Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 6 Issue 6
November 2015

90th Birthday Issue

Dear Practitioners

This special issue of the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter commemorates the 90th Birthday of Our Beloved Lord, Sai Baba. It includes the 90 Case Histories that were presented to Swami on His Birthday. The original dedication is given below.

Our beloved Baba has taught us that in the physical world, there will always be duality. There will be good and bad, suffering and happiness, and sickness and health. Sai Vibrionics was created under the Divine Hand of our Lord to relieve human suffering. We who have been blessed to practice it know what a precious gift it is both for the patients we are privileged to treat and for ourselves His instruments.  Let us rededicate ourselves to Swami’s service as loving practitioners.

In reviewing the cases that practitioners have sent in for this special presentation, we have been struck by the differences shown among the patients healed, the variety of ailments treated, and types of treatments used. The one thing common to all the cases is the importance of love in the treatment. The love and caring that practitioners shower on their patients comes through in one case after another. This is how it should be in Sai Vibrionics.  Without love, there can be no true healing.

We hope that all who read these cases will be inspired by these stories of patients and practitioners.

Sai has been leading every endeavor with Sai Vibrionics all the way, including this recent big undertaking. After an astonishing number of cases came in, we the members of the Newsletter team worked day and night to make sure that everyone’s contributions would be included in the Birthday offering. Practitioners were very prompt in responding quickly to our requests for additional information and clarification.

Everyone worked together in a spirit of unity, inspired by the precious chance to offer a Vibrionics gift to Swami on His 90th Birthday.

We take this opportunity to thank all those people who have been involved in bringing it to a successful conclusion. This work would not have been completed without the generous and selfless service of many practitioners who set aside other work to help with facilitating this project. We are very grateful to the practitioners and coordinators who collected the case histories and helped us complete them. Our gratitude extends to the dedicated members of the Newsletter team who reviewed and edited the drafts, uploaded and prepared them for publication in the online Newsletter as well as the special book offering for Swami's Birthday.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal


Presented to our beloved Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday, 23 November 2015

Dearest Swami,

        At your Lotus Feet we humbly lay this bouquet of 90 Sai Vibrionics case histories. These reports of Divine healing from around the world testify to the power of your unconditional love to heal the sick and alleviate suffering.  With boundless compassion, You have given humanity the gift of Sai Ram Healing Vibrations. You have blessed us to serve as Your instruments to bring this medicine to all in need and allowed us to witness Your miracles of healing.

With this offering, we offer our hearts, our minds, our everything in selfless service to You.  We pray that You will continue to guide us to give the best and most loving care to every patient.