Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

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Vročina in infekcije

Chronic Feverish Condition 02786...Russia

A 34 year-old woman from Argentina came to see Vibrionics practitioners in Prashanthi Nilayam because she had been suffering from a fever continuously for the past 14 years. It had all the signs of a common cold: her throat was sore, she had bronchitis and a high fever. She had seen numerous doctors, who, after various tests including blood tests, could not...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic Cold 02786...Russia

A 47-year-old Russian woman came to the practitioners with a cold. The symptoms included headache and a general feeling of ill health. These symptoms had been with her for many months. She was given:
CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases…TDS

Three days later, her cold was better but the headache and the other symptoms remained. After...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Postnatal Infection with Breast Pain 02802...UK

A 28-year-old mother had a C-section (caesarean section) delivery 2 weeks previously. A week after the birth, she suffered a viral infection; the symptoms were excessive sweating and body ache with a tired and drained feeling. She was also finding it painful to breastfeed her baby. Her doctor had given her a course of antibiotics but there was no...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Hospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex Allergies 02802...UK

A dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the practitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhoea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The practitioner posted...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Influenza type H1N1 – Swine flu 11205...India

A female patient, aged 54, was diagnosed with Swine Flu and was told she had to be admitted to hospital to be treated. She contacted the practitioner to ask if vibro medicine could help her. She was given:
CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Severe Earache with High Fever 01150...Croatia

A small boy aged 5 was brought to the practitioner with a high fever of 40C, severe earache, sore throat and headache. He had been given by his doctor two courses of antibiotics but there had been no change in his condition. His doctor ordered a blood test which revealed he had less than 200 white blood cells. His doctor was very concerned but afraid to give...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Sore throat, cough and sinusitis 01176...Bosnia

A woman, aged 75, came for help because of a severe sore throat, a bad cough with expectoration and inflamed sinuses that she had been suffering from for several days. She was given:
#1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM113 Inflammation…TDS

#2.  SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Sinus + SM40 Throat…TDS


Beri cel primer

Colds and Influenza 02119...USA

This practitioner has had very good results from the following combo for common colds and influenza: NM18 General Fever + NM36 War.

Taken frequently when there is the first sign of symptoms, the combo knocks out both viral and bacterial illnesses. If given later when the infection has taken hold, it weakens the illness and hence shortens its duration. The...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Influenza 01361...USA

The practitioner rates NM79 Flu Pack very highly in immediately stopping the progress of influenza. He has successfully treated many  cases with this remedy including himself and his wife.

Beri cel primer

Chronic Cough, Sleep Disorder 02870...USA

For the past 4-5 years, a woman aged 74 had been suffering from a chronic and constant cough throughout the day and at night it prevented her from sleeping. As she had dust and pollen allergies, her cough was worse during the pollen season and she was also susceptible to frequent infections. In the past she was hospitalized with pneumonia and with a family...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Jaundice and Infection in a Premature Baby 02870...USA

A father had requested help for his premature female infant, still in an incubator. She had become poorly with jaundice, a fever, cough and cold. Doctors in the hospital had given the baby a variety of antibiotic medicines and as she had not improved, he was told that nothing more could be done. The practitioner broadcast the following combo via a Sai...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Cysticercosis of the Brain 01053...USA

In April 2011 a 37-year-old female came with the above diagnosis. This is a systemic parasitic infestation caused by ingesting the eggs of tapeworm from undercooked pork. The eggs burrow through the intestinal wall and are carried to other tissues; in the brain they may cause a wide variety of neurological symptoms.

The allopathic doctor treating...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Influenza 01361...USA

This practitioner urges all practitioners to give NM79 Flu Pack immediately when patients come with signs of this undesirable illness. He says he has more than eight successful cases including himself and his wife that have been successfully and quickly cured with this mixture.    

