Podobni primeri
Živali in rastline
Stres pri rastlinah 02864...USA
V mojem članku v knjigi o vibracijski konferenci sem zapisala primer uspešne uporabe vibrionike na različnih hišnih rastlinah, ki so se poškodovale med dolgo selitvijo po deželi avgusta 2013. Vsem sem dala:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…3TW v vodi.
Po dveh mesecih zdravljenja so oživele in dobro rasle....(continued)
Beri cel primerFeline sili dela 10717...India
The practitioner writes: Zaključujem s sorodnim primerom naše družinske mačke. Decembra 2011 je naša muca pričakovala mladiče (stara 1½ leta). Njen trebuh je bil velik in 2 dni je kar spala. Naslednje jutro je javkala in nehala jesti. Pričakovala sem , da bo povrgla. Po dveh dneh je kričala in pila samo mleko. Nismo vedeli, kaj bi...(continued)
Beri cel primerCat with Urinary Infection 01150...Croatia
The practitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with pain and blood in the urine. The following was given:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection...TDS
Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a week's time.
The editor's comment:
If the 108CC Box had been available to...(continued)
Sickness in Chickens 02715...Germany
A Vibrionics practitioner’s mother had 23 hens. All but three of them died of an infection that afflicted and killed all other local chickens in the area. Of the three that survived, one was particularly weak and was finding it difficult to hold its head up, walk straight or enter the chicken coop. This hen was kept in the house away from the other two....(continued)
Beri cel primerHouseplant’s Recovery 10275...India
This practitioner treated a houseplant (Brahmakamal) for fungal infection, the symptoms being white spots on the leaves. One dose of CC1.2 Plant tonic was put in half a litre of water and sprayed on the plant daily. Within 2-3 days the white spots started to recede, new leaves appeared and one bud blossomed.
The leaves of another houseplant began...(continued)
Protection for Vegetables 10002...India
Some vegetable plants such as courgettes (zucchini – baby marrows), tomatoes and French beans grown in this practitioner’s garden used to suffer from a powdery mildew soon after their first crop, then collapse and die, even though they are frequently fed with cow manure and worming compost, and treated with a solution of Neem oil mixed with a...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiarrhoea & Vomiting in a Dog 02871...USA
A 1½ year old small dog was suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting. The practitioner prepared the following:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis…5 pills to be put in 200 ml of water and 5 ml of the remedy to be given every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and afterwards at TDS
The dog recovered after the first dose and was very keen to...(continued)
Beri cel primerPlants and Trees 00437...India
On an experimental basis, the practitioner and his wife sprayed CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant tonic mixed with water, on all the plants in their garden. The effect was miraculous and those plants with minimal growth in the last couple of years, showed a revival as if new life was injected into them. It has been a very satisfying experience, the...(continued)
Beri cel primerGarden Experiment 02321...Mexico
The healer has a garden measuring 2,000 sq metres. She first makes the combo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + NM67 Calcium + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment, in one litre of water.
Then she adds this to 200 litres of water and mixes it in a sprinkler water system to be used daily on all the plants. The result is a greener garden...(continued)
Beri cel primerInjury to Cat’s Paw 01644...USA
The practitioner's female cat, aged approximately four, came home limping amd holding its left paw up trying not to put weight on it. A few small droplets of blood were on the tips of its fur. The cat seemed somewhat lethargic and just wanted to lay down and curl up in a ball. The practitioner couldn't find where the blood had come from, so she...(continued)
Beri cel primerTreatment of crops: Tur, Mosambi and Cotton 11279...India
The Practitioner writes: My first experiment was on a 100 sq ft plot of Tur (Red Gram, Laxmi Niwaran seed) planted in June 2012 by the Peti Master [harmonium player] of our Bhajan Mandali [bhajan circle]. In this plot, I found that worms were eating away the flowering Tur plants. I told him that I had recently done a course in Vibrionics and there were...(continued)
Beri cel primerBull with Asthma 11278...India
The practitioner, who holds a Masters of Veterinary Science, was asked to treat a bull with asthma, who had been suffering from shortness of breath, a warm tongue, and poor appetite for several months. The bull was given:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic...TDS
By Sathya Sai Baba’s Grace, he...(continued)
Beri cel primerCat with Liver Disease, Diarrhoea & worms 02494...Italy
The practitioners were called to treat their friends’ 5 month-old kitten, Uma. She had severe diarrhoea with worms, blood and mucus, and an intestinal infection. A veterinarian also found liver disease and prescribed several allopathic medicines, but Uma did not improve. She was weak and had no appetite. She was given:
For liver:
#1. NM22 Liver +...(continued)
Cataract in a dog 02095...USA
Duke, a male dog (aged 12) was diagnosed with a cataract. He was given the following treatment by the practitioner:
NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B…BD
The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his...(continued)
Beri cel primerMačka z bolhami 02921...Italy
Cleo, zdravilkina siamska mačka (6let), je imela napad bolh vsako poletje. Maja 2014 so uporabili kemično zdravilo proti bolham, pa je delovalo samo dva tedna, poleg tega je bilo preveč toksično, da bi ga še uporabili. Tisti mesec je zdravilka opravila tečaj AVP in dala zdravilo:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.4 Stings &...(continued)
Tulsi sadike 00534...UK
Zdravilec piše: Leta 2014 sem izvajal preizkus, kako deluje vibrionika na tulsi (sveta bazilika) sadike. Prvi teden v juniju sem vzel semena dveh vrst tulsi, Ram Tulsi in Krishna, ki jih je prejšnje leto shranila moja mati. (Semena tulsi rastlin pobira vsako leto, ker te rastline ne preživijo zime v Londonu.)
