The Answer Corner
Vol 6 Issue 5
September/October 2015
1. Question: A patient of mine has memory problems. She feels she may be on the threshold of Alzheimer's disease. Will CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic be sufficient or should I treat her for Alzheimer's?
Answer: It will be best to give CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic along with CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease since this will act as a preventive for Alzheimer's disease. In any case, remember that it is better to add an extra combo whenever you are considering whether to include it or not.
2. Question: Will the vibrations escape/evaporate if the pill is left in the cap of the bottle for too long, for example, when I am looking for my child to pop the pill into his mouth?
Answer: No, the vibrations are embedded into the pills. In fact, when the pills become too wet because we have put extra drops of the combo by mistake or we had to add many combos in the same bottle, we purposely leave the bottle open until the extra alcohol evaporates.
3. Question: Do you prepare remedies in front of the patients or do you go to another room?
Answer: When using the 108CC box, there is no problem about making the remedy in front of the patient. However, in the case of SRHVP, it may depend on the comfort level of the patient. For some, it may take the mystery out of vibro but for sceptical ones, it is better to go to another room.
4. Question: When writing a case history, if the practitioner is the patient, do we have to mention this fact or can we just give general details such as female, age 42?
Answer: The practitioner does not have to identify himself or herself as the patient but doing so may give the case more authenticity. A practitioner, while reporting his or her own case, is more likely to describe the case in greater detail and possibly more accurately, especially the emotions experienced etc.
5. Question: What is the difference between doctor and practitioner? We often say, we are not doctors, but what exactly does it mean?
Answer: ‘Doctor’ would generally mean a person who has undergone a long period of formal medical training and is then licensed by a government regulatory body to practice medicine. As you know the healing vibrations that we dispense are totally harmless and do not contain any chemical or herbal substance. Therefore we call ourselves practitioners so as not to be confused with trained doctors, usually allopathic.
6. Question: Many people have mercury amalgam filling for cavities in their teeth. Mercury being a metal, would it not interfere with the vibro remedy? One of my elderly patients had a metal clip in a denture in her teeth. Would this not affect the vibro remedy when she holds it in her mouth?
Answer: Like other metals, mercury may in general interfere with a vibro remedy. To be realistic, many patients have amalgam fillings or a metal bridges in their teeth. In practice, we have found the vibro remedies to be equally effective in such cases. As soon as a remedy is placed under the tongue, the vibrations are absorbed by the body.
7. Question: Apart from vibrionics, I also provide other services completely free to my patients. Some people just come for guidance and I listen and counsel them, others ask for specific therapies such as reiki. This is seva too where I am giving my time to help people. Can this time be included in my reported seva hours?
Answer: Your monthly report relates only to Vibrionics seva and hence seva with other therapies can't be included in your report. However, if you are counselling while treating with vibrionics, you can include the time spent in counselling.
8. Question: Please advise what to do when a patient comes to us for some symptom and we notice that he also has another symptom (eg, a protruding bump on his forehead). Do we suggest a vibro for that too? Or just pray to Baba to help him?
Answer: In every case we will pray to Baba as He is the Healer. What you say to your patient mainly depends on your rapport with him or her. If you know your patient well, you could gently enquire about the other symptom, keeping in mind the sensitivity of the situation. The bump on the head could, in patient's mind, be unsightly or a sign of malignancy or it could be due to domestic violence. If you don't know your patient well, it is better to wait before you talk about such things, until the patient has developed more faith in you and vibro remedies.
9. Question: Can we apply olive oil on the rubber teat [rubber nipple] gasket inside the 108CC bottles for lubrication purposes to make it easier to open them?
Answer: It will be best not to use oil or anything else on the gasket due to the risk of possible contamination of remedy in the bottle. Another easier way of opening a CC bottle is to keep the rubber teat and plastic cap stationary by holding them firmly with one hand, while turning the bottle with the other hand. for demo, Click here.
10. Question: I heard that we should not shake the 108CC bottle before using it. Is this true?
Answer: No. On the contrary, it is always a good idea to shake any remedy bottle before use. In the case of 108CC bottle, hold it vertically and shake it by tapping it against the palm of the other hand and not in a figure 8. During a charging session, you may be told not to shake the 108CC bottle, but this is merely to save time. As most practitioners will be traveling with their box, the bottles will get shaken anyway.