Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Case Histories

Vol 10 Issue 2
March/April 2019


A 91-year-old bed-ridden woman had a large tumour on her right kidney and this was diagnosed 6 months ago (Nov 2016) as cancerous. She had severe pain in the right lower abdomen and pelvic region for the past 2 months. One week prior to meeting the vibrionics practitioner, the doctors had declared that she would survive only for a week or so. She stopped...(continued)

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Polyps in uterus

A 37-year-old woman had bleeding during urination for the past 3 months. Medical tests revealed a 7cm long cervical polyp in her uterus. She was told that recurrence cannot be ruled out even after it is removed by surgery. After trying allopathic and homoeopathic treatments for 3 months without any success, her husband consulted the...(continued)

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Tumour on neck

A 66-year-old male had a tumour on his neck for the past 4 years. He had no pain and did not take any medicine. On 19 July 2018 he contacted the practitioner after witnessing the tumour of a young female vanish within a month of taking vibrionics.

He was given the following remedy: 
#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 ...(continued)

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Skin allergies

A 72-year-old man living under poor hygienic conditions in a slum was having fungal infection on his right foot for the past 12 years. The condition of the skin was pitiable. A black patch of about 3 inches in diameter was oozing pus. He had terrible itching and pain and could not walk properly. He was unable to discharge his duties at work and had to be on...(continued)

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Abdominal bloating

A 49-year-old male was suffering from abdominal bloating with heaviness and pain for the past 6 years. He loved to eat in restaurants every now and then, tended to over-eat, and was fond of packaged foods. He consulted several doctors and tried different systems of medicine including ayurveda and homoeopathy without any result. He was traumatized...(continued)

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Constipation, back pain

A 63-year-old female in US underwent surgery 7 years ago for her long-standing lower back pain. The pain continued even after the surgery, so was prescribed pain killers which provided only temporary relief. She also started having severe constipation but was told by the attending doctor that her constipation had no relation with the...(continued)

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Ovarian cycts 03524...यूएसए

A 23-year-old female was suffering from heavy bleeding and painful periods for close to 10 years. In June 2015, she was diagnosed with a 2mm cyst in her left ovary. She took allopathic medication for two months and stopped as there was no improvement. In December, she was diagnosed with a cyst of the same size in her other ovary.

On 16 February 2016, on the...(continued)

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Rhinitis 03572...गैबॉन

A 29-year-old woman had been suffering from frequent (on average twice a month) headache and pain in  gums along with sneezing in the mornings. Actually her problem started in her childhood but it was only two years ago that it was diagnosed as chronic rhinitis by her ENT specialist. Normally she would take allopathic medicine but this gave her relief...(continued)

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Migraine, menorrhagia

On 26 July 2018, a 32-year-old female came with multiple complaints. She suffered from headache, accompanied with nausea, once or twice a month for the last five years. It was left-sided throbbing headache which increased with stress and exposure to light. She had excessive menstrual bleeding, sometimes with pain, for the last 3 years, though her cycles were...(continued)

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Plantar fasciitis

A woman aged 42 years was having pain for the past 4 years on the soles of her feet which also had deep cracks. During the past 4 months the pain became so intense that she could neither stand nor walk properly. She took allopathic medicine which did not help and she also started having burning sensation on the soles. So after a week she stopped this...(continued)

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Knee pain, fluoride toxicity

A 50-year-old lady had intense pain in her right knee every day for the past 2 years. There was also swelling around the knee. The practitioner felt strongly that fluoride toxicity could be the root cause as the village where the patient lived was known for excess fluoride in water. Her teeth were also found discoloured.

Accordingly, on 10 December...(continued)

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A 13-year-old boy, timid by nature, had episodes of bedwetting every night for the past 10 years. This used to happen within 3 hours of going to bed, around 1am, even though the mother ensured that he would pass urine just before sleeping. She would also take care, especially during colder weather, that he does not drink much water in the evenings...(continued)

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