Posadil sem jih v dva lonca in...(continued)
Beri cel primerStroke & intestinal infection in a dog 00829...Australia
One Monday morning in June 2014, the practitioner noticed that something was wrong with her dog Deedee. She was vomiting a little and could hardly walk. She was taken to the veterinarian. The vet said Deedee had suffered a stroke perhaps brought on by old age (she was 15). She also had inflammation of her digestive tract, which might have come from an...(continued)
Beri cel primerRane na vratu psa 02885...Argentina
Zdravilka piše: Našega psa Pitty sta napadla dva psa na nečakovi farmi. Imel je velike odprte rane na vratu. Nečaka takrat ni bilo doma, zato je bil pes brez oskrbe 4 dni. Nečakova mati je očistila rano in psu dala zdravilo. Ko se je nečak vrnil domov, je peljal Pitty v mesto k veterinarju. Ta je vse očistil in tudi odstranil...(continued)
Beri cel primerAnalna infekcija pri psu 11572...India
7 ½ leta stara psica pasme Golden Retriever (zlati prinašalec) z imenom Zaira je dobila hudo infekcijo. Gnoj je stalno tekel iz tega dela telesa. Ni imela vročine, bila pa je zaspana in ravnodušna. Absces okoli infekcije je močno smrdel. Psici niso dali nobenih drugih zdravil.
23 aprila 2015 je zdravilec dal za infekcijo:
#1. CC1.1...(continued)
Oživljanje ptice (a myna bird) 10940...India
Zdravilec piše: 15 julija 2015 sem se vrnil iz službe okoli 6:40 popoldan in sem videl, da je bilo nekaj v zunanjem jarku. Mislil sem, da je bila kača ali žaba, ampak ne, bila je majhna ptica ‘myna’, ki je padla v jarek in je poskušala priti ven. Njena krila so bila mokra, zato ni mogla zbežati. Ptico sem pobral s plastičnim vedrom...(continued)
Beri cel primerPovešena rastlina 11569...India
Listi sobne rastline so se okoli en mesec povešali (glejte sliko spodaj, levo), čeprav so jo redno zalivali. Zato so ji dali zdravilo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic…v vodi
Že po eni dozi je rastlina oživela v 24 urah. Drugo sliko (spodaj desno) so posneli naslednji dan.
Poškodba oči in glave mačke 02750...Canada
Sweetie, poulično muco, je novembra 2014 ujel sosed, ker je pila njegovo mleko; udaril jo je po glavi in ustih ter jo vrgel v jarek ob cesti. Lastnik je na motorju pripeljal muco k zdravilcu na dom. Muca je imela eno oko oteklo in zaprto ter raztrgani ustnici. Zdravilec je pripravil:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC10.1 Emergency + CC18.5...(continued)
Beri cel primerRak psa 03528...France
Neka ženska je pripeljala svojega 6-let starega psa Henrija k zdravilcu, ker je veterinar pri njem odkril raka v prsih. Rak je že toliko napredoval, da je pes imel le še kratek čas življenja. Imel je kratko sapo in zdravilec je lahko občutil rakasto rast. Dal mu je zdravilo:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC2.1 Cancer + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours...(continued)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – vnetna črevesna bolezen & hiter utrip (WPW) v mački 02667...UK
Zdravilkin mačak, star 15 let in ingverjeve barve z imenom Garfield je dobil diagnozo treh resnih bolezni. Prva je bila vnetje (IBD) v tankem črevesu, vranici in jetrih. Simptoma sta bila bruhanje in driska. Veterinar je predpisal antibiotik v tabletah, a oskrbnica jih ni mogla dati mačku, ne da bi jo močno opraskal, zato je potencirala zdravila v strojčku...(continued)
Beri cel primerMačka z glistami 02864...USA
Zdravilec je sumil, da je 2 leti stara mačka imela gliste, ker je bila tako suha in ji je izpadala dlaka, čeprav je dobro jedla. 27 junija 2015 ji je dal:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC 4.6 Diarrhoea...5 kroglic so raztopili v 200ml vode vsak dan, mačka je to pila 7 dni.
Po 8 dneh so videli gliste v obliki venca v mačkinem blatu. Po enem mesecu je mačka pridobila...(continued)
Beri cel primerOživitev ptice, ki se je zaletela v okno 01339...USA
22 septembra 2015 je vrabček poletel v okno zdravilkine hiše, udaril ob steklo in padel na les. Zdravilka je vzela posodo z vibutijem, stekla ven, ga posula po ptici in pela Gayatri mantro. Ptica se ni premaknila, glava ji je visela, na začetku je hitro dihala. Potem se je dihanje upočasnilo in opešalo. Zdravilka je lahno božala ptičji...(continued)
Gojitev paradižnikov z Vibrioniko 00002...UK
Zdravilka piše: V Puttaparthiju živim že nekaj let blizu Super Specialty bolnišnice. Imam vrt z različno zelenjavo. Paradižniki so že skoraj dva metra visoki ( Novembra 2015) 8 tednov po saditvi in so videti zdravi in močni, z majhnimi popki, ki so pripravljeni, da se odprejo. To je rezultat našega lanskega poizkusa z...(continued)
Kača je ugriznila kravo 11972...India
Na kmečkem področju Indije je prišel kmet k zdravilcu, ker je njegovo kravo pravkar ugriznila strupena kača, ob sedmih zvečer, 23 junija 2014. Takoj so začeli zdravljenje:
#1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…vsakih 10 minut za eno uro.
Potem so spremenili kombo, da bi odstranili strup iz...(continued)
Beri cel primerShujšana mačka z zlomljeno medenico in diarejo 02658...Italy
4 novembra 2013 so prostovoljci na ulici v Rimu videli shujšano mačko s poškodbo. Potem je niso videli 10 dni, ko so jo našli skrčeno v kotu. Bila je shujšana, v bolečini, komaj je hodila, zato so jo odnesli k veterinarju. Rentgen je pokazal, da je imela dva tedna star zlom medenice. Imela je tudi diarejo, zato so jo zdravili proti...(continued)
Beri cel primerInfekcija ušesa pri psu 03527...France
12½ -let star belgijski ovčar z imenom Tom, je dobil hudo infekcijo levega ušesa. Smrdljiv gnoj je tekel iz njega. Lastnik dva dni ni opazil te težave, zato je pes dobil zdravilo šele tretji dan - 9 julija 2015:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC5.1 Ear infections...QDS, v vodi
Zdravilec je dal zdravilo v usta psa z brizgalko. Dva dni je redno...(continued)
Beri cel primerVnete seski pri kozi 01480...France
Zdravilci so opazili mater kozo, ki si je obupno prizadevala odriniti svoje mladičke, ki so kar naprej sesali njeno vime. Mladiči so kar viseli na materi. Zato je imela koza hude bolečine zaradi vnetih in bolečih seskov.
