Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From The Desk of Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 11 Izdaja 3
Maj/Junij 2020

Dear practitioners

With a heart full of gratitude, I offer my most humble salutations at the Divine Lotus Feet of our loving Lord Sai, as I write to you all on the heels of one of the most auspicious months of the year. We’ve been blessed to celebrate Easter, Ramnavmi and Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam (Remembrance Day) during the month of April, though this year things have been a bit different, to say the least. However, one thing is certain - it is our beloved Swami, and Swami alone, who is carrying us through these unprecedented times resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Swami says, “The very joy derived from service reacts on the body and makes you free from disease.” We, as vibrionics practitioners, bear testimony to this dictum.

As soon as we learnt that COVID-19 was going to have a widespread global impact, our senior vibrionics practitioners put the wheels in motion for a well-coordinated response on both fronts – research and treatment.

Armed with continually changing information about this novel virus, our research team analysed various proven remedies for similar diseases. Connecting with Swami through meditation and on receiving His guidance, they arrived at the most appropriate remedies for the situation. Even as most countries went into ‘lockdown mode’, vibrionics practitioners all over the world, while strictly adhering to their local government guidelines, stepped up to the cause and began distributing these remedies to act as 'immunity booster’ for both prevention and treatment of this virus. It is heart-warming to note that many practitioners who were passive have also sprung to action keen to serve. We take no credit for it - Swami is the one and only ‘doer’- and the results have been overwhelming! Over the last two months we have continually received excellent feedback from those who have taken vibrionics remedies.

We are extremely fortunate that the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation has stood behind us through this time and extended us their support. I reached out to the All-India President of the SSSSO and he graciously offered his help by immediately directing the various State Presidents to give our practitioners their full cooperation. With Swami’s immense grace, doors opened to vibrionics practitioners nation-wide in India. They really put themselves out in these trying times and worked selflessly to reach out to as many people as possible. I would humbly suggest that the key practitioners keep in touch with their respective local Sai Organisation leaders and enlist their help in building awareness about vibrionics amongst devotees. In this way they can get the ‘immunity booster’ distributed on an even larger scale and by doing so, we may be able to play our small part to help ‘flatten the curve’.

As practitioners who have seen the wonders of vibrionics first hand, you will not be surprised to know that we have received news of a good many successful outcomes using these remedies. We are pleased to share with you some inspiring tales and data from around the globe in the “In Addition” section of this issue.

Though the pandemic is taking a devastating toll on humanity - economically, emotionally, mentally, physically, with the loss of many lives, it has at the same time presented us with a phenomenal opportunity to immerse ourselves in selfless service and help so many more people! Be sure to follow up with new patients to whom you gave Immunity Booster and check with their family members for stress, depression or other health conditions that vibrionics can help with. Another significant recommendation I have for all practitioners, coming out of our experience in proactively dealing with this pandemic, is that in the future, for maximum impact, we need to stock-up with sufficient inventory of bottles, sugar pills, and the base tincture (ethyl alcohol).

I am concerned that as the curve of new cases starts to flatten, there will be a tendency amongst the general public and even amongst our practitioners to become less vigilant about practising social distancing and adhering to other precautionary guidelines. Make no mistake that this will be reckless on our part as we will put many lives at risk; especially, those who are more susceptible to infection such as the elderly and those whose immunity is already compromised in some way. I strongly encourage all practitioners to continue to practise high levels of hygiene and take all protective measures until COVID-19 is under complete control.

Swami said “In every action of your daily life manifest selfless love. Divinity will emerge from that!”  - Divine Discourse, Jul 5, 1996. I pray that He works through us to contain this deadly pandemic and keep us all safe and healthy! It is understandable that there is a huge amount of fear with regard to several aspects of life – health, personal relationships, economy, and general uncertainty about the future. We must remember Swami’s words “Why fear when I am here”, and we should pass this message to all those we interact with (patients, friends, families, neighbours, underprivileged) to touch their lives in a meaningful manner.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal