflammation ...TDS
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 11476...India
A 46-year-old woman has developed carpal tunnel syndrome due to excess use of a computer. For 4 months she had pain in the wrist, hands and fingers. The pain in the wrist was so severe that she had difficulty in performing even simple tasks with it. She was given the following, and as she was also diabetic a combo was included for that as well:
CC6.3 Diabetes...(continued)
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Crohn’s Disease 02817...India
A small boy of 9 was diagnosed with ASD and Crohn’s disease. Surgery was refused because he was very weak. The family was so poor that the parents were unable to afford the cost of allopathic medicines. They came to see the practitioner on the recommendation of a patient who had been successfully treated for arthritis with vibrionics. The boy was given...(continued)
Beri cel primerUlkusni kolitis, krvni strdki v pljučih, napadi panike 02799...UK
Septembra 2014 se je bolnik (71) s temi problemi oglasil pri meni: kolitis že 24 let, panika 1 leto in strdki v pljučih 3 mesece.
Leta 1992 je bolnik dobil diagnozo ulkusni colitis, to je vnetje črevesa. Najprej so ga zdravili z imunskimi zdravili, da bi ublažili pojave akutne bolečine, a so to zdravilo ukinili, ker je imel močne stranske učinke, kot so afte,...(continued)
Beri cel primerRana na stopalu po operaciji 00534...UK
Zdravilka piše: Da bi popravili pretrgano zadnjo tibialno kito na levem stopalu, sem imela več operacij v začetku maja 2007. Stopalo so oblikovali s kostnimi vložki, da so privezali novo kito, zlomili so palec in odstranili del petne kosti. Imela sem 7 velikih brazgotin od 7 operacij. Pri zadnji operaciji marca 2014 so odprli brazgotine in odstranili...(continued)
Vertigo 02895...UK
Zdravilec piše: Moja teta (59) je dobila vertigo avgusta 2013. Takrat ni jemala nobenih zdravil. Bila je omotična in nestabilna med hojo in v glavi se ji je vrtelo, če se je obračala v postelji. K zdravnuku ni šla. 20. novembra je šla v Indijo. Tam je dobila zdravilo, a ni bilo bolje. Potem je njen sin šel v Indijo in...(continued)
Beri cel primerKrči in koma (Pre-eclampsia) v nosečnosti 02802...UK
30-letna mati z 18-mesečnim otrokom je bila noseča 16 tednov in je dobila krče in komo. To je življenjsko nevarno stanje, ki povzroča visoki krvni pritisk v nosečnosti. V bolnišnici je imela krvni pritisk 173/98 in zdravnik je predpisal Methyldopa 250mg TDS in Aspirin 75mg OD.
Še naprej je imela palpitacije in je slabo spala, počutila se je...(continued)
Beri cel primerMyasthenia gravis-bolne mišice 10001...India
Pomožna zdravilka 55 let je imela bolezen Myasthenia gravis (MG) od leta 2000 in je prosila za zdravljenje junija 2014. Vse mišice v telesu so bile prizadete, posebej so jo skrbele tri težave: 1. Imela je dvojni vid in je težko držala oči pri miru; zato ni mogla brati več kot 15 minut in nikoli ponoči. 2. Grlene mišice so bile slabotne in...(continued)
Beri cel primerZlatenica pri otroku 02817...India
Novorojenček je dobil zlatenico nekaj ur po rojstvu. Tehtal je slab kilogram. Dali so ga v inkubator in dobival je materino mleko. Zdravniki niso pričakovali, da bo ozdravel.