Kozi so olajšali trpljenje z naslednjim zdravilom:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.3 Breast...(continued)
Beri cel primerPoškodba noge pri udomačeni ptici 03516...Canada
In mid-December 2014, the practitioner’s bird, an eleven-year-old female budgie had injured her left leg and could not stand, climb or move around the cage. Her leg was curled up and could not extend. She had crossed the average life expectancy which is about eight years for this species. Looking at her condition, the practitioner did not expect the...(continued)
Beri cel primerBele pike 10940...India
35-letni poslovnež je prosil za vibrioniko za majhne bele pike, ki so se pojavljale že 6-8 mesecev na koži vratu in stegen. Terapija se je začela 10 julija:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses
#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS
Po 3 mesecih (9 oktobra) je bilo 30% bolje. Potem je bolnik nadaljeval z #2,...(continued)
Beri cel primerAphids/plant lice infestation 00512...Slovenia
In the spring of 2013, around 70 apple trees in the practitioner's orchard got infested with aphids/plant lice on the leaves. She felt that the quickest way to treat so many trees would be by broadcasting the remedy using the SRHVP. So she picked some small affected leaves and put them in a small bag and used this as a witness.
In the card slot, she...(continued)
Beri cel primerChronic cough, breathing difficulty in dog 00462...USA
The tiny 13-year-old Japanese Chin dog of the practitioner's neighbour was having persistent dry cough and difficulty in breathing for over a year. Treatment from the vet did not provide any relief as the dog was still coughing and struggling to breathe. The vet had advised the owner to have the dog put down to end his suffering. In 2013, the practitioner...(continued)
Beri cel primerLeishmaniosis Canine 02584...Italy
The practitioner was asked by a hunter to treat four of his hunting dogs, aged between 7 and 8 years, who were all very seriously ill with Leishmaniosis Canine, a potentially fatal illness transmitted by mosquito-like flies which carry the parasite. Two have been suffering for more than one year and the other two for the past few months. The symptoms...(continued)
Beri cel primerGummosis in peach tree 01620...France
In April 2017, a lady asked the practitioner for treatment for her peach tree affected by gummosis. There were no leaves left on the tree. The previous year, she had not picked any fruit as there was almost none and the very few remaining peaches were full of maggots. The practitioner prepared the following combo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic…OW
She was...(continued)
Beri cel primerWithering plant 03108...Greece
In the summer of 2017, the practitioner noticed over the past few weeks that all the leaves of her gardenia plant including the new ones were turning yellow. A gardenia bush with yellow leaves is a common problem that is difficult to fix. Her gardener added all the necessary nutrients such as magnesium and iron to boost it up, but nothing...(continued)
Beri cel primerTomatoes grown from a slice 11520…India 11520...India
This experiment to grow tomatoes was carried out using two slices from a fresh tomato (see pic). Two rings were put in separate shallow dishes that were sprayed, one with ordinary water (control plant) and the other with water charged with CC1.2 Plant tonic…TDS. After 5 days the rings were transferred to indoor pots containing soil charged...(continued)
Wilting plants 03564...Australia
The practitioner, immediately on his return to Australia on 25 Nov 2017 after qualifying as an AVP in Puttaparthi, started treating his wilting tulsi (a variety of basil) plant, see pic. Within a month, he noticed the plant was thriving beyond expectation. Inspired by this spectacular growth, he decided to treat tomato and coriander plants with vibro since he...(continued)
Beri cel primerRodent Menace 11573...भारत
Every year the practitioner’s family has been facing a constant threat from rodents during the monsoon season (July-September). They always used a mouse trap to get rid of the offenders. This year it was different. A single hyperactive rat was giving them sleepless nights by breaking and chewing many things in sight. Its oversize made matters...(continued)
Feline herpes of eyes 03567...USA
The caretaker of an animal shelter requested help for a rescued middle-aged male cat. There was a discharge coming out of his left eye and a lesion present in his right eye (see pic). The caretaker said the cat looked very depressed and was sitting quietly curled up in one corner of his crate throughout the day and night. They took him to see a veterinarian...(continued)
Beri cel primerInjury to dog 11586...India
For the past 8 years, a male stray dog had been living in and guarding the apartment building where the practitioner resided. He got hit by a motorbike about 2 years ago and was given first aid. As there was no follow up he was in a pitiable condition. His skin was covered with rashes, and he hardly ate anything.
