Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

In Addition

Vol 6 Issue 3
May/June 2015

Excerpts from the Vibrionics Practitioners’ Annual Refresher Course held on 18th May 2014.  Ilford, Essex, UK

1.0 Present: 25 practitioners, 3 guests. Dr Jit K Aggarwal, presenting. Dr Aggarwal thanked the organiser of the day, Practitioner02822…UK, for all his work as UK coordinator and for the tremendous energy and effort he put in during the First International Sai Vibrionics Practitioners Conference held in Prashanthi in January 2014.

1.1       108 Common Combo Box    

The box must be recharged every 2 years. It gets neutralised over a period of time. Electromagnetic radiation affects the effectiveness of combos. Beware of electricity pylons, underground streams, mobile phones and transmitters (most common). The higher the frequency the worse it gets. Cordless phones are the worst. Wi-Fi: turn it off at night, specially if the router/modem is in the bedroom.

1.2      Chakras

1.3      Our thoughts

• ‘Our heart is a one-seat sofa’ – reserved only for God.                                                  

• Invite good and positive thoughts.                                                                                  

1.4      Effects of thought on vibrionics remedies

Some patients feel remedies work at the beginning but seem not to work later. This could be due to the following:                                                                                                                             

Key points with first-time patients:

To sum up the session: Vibrations affect our life. Negative thoughts will disturb a chakra which in turn will affect the related organ and lead to illness. We should invite positive thoughts and slowly we will change.

1.5 Questions

1.5.1 Q: What should we do when we find ourselves in a situation that we do not agree with e.g., proceedings at wedding where alcohol and non-vegetarian food are served and people are dancing for pleasure?

A: [Unless otherwise indicated, Dr Aggarwal responds to all questions:] We should accept what others want to do and send them our love. We cannot change others. We can only change ourselves and be an example to others.

1.5.2 Q: Some patients feel that the remedy seems to work at the beginning, but does not seem to do anything afterwards. Why do we get comments like this and how do we solve the problem?

A: Clarification: Do people expect an instant result?

1.5.3  Q: What about patients who suffered pullout? It then transpired that they had more problems than were apparent at first.

A: This can happen when the disease has taken hold in the body and has affected other chakras and organs leading to different conditions, which the patient himself may not be aware of or may not be of concern to the patient; and therefore the patient did not mention it. To use the same analogy, a fully grown tree which is pulled out that may leave broken roots (disease) in the ground (the body). Pullout is an action not a reaction to the vibro. Pullout is positive and means the toxins are being pulled out of the body. Encourage the patient and you may need to adjust the dosage according to the type of pullout

1.5.4 Q: How do we deal with patients with mental and physical conditions or multiple illnesses, who are taking various allopathic medicines and are suffering from side effects?

A: Most drugs to control mental illness cause side effects. To deal with this, it is necessary to prepare specific remedy (a nosode) for which you should contact a Senior Practitioner (SVP). A sample of the medication needs to be provided to the SVP to prepare the remedy which will work on the side effects first. The patient must continue to take the allopathic medication.

Alternatively, commence the treatment with CC17.2 Cleansing, which requires the patient to drink large quantity of water. Warn the patient about the possibility of a pullout. Be careful if the patient complains about pain in the body after starting the remedy. This can be a pullout symptom. Make sure the patient is well informed about the possibility of pullout.

1.5.5  Q:  What about a case of chronic gout, in which the patient (male aged 50) gets worse with vibrionics suffering continuous pullout but seems to get better with allopathic medicine (Allopurinol)?  The patient has been suffering from gout for 15 years and is on special diet. Because of the severity of pullout he takes vibrionics only intermittently.

A:  Because of the fear of a pullout, the patient has probably developed a mental blockage. Fear is the opposite of Love.  The patient needs to overcome this fear (by doing work on the spiritual level) and the remedy should start to work.

1.5.6 Q: How many remedies can we put in a single bottle of pills?

A: There is no maximum. However new practitioners should follow these principles:

1.5.7  Q: How many illnesses can we treat simultaneously?                                                    

A: If the illnesses are of the same group, treat them at the same time.  If the illnesses are unconnected – e.g. an eye problem and arthritis– the patient is probably receiving allopathic medication for the eye condition and nothing specific except palliative pain killers for the arthritis. In this case we would only treat arthritis and not add anything for the eye.

It is best to establish the priority with the patient. It is possible to combine but the cure will not be as fast.

We have natural healing power within us (God). Concentrate on one problem. In the case of arthritis, establish how bad is the pain and then decide whether to treat them together.

1.5.8  Q: If it is important to establish the patient’s faith in the treatment, we can treat the symptom (pain) first and then treat the cause, but won’t it will take longer this way?

A: If the pain is bearable, treat the cause, but be aware that the pullout could be severe.

Also consider the patient’s age and treat the case on its own merit.

Cleansing remedies can cause a pullout. These need constant regular monitoring on a daily basis. The best practitioner will have patients who do not complain of pullouts because the practitioner has prepared the patient well for such an occurrence.