The Editor's comment:
For practitioners with the 108CC box,...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Stroke & intestinal infection in a dog 00829...Australia

One Monday morning in June 2014, the practitioner noticed that something was wrong with her dog Deedee. She was vomiting a little and could hardly walk. She was taken to the veterinarian. The vet said Deedee had suffered a stroke perhaps brought on by old age (she was 15). She also had inflammation of her digestive tract, which might have come from an...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Scarlet Fever 02680...Japan

An 18-month-old baby boy had a very high fever for a week, would not eat or drink anything, not even water, and vomited everything except mother’s milk. He cried constantly and was unable to sleep. He had a rash throughout his body and even in his mouth. He also had diarrhoea. His condition was diagnosed as Scarlet Fever and with this very serious...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Outer Ear Infection and Water Retention in Leg 02711...Malaysia

A lady, 64 years old, suffered from having fluid coming out of the ears for more than three months. The fluid had a foul smell. Also for 10 days her legs had been red and swollen. The GP had already prescribed antibiotics for the ear infection as well as tablets for her water retention condition. She was given the following remedy on 13 June 2011:

Beri cel primer

Angioma in an Infant 02640...India

A baby boy, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the practitioner who is also an...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic tonsillitis 10741...India

A 33-year-old man sought treatment for chronic tonsillitis of 20 year’s duration after his condition worsened and his physician had recommended surgery. His symptoms included frequent fevers, for which he took strong antibiotics, and an allergic cough. On 5 February 2014 the patient was given the following combo for 20 days:
#1. CC9.2 Infections...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Atopic Dermatitis, Hyperacidity, Cold 10001...India

In June 2013, a male patient, age 18, came for treatment of acute atopic dermatitis and hyperacidity. He had suffered from both since age 5. Black patches and boils were seen on his whole body, but especially on his hands and feet. The lesions were itchy. The itch worsened at night, causing him chronic loss of sleep. He was referred by another vibrionics...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Virozna vročina 11573...India

Zdravilec piše: Naša mlajša hči, 9 let, je imela kašelj, glavobol, vneto grlo in prehlad dva dni. Ker so imeli mesečne teste, je šla kljub temu v šolo. Zvečer drugega dne sem pripravil:

#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS 

Pred spanjem smo...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Akutni prehlad 03523...UK

37-letni moški je dobil prve znake prehlada, ker je bil z drugimi člani družine, ki so bili bolni. Simptomi so se pravkar pojavili in ni jemal drugih zdravil. 22 marca 2015 so mu dali naslednji kombo:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult tonic...TDS

Po enem dnevu se je počutil malo bolje. Znaki se niso poslabšali. Tretji dan so se znaki...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Infekcija prsta na nogi z vraščenim nohtom 02554...Italy

Ženska, ki se je zdravila za kronično depresijo, je prosila za zdravila za sina 8 junija 2012. Ženska se je ločila od moža, ki je pozneje imel hudo nesrečo z avtom in je bil tri mesece v komi. Mož je še naprej delal težave, zato je žena dobila resno depresijo. Njen 16-letni sin je imel že 4 leta kronično infekcijo v levem prstu na nogi, ki je nastala...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Shingles – virusno vnetje 01163...Croatia

Starejša 82-letna ženska je prišla na pogovor 25 februarja 2015. Imela je izbruh ‘herpes zoster’ na hrbtu, kjer je bolelo in se odpiralo. Počutila se je zelo slabotna. Dali so ji: 

NM36 War + NM59 Pain + NM60 Herpes + SM26 Immunity…TDS

Učinek je takoj nastopil. Istega dne se je stanje popravilo za 50% indrugi...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Astma, prehlad & gripa 03503...UAE

50-letni moški je prišel 29 novembra 2014 po zdravila za bronhialno astmo, ki jo je imel že od osmega leta. Ob začetku zime je vsako leto dobil prehlad ali gripo. Zadnjih 5 let je imel prehlad ali astmo 1- 2 meseca vsako leto. Zato je jemal različne antibiotike. Ker se je bližala zima, je že dobil atmatične napade, za katere je uporabljal...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Prehlad in kašelj 10400...India

52-letna ženska se je prišla zdravit 4 julija 2015 za znake prehlada. Že en mesec ji je teklo iz nosa in bila je utrujena. Jemala je zdravilo Crocin (paracetamol), a izboljšanje je trajalo samo dva dni in znaki so se ponovili. V zadnjih 30 letih je večkrat imela prehlad, 4 do 5 krat v letu. Začelo se je s prehladom, potem je prišlo...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Bolečina zaradi raztrgane mišice (Rotator Cuff Pain) 03524...USA