On 25 March...(continued)
Beri cel primerPrisilno žvečenje dlake pri mački 03553...Canada
8-letna mačka z imenom Abby je trpela zaradi živčnosti že od takrat, ko jo je lastnica posvojila novembra 2009, ko je bila stara 10 tednov, iz doma z grobimi otroki. Poskočila je ob najmanjšem hrupu, se ni zbližala z lastnico in je pogosto obupno žvečila svojo dlako. Zato je imela plešaste madeže po telesu, ki so bili videti čisto obriti. ...(continued)
Beri cel primerMajhna vrtnica v stresu zaradi zime 03553...Canada
Majhna vrtnica v zdravilčevem vrtu je venela zaradi močne zime leta 2016 -17, čeprav so jo dobro zaščitili. Tudi z nastopom poletja se ni popravila. 3 julija 2017 je imela malo bledih in rumenkastih listov, zato so dali naslednje vibro zdravilo. (poglejte slike)
#1. CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...3TW
Zdravilno vodo so dali v...(continued)
Beri cel primerZelene mušice na vrtnici 02802...UK
Zdravilka ima na vrtu staro vrtnico, ki je poleti vedno imela uničevalne zelene mušice (aphids). 22 maja 2019 so bili popki pokriti s temi mušicami.
Takoj je pripravila kombo CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing in ga poškropila tisti in naslednji dan.
Po 1...(continued)
Beri cel primerCvetoča rastlina - impatiens 03582...South Africa
Kmalu po tečaju za AVP je zdravilka hotela videti učinek vibrionike na rastline. Kupila je pladenj sadik impatiens (lizike – busy Lizzie – glejte sliko) 26 septembra 2019 in naslednji dan jih je posadila v 2 lončeni posodi, poleg že rastočih miniaturnih iglavcev, ker imajo lizike rade senco.
Prvi lonec je začela zalivati s kombom:
Posušene rastline in brez 11606...India
V zdravilkini hiši sta se 2 rastlini posušili in nista imeli listov (Bougainvillea in Asparagus fern) ter vejic od februarja 2019 (glej sliki). Od 15 marca 2019, ko je postala
zdravilka, je obe rastlini zdravila s kombom:
#1. CC1.2 Plant tonic…OD
Ker po 15 dneh ni bilo napredka, je kombo okrepila...(continued)
Beri cel primerSickness in Chickens 02715...Germany
Sickness in Chickens2715...Germany
A Vibrionics practitioner’s mother had 23 hens. All but three of them died of an infection that afflicted and killed all other local chickens in the area. Of the three that survived, one was particularly weak and was finding it difficult to hold its head up, walk straight or enter the chicken coop. This hen was kept in...(continued)
Injured Cat 02494...Italy
A four-year-old female cat was severely hit and found to have a slight fracture in her right rib. She was traumatized, was in a state of extreme fear, and in tremendous pain from this nasty injury. As the owner did not want to give her any allopathic medicines, she was immediately started on the following vibrionics combo:
NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271...(continued)
Beri cel primerCat with Urinary Infection 01150...Croatia
The practitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with pain and blood in the urine. The following was given:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection...TDS
Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a weeks’ time.
If the 108CC Box had been available to the practitioner, the...(continued)
Beri cel primerCataract in Dog 02095...USA
Duke, a male dog aged 12, who was diagnosed with cataract, was given the following treatment by the practitioner:
NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B…BD.
The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his notes, and rechecking...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiarrhea & Vomiting in a Dog 02871...USA
A 1½-year-old small dog was suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. The practitioner prepared the following:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis…5 pills to be put in 200 ml
of water and 5 ml of the remedy to be given every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and after-wards at TDS.
The dog recovered after the first dose and was very...(continued)
Beri cel primerHouseplant’s Recovery Missing...India
This practitioner treated a houseplant (Brahmakamal) for fungal infection - the symptoms being white
spots on the leaves. One dose of CC1.2 Plant tonic was put in half a liter of water and sprayed on the
plant daily.
Within 2-3 days the white spots started to recede, new leaves appeared and one bud blossomed.
The leaves of another houseplant began...(continued)
Protection for Vegetable Plants Missing...India
Some vegetable plants such as courgettes (zucchini – baby marrows), tomatoes and French beans
grown in this practitioner’s garden used to suffer from a powdery mildew soon after their first crop, then
collapse and die, even though they are frequently fed with cow manure and worming compost, and
Trees Missing...India
On an experimental basis, the practitioner and his wife sprayed CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant
tonic mixed with water, on all the plants in their garden. The effect was miraculous and those plants with
minimal growth in the last couple of years, showed a revival as if new life was injected into them. It has
been a very satisfying experience, the...(continued)
Sickness in Chickens 02715...Germany
A Vibrionics practitioner’s mother had 23 hens. All but three of them died of an infection that afflicted and killed all other local chickens in the area. Of the three that survived, one was particularly weak and was finding it difficult to hold its head up, walk straight or enter the chicken coop. This hen was kept in the house away from the other two....(continued)
Beri cel primerInjured Cat 02494...Italy
A four year-old female cat was severely hit and found to have a slight fracture in her right rib. She was traumatized, was in a state of extreme fear and in tremendous pain from this nasty injury. As the owner did not want to give her any allopathic medicines, she was immediately started on the following vibrionics combo:
NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271...(continued)
Beri cel primerCat with Urinary Infection 01150...Croatia
The practitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with pain and blood in the urine. The following was given:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection...TDS
Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a weeks’ time.
If the 108CC Box had been available to the practitioner, the following...(continued)
Beri cel primerCataract in Dog 02095...USA
Duke, a male dog aged 12, who was diagnosed with cataract, was given the following treatment by the practitioner:
NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B …BD.
The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his notes and rechecking...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiarrhea & Vomiting in a Dog 02871...USA
A 1½ year old small dog was suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. The practitioner prepared the following:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis…5 pills to be put in 200 ml of water and 5 ml of the remedy to be given every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and afterwards at TDS.
The dog recovered after the first dose and was very keen...(continued)
Beri cel primerTravma psička 10741...India
Ob cesti so opazili zapuščenega 2 do 4 tedne starega psička, ki se je tresel. Sočutna mimoidoča oseba je videla, da psička lahko napadejo drugi psi, zato je rešila to majhno bitje. Imenovala ga je Prashanti, mogoče je upala, da mu bo to dalo zaupanje in moč. Ta prijazna Samaritanka je odnesla psička k veterinarju. Kljub zdravilom je bil...(continued)
Beri cel primerGibalna motnja stare psice 03558...France
14-letna samica pasme ‘Golden retriever’ je hirala 10 mesecev. Izgubila je apetit in so jo morali siliti, da je nekaj spila kljub vročini. Po več ur je ležala na istem mestu in je izgubljala mišice. Veterinar je dal diagnozo gibalne motnje (pešanje mišic), bila je zelo utrujena in zadnje noge niso več nosile njene teže. Ker je...(continued)
Beri cel primerOživitev rastline Brahma Kamalam 11615...India
Zdravilčeva starejša svakinja je velika ljubiteljica rastlin in je pred 5 leti posadila kaktus Brahma kamalam* (Saussurea obvallata). Rastlina je vidno rasla, ni pa dala niti 1 cveta! Svakinja je jemala zdravila vibrionike za svojo konstipacijo in v času pandemije Covida-19. Takoj ko je izvedela, da lahko vibrionika zdravi tudi rastline, je zaprosila...(continued)
Mačkina šapa 01644 ...USA
Zdravilkina mačka samica Callie, stara okoli 4 leta, je prišepala domov in držala levo šapo malo navzgor, da je ne bi obtežila. V dlaki je bilo nekaj kapljic krvi. Videti je bila utrujena, hotela je sedeti in se zviti v klobčič. Zdravilka ni mogla odkriti od kod je prišla kri, zato je začela pošiljati zdravilo s strojčkom...(continued)
Beri cel primerRastline 02864 ...USA
Letos je moj mož dobil novo službo, zato smo se selili čez polovico naše dežele. Večino rastlin sem vzela s seboj, a samo nekatere so preživele dolgo potovanje. Bile so suhe, izgubile so liste ali pa so listi porumeneli. Pripravila sem naslednje zdravilo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional...(continued)
Za naraven odhod čebel 02802 ...UK
To je bila zdravilkina prva posebna izkušnja vibrionike.
Čebele so 1 leto prihajale in odhajale iz garažnega zidu skozi majhno luknjo. Ob vročem vremenu jih je opazil vrtnar in je posvaril družino, da morda čebele gradijo gnezdo v steni in naj nekaj ukrenejo.
Zdravilka je molila, da bi čebele odšle po naravni poti, ker ni želela...(continued)
Beri cel primerVnetje vimena 03040...Poland
Avggusta 2013 smo bili na počitnicah pri prijateljih v kraju Warmia, na Poljskem. Od novembra 2012 smo jih podpirali z vibrioniko. Takrat je njihova 6-letna krava Białka (poglejte sliko) pričakovala četrto tele. Bilo je 1 teden pred določenim datumom, ko smo opazili začetek vnetja v 1 delu vimena. Ugotovili smo, da je pri 2 prejšnjih skotitvah...(continued)
Beri cel primerVeč problemov s psom 03040...Poland
V preteklih 5 letih je psico (pedigreed golden retriever), ki je zdaj stara 11 let, veterinar zdravil za naslednje težave: ventrikularno hipertrofijo, slaba pljuča, pomanjkanje kisika, proti kroničnim zajedavcem, za benigni tumor kože, hipotiroidizem, artritis, posturalno omotico v nogah in za smrčanje.
