Podobni primeri
Rak in tumor
Rak pankreasa 10251...India
Starejša gospa iz ZDA (80) je dobila hude bolečine v trebuhu in je izgubila apetit. To je trajalo skoraj eno leto. Medtem ko je bila na obisku pri hčerki v Mumbaiju februarja 2014, je opravila medicinski pregled. Testi so pokazali adenocarcinom (rak pankreasa) stopnje IIB. Velikost: 5 x 2.6 cm, z metabolično dejavnostjo 3.3. Tega niso mogli...(continued)
Beri cel primerEczema and Facial Tumour 02826...India
A 45-year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon-size tumour on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was...(continued)
Beri cel primerAcute Lymphatic Leukaemia Leg 02826...India
A little boy (2 ½ years) developed leukaemia, a blood cancer. It started with a fever but the illness was confirmed a month later by the doctors where he was hospitalised. He was given chemotherapy and other allopathic medication. Two weeks after his treatment started, the grandparents of the boy collected Vibrionics remedies from the...(continued)
Beri cel primerUterine Cancer 02703...Japan
A 67-year-old lady was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and the doctor advised an operation. She approached a Vibrionics practitioner for help and she was given:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + SR350 Hydrastis + SR391 Kreosotum + SR537 Uterus…QDS
Two months later, she had a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) even though the cancer was found to be less in the...(continued)
Beri cel primerHodgkin’s Disease 00660...USA
A 65 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease (Hodgin's Lymphoma) and had been under allopathic treatment for two years. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back up + NM110 Essiac + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular +...(continued)
Leukaemia 11993...India
A 72-year-old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors predicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
Beri cel primerUterine Cancer 11993...India
A woman aged 45 had been suffering from uterine cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the following:
CC2.1 Cancers +...(continued)
Brain Tumour 02128...Argentina
A 29-year-old woman came to the practitioner because she had a 9 mm sellar (relating to Sella turcica) tumour in the brain. The Sella turcica (literally Turkish Chair) is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone of skull where the pituitary gland is located. Each year she must take a magnetic resonance (MRI) test for analysis of tumour growth, with...(continued)
Beri cel primerProstate Cancer 02799...UK
The practitioner started treating an 81-year-old man three months after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He refused to take allopathic medicines including chemotherapy but agreed to have check-ups at the hospital every 6 months. He was given:
CC2.1 Cancers + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.2 Prostate…TDS
After 8...(continued)
Beri cel primerCyst on Left Eyelid 10604...India
A 28-year old woman came to be treated for a cyst on her left eyelid for which her doctor had suggested surgery in a week’s time. She was given:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS
In a week the cyst had softened, so surgery was postponed for another week and the Vibrionics...(continued)
Beri cel primerBenign Tumour 11278...India
On 23 January 2013 a male patient, aged 62, sought treatment for a benign soft tumour (1 cm x 1 cm), located on his back below the right shoulder. He had this for 10 years. His doctor had recommended an operation to remove it but cautioned that the tumour could recur. Since the tumour was painless, the patient avoided the operation. He was given...(continued)
Beri cel primerTongue Cancer 10831...India
A 54-year-old woman suffering from tongue cancer had been undergoing chemotherapy and other related allopathic treatment. When there was no noticeable improvement she came to see the practitioner to see if vibrionics would help. She was given the following remedy:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult...(continued)
Leukaemia & recovery from bone-marrow transplant surgery 12051...India
On 19 September 2013 treatment was sought for a 4-year-old girl suffering from leukaemia. She had been diagnosed 2 years earlier and had completed chemotherapy in one hospital in Bangalore but had suffered a relapse 4 months after returning home and was not considered a candidate for further treatment. She was then admitted to another cancer centre in...(continued)
