Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile

Practitioner 11586…India a qualified banker, worked in India for 24 years and later in Indonesia in the financial sector for 21 years till mid-2015. He came into Swami’s fold in 1970 after he was inspired by Swami’s biography, ”Sathyam Sivam Sundaram”. He soon started participating in various service activities of Sai organisation. His career took him to different places in India and abroad. He always found an opportunity to do seva by contacting local Sai centres. While in Indonesia, in 2010, he heard Swami speak about the healing potential of vibrations from vedic chanting. Soon he started learning and practising it. He witnessed its power within 2 years of chanting at home. The rudraksha trees in his front yard, which had been barren for years, started flowering! After a while, they bore fruits which could be processed to get 20000 rudraksha beads. He distributed them with reverence to temples and people around him in India.

In 2013 he came to know about Sai vibrionics from Souljourns videos featuring Dr Jit and Mrs Hem Aggarwal. He was intuitively drawn to it. He was also inspired by Swami's words, “Vibrionics is the medicine of the future”. He made up his mind to learn this therapy. He retired from his employment and returned to India in May 2015. As soon as his circumstances permitted, he applied for the AVP course in 2016. After the e-course, workshop, and the necessary tests, he qualified as an AVP in March 2017. He became a VP in October 2017 after completing the mentoring process. His dedication to vibrionics made him work hard and he became an SVP in November 2018.

The practitioner started his practice by treating himself and his pre-identified patients. Soon domestic commitments made him go to USA for 4 months to stay with his son. He got an opportunity to talk about vibrionics in a Sikh and a Hindu  temple, as a result he treated 72 patients! In early 2018, he visited his son in Germany for 2 months. There also he could spread awareness about vibrionics in a local religious gathering. As his son spoke German, consultations became easier. This enabled him to treat a total of 26 patients. Each time, before leaving for India, the practitioner handed over details of all the patients to the local practitioners for follow up.

So far he has treated 480 patients. The illnesses dealt with include arthritis, back pain, chronic cough, migraine, sleeping disorders, varicose veins, skin allergies, and vitiligo with positive results. In his experience most of the teenagers and adults had emotional issues as the underlying cause. The addition of CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic to the remedy produced excellent results. Similarly, for women above 45, the addition of CC8.6 Menopause worked well for back pain. He shares a heart-warming case of a pregnant woman of 21 who was very disturbed due to her stressful domestic atmosphere. Since her first child was retarded, she was considering an abortion at the time she visited the practitioner. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic did wonders, she became calm and delivered a healthy baby. In another case, where a pregnant woman aged 35 was subjected to black magic, CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders given along with Pregnancy tonic helped her feel protected. Three months later, she gave birth to a healthy child. 

The practitioner is part of a team who serve patients in far flung areas with no access to medical help. They interact with patients by phone and then send remedies by post. He has served more than 50 patients in this manner in the last 6 months. In his experience, chanting Sai Gayathri while making remedies makes them more potent. He found many patients to be careless about their health as they left the treatment midway even though they benefited from it. In such cases he carries on praying for them. He has also started transmitting remedy of peace and love to mother earth once a week.

He participates in the administrative work of updating the database of practitioners in Tamil Nadu and in uploading their monthly reports. He is arranging awareness talks in Sai centres of Chennai. This may inspire devotees to become practitioners. He takes every opportunity to inspire friends and acquaintances to learn vibrionics. 

His life has taken a new meaning and purpose after he started practising vibrionics. It is his conviction that this would enable him to express love in action every day and to live Swami’s messages of “Manav Seva is Madhav Seva” and “Love All Serve All”. He offers a specific prayer to Swami every morning to bless all practitioners across the globe to be a pure channel of love, light and healing energy to all those in need. 

Cases to share: