Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 1 Izdaja 2
November 2010

1. Question: Can a vibrionics remedy be given while the patient is taking homoeopathic remedies?

Answer: Homoeopathy is compatible with healing vibrations! However, some homoeo remedies can be neutralised by certain vibrations. So to be on the safe side, don’t give vibrations when the patient is taking a homoeo treatment which is working. If the homoeo treatment is not working, then the patient can stop the homoeo treatment and start taking the vibrations.


2. Question: Can these vibrations be prescribed to a patient who is currently on allopathic medicines?

Answer: Yes, vibrations are compatible with allopathic medicines (including chemotherapy); so, these can be taken along with the latter. However, as improvement takes place, allopathic dose should be reduced gradually. The patient may like to work with his allopathic doctor for advice on dosage reduction.


3. Question: What if I make an error and prescribe the wrong vibrations and what is my legal position?

Answer: As all our vibrations are healing vibrations, they are totally harmless and without any side-effects; hence they can be prescribed with confidence. When you serve with love, God protects you. You are not doing anything illegal while serving your patients with love.
You are not acting in the capacity of a doctor but simply balancing the energies in the patient’s body. Sugar pills can be treated as Baba's prasadam. In doubtful cases, you should label bottle "sugar pills ONLY".


4. Question: Can these vibrations be prescribed to a patient who is currently taking vitamins and water from algae?

Answer: Yes, vibro treatment is generally complimentary to other natural health products and dietary supplements.


5. Question: How long do the vibrations last in pills?

Answer: Vibrations can last for up to 3 months provided the pills are stored carefully and not exposed to direct sunlight or a strong magnetic field such as radiation from mobile phones, computers, TV etc.


6. Question: How important is the healer's physical and mental health at the time of prescribing? Is it OK to prescribe when we are stressed/depressed/sad? Can we prescribe if we, ourselves, are running a fever/cold or having a migraine attack?

Answer: It is good for a healer to be fit physically and mentally. When engaged in healing seva, often a healer will temporarily overcome his own depression/sadness etc. while helping a patient with his problem. Yes, it is OK to prescribe when you are not too well, provided: a) you are able to think clearly, and b) before starting a healing session, you are able to pray to Swami with a clear mind, to seek His guidance and help.


7. Question: Is the effectiveness of a remedy decreased if we do not enter the details of the same in the Case sheet of the patient? Sometimes for a family member we prescribe say, CC9.2 for the suspected beginnings of a cold (not too serious to record immediately) OR sometimes the patient does not have time for a formal sitting OR the healer is in a hurry. Though we may enter the details later, does it matter that we do not do so at the time of dispensing the remedy? Is the case sheet only for tracking/legal reasons?

Answer: No, the effectiveness of the remedy is NOT affected. Records are not only kept for tracking purposes, they also serve as a reminder of what was given in a previous case for you to refer to in a similar case at a later date. You may not always remember exactly what was given previously so it is best to keep records. Also, it is important to remember, if the case turns out to be of particular merit and needs to be reported to us for publishing, full details are required.