Avgusta 2013 je lastnica prosila za zdravila...(continued)
Beri cel primerMačja okužena rana in alergija (astma) 02398...Italy
V vrtu zadaj za restavracijo ‘Western Canteen’ v Prašanti Nilayamu so našli odraslega mačaka. V zadnji nogi je imel hudo rano z gnojem, ki bi v prihodnosti lahko postala gangrena. Maček je bolj potreboval pomoč kakor pa hrano. Dali so mu zdravilo v vodi:
#1. NM16 Drawing + SR293 Gunpowder
Vibracijsko zdravilo so...(continued)
Beri cel primerDiareja s črvi pri mački 02494...Italy
Sredi septembra 2003 so nas prijatelji prosili za pomoč za njihovo 5-mesečno mucko, Umo, ki je imela močno diarejo s črvi, krvjo in infekcijo v črevesju. Veterinar je rekel, da je mucka imela 2 problema: jetra in črve. Dal ji je več alopatskih zdravil. Mucka je postala slabotna, ni jedla in znaki bolezni so ostali. Dali smo ji naslednje kombe:
Beri cel primerUpognjena noga pri golobčku 02398...Italy
Golobček je padel s stropa v svetišču. Po nekaj dnevih pri zdravilki si je poškodoval nogo, ko je poskušal leteti iz svoje kartonske škatle. Njegova noga je bila upognjena nazaj in se ni mogel gibati. Januarja 2012 je golobček dobil zdravilo v vodi:
NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + OM16 Knees + OM21 Paralysis Spastic + BR21...(continued)
Beri cel primerPosušena rastlina 02090...India
Rastlina bazilike je propadala v vrtu Sai sledilke v Kerali. Po uporabi komba CC1.2 Plant tonic je rastlina začela uspevati.
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Coconut Plant 11271...India
A coconut plant was in a perishable condition. The practitioner prepared a remedy initially with a drop of CC1.2 Plant tonic... in one litre of water, later made into five litres and applied to the plant BD during the first week then 2TW for the next three weeks. In a month’s time, the plant turned green...(continued)
Beri cel primerScorpion Sting 10113...India
Once in a medical camp held in a remote rural area, a young lady came running and crying in pain and fear as she had a scorpion sting on her palm. She was given: CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…6TD for two days.
At the next medical camp in a week's time the practitioner found the lady...(continued)
Beri cel primerDog, Pain in Back Paws 01786...Germany
A two year old male dog living in an animal shelter, had pain in the back paws. No doctor could help him and for one year no medicine relieved the pain. Treatment started 20th June, 2001. The practitioner gave him:
NM20 Injury…OD for two weeks
In 24 hours the pain was gone. A healthy dog was given to a new owner.
Beri cel primer
Cat with Blood Poisoning 00523...Belgium
A 10 year old Persian cat suffered from blood poisoning due to kidney failure. Symptoms were inability to eat, nausea, vomiting, excessive drinking, excessive urination, and extreme lethargy.
The veterinary surgeon diagnosed that the kidneys were more than 75% damaged, with less than 50% chance of recovery even after three full blood transfusions....(continued)
Beri cel primerCat with Constipation 00523...Belgium
A 2 year old Siamese cat with a tendency for constipation suffered from acute symptoms. The symptoms were absence of bowel movement though frequently visiting the cat litter. The cat was in agony. The following remedy was given:
NM13 Constipation + OM14 Small Intestine + BR8 Constipation + BR9 Digestion
One drop of the remedy made in alcohol was...(continued)
Beri cel primerOživljanje mareličnega drevesa 03546...France
Zdravilka je v prijateljičenem vrtu videla na videz mrtvo drevo s polomljenimi vejami. Ženska je nameravala drevo posekati, zdravilka pa ji je predlagala, da naj poskusi za nekaj mesecev zdravljenje z vibrioniko.
27 avgusta 2021 je zdravilka pripravila zdravilo v 500 ml steklenico za pršenje:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies +...(continued)
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