Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the Desk of Dr. Jit Aggarwal

Vol 8 Izdaja 1
January/February 2017

Dear Practitioners 

I wish you all a glorious 2017 and a very happy New Year. 

My heartfelt prayer to our beloved Swami is that 2017 usher in beneficent abundance for everyone in all aspects of life. With that said, I request all practitioners to take a moment to express their deepest gratitude to our guiding light, Sathya Sai Baba, for all that has been accomplished in 2016. It gives me immense pleasure to report our key achievements in 2016: 

We are delighted to report that 2016 witnessed a pivotal improvement in the overall commitment and dedication of practitioners as evidenced by the number of impressive case studies received.

Swami says “Love has no limits.” May we fully imbibe this Divine principle and make 2017 a memorable year – living in the spirit of oneness. This year we aspire to improve our understanding and treatment of plants and animals by establishing a dedicated research team to investigate their respective requirements and pathologies. The goal is to develop comprehensive treatment for the healing and optimum health of both plants and animals. 

In 2017, we will also focus on harvesting the initiatives we implemented in 2016 such as expanding the mentor program beyond AVPs, and further exploring cloud computing and digital technology for greater efficiency. 

Many practitioners have expressed an interest in reintroducing the section on lifestyle and health as they found it very useful while counselling patients. As part of our focus on continuing education in 2017, from this newsletter onwards, a new sub-section on the interconnection of lifestyle and health is being initiated. In this issue we will cover the significance of fasting for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. We are introducing the work of Dr Yoshinori Ohsumi, a cell biologist from Japan, winner of 2016 Noble prize for Physiology and Medicine regarding his discoveries of Autophagy mechanisms. 

Despite these encouraging developments more practitioners are needed to meet our expanding outreach and improvements. We welcome all qualified helping hands and willing hearts and minds to join our vibrionics family in this expanding seva. With Sai's ever blessing hand, let us move forward in confidence, implementing and improving this precious gift of Sai Vibrionics for greater and fuller service to all life.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal