Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Primeri zdravljenja

Vol 11 Izdaja 4
julij / avgust 2020

Neplodnost 11975...India

17 maja 2018 sta obiskala zdravilko obupana 32-letna ženska in 35-letni mož, ker nista mogla imeti otroka v 8 letih zakona. Pri 20 letih je žena začela dobivati neredne menstruacije enkrat v 2-3 mesecih, kar se je postopno znižalo na enkrat letno. Pred 4 leti sta šla k zdravniku. Žena je dobila diagnozo PCOD in mož je imel nizko število sperme....(continued)

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Ustni rak 11975...India

40-letni moški je imel ustnega raka (stopnja 3), februarja 2013 pa kemoterapijo in potem 24 aprila 2013 še operacijo. Ker je rak napredoval do končne stopnje, so mu rekli, da morda ne bo živel več kot 6 mesecev. Ni se hotel predati bolezni, ker je imel 3 otroke. Njegov dohodek je bil nizek, zato je prišel k zdravilki 23 avgusta 2013. Bil...(continued)

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HIV 11975...India

55-letna ženska je obležala in njena telesna teža se je v 4 mesecih zmanjšala iz normalnih 80 kg na 40 kg. 25 novembra 2016 jo je brat peljal v bolnišnico, ker je kašljala, imela je visoko vročino in se ni mogla gibati zaradi skrajne slabotnosti. Dali so ji diagnozo HIV pozitivno, vrednost CD4 je bila samo 77. Bolezen je dobila od moža,...(continued)

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Bilateralni kalcificirani tendonitis, akne rozacea, obrazna opeklina 03508...France

47-letna ženska je trpela zaradi hudih bolečin v obeh rokah, ki so sevale od vratu do zapestij; za to je dobila  leta 2011 diagnozo bilateralni tendonitis. Za bolečine je dobila paracetamol in tramadol. Decembra 2014 je dobila bolečine še v obeh kolenih, za kar bi lahko bil vzrok dolge ure stanja ob delu.   Februarja 2015 se je stanje...(continued)

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Knee cartilage lesion, quadriceps injury 03508...France

In 2012, a 25-year-old male athlete developed mild pain in his left knee. Being a footballer, he had been using his knees heavily from the age of seven. An MRI scan showed a lesion in his cartilage. By November 2015, he was limping since the pain had aggravated. His physician prescribed paracetamol 1g TDS and tramadol 50 mg BD. These...(continued)

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Covid-19 00512...Slovenia

Due to shortage of nurses, this 45-year-old dental nurse was deputed to a retirement home to cater for general nursing duties. Within two days, there were six COVID-19 infected patients. On 14 April 2020, after doing 13 hour shifts for four continuous days followed by one day of rest, she was very tired and by the afternoon she had no...(continued)

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Covid-19 during pregnancy 03572...Gabon

When a 33-year-old, 4-months pregnant female came to the practitioner, she looked pale and completely exhausted. She exhibited symptoms for COVID-19 - shortness of breath and tiredness. She couldn’t walk 10 meters without losing her breath. On the previous day, her mother was tested positive and hospitalized. So she was worried as she lives with...(continued)

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Covid-19 02799...UK

Around 12 March 2020, a 50-year-old female started to have a very bad headache accompanied by aching watery eyes. Within the next 3 days, she developed further symptoms: body ache, slight fever, dry cough, loss of appetite, taste and smell, and had extreme fatigue. Being an asthmatic since childhood, she has been on bronchodilators because she picks up colds...(continued)

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Cough – post Covid-19 11613...India

A 55-year-old female was suffering from the symptoms of cough, headache, fever and loss of taste since 29 April 2020. Within 3 days, with allopathic medicines, she was relieved of all her symptoms except loss of taste and general uneasiness. When her sick neighbour she had been attending to was tested positive for Covid-19, she herself underwent a test and...(continued)

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Plantar fasciitis, Constipation 11613...India

A 44-year-old female was suffering from severe constipation since 2009. Allopathic medicine gave her temporary relief. For many years she took ayurvedic medicine (triphala) to ease her bowel movements but to no avail. Also, for the past 4 years, she was having pain under her heels especially in the morning. During the past 4 months the pain became so severe...(continued)

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