Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11993...India

Practitioner 11993...India a bureaucrat working in Customs and Excise for the Kerala state government, is a very accomplished and experienced practitioner. A philanthropist at heart, he organised regular serving of midday meals outside a temple in Trivandrum for around 200 poor people every day for 12 years. In addition, he regularly participated in mass feeding of needy people during temple festivals.

In 2001 he was transferred to poverty stricken Kasargod. Three years later, his mother was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer and given only a few days, maximum one week, to survive.  Following her wishes he brought her to his home and tried alternative therapies like reiki and naturopathy. She lived for three months and died peacefully surrounded by her loved ones. This inspired the practitioner with a strong desire to help with healing people afflicted with terminal diseases like cancer. He trained in many alternative systems like naturopathy, reiki, pranic healing, acupressure, sujok, sound therapy using Himalayan and Tibetans singing bowls. He also became qualified in hypnotherapy and counselling and as well as in psycho-neurobics from reputed academies. 

The district of Kasargod had been struck with a tragedy caused by the aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan, which polluted the water sources for hundreds of families. Moved by the heart-rendering sight of mentally and physically handicapped children, he wanted to treat lots of people in a short time but all the above therapies were cumbersome and time consuming. So he prayed to Swami for a simpler solution. Soon his reiki master and a vibro practitioner11178 told him about the efficacy of vibrionics. This stirred a deep desire in him to undergo the training but was told he would not fit the selection criteria. Determined, he kept praying to Swami. Early one morning around 3am, he had a vivid dream of Sai Baba surrounded by Devas and Rishis. In the dream, he was at the back of a long queue when Swami beckoned him to come near and blessed him. The following morning, an opportunity came for the first-level vibrionics course offered through the Kasargod Sai Centre. Both he and his wife completed this successfully.

This dedicated couple teamed up with other practitioners and provided vibro treatment to patients in tribal areas. The team handled many cases including skin diseases like psoriasis, allergies, asthma, eye maladies, physical and mental retardation, learning disabilities, and miscarriages. By Swami’s Grace, miraculous relief was reported in many cases. Since 2013 he has also regularly treated with good results patients referred by the Pain and Palliative Unit in the Kasargod Hospital. Noticing improvements from his remedies, these units began administering vibrionics to terminally ill patients with great success. He alone has treated over ten thousand people with excellent results.

In addition he has done pioneering work in raising awareness of vibrionics with agriculturists and dairy and poultry farmers. With the support of some famous cinema actors from South India, many projects were undertaken with excellent results in agriculture as well as animal husbandry. This included organic crops and organic dairy and in particular with his research in a dwarf variety of cows, milk yield increased considerably. The growing awareness of vibrionics treatment for agriculture caught the attention of the scientists from the Central Tuber Crops Research Unit of the Indian government in Kasaragod. As a result of improved productivity, they are showing great interest in his work which has now been extended to farms in other districts of Kerala.  

In the cattle industry, farmers are finding vibro useful for various diseases like foot problems, udder oedema, and loose motions.  Many veterinary doctors and livestock officials have successfully used vibro remedies. An owner of a poultry farm who is also professor and HOD of an engineering college, reported tremendous results. He started using vibro remedies after mass death of his hens. He now reports improved egg production with regular use of vibro remedies.

He has recently started practicing in two other nearby locations in addition to Kasargod. Also he regularly offers treatment in schools, orphanages and old age homes.  He claims to have miraculous results, particularly in cases of curses, black magic and the like. Spraying peace remedies in homes beset with family conflicts often resolves the problems. Feeling the scope of vibrionics to be limitless, he’s planning to use this peaceful agent on a larger scale in Kasargod in places where there is communal tension, conflict and riots.

According to him, infinite faith, infinite flexibility and infinite creativity are the watchwords for progress. Becoming a dedicated instrument in God’s hands and serving God in all that we see with pure devotion is paramount for this practitioner. He believes this will give perfect treatment which will bring about miraculous result. Never taking credit ourselves but giving full credit and honour to the only true Healer, opens the door for more grace.  The practitioner feels immensely grateful that in his Sai Vibrionics practice, he has blessed with the opportunity to serve his beloved Sai Baba.  He declares “this seva done over my whole life is not sufficient to express my infinite gratitude to Swami.”


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