Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Όποτε βλέπετε έναν άνθρωπο άρρωστο, αποθαρρυμένο, απαρηγόρητο ή ασθενή εκεί ακριβώς είναι το πεδίο σας για προφορά " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Hypothyroidism, chronic cough and asthma 03542...UK

On 26 July 2016, a female aged 60 saw the practitioner for her health problems. 

Her asthmatic condition started over 40 years ago that subsequently had stopped and resurfaced recently. The condition was rapidly deteriorating and she needed to use Ventolin inhaler or nebuliser at least twice a day to control her wheezing. She was also suffering from cough for the past few months and allopathic medication had not been effective. The cough was exacerbating her asthma, and her doctor was quite concerned about her worsening condition. She had also been taking thyroxine 100mg/day for the past several years for hypothyroidism. She was fatigued all the time and was regularly monitored by her doctor. She also suffered from low blood pressure which was kept under control with allopathic medication.

She was given the following remedies:

For hypothyroidism:
#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroidism + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

For chronic cough and asthma: 
#2. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS

Four weeks later, she reported that she had recovered completely from cough and she did not take any allopathic medication. She was 80% relieved from asthma and did not need to use her inhaler even once during this period. In another two weeks, her thyroid function had significantly improved and her thyroxine dosage was reduced to 50mg/day by her doctor. Overall, she felt a lot better and calmer. A month later, much to the amazement of her doctor, a series of lung function and blood tests showed marked improvement in her lungs. 

On 10 December 2016, she reported 100% relief from her asthma, cough and hypothyroidism. She did not use her inhaler at all after commencing vibrionics and her doctor removed it from her prescription. So the dosage of #2 was reduced to BD for 2 weeks, OD for 2 weeks, OW for a month and then stopped. No further allopathic medication was necessary for her hypothyroid. However, the practitioner advised her to continue #1. The patient went abroad for a few weeks and unfortunately, she did not take the remedy. Upon her return, she had a routine blood test done and her doctor re-introduced her thyroxine medication at 50mg/day as a precaution. Consequently, #1 was reinstated TDS from the beginning of February 2017. In July, her doctor reduced the daily thyroxine dosage to 25mg. Since November she has not been taking #1 and feels fine and content with the improvement, As of January 2018, she has not had any relapse of asthma or cough.