Beri cel primerMetastatic bone cancer 01768...Greece
On 6 January 6 2014 the practitioner treated a woman, 62 years of age, who had been suffering from breast cancer for the previous 3 years. After undergoing a mastectomy and completing chemotherapy, the patient had been stable until June 2013 when she began to experience pains all over her body. She received a diagnosis of metastatic bone cancer on...(continued)
Beri cel primerCyst on Hand 00014...India
The patient, a security watchman, 32 years of age, came in with a round cyst about 15 mm in diameter on his right-hand palm. It had been gradually increasing in size during the past 12 months. It was painless but obstructed his grip. He had not consulted any doctor because he couldn’t afford it. He was given the following:
CC2.3 Tumours &...(continued)
Complete Healing of Multiple Myeloma Missing...India
A 51-year-old man was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a type of bone marrow cancer. He had been completely bedridden for a year and had a fracture in his shoulder joint. Doctors had given up hope of him ever recovering. He came to a Vibrionics practitioner who started him on:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths +...(continued)
Liver Cancer Patient on the Road to Recovery Missing...India
A 67 year-old woman was diagnosed as having cancer of the liver with multiple complications such as fluid in the abdomen. The abdomen had to be tapped on a regular basis. She had swellings in both knee joints and an enlarged gall bladder. She was also diabetic with high BP, and suffered from constipation and insomnia. The doctors told her that she...(continued)
Beri cel primerAnti-Chemotherapy and Cancer 02494...Italy
For those practitioners who possess the Sai Ram Potentiser (SRHVP), we received some important information from the above practitioners. They found that it is possible to get faster and improved results in the following two cases:
Anti-chemo cases:
In order to remove side-effects of chemotherapy, use SR559 Anti Chemotherapy at two potencies as follows:
Hodgkin's Disease 00660...USA
A woman aged 65 was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and came to the healer for treatment. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM30 Throat + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + NM110 Essiac + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat ...6TD for two weeks followed by TDS
Four months later, she was given a blood test by her doctor and the result was normal and there...(continued)
Angioma in an Infant 02640...India
A baby boy, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the practitioner who is also an...(continued)
Beri cel primerŽelodčni tumor 11973...India
Marca 2014 je 50-letna ženska dobila diagnozo benignega tumorja v levi strani želodca. Dali so ji alopatsko zdravilo za pet dni. Ker ni bilo učinka, so jo poslali h kirurgu v območno bolnišnico, ki jo je ponovno pregledal in potrdil, da je potrebna operacija. Dobila je datum 24 aprila 2014.
Bolnica je bila edina zaposlena za 4-člansko družino, kjer so...(continued)
Beri cel primerAdenokarcinom žolčnika in rak jeter, edem, Vertigo, bolečine v kolenu 10728...India
V začetku januarja 2014 je sin pripeljal v bolnišnico svojo mater s četrto stopnjo raka. Diagnoza je bila adenokarcinom žolčnika z mnogimi jetrnimi metastazami. Bila je zelo bolna, brez apetita in moči, imela je hude bolečine zaradi žolčnih kamnov. Zdravnik jo je pregledal in dejal, da je rak tako napredoval, da ji niso mogli pomagati. Sina je...(continued)
Beri cel primerMaligni tumor ledvice 10728...India
Leta 1999 je šel 48-letni moški v bolnišnico na zdravljenje hematurije (kri v urinu) in bolečega uriniranja. Testi so pokazali, da je imel maligni tumor ledvice. V nekaj letih je imel 3 operacije za odstranitev tumorja, ker se je tumor vračal. Ko je prišel po vibrioniko leta 2012, je dobival injekcije kemoterapije vsaka dva...(continued)
Beri cel primerSarkoidoza 02895...UK
Zdravilka piše: Moj prvi bolnik je bil moški, 57 let, ki je pred 20 leti dobil diagnozo sarkoidoza, to je vnetna bolezen, ki lahko prizadene več organov. Majhne skupine ali pa koščki vnetih celic rastejo v prizadetih organih, najpogosteje v pljučih, limfnih nodusih, očeh in koži. V medicini ni znane ozdravitve.
Ta bolnik je dobil...(continued)
Beri cel primerInfected Pimple on Breast 01339...USA
A 69-year-old woman had, what she called, a blackhead pimple located near her upper left breast for three years. She did not seek medical care. Periodically, she would squeeze it and pus would ooze out. One day she noticed the area had become inflamed, painful and tender to touch. During sleep, she needed to use a pillow under her breast for comfort. She...(continued)
Beri cel primerCase of Pulmonary Thrombo-embolism Missing...India
A 31 year-old woman was suffering from blood clots (thrombosis), causing obstruction to both pulmonary arteries. She was breathless and unable to do any kind of work. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment, but the family did not have enough money to pay for the operation that the doctors said was necessary. In desperation they got...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak dojke z metastazami 10014...India
61-letna ženska s končno stopnjo raka dojke je prišla k zdravilcu po priporočilu nekega Sai slednika julija 2009. Rak se je razširil iz desne dojke v nodose po vseh prsih in v trebušno steno. Tvorba je bila tudi v trebušni slinavki, žolčniku in drugih prebavnih organih, metastaze so se razširile na mehko tkivo in kosti....(continued)
Beri cel primerDemenca in moten govor po zdravljenju raka dojke 02864...USA
Ženska (47) je prišla k zdravilcu zaradi stranskih učinkov alopatskega zdravljenja raka dojke. Po dvojni mastektomiji aprila 2014 je zaključila kemoterapijo novembra 2014 in obsevanje januarja 2015. Potem je opažala demenco in motnjo govora. Bila je pri nevrologu, ki je potrdil, da je živčni sistem utrpel škodo zaradi zdravljenja raka. Nevrolog...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak na jajčniku 02799...UK
56-letna ženska je prišla k zdravilcu z rakom 3 stopnje na jajčniku (stage-3 A2 clear-cell carcinoma - OCCC) 5 septembra 2014. V preteklosti je imela težave s srcem. Julija 2013 so jo sprejeli v bolnišnico z vnetjem pljuč po srčnem napadu s hudimi blokadami v večini arterij, srce je delovalo samo 30%. Poslali so jo domov, ker je niso mogli...(continued)
Beri cel primerBenigna kalcifikacija dojke 11573...India
55-letna sorodnica zdravilca je bila v skrbeh, ker je mamogram pokazal benigno kalcifikacijo 2 kategorije v levi dojki. Pred leti je imela operacijo zaradi raka v desni dojki in od takrat je hodila na redne preglede. K zdravilcu je prišla 3 maja 2015, ker se je odločila za vibro zdravila in je prekinila druge terapije. Dali so ji:
Beri cel primerTumor v nosu, kronična slaba prebava 03524...USA
Moški 83 let je prosil za zdravljenje velikega benignega tumorja v konici nosa. Rastel je že pet let in naredil dodatne bulice v vrhu starega tumorja. Alopatska zdravila niso pomagala. Antibiotik ‘minocycline’ je imel stranske učinke in je stanje še poslabšal. Kadar koli se je moški dotaknil nosa, ga je to dražilo...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiabetes, bula pod ušesom 10399...India
41-letni moški je prišel k zdravilcu junija 2010, ker je že tri leta imel diabetes. Jemal je alopatska zdravila, a se je odločil tudi za vibrioniko. Dali so mu:
Za diabetes:
#1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic…TDS
K zdravilcu je prihajal redno vsak mesec....(continued)
Beri cel primerBrain Tumour - Glaioblastoma Multiforms Grade 4 02749...New Zealand
An adult male patient aged 53 had a brain tumour that required surgery. After the surgery, the hospital’s specialist physicians informed the patient’s family that he had only 14 months to live. He and his family refused to give up hope and asked for this healer's help.
She prescribed:
CC2.1 Cancers - All + CC2.3 Tumours + CC12.1 Adult Tonic +...(continued)
Levkemija 10728...India
21-letna medicinska študentka je trpela zaradi kisline, nespečnosti, hude slabotnosti in izgube teže, a niso poznali vzroka. Ko so jo sprejeli v bolnišnico, so krvni testi pokazali, da je imela levkemijo, četrte stopnje raka. Število hemoglobina in trombocitov v krvi je bilo zelo nizko.Zdravniki niso pričakovali, da bo preživela. Klicali...(continued)
Beri cel primerBele pike 10940...India
35-letni poslovnež je prosil za vibrioniko za majhne bele pike, ki so se pojavljale že 6-8 mesecev na koži vratu in stegen. Terapija se je začela 10 julija:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
Po 3 mesecih (9 oktobra) je bilo 30% bolje. Potem je bolnik nadaljeval z #2,...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak dojke 11993...India
50-letna ženska je ostala v postelji po več terapijah zaradi raka na dojki. Prvič je dobila diagnozo raka marca 2013. Prestala je unilateralno mastektomijo, radioterapijo in kemoterapijoy. Najprej se je zdelo zdravljenje uspešno, a rak se je ponovil in širil. Potem je dobila še 10 kemoterapij, ki jih ni mogla prenesti in je obležala.
Beri cel primerAcute myeloid leukaemia 00512...Slovenia
The practitioner treated a 48-year-old man who had been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in December 2015. He had a two-year history of enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck. In 2013, lymph gland in the right side of his neck was swollen. In early 2015, the swelling recurred in the same lymph gland and it was larger than what he had earlier as...(continued)
Beri cel primerThroat cancer 02090...India
In June 2014, the son of a 90-year-old man approached the practitioner concerning his father’s health. On the basis of an MRI scan, the diagnosis was ‘advanced stage of throat cancer’. The patient found it extremely difficult to eat and drink. The diagnosis was first made by an ENT surgeon and the patient was referred to a renowned cancer...(continued)
Beri cel primerOsteonecrosis of ribs 10602...India
A 67 year-old-lady approached the practitioner on 7 September 2016 with complaints of very painful boils with pus in and around the scar from an earlier operation. A leading surgeon concluded that the boils were due to osteonecrosis which usually results from radiotherapy. Eighteen years ago, she had undergone radiotherapy for breast cancer and later major...(continued)
Beri cel primerOvarian cysts, painful menstruation 11568...India
A 30-year-old woman, experiencing painful menstruation for the past one year, contacted the practitioner on 3 March 2017. Her symptoms included heavy bleeding, prolonged (lasting for about 15 days) and painful menstruation, burning sensation, swelling and weakness in both legs. She had previously taken allopathic medications for six months but these had...(continued)
Cancer pain 03533...UK
The practitioner visited her 82-year-old terminally ill aunt on 9 November 2015. The aunt had been diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago; however, her family did not want any medical intervention due to her age and frailty. Around mid-October, due to excessive pain, the patient was admitted to the hospital where she was given...(continued)
Beri cel primerProstate cancer, phobia 02799...UK
A 54-year-old male came to the practitioner on 23 March 2017 with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. He had been experiencing nocturia for the past three months. On 16 February 2017 his PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) count was 37 ng/mL. He also had a history of phobia of darkness since he was 25 years old and he could not even go out at night. His anxiety was...(continued)
Beri cel primerCyst on eyelid 10001...India
A 15-year-old girl was having a 4-5 mm cyst on her left upper eyelid for the past 4 months. She had been on allopathic medication including eye drops with no success.
On 20 April 2018 the following remedy was given:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain &...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak 11585...भारत
91-letna nepokretna ženska je imela velik tumor v desni ledvici, diagnozo raka je dobila pred 6 meseci (Nov 2016). Že 2 meseca je imela močno bolečino v desnem spodnjem trebuhu in pelvisu. En teden pred srečanjem z vibro zdravilcem so zdravniki napovedali, da bo preživela samo še kak teden. Prenehala je jemati alopatska zdravila za raka, ker ji niso...(continued)
Beri cel primerPolipi v maternici 11585...भारत
37-letna ženska je imela kri v urinu že 3 mesece. Zdravniški testi so pokazali 7cm dolg cervikalni polip v maternici. Povedali so ji, da se to lahko ponovi tudi po operaciji. Bolnica je jemala alopatska in homeopatska zdravila 3 mesece brez uspeha, zato je njen mož klical zdravilca.
Zdravilo so takoj poslali po kurirju 19...(continued)
Beri cel primerTumor v vratu 11585...भारत
66-letni moški je imel tumor na vratu že 4 leta. Ni imel bolečin in ni jemal zdravil. 19 julija 2018 je prišel k zdravilcu, potem ko je videl, kako je tumor pri mladi ženski izginil v 1 mesecu po jemanju vibrionike.