9 julija 2001 je prišel k zdravilcu 56-letni moški zaradi kronične bolečine v ramenu – v raztrgani mišici (obkroža in krepi ramenski sklep). To bolečino je imel 5 let. Alopatske terapije niso uspele, zato je decembra  2014 imel operacijo na levi mišici (rotator cuff) in potem še fizioterapijo, a bolečina je...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Hip Pain 10080...India

The practitioner had a 72 year-old female patient with hip pain. It was so bad that she had not been able to move or get out of bed for some years. The practitioner gave her:
CC15.1 Brain & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS

After taking the combo regularly for six months, the patient was...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Trajna gripa in kašelj 02899...UK

64-letni zdravilec začetnik je dobil vneto grlo in nizko vročino zvečer 17 oktobra 2015 kljub temu, da je jemal preventivno dozo tega “zimskega zdravila” od 1 oktobra dalje:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Prehlad, kašelj in vročina 11520...India

32-letni moški je prišel na nujno zdravljenje 18 aprila 2015 za znake gripe. Imel je 102 F (38.9 C) vročine, zeblo ga je in malo se je tresel vpreteklih 3 urah. Močno je kihal in kašljal. Odločil se je za vibro zdravila, ker je imel še isti dan pomembno uradno srečanje v bližnjem mestu. Drugih zdravil ni jemal.

Dali so mu:

Beri cel primer

Dengue -vročina 01228...Slovenia

Julija 2015 je 19 – letno dekle obiskalo Puttaparthi in jo je ugriznil komar. Na levi nogi je dobila velik, otečen, rdeč madež. Madež je ostal nekaj dni. Ker je bilo deževno, dekle ni bilo pozorno na ta edini komarjev ugriz. Po 3 dneh je dobila visoko vročino, vse telo je bilo šibko, imela je bolečine v sklepih in v glavi ter razdražen želodec in...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Kronično ponavljanje Tonsilitisa 11567...India

27 marca 2015 so pripeljali k zdravilcu 8½-letnega dečka, ki je imel kronični folikularni tonsillitis že 4 leta. Napadi so se pojavljali dvakrat na mesec, deček je imel boleče grlo in je težko požiral. Vsaj enkrat na mesec je jemal antibiotike.

3 aprila 2015 je začel jemati:

#1. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC19.7 Throat...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Bele pike 10940...India

35-letni poslovnež je prosil za vibrioniko za majhne bele pike, ki so se pojavljale že 6-8 mesecev na koži vratu in stegen. Terapija se je začela 10 julija:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses

#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS

Po 3 mesecih (9 oktobra) je bilo 30% bolje. Potem je bolnik nadaljeval z #2,...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic allergy and constipation 11578...India

On 11 April 2016, a 35-year-old woman suffering from cough for eight years sought treatment from the practitioner. She was allergic to dust. Every morning, upon waking, she went through severe bouts of continuous coughing. Also she had constipation for one year which caused pain in the rectum. She had not tried anymedical treatment or medication for...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Recurring cold 03533...UK

A 65-year-old woman from the UK has been visiting her family in Malaysia for about six weeks in October every year for the past 30 years. In every visit, she gets a cold with severe cough and sinusitis on her arrival in Malaysia. She blamed it on travel fatigue and pollution. Her visits are always unpleasant especially because her family too would catch the...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic cellulitis of leg 02802...UK

A 76-year-old woman had suffered with cellulitis of the lower left leg for two months. She had pain and swelling in the leg and the skin appeared red and was hot to the touch. She was continuously being treated with antibiotics but the leg was not improving. She was first seen and treated on 21 June 2017 with: 

CC3.7 Circulation + CC9.2 Infections acute...(continued)

Beri cel primer


A 55-year-old male had swollen and painful neck (below and behind the ear) and fever for three days. His doctor diagnosed the illness as mumps. The patient took allopathic treatment but stopped as there was little improvement. 