Otrokova stara mama je pritekla v Dharmakshetro in so ji dali zdravilo za otrokovo mater:
CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS
Ker so materi...(continued)
Beri cel primerAbscesi in srbenje na nogi 11570...India
11-letnega dečka iz revne družine so pripeljali k zdravilcu 27 aprila 2015; okoli 6-7 mesecev je imel abscese in srbenje na desni nogi. Alopatski zdravnik ga je zdravil z injekcijami in obljubil ozdravitev. Na začetku se je stanje izboljšalo za 20-30%. Potem se je infekcija zopet poslabšala. Bolniku so dali:
#1. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC21.2...(continued)
Beri cel primerVirozna vročina 11573...India
Zdravilec piše: Naša mlajša hči, 9 let, je imela kašelj, glavobol, vneto grlo in prehlad dva dni. Ker so imeli mesečne teste, je šla kljub temu v šolo. Zvečer drugega dne sem pripravil:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS
Pred spanjem smo...(continued)
Beri cel primerČustvene težave otroka 02128...Argentina
Mati je prišla k zdravilcu, ker je bila v skrbeh za 6-letno hčerko. Bila je razdražljiva, trmasta in v šoli je imela težave. Deklici so dali:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + SR542 Aethusa Cyn...TDS
Po dveh tednih zdravljenja je mati sporočila, da je bilo stanje deklice za 90% bolje. Zdravilo je...(continued)
Beri cel primerHIV/AIDS 11177...India
24-letna ženska z AIDS-m je prišla 12 decembra 2012.
Bila je iz revne družine. Okužil jo je mož, ki ni povedal, da je imel AIDS že 6 let pred poroko. Pred enim letom je rodila prvega otroka. Ker so bile komplikacije, so jo sprejeli v bolnišnico. Krvni testi so pokazali, da ima AIDS. Na žalost otrok ni preživel. S pomočjo...(continued)
Beri cel primerBele pike 10940...India
35-letni poslovnež je prosil za vibrioniko za majhne bele pike, ki so se pojavljale že 6-8 mesecev na koži vratu in stegen. Terapija se je začela 10 julija:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
Po 3 mesecih (9 oktobra) je bilo 30% bolje. Potem je bolnik nadaljeval z #2,...(continued)
Beri cel primerMočenje postelje 11276...India
Starši so pripeljali 6-letnega dečka, ki je vsa leta močil posteljo, k zdravilcu 9 novembra 2015. Poskušali so že alopatska, ajurvedska in homeopatska zdravila, a ni bilo uspeha. Dečka je ta problem motil in se je verjetno poslabšal, ker so ga starši primerjali z bratom, ki ni imel teh težav.
Dečka so zdravili z naslednjim...(continued)
Beri cel primerPsihoza 11576...India
Zelo zaskrbljen oče je pripeljal svojega 13-letnega sina k zdravilcu januarja 2016. Sin ni hotel iti v šolo že 7 mesecev in je včasih bil indiferenten, jezen in uporen do avtoritete.
Okoli 10 mesecev pred obiskom zdravilca je bolnik enkrat pokazal takšne znake obnašanja. To se je zgodilo 14 mesecev potem, ko je očetovo uspešno...(continued)
Beri cel primerLow Immunity 11590...India
A 3-year-old boy had repeated attacks of upper respiratory infection with runny nose, cough with sputum difficult to expectorate and sore throat for the past 2 years. These symptoms occurred almost every month and lasted for a week. The patient had 8-9 such episodes per year. The child did not have asthma but was allergic to dust. The doctor would prescribe...(continued)
Low BP, fatigue 11586...India
A male carpenter aged 42 had low blood pressure for the past 20 years and fatigue for a year. He was on allopathic treatment for low BP with no relief. He had to temporarily suspend his carpentry work, instead started delivering newspapers every morning to about 24 high rise buildings. During his delivery rounds, he could not visit a washroom resulting in...(continued)
Beri cel primerMiller Fisher syndrome 03542...UK
63-letna ženska je bila zdrava z normalnim vidom. Ko je prišla iz Indije v Združeno kraljestvo tretji teden junija 2018, naenkrat ni mogla premakniti levega očesa; zdelo se ji je, da je zamrznilo na svojem položaju in je slabo videla. Takoj je šla k zdravniku 25 junija 2018. Poslali so jo k očesnemu zdravniku, ki je stanje imenoval...(continued)
Beri cel primerHIV 11975...India
55-letna ženska je obležala in njena telesna teža se je v 4 mesecih zmanjšala iz normalnih 80 kg na 40 kg. 25 novembra 2016 jo je brat peljal v bolnišnico, ker je kašljala, imela je visoko vročino in se ni mogla gibati zaradi skrajne slabotnosti. Dali so ji diagnozo HIV pozitivno, vrednost CD4 je bila samo 77. Bolezen je dobila od moža,...(continued)
Beri cel primerOropharyngeal dysphagia 11613...India
57-letna ženska je težko požirala, ker je vsak grižljaj povzročil občutek davljenja. 12 marca 2019 je po 10 dneh težave šla k zdravniku, ki je dal diagnozo ‘oropharyngeal dysphagia’ in predpisal alopatske tablete. Ker je imela tudi ranice v ustih, je diagnostični test 5 aprila 2019 to potrdil kot ustni ‘lichen planus’ -...(continued)
Beri cel primerHIV 11585...India
42-letni moški, gradbeni delavec je dobil vročino, ni imel apetita, bil je utrujen, izgubil je na teži, ponoči pa se je potil od začetka februarja 2019. 7 marca je dobil diagnozo HIV in je takoj začel jemati antivirusno zdravilo, ki ga je dobil v bolnišnici. Njegova žena je imela negativen test. Vedel je, da je dobil infekcijo zaradi...(continued)
Beri cel primerBolečina v nogah in rokah 01361 ...USA
38-letni moški je imel več kot 1 leto hudo bolečino v nogah pod koleni. Nobeno alopatsko zdravilo ni olajšalo težav. Bil je vnet duhovnik, v templju je molil za vernike in je vse leto izvajal džapo in jagne (božje ime in daritve). Ta bolnik je občutil močno bolečino ponoči, ko je počival; bolečina se je od kolen razširila do stopal....(continued)
Sarkoidoza 02779 ...Japan
69- letna ženska ni mogla spati zaradi ostrih bolečin v prsih, hrbtu in laktih. Počutje se je poslabšalo s konstipacijo. Poleg alopatskih zdravil je poskusila več alternativnih terapij, tudi akupunkturo, ‘moxibustion’ in limfno masažo. V nujnem oddelku univerzitetne bolnišnice so ji dali tablete za spanje in bolečine ter injekcije v...(continued)
Beri cel primerPretirana želja po soli 12051...India
5-letna deklica je imela že 3 leta veliko željo po soli in slani hrani. Njena mati je delala kot hišna pomočnica, deklica pa je šla v bližnjo trgovino in si za žepnino kupila vrečko zelo slanega izdelka ‘pickle’. Doma je lizala sol in jedla kisle citruse. Starša sta jo poskusila odvaditi, a ni šlo. Imela je slab apetit...(continued)
Beri cel primerRheumatoid Arthritis 10375...India
A 19-year-old girl working as a nursery school teacher started getting pains in small and big joints, jaws, neck, etc., since Jan, 2013. There was a lot of difficulty in carrying out even simple tasks like lifting a glass. Her doctor diagnosed it as rheumatoid arthritis and put her on strong medicines. But the pains did not subside and she was given expensive...(continued)
Beri cel primerRevmatoidni artritis 11647...भारत
50-letna ženska je imela že 30 let od 1997 vztrajno bolečino in otekanje, ki sta se najprej pojavila v prstih rok in zapestjih. Leta 2000 je dobila diagnozo revmatoidnega artritisa in je jemala ustno in zunanje alopatsko zdravilo. Njeno stanje se je postopno slabšalo do neznosnih bolečin in otrplosti v prstih, zapestjih, stegnih, kolenih, prstih na...(continued)
Beri cel primerPost-Chikungunya effects 11646...India
A 47-year-old male sought treatment for several symptoms that lingered for over four years after his recovery from chikungunya in 2019. He was constantly tired and had body and joint pain which exacerbated at night. Additionally, he suffered from episodes of sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and cough, recurring every 2 to 3 months, that lasted a week. For...(continued)
Beri cel primer