Dali so mu:
#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 Circulation…TDS
Po 1 mesecu je bolnik šel...(continued)
Beri cel primerUstni rak 11975...India
40-letni moški je imel ustnega raka (stopnja 3), februarja 2013 pa kemoterapijo in potem 24 aprila 2013 še operacijo. Ker je rak napredoval do končne stopnje, so mu rekli, da morda ne bo živel več kot 6 mesecev. Ni se hotel predati bolezni, ker je imel 3 otroke. Njegov dohodek je bil nizek, zato je prišel k zdravilki 23 avgusta 2013. Bil...(continued)
Beri cel primerComplete Healing of Multiple Myeloma Missing...India
A 51 year-old man was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a type of bone marrow cancer. He had been completely bedridden for a year and had a fracture in his shoulder joint. Doctors had given up hope of him ever recovering. He came to a Vibrionics practitioner who started him on:
CC2.1 Cancer + CC2.2 Pains of Cancer + CC2.3 Tumors and growths + CC12.1...(continued)
Beri cel primerLiver Cancer Patient on the Road to Recovery Missing...India
A 67 year-old woman was diagnosed as having cancer of the liver with multiple complications such as fluid in the abdomen. The abdomen had to be tapped on a regular basis. She had swellings in both knee joints and an enlarged gall bladder. She was also diabetic with high BP, and suffered from constipation and insomnia. The doctors told her that she had only 3...(continued)
Beri cel primerBrain Tumor – Glaioblastoma Multiforms Grade 4 02749...New Zealand
An adult male patient had a brain tumor that required surgery. After the surgery, the hospital’s specialist physicians informed the patient’s family that he had only 14 months to live. He and his family refused to give up hope and asked for this healer's help. She prescribed:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - All + CC2.3 Tumors + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC18.1...(continued)
Beri cel primerUterine Cancer 02703...Japan
A 67-year old lady was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and the doctor advised an operation. She approached a Vibrionics practitioner for help and she was given
CC2.1 Cancers + SR350 Hydrastis + SR391 Kreosotum + SR537 Uterus…QDS
Two months later, she had a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) even though the cancer was found to be less in the uterus....(continued)
Beri cel primerHodgkin’s Disease 00660...USA
A woman aged 65 was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and came to the healer for treatment. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM30 Throat + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + NM110 Essiac + SM13 Cancer +
SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat...6TD for two weeks followed by TDS.
Four months later, she was given a blood test by her doctor and the result was normal and there was...(continued)
Beri cel primerEczema and Facial Tumour 00744J...India
A 45 year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon size tumor on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was...(continued)
Beri cel primerAcute Lymphatic Leukaemia Leg 00744J...India
A little boy aged 2 ½ years developed Leukemia – blood Cancer. It started with a fever but the illness was confirmed a month later by the doctors where he was hospitalized. He was given chemotherapy and other allopathic medication. Two weeks after his treatment started, the grandparents of the boy collected Vibrionics remedies from the...(continued)
Beri cel primerHodgkin’s Disease 00660...USA
A 65 year-old woman came to see the practitioner because she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and had been under allopathic treatment for two years. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back up + NM110 Essiac + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat…6TD for two...(continued)
Beri cel primerLeukaemia 11993...India
A 72-year old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors predicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental...(continued)
Beri cel primerUterine Cancer 11993...India
A woman aged 45 had been suffering from Uterine Cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the...(continued)
Beri cel primerLeukaemia 11993...India
A 72-year old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors predicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes +...(continued)
Beri cel primerBrain Tumour 02128...Argentina
A 29 year old woman came to the practitioner because she had a 9 mm sellar (relating to Sella turcica) tumour in the brain. The Sella turcica(literally Turkish Chair) is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone of skull where the pituitary gland is located. Each year she must take a magnetic resonance (MRI) test for analysis...(continued)
Beri cel primerAnti-Chemotherapy & Cancer 02494...Italy
For those practitioners who possess the Sai Ram Potentiser, we received some important information from the above practitioners. They found that it is possible to get faster and improved results in the following two cases:
Anti-chemo cases: In order to remove side-effects of chemotherapy, use SR559 Anti Chemotherapy at two potencies as follows:
Beri cel primerCancer of the Mouth 11993...India
57 year old male diagnosed with oral cancer in 2012, contacted the practitioner on the 31st of August 2013. He was being treated by an oncologist since one year and had both radio and chemotherapy which had not resulted in a cure. Prognosis was not good and doctors did not give much hope. He was taking allopathic medication. He had severe pain and suffered...(continued)
Beri cel primerCista v grlu 11529...India
78-letna ženska je imela že 1 leto občutek dušenja v grlu. To se je poslabšalo do hripavega grla in slabega glasu. Zato je s težavo govorila in izvajala dnevne molitve. Test je pokazal cisto v grlu. Zdravnik je predlagal operacijo in opozoril, da je pri tem 50% nevarnost izgube glasu za vedno. Prestrašena ženska tega ni želela. Zdravilka...(continued)
Beri cel primerPljučni rak, metastaze v možganih11595 11595...India
Zdrava 61-letna ženska je nenadoma dobila majhen napad (strmenje - staring spell). Ko se je zopet zgodilo po 1 tednu, so jo peljali v bolnišnico, kjer so po več pregledih ugotovili 4 stopnjo pljučnega raka z metastazami v možganih. To je bila slaba napoved in vsa družina je bila v šoku. Bili so vneti sledniki Sathya Sai Babe in so molili za...(continued)
Beri cel primerColon cancer – rak debelega črevesa 02799...UK
Učiteljica, 52 let, je 1 leto imela bolečino v ledvici, krče in slabo prebavo. Jemala je predpisana in domača zdravila, ki so samo začasno pomagala; to je trajalo okoli 9 mesecev. Zdravnik je naročil krvne teste in UZ, pa niso nič pokazali. Bila je v hudem stresu zaradi preveč dela in domače oskrbe za taščo, ki je imela ustnega raka. Trebušna...(continued)
Beri cel primerGanglion cista 01096 ...USA
Marca 2009 je 50-letna ženska dobila ganglion v desnem zapestju (tvorba v obliki vozla).
Dali so naslednje zdravilo:
SR253 Calc Fluor 200C + SR369 Benzoic Acid 50M + SR405 Ruta 200C…TDS
Ta ganglion se je manjšal in počasi izginil po 3 tednih.
Beri cel primer
Rak kosti 02799 ...UK
40-letna ženska je imela bolečine v hrbtu in je šepala. V bolnišnici ( A & E department of a NHS) so dali diagnozo raka v kosteh. K zdravilki je prišla julija 2013. Zdravniki so predlagali radioterapijo. Zdravilka je pripravila naslednja zdravila:
#1. NM45 Atomic Radiation + SM2 Divine Protection + SR310 Radium + SR324 X-ray...(continued)
Beri cel primerGolša 02802 ...UK
42-letna ženska (iz UK) je dobila v 3 mesecih v vratu veliko gladko golšo, naročili so jo za operacijo, tega pa ni želela. K zdravilki je prišla 09/07/10 in je dobila 1 stekleničko z zdravilom:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC6.1 Hyperthyroid + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS
Po 2 mesecih je...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak 02819 ...UK
36 – letna Francozinja je dobila diagnozo raka dojke. V bolnišnici so naredili 3 teste in potrdili to bolezen. 19 februarja, 2012 je dobila ta kombo:
CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental &...(continued)
Beri cel primerRast v grlu 01427 ...Singapore
31-letni moški je bil kadilec. Pred 8 leti je začel kašljati in je odkril, da je imel raka pljuč. Avgusta 2009 je imel operacijo.
Na začetku leta 2011 je imel boleče grlo in je kašljal, kadarkoli je govoril. Ob pregledu so ugotovili rast v grlu. Drugi pregled čez 3 mesece je pokazal povečano rast. Zdravnik je predlagal operacijo....(continued)
Beri cel primerNeredna menstruacija in fibroidi 02808...Romania
36 – letna ženska je imela neredno menstruacijo na 3 mesece in fibroid v maternici in je prišla po zdravila septembra 2012.
Babica po materini strani je imela visoki krvni pritisk tip-2 diabetes. Ko je bila mati noseča s to hčerko, jo je močno prizadela vest, da je babica imela raka na dojki. Ko je bila deklica stara 6-7 let, je imela...(continued)
Beri cel primerVeč problemov s psom 03040...Poland
V preteklih 5 letih je psico (pedigreed golden retriever), ki je zdaj stara 11 let, veterinar zdravil za naslednje težave: ventrikularno hipertrofijo, slaba pljuča, pomanjkanje kisika, proti kroničnim zajedavcem, za benigni tumor kože, hipotiroidizem, artritis, posturalno omotico v nogah in za smrčanje.