On 2 April 2015, the practitioner gave the following combo:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC15.1...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Ostanki malarije, močno slinjenje in znojenje 03546...France

Leta 2014 so v Afriki posvojili 3-letno podhranjeno deklico, ki je tehtala samo 9 kg in jo pripeljali v Francijo. Dobila je diagnozo malarije in so jo 3 mesece zdravili z ustnim kininom, ki ji je olajšal vročino in glavobole. Njeno telo je bilo vedno vroče na dotik in ni prenašala visokih temperatur. Tudi znojila se je močno, težko je dihala...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Ponavljajoči se tifus 03572...Gabon

56-letna ženska je imela diagnozo tifusa julija 2018 in je jemala alopatska zdravila dvakrat v času 2 mesecev za ponavljajočo se vročino. Ob koncu septembra 2018 se je vročina tretjič ponovila z bolečinami v trebuhu, hrbtu in nogah, tudi v kolenu in stopalih. Tokrat se ni odločila za alopatska zdravila. 7 oktobra 2018 je prišla k zdravilcu, ki ji...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Covid-19 00512...Slovenia

Due to shortage of nurses, this 45-year-old dental nurse was deputed to a retirement home to cater for general nursing duties. Within two days, there were six COVID-19 infected patients. On 14 April 2020, after doing 13 hour shifts for four continuous days followed by one day of rest, she was very tired and by the afternoon she had no...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Covid-19 during pregnancy 03572...Gabon

When a 33-year-old, 4-months pregnant female came to the practitioner, she looked pale and completely exhausted. She exhibited symptoms for COVID-19 - shortness of breath and tiredness. She couldn’t walk 10 meters without losing her breath. On the previous day, her mother was tested positive and hospitalized. So she was worried as she lives with...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Covid-19 02799...UK

Around 12 March 2020, a 50-year-old female started to have a very bad headache accompanied by aching watery eyes. Within the next 3 days, she developed further symptoms: body ache, slight fever, dry cough, loss of appetite, taste and smell, and had extreme fatigue. Being an asthmatic since childhood, she has been on bronchodilators because she picks up colds...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Cough – post Covid-19 11613...India

A 55-year-old female was suffering from the symptoms of cough, headache, fever and loss of taste since 29 April 2020. Within 3 days, with allopathic medicines, she was relieved of all her symptoms except loss of taste and general uneasiness. When her sick neighbour she had been attending to was tested positive for Covid-19, she herself underwent a test and...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Dihalna alergija, erektilna motnja 11964...India

Že 4 leta je 31-letni moški trpel večino časa zaradi tekočega nosa, kihanja in bolečega grla, zato je bil vedno utrujen. Njegovi znaki so se vedno poslabšali ob spremembi vremena. Jemal je antihistamine, kakor sta Cetirizine ali Allegra, ki so začasno pomagali. 24 sep 2016 je prišel k zdavilcu, ki mu je dal:

#1. CC9.2 Infections...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Ponavljajoča artralgia - po Chikungunya-i 11622...India

32-letna ženska  je prišla k zdravilki 12 marca 2020 z močnimi bolečinami v sklepih in telesu, z glavobolom, vročino in utrujenostjo. Pred 4 leti je imela ‘chikungunya-o’ z znaki otečenih in bolečih sklepov, z vročino in glavobolom, zato so ji predpisali alopatska zdravila. Po 1 letu je dobila tifus z visoko vročino in se je zdravila v...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Scarlet Fever 2680...Japan

An 18 month-old baby boy had a very high fever for a week, would not eat or drink anything, not even water, and vomited everything except mother’s milk. He cried constantly and was unable to sleep. He had a rash throughout his body and even in his mouth. He also had diarrhea. His condition was diagnosed as Scarlet Fever and with this very serious...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic Feverish Condition 02786...Russia

A 34 year-old woman from Argentina came to see Vibrionics practitioners in Prashanthi Nilayam because she had been suffering from a fever continuously for the past 14 years. It had all the signs of a common cold: her throat was sore, she had bronchitis and a high fever. She had seen numerous doctors, who, after various tests including blood tests, could not...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chronic Cold 02786...Russia

A 47 year-old Russian woman came to the practitioners with a cold, the symptoms included headache and a general feeling of ill health - these symptoms had been with her for many months. She was given:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases…TDS