The homeopathic term for pullout is ‘healing crisis’, which is negative, so we don't use this.

1.5.9  Q: The manual states that we can use Vaseline as a medium for skin problems. How do we mix the combo into Vaseline?

A: It is best to use a two-pronged approach when treating a skin ailment: Apply the remedy directly to the skin as an ointment or with water, as well as taking it orally.

1.6.0  Q: Many elderly patients, both men and women from 60 onwards, are afraid to venture out of their homes due to bowel control problems. Is there a remedy? In the last few months I have had 7 elderly people asking for treatment for this. They say, ‘When I go out I have to come home early because I lose control over my bowels (loose motions), or I have to look for a toilet or wear a disposable adult diaper’. These people develop low self-esteem and feel shy about venturing into society, so they stay at home.

A: Dr Aggarwal suggested that there is muscle remedy NM7 CB7 (made using the SRHVP machine) to strengthen the affected muscles Or you can use: CC4.6 Diarrhoea +  CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC204 Muscles & Supportive tissue.

A: One of the guests, an M.D., added that the problem commenced in the 60-70 age group. He recommended that when the problem is in its early stages, we should tell the patients to exercise the affected muscles (the sphincter in the back passage) by squeezing and relaxing the muscles 9 times every morning and at night before bedtime. Also do this 18 times whenever going out and avoid eating and drinking beforehand as this stimulates the urge. The sphincter in the urethra will also be exercised at the same time and this will overcome any incontinence problem. Acupuncture and Kapalbhati yoga also help with this condition.

1.6.1 Q: Is there a remedy for overweight people? Not all have hypothyroidism. Therefore we cannot prescribe what is in the combo CC6.2 Hypothyroid because it is linked with thyroid remedy. I would be grateful if you can throw some light on this.

A: The combo is CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC15.4 Eating disorders. It works on all conditions. To lose weight, patients have to work on their minds and have the right attitude. You need to look in the mirror and make your mind up that you must do something to reduce your weight. Life-style education is important. Overweight  people tend to have low self-esteem. It is our duty to educate our patients about healthy eating habits and exercise. Recommend that they drink some water half an hour before meals and eat salad as the first course. We can advise them to take time to eat mindfully and chew well, 32 times for each mouthful according to Ayurveda.

1.6.2 Q: We have a remedy in our Combo box for carpal tunnel syndrome CC20.3 Arthritis. In carpal tunnel, a medial nerve is compressed as it passes through the narrow passageway of bones and ligaments on the underside of the wrist. How does our remedy for carpal tunnel decompress the medial nerve?

A:  There 9 bones in the wrist. The vibrations balance the related chakras. That decompresses the nerves and clears the problem. Similarly, the remedy CC20.5 Spine works for slipped disc conditions whereas the allopathic medical advice is to lie flat on the back. It has been known that even a single dose has cleared this condition. This is God working.

1.6.3 Q: What is the remedy for hyperactive parathyroid gland? This elevates the calcium levels in the body.

A: It is SR517 Parathyroid, which is in CC6.1 Hyperthyroid. However it is better to prepare a nosode from a blood sample. Work on the mind, sit with the patient, and spend some time going through the condition. Pray to God for the healing of the patient.

You can ask the patient to follow the advice of an ancient Hawaiian prayer called Ho'oponopono and repeat these 4 sentences together: 1. I am sorry. 2. I Love you. 3. Please forgive me. 4. Thank you. In your heart address this to the person you feel was hurt by you or whom you feel is angry with you or who is your enemy or who has hurt you.                                         

1.6.4  Q: I have a difficult case of a male, aged 39, who thinks that he does not have any illness. He was referred by his mother, who is anxious about him. The patient keeps drifting off the subject during conversation.

A: The patient may have a potential mental problem and should be given CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders for a long time. You could also add CC18.1 Brain disabilities.

Comment: It was suggested that the mother is probably causing the son’s condition. Sometimes remedy is not the answer. Pregnant women need to watch their thoughts as these affect the unborn child.

A: [Dr Aggarwal responds:]  Sai Baba has stated that root cause of the illness is in the mind. This has been demonstrated beyond doubt by Swami Rama [who spent some time in the US conducting mind-body research in the 1970’s]. He demonstrated this to a full auditorium in Stanford University in the US when he created a 10 degree differential in temperature on the hand of a volunteer from the audience. He also created a cyst the size of a golf ball in 10 seconds and made it disappear. The point is that we are all connected, we are all one.

All day we are having thoughts. Many of them are negative.  Do not try to stop them. Just replace them with positive thoughts.

1.6.5 Q: What is the normal practice for storing a sample of patient’s nosode?

A: If the nosode is made in pills, these will keep for 6 months. Keep a few pills in another bottle and keep renewing them every 6 months. It is preferable for the patient to keep these sample pills.

1.7.  Additional recommendations from Dr Aggarwal:

[Note: Extraordinary Cases reported during the Workshop will be published in the June/July 2015 Newsletter.]

Om Sai Ram