Avgusta 2013 je lastnica prosila za zdravila...(continued)
Beri cel primerSarkoidoza 02779 ...Japan
69- letna ženska ni mogla spati zaradi ostrih bolečin v prsih, hrbtu in laktih. Počutje se je poslabšalo s konstipacijo. Poleg alopatskih zdravil je poskusila več alternativnih terapij, tudi akupunkturo, ‘moxibustion’ in limfno masažo. V nujnem oddelku univerzitetne bolnišnice so ji dali tablete za spanje in bolečine ter injekcije v...(continued)
Beri cel primerPljučni rak 02779 ...Japan
63 – letna ženska je imela pljučnega raka več kot 1 leto, ko je maja 2012 prišla k zdravilcu in dobila naslednje zdravilo:
#1: CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic...TDS
Po 1 mesecu se je počutila 80% bolje in zdravniški pregled je pokazal, da se je tumor...(continued)
Beri cel primerPankreatitis 02494...Italy
Naša 52-letna prijateljica živi v Palermu na Siciliji in ima 2 raka; pomagava ji pri teh težavah. Kadar ima kemoterapijo, ji dava:
#1. SR559 Anti Chemotherapy
Zvečer 24 decembra 2011 naju je poklicala po telefonu in jokala, ker je imela hudo bolečino in ni vedela, kaj jo je povzročilo. Potem je poklicala svojega brata in ko je videl,...(continued)
Beri cel primerPigmentacija 02918...Italy
59-letna prijateljica zdravilca je dolgo trpela zaradi omenjene težave “seborrheic keratosis pigmentation”, ki je pogosta pri starejših odraslih ljudeh.
Koža na njenem telesu je bila pokrita z izrastki v velikosti leče, največji je meril 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm in je bil v ramenski kosti. 21 decembra 2012 je bolnica dobila zdravilo za...(continued)
Beri cel primerIzrastek v veki 11422...India
Aprila 2013 se je pri zdravilcu oglasila 53-letna ženska. V desni očesni veki je imela izrastek, podoben bradavici v velikosti pol grahovega zrna. Ni je bolelo, vendar jo je motilo. Dobila je diagnozo za ‘chalazion’, problem pri očesu, svetovali so ji operacijo. Tega ni želela in je prišla k zdravilcu, da poskusi z vibrioniko. To težavo je...(continued)
Beri cel primerHemangiom 10741...India
Hemangiom je benigni tumor razširjenih krvnih žil. Ko so starši privedli 6 mesečnega dojenčka k zdravilcu, je otrok imel manjšo oteklino na levi veki. To oteklino je imel od rojstva, potem pa se je povečala in zjutraj je z očesa kapljala voda. Bili so pri specialistu, ki je dal diagnozo Hemangioma in priporočal očesne kapljice. Po 2...(continued)
Beri cel primerProstate Enlargement 10375...India
A 71 year old male had been diagnosed with a Grade II enlargement of the prostate during a routine health check-up in April 2011. The PSA reading was 6.16 against an upper permissible limit of 4.4 for an age of 70+ years. He was not on any allopathic medication. He was given:
CC2.1 Cancers - all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growth + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC14.2...(continued)
Beri cel primerCancer pain 10375...India
An 86-year-old female was in acute pain as she was in the final stages of stomach cancer. Allopathic doctors had given her a maximum of 2 to 3 months of survival and that too with excruciating pain. The vibrionics remedy given to her by the practitioner was:
CC2.1 Cancers -...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak na želodcu, v črevesu in ledvici 11993...India
58-letna ženska je bila na zadnji stopnji raka, bolezen se je razširila iz želodca na črevo in ledvico. Diagnozo raka je dobila 6 mesecev pred prihodom k zdravilcu 20 julija 2013. Jemala je alopatska zdravila in imela 6 kemoterapij, ki niso pomagale. Imela je hude bolečine v želodcu, izgubila je precej teže, bila je utrujena in noge so otekale....(continued)
Beri cel primerSkin metastases from cancer 01448...Germany
A 58-year-old woman approached the practitioner for treatment of skin metastases from cancer. Other than her maternal aunt who died from cancer, there was no history of cancer in her family. However the patient herself was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2011 when her left breast was surgically removed. She refused chemotherapy due to fear of side...(continued)
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