Three days later, her cold was better but the headache and the other symptoms remained. After...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Influenza type H1N1 – Swine flu 01205J...India

A female patient, aged 54, was diagnosed with Swine Flu and was told she had to be admitted to hospital to be treated. She contacted the practitioner to ask if vibro medicine could help her. She was given:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Fever 03562...Canada

The practitioner and her family were on a holiday by the seaside. Her 3-year-old granddaughter was exuberant and playful on the first day. During the night she developed nausea, slight fever, and cough and kept her parents up all night. On 30 May 2018, the next morning, she appeared tired and listless and refused to take breakfast. The practitioner...(continued)

Beri cel primer

COVID-19 11613...India

83-letni moški je imel astmo že 28 let in je uporabljal inhalator ter ‘nebuliser’, poleg tega je jemal imitinab(zdravilo kemoterapije, ki upočasnjuje rast rakavih celic) zaradi diagnoze krvnega raka pred 10 leti. 12 julija 2020 je dobil vročino 101º F in je težje dihal kot običajno. Ker so se znaki nadaljevali 4 dni, je...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Bolečina v sklepih po čikunguniji 11627...India

57-letna ženska je imela leta 2018 čikungunijo in se je 1 mesec zdravila z alopatijo. Pri tej bolezni se 2 leti potem pojavljajo bolečine v prstih, stopalih in kolenih. 3 mesece je jemala ajurvedska zdravila, pa niso pomagala. 26 maja 2020 je prišla k zdravilcu, ko ni več jemala nobenih zdravil. Dali so ji:

CC3.7 Circulation + CC9.1 Recuperation +...(continued)

Beri cel primer

COVID-19 03566...USA

24-letna medicinska študentka je delala v bolnišnici in dobila bolečine v telesu, vročino 101F (38.3C), izjemno utrujenost in izgubo voha, okusa ter apetita 19 Dec 2020. Test za Covid-19 je bil 22 Dec 202  pozitiven,  zato je ostala doma in začela jemati zdravilo Tylenol za vročino vsakih 6 ur. Znaki so se poslabšali in 24...(continued)

Beri cel primer

COVID-19 02726...USA

51-letni moški je imel nizko vročino, zeblo ga je, vse telo ga je bolelo, težko je dihal in občutil utrujenost že od 8 decembra 2020; jemal je zdravila iz lekarne, ki so delno pomagala. 12 decembra je imel pozitiven test za Covid-19. Znaki so trajali cel teden, zato je ženo skrbelo in je poklicala zdravilca, ki je 19 decembra 2020 dostavil naše...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Seneni nahod 02819 ...UK

Junija 2011 se je 25-letna ženska vrnila z dopusta s hudim senenim nahodom. Postala je očetova prva bolnica. Vedel je, da je seneni nahod njena šibka točka, zato ji je takoj dal zdravilo:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…6TD

Svetoval ji je, naj pije limonin sok, ki ga razredči z 80% vode. Naslednji dan je bilo 20%...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Dihalna alergija 10741...India

2,5-letni deček je pogosto trpel zaradi akutnih napadov prehlada, kašlja in kihanja. Pediater ga je zdravil več kot 1 leto, pa se stanje ni izboljšalo. Stari starši so Saijevi sledniki, zato so prišli k zdravilcu, ki je dečku dal:

CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies

Po 15...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Boleča peta, kašelj in migrena 11633...India

65-letni moški je imel migreno na desni strain glave 2 do 3 krat tedensko od leta 2011; glavobol se je poslabšal ob močnem soncu in glasnem hrupu. Jemal je paracetamol, ki mu je olajšal bolečine. Po upokojitvi oktobra 2015 se je migrena pojavila samo enkrat v 2 mesecih. Februarja 2021, ko je prebolel virusno vročino, za katero je jemal...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Chemical Inhalation injury, acidity & ureteric stenosis 11646...India

A 56-year-old woman repeatedly cleared her throat while singing in a bhajan session. The practitioner, present at the gathering, suggested Vibrionics which she readily agreed to take. 

Six years ago in 2017, when the patient entered her bathroom which had just been cleaned, she felt suffocated due to exposure to toxic fumes from toilet cleaning materials...